[Lexi. Short and Sweet!]'s diary

943342  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-05-29
Written: (6339 days ago)

I'm being a diary whore too... blame [Beki in Wonderland].. who says i'm drinking like a teenager the reason being:

we both went to get rum coffee.. she ended up with schizo coffee (see her diary) and i ended up with coneyum which is rum (i put in half a mug full... <.< meh i'm a bit trigger happy) honey and coffee! GORGEOUS!!! and addictive.

Also why do spirits like to go up my nose.. i've ended up with vodka up my nose and i sttempted to swig some rum and it all went up my nose! hmph! so i had to try again nad have a big mouthful <.< >.> and the coffee's caffinated again! yay for all nighters and revision tomorrow.. i might have a couple of hours sleep..

943321  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-05-28
Written: (6339 days ago)

Old School Hollywood

two entries in one night? wtf is going on??? but anyways stole this off [Beki in Wonderland] and thought that i'd do it when i had my decent playlist for once!! yeah it's one of those answer with song title things! ..

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.

Real Recognizes real (okaaaay yeah it works in some philosphical kinda way!)

Don't Let Go (ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! uhhh clingy guys >.< not fun!)

My Apocalypse (so yeah... today i'm ending life as we know it!! who else wants pie??)

Track 14! XD which is actually.. i have no idea! o_O lol sorry! XD it has FUCK YOU in it though.. oh i do know it.. it's it's.. i have no idea.. -_- is it lost prophets old album??? i don't know.. i'll shut up now! it sounds like it's to the tune of "I want candy" which i find really funny.. <.<

Convicted in Life (uhh.. yeah this is not going to make any sense.. *shakes head* i have nothing normal on this playlist.. but i love it! X3)

Here I Am (greeat.. either they think i ignore them.. think i'm better than them or.. that i'm tall... which i'm not! peh!)

May Today Become the Day (so yeah.. what do you think of your parents?)

1) question above WORST ENGLISH EVER!! now my answer.. Always & Never ( i give up i honestly do.) 

Justin (*falls off chair and almost chokes herself to death as she laughs* .. that pretty much sums up my comment!)

Rocket Ride (\m/ AWESOMENESS!!!! i like!)

Lost in Hollywood (oh yeah.. i'm ambitious.. but at last these are starting to make some sense)

Blood & Flames (yeah i'm like totally the vengeful queen of war type girl.. come get me if you dare guys! XD)

Take me to Tokyo (Yeah!! <.< even if that does make no sense!)

Nymphetamine (XD great... i think! XD)

The Anthem (good Charlotte) (yeah.. \m/ that sums up my life.. i don't want to be like you!)

Cameltosis! (XD i have to laugh my hobby is some kind of camel related thing! XD)

Wasted Time (and just like that my fear is conquored)

To The Fallen Hero (talk about avoiding the question.. "look over there! A dead guy!! He saved our lives lets gooooo!" and never has to answer question! XD)

Two Moons! (okay i am dying right now!! I think my friends are two butts? lol i have two friends that are hobo's!! don't you want to be me?? *dies laughing*)

Old School Hollywood (there has to be a subject?? ..meh) 
943312  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-05-28
Written: (6339 days ago)

*is trying not to yell and scream and bounce off walls as parents are asleep and are likely to kill if woken*

<.< yeah.. explination? right? well whether you want one or not you're getting one.. so woop de doo! *dances* okay.. in the spirit of things..


...and now on with explaining.. zah! XD i can't explain too hyped up and.. *manically bangs head on desk* i need to breath or calm down.. or something! Meh i shall try and explain now why i'm hyper.. ohh *notices she hasn't written in her diary for a while* I need to start updating this more often and not when i'm going crazy at some time in the morning! XD

Explination: (yeah.. REALLY!! not a bizzaare (spelt badly) hyper moment)
We shall go from the beginning shall we? yes.. that seems like a good idea me thinks..
Well i'm on *stops and reads last diray entry* god that was ages ago.. well my speaking exam went fine and trivium was awesome! *nods* now where was i?
okay.. I'm on exam leave and the past couple of days i've been doing revision and working. Yesterday me and beki went up to the farm and had a really good time.. it was hilarious.. i drove the wheelbarrow off this wall by accident coz i was day dreaming apparently i just walked along looking at the sky with a grin on my face then the wheelbarrow tipped sideways off the wall and i reacted like it was the most impossible thing ever. me: "AHH BEKI!!! It's tipping! HELPPP! *contents of wheelbarrow go everywhere and i stand there looking very confused* XD it took us ages to clean up too!
Today i had to look after some kids for the day while their mum worked. It was hard work but quite fun and i got payed £30 for it! XD (chester friday me thinks) I got home had a can of cider and then we went straight to the cinema to se pirates 3 9no spoilers coz it's not fair on people who haven't seen it yet). My mum gave me a coffee (with caffine) at about 8 and i drank it all just before the movie. It was AMAZING!!! just.. no words describe how great i thought it was! It was so good i'm going to see it again on friday in chester! So yeah.. Then we got in the car to go home and i was hyper (caffine and alcohol and general "woo" ness! XD) so i had all these ideas in my head.. (no i'm not telling you about them yet!) all i'm going to say is new art and a new story on the way!! Based on pirates 3 and a comment my brother made.
I came in and went straight to my room and started drawing the character that popped into my head and i'm pretty damn proud of the outcome! one of my best i think! *squee* I spent an hour sketching it and just started the watercolouring.. so i'm on here while i wait for some colour to dry so i can carry on. and meh.. i'm absolutely off my head hyper and might have to go for a walk later to calm myself down. I'm shaking i'm so hyper... o___O

so yeah... thats the explination.. =D hope you enjoyed the mad ramble! I'll link the wiki with the stoty and pics on (when i sort it out) in a later entry!! ohh new project!!!! (yeah i know i need to carry on with COL but i haven't been this inspired since i started COL and i'm going to run with it which means no sleep tonight!)

930205  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-04-14
Written: (6384 days ago)

hehe i had such a good day today!! I got up at 9:30 without the help of alarms or parents and then i was lazy until about 12 when i realised i'd said i'd do some work nad my mum was going to be home soon. So i hid in my room until i heard her get back and then came down for lunch mumbling about maths! XD It worked really well! lol After lunch i got a picnic blanket and went into the garden with my maths homework to lie in the sun and pretend to work! Amazingly i did get some stuff done! ^_^ *yay* and i went to sleep for half an hour.. when i woke up the sun had moved so i chased it to the top part of the garden and did a couple more maths questions before getting bored and going to terrorise my rabbit.. <.< i meant groom.. hehe he was being moody and throwing things at me! While the guinea pig sat in the corner and made the weirdest sound ever becuase i gave him dandelion leaves which he loves o__O it was so funny. After that i couldn't be bothered with maths so i came in and dyed my hair! X3 it's weird.. my mum had a moment and did the short bit at the back red and the long front bits black! It looks really awesome though.. well i think so! Now i'm trying to do welsh coz we have a speaking exam in 2 weeks >.< annd tomorrow... dun dun dun TRIVIUM!! I can't wait it should be amazing! Pity i have to follow it with school.. i'm going to be a zombie! 

928414  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-04-09
Written: (6389 days ago)

*sneaks up to [Beki in Wonderland] and steals* The 10 names of moi!

Alexandra (alex)

2. YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (first three letters of your name, plus izzle)
Aleizzle.. XD thats just dodgy..

3. YOUR “FLY Guy/Girl” NAME: (first initial of first name, first three of your last)
A-Par XD hehe heads up i'm a golfing term! XD

4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (fav color and fav animal)
Black Wolf

5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, Street you live on):
Eva Cilcain (XD XD XD *dies* .. okay so it's not that funny!)

6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name, first 3 letters of mom’s maiden name):
Paralfor (I like it! XD *dances*)

7. SUPERHERO NAME: (2nd favorite color, favorite drink):
Indigo Ouzo (O_O hehe)

8. YOUR IRAQI NAME: (2nd letter of your first name, 3rd letter of your last name, any letter of your middle name, 2nd letter of your moms maiden name, 3rd letter of your dad’s middle name, 1st letter of a sibling’s first name, last letter of your moms middle name):
Raowla (hehe... <33)

9. YOUR STRIPPER NAME: (the name of your favorite perfume/cologne/body spray)
Cool Water (XD)

10. YOUR WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother & father’s middle name)
Lavina Edward (thats pretty cool.. i might use that for an RP character!)

927847  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-04-08
Written: (6390 days ago)

Picture number one.. the toaster in the living room.. yeah i wanted a bagel but it's 12:30am (or was.. it's later now) and my parents are asleep -_- so i relocated the toaster and had a bagel anyways!

Picture 2.. my bagel.. which was delicious.. yeah i had to smother it in butter.. umm.. i love buttered bagels so much! <3 and my phone.. <.< i was trying to use it to show the time..

Picture drei.. the big bruise on my side.. it doesn't look all that big but that picture shows pretty much my entire side and it's all purple, red and green! Yeah. someone punched me in the pit at the pentre! XD

927688  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-04-07
Written: (6391 days ago)

hmmm i've been away the last couple of days so here's a quick over-view of what i've been up to:
Mood: chilled
Events: Went to work at the farm which was cool it was really warm so we didn't do much, mucked out the stables (all of them! :o) abnd then groomed finn which was ace.. beki schlumpfeled his mane which looked awesome and i tried (and failed) to get rid of all the lose hairs from his coat coz he's moulting! He loved being rubber curry combed on his back.. he pulled an amazingly funny face! X3 aww bless him! After that beki managed to run off with my wages but we're meeting in Chester on Tuesday so i'll get them back then.. which is good becuase i don't know how much money i have at the moment!
I cam home, showered, changed, packed my bag and had a big glass of iced cider which chilled me out and was the best way to finish the day.. well the daylight part of it that is! At 7:30 i left for Cross's house coz we were going to the Pentre for the metal night! I took all my bags (spent a couple of days in Lincoln). We went to the Pentre and had an awesome time! Mitch was there as was cal, walker, josh, bianca, chantelle, and some other people i didn't know. I have an awesome bruise on my side coz someone punched me in the pit! XD and there was this really cute guy there who was completely out of it! He knew walker and the rest but i never found out his name. he got pushed in the pit and i ended up catching him then he followed me back to our table and sat down next to me. Pity i'm taken coz he was sooo sweet! X3 We couldn't be bothered with the last band so me and bianca went outside and everyone else followed. We just chatted and sat on the wall.. which walker pushed me off and i found really funny! We left the Pentre at 12 and i stayed the night at Cross's.
mood: slightly annoyed
events: i had to wake up early so we could dricve down to Lincoln for a family gathering. The journey was okay.. it took about 3 hours though. When we got there i was really annoyed coz i couldn't get changed (i was still in my pijamas) and i couldn't shower or put any make-up on. In the end i changed in the toilets and made myself look vaguely okay then we had a big meal which again was alright, the food wasn't great nad Mark spent the whole time throwing things at me biting and pinching me and being generally annoying. we had a great game of tag in the play park with my cousins and uncle Mick then went back to my gran's house. We were quite lazy there just snacking on party food, chatting and watching TV. We left at 9:30 and went back to the hotel. i was tired and my mum had put me in a room with my two brothers, i had to sleep on the floor and both brothers were whining and ordeing me about. i went and had a shower in an attempt to stop me losing my temper and talked to cross who helped me chill out a bit. After that it was alright.. although it took me ages to get to sleep and i thought there was a guy sitting on the window sill o_O
Mood:Pissed off
events: well got up early again to get breakfast and check out of the hotel, i slept really badly but i was in good spirits. I had breakfast and i was ready to head for home but my parents decided we had to go into town. So i was dragged there kicking and screaming, dragged up a massive hill so my dad could look at wine and dragged into several shops i really didn't want to go in. I wanted my own space and time to chill out! Anyways we were there for about 2 hours and i got some chocolates from this shop and a dir en grey CD (whithering to death) which was good but after that we had to get back in the car for the journey home. It wasn't too bad, i slept a bit and listened to a story CD but i really wanted to listen to dir en grey. when we finally got home my mum yelled at me for taking the bags in as she told me to because i took a bag she was going to take -_____- So now i'm on here chatting to my friends and trying to chill out. I'm going to get a cider and shower soon and maybe do some homework but i refuse to speak to the rest of my family unless i really have to.
... the Dir en Grey CD is AWESOME though! <333 

925863  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-04-02
Written: (6396 days ago)

well i had a kinda shit evening yesterday. I lost it big time, not with anyone i just kinda lost control and alot of stuff that had built up over the past couple of months came out. Partly becuase of stress i guess and partly because i'm tired. Anyways i had to vent so thanks to Wilson and [Domo-kun] for listening and offering me advice. I've slept on it now and i feel a hell of alot better. Crying helped too. Now i have a plan of action: I need to talk to the person at the centre of this and i need to stop caring that i may end up losing alot of friends. Yes it will hurt but i know i have a boyfriend that will stick by me and i'm fed up of tiptoing around painful subjects. I also need to take some time out so next week i'm going to just revise and think about things.. and go to town with Wilson to get my tongue done.
So meh! ^__^ I gotta thank everyone else coz you guys made me laugh and you help me to focus on life. That may sound odd but.. *shrugs* i know what i mean! =D 

925407  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-03-31
Written: (6398 days ago)

HOLIDAYS YAY!!! //GCSE revision BOO!!! >.<\\
lol we were off school yesterday so i slobbed a bit and my aunty nad cousins arrived from America.. my cousins are 4 and 7 and they think i'm a rock star which is the cutest thing ever! xD According to sarah (the 4 year old) i went to music school but i quit coz i knew it all and i'm a famous rock star! <333 i love my cousin's sooo much! idol worship will get you EVERYWHERE!!
In other news i had a great time in Chester with a bunch of my mates! It was soo awesome! We hung out i got the double piercing needed for a scaffolding bar.. which was the most painful thing ever.. becuase i had one of the holes really far back and they hit a cappillary so it bled lots and then it got knocked. >.< Buut i survived and we went and hung out in the ampitheter with all the other metal loving teenagers! I met some new people Mitch nad this other guys who had a kinda wierd name but he asked me what i thought of his top and gave me a hug so he's cool in my books! xD lol and we met up with Ben Matt's friend.. we recognised each other but it took us ages to figure out we'd met for a while during the Dragonforce Gig in December! xD
Me and Beki ended up playing a stripping game and had a big audience.. i lost.. we only played down to bra's though! And we had a game of British bulldog! ^__^ It was soo awesome!
The rest of the week is going to be busy too.. i got work tue and thurs, babysitting mon, cinema wed and a week on monday i'm getting my tongue pireced yay!

924885  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-03-30
Written: (6399 days ago)

Disorder | Rating
Paranoid: High
Schizoid: Moderate
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: Low
Avoidant: Low
Dependent: Low
Obsessive-Compulsive: Low

URL of the test: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/personality_disorder_test.mv
URL for more info: http://www.4degreez.com/disorder/index.html

haha! I am paranoid! xD buuut must people know that anyway!

923691  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-03-26
Written: (6403 days ago)

Hellloooo!! ^__^ today has been a really good day! I feel so relaxed and i haven't had a day like this in ages, one thats just gone smoothly and i've been happy all day! =D
Nothing special about today except it was the first proper spring day, one of those ones that starts off cold but gets warmer and by lunch time it's sunny and the kind of heat where you feel pleasant and sleepy. Becuase we only have 4 days left of term the lessons were relatively easy and laid back and Beki [Boburriku Suzume] gave me a manga (I.N.V.U) which she had borried from the libary to read so i spent most lessons reading that! It's really good too!! I need to get the next volume! <3
Then at lunch i just spent time chatting with my friends and sitting in the sun with my boyfriend.. which was really nice and chilled! =D After that a couple more chilled lessons and then i came home. I finished the manga and did some chores. I had to clean out my rabbit and guinea pig! I spent some time brushing them coz they're moulting everywhere! xD
After that i finished my maths coursework that i'd been putting off since last weekend and practiced on the guitar, i tuned it over the weekend and am having a go at teaching myself from a guitar book my brothers got me for my birthday! Then i cooked dinner coz my parents were out working late and now i'm just chilling on the pc chatting and watching anime (scrapped princess)! So all in all a fantastic day, simply becuase it's been laid back and un-complicated! Plus i was talking to Jim.. bless him! I luffles him (in a friendly way) he split up with his girl-friend.. but he seemed alright about it.. and he made me laugh! xD
I am happy happy HAPPY! =D annd.. on wednesday i'm hopefully getting a new MP3 player (a zen V) and having my hair cut in a sorta emo/myavi cross style! which is going bright pink during exam leave! If the rest of the week is this good i will be amazed!! 

918306  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-03-09
Written: (6419 days ago)
Next in thread: 918309


It's so true but we luff them anyways! <33 (J-rocker's fan-vid) on that note new J-rock band i love!! GazettE!! <33 weird but cool!

918266  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-03-09
Written: (6420 days ago)

well tonight was interesting.. i went out to babysit and came home early, Chloe was sick bless her.. luckily i have brothers so i had more sense than to freak out! She was really mature as well! ^__^ she really is amazing! She's my little sister in all but blood! i can't stop saying bless her now.. she was just so amazingly good if i was her age and my mum was out and i'd been sick i'd proberly have locked myself somewhere and been miserable and upset but she was just so grown up.
We were chatting while we waited for her mum to come back and she was telling me about how she wants to be a solicitor, i thought it was really great coz she knew about the different areas of the law they can work in and she'd thought about how it could effect her mentally if she lost a case and stuff. I was like "this girl is amazing!" just awww.. i want to hug here.. meh soppy moment over GIRLY DAY IN CHESTER TOMORROW!! *dances* 

917923  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-03-08
Written: (6421 days ago)


[Beki in Wonderland] finished the vid she's been working on for 3 days! xD It amused me alot! lol although i'm in it FAR too much for a person that hates cameras.. although you can proberly guess why i hate them if you watch it! xD Anyways .. yea.. gratz to her!! I love that kick the cna song.. so now i have to go watch the vid again!

916034  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-03-03
Written: (6426 days ago)


Moi and Beki [Beki in Wonderland] slightly tipsy! xD singing.. badly.. :o enjoy!

915896  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-03-02
Written: (6427 days ago)
Next in thread: 915899


Asian black metal FTW!! This is amazing! I love it.. i need to buy lots of J-rock CDs.. and find out who it is that plays this.. damn Kanji! xD ahh i found out who it is ChthoniC now i can look for their CDs... yay!

915873  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-03-02
Written: (6427 days ago)

Hellooo! i'm pretty happy today! I had the last 5 hours of my art exam and i'm pleased with the outcome, i'll get a photo up after i've added a few bits to it on tuesday. (Thin lines are a bugger when using oil paints!) it's worn me out though i never realised how true it was when they said that some pictures take sweat, blood and tears! I've put so much into it i feel completely drained! It was funny though coz i finished my picture with 45 mins to go and was allowd to go and give my coursework to my chemistry teacher, i had to sign a sheet to say i had done the work myself and i messed up my signature because my hand was shaking like mad! It was from spending two days holding my hand really steady while i was painting! Then me and Beki made a person and an udder out of the rubber gloves she had been wearing to do her art outcome! Sir popped the udder though telling us we were being stupid -_- ahh well it was still funny!
Then i went into town with Cross and Ruth which was cool we got chips! They were nice!! My parents are away tonight as well and they sent my brothers away leaving me alone for tonight and tomorrow so Beki's coming over and we're going to celebrate the end of our art exam! Plus it means we can both watch Hellsing! =D yay!

915547  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-03-01
Written: (6428 days ago)

okay sorry for being a diary whore buuut.. meh! xD you can just skip this entery if you want to..

My kneee hurts! >.< I injured it in August last year while on a canoeing holiday nad it hurt for a while, aching mostly occasionally sharp pain but i could deal with it, after about 3 months it disappeared and i assumed it had fixed itself but the pain has returned again. It may have something to do with standing up all day while i was painting but i can't straighten my leg without pain and it aches alot -_- So i have a support bandage on it which makes me walk like a tard.. and my foot has started acting up too.. i think it's just the pressure of being on my feet for 6 and a half days a week instead of the usual five. It only started recently and it was only recently i started ice-skating and working up at Michelle's with the horses which involves alot of standing up.. xD ahh well i'll survive and i thought i'd rant here becuase my parents are very unsympathetic! xD
My mum just walked in and i said "my knee's hurting again." her response was to turn around and walk away! xD lol ahh well..

915537  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-03-01
Written: (6428 days ago)

Time for a long ramble! yayness! lol!
Anyways last night was 6th form open evening where we got to go round and look at displays for A Level courses in a bunch of subjetcs which was alright! lol i saw all the teachers i wanted too and met loads of people i knew. I saw Wilson 3 times and he forced me to ballroom dance with him in the corridor which caused chaos for all the people trying to get passed! xD I wasn't bothered i just carried on having a conversation with another guy Ruth knew! Then Ceri gave me her hot chocolate because it didn't taste very nice but i drank it anyway and me and ruth went to the refreshments area and had some free cookies and chocolate which was nice! I had pretty much made up my mind on what i wanted to do and going last night just confirmed that i should be able to take all the A Levels i want. If i stick with them until the end i should end up with 5 A Levels o_O BUT on the plus side i still get 3 free periods a week! =D
The A levels i want to take are:
Further Maths (2 A levels)
A pretty odd combination i know! But i'm not sure what i want to do when i leave 6th form so i wanted to keep my options open i've picked some subjects i enjoy and ones that will mean i don't narrow down my choice of Uni courses. I know a coupld of people that have picked the same subjects as me but not many which means i should meet loads of new people and hopefully make some new friends! =D yayness!
And in other news we had the first 5 hours of our GCSE art final exam today.. the exam rawked coz we were allowd to go get coffee and food at 2:30 xD It's so relaxed! We got another 5 hours tomorrow and i'm going to add a couple of pieces to my prep work tonight then i can relax and concentrate on other subjects like english and maths. The exam is going okay, i'm painting an A2 portrait of myself in oils in the style of Shani Rhys-James.. oils are annoying o_O they take days to dry aad i kept accidently touching the wet paint and i spilt turps on it once! xD At the moment i hate what i've done i think it looks crap but hopefully it'll look great once i've put in all the shading and detail tomorrow fingers crossed anyways *crosses fingers* I'm just going to forget about it until then.. no point panicing over it when there's nothing i can do..
So yeah i'll see if i can take a picture of it finished tomorrow and upload it for you guys to see! 

914197  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-02-25
Written: (6432 days ago)

okay you may not find this funny at all but i found it histerical! Infact me my brother (mark) and my mum were crying with laughter because of it.
We'd just finished a big dinner and got up to start doing chores when my dad comes out with this:
"I'm Pogged" for a minute we all took tis as being normal and then..
Me: Did you just say you were pogged?
Dad: yeah it's the same as saying i'm stuffed.
Me: You sure?
Dad: what else does it mean?
Me: well to me it's like your being attacked by pieces from the pogs game. *starts giggling at the thought*
Dad: *laughs*
Mum and brother: *join in laughing*
Dad: well if shakespeare can make up words why can't i? I demand they put it in the oxford dictionary.
Mum, me and Mark: *Laughing our asses off*
Mark: Yeah Pog: a verb that can be used in place of any other verb.
A couple of minutes and really bad "pog" jokes later we've all just about calmed down then my dad gets up to get some water.
Dad: where's the POGGING water!!!
Everyone *dies laughing again*
Then we just couldn't stop i laughed till my sides hurt and tears were running down my face and it wasn't even that funny! xD

913957  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-02-24
Written: (6432 days ago)

Me = stressed

yup.. thats about it and i'm not helping by being on ET instead of working but meh.. i'm just going to stay up all night.. *sigh* GCSEs who needs them?
 The logged in version 

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