[Lexi. Short and Sweet!]'s diary

957691  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-07-13
Written: (6293 days ago)

Gah.. well it's offical. we're definately NOT going to Holland.. thats good you might say? well yeah i guess it is but i'm kinda.. -_- pfleeh.. I'm one of those people that can't stay in one place very long.. i mean i've moved (on average) once every 3-4 years of my life.. and im what my mum likes to call stupidly independant.. that means i like to go off and put myself in difficult situations and be challenged and make new friends (reasons i absolutely loved going skiing with the school) and i kinda want to go... for alot of reasons.. i mean i know i'd miss my friends but i've lived here 5 year.. joint longest i've lived anywhere.. and i guess i'm going to be going away to uni in 2 years and i'll be moving on and making new friends then and i should probably enjoy this while it lasts.. Buuut... I'm getting bored of having the same local friends, always seeing the same people.. i mean i love [Beki in Wonderland] to bits.. as if she were my own sister.. we've been friends for years! Everyone thinks we should be related and i'd hate to have to leave her and there's al my other close friends, rachel, ruth, dan font, holly, dan rowberry... i'm not going to list them all and i do love them all! However i get bored of always being around the same people.. holly and the dans and rachel and me only really hang around in school, i'm with Beki almost everday, i see ruth most times i'm in mold and there's loads of friends like that but i don't have anyone outside that. (I've gone a bit off topic) I live in a stupid poxy village where everyone has known everyone since they were born and of course i'm the odd one out. All the people are chavs all my other friends know people they can just meet up with on the spurr of the moment and go out and talk to and have fun.. i mean even my brothers do. I'm quite an active person and i like living rough.. last year i spent two weeks canoeing, cooking over an open fire and sleeping under the stars and i LOVED it.. there's no one here i can really do that with.. no one i can go out walking with.. i hate it.. if my friends are busy i'm stuck in the house.. doing nothing and getting fat. I may not seem it but i'm really weight concious alot of my friends are thin and i'm constantly aware of people saying wow you're heavier than you look. It gets to me.. i'm not over weight but i can't stand just sitting around coz i snack and i get paranoid that i weigh too much and it drives me crazy. Then there's my boyfriend, josh. All i can say is i don't know.. sometimes i really like him nad others i wonder why i'm even in the relationship. I keep thinking i should break up with him.. i have once already. I don't know what to do. I'm not sure if i want to be with him becuase i know he really loves me or becuase i really love him. I mean we fight all the time.. he annoys the hell out of me coz he doesn't know when to stop.. it's just! GRRRRRR!! Right now i think i don't want to be with him.. i don't know what i want but i dson't know how to tell him that i want a break.. want to be single for a while.. i don't care anymore.. i think next time i see him i'm going to tell him.
I hate not having anyone to talk to about this.. i want someone local who i can talk to any time. Instead i rant to a stupid computer screen and everyone just skim reads it and mutters "what an emo" to themselves.. tbh i don't care what other people think and even if they were to try to help i can't see it doing much good.. god dammit i want to move even more now. In less than 2 weeks i'm going on a hiking trip for 2 weeks with some friends from all over, camp friends from last year. It's going to be great, to chat with them and sleep out under the stars again and i'll lose so much weight. I've missed them so much adn FSC when i'm away on these holidays i can forget everything.. life is simple it's about surviving making it to the next camp site and cooking dinner! It's such a laugh and i know when i coe back i'll be wishing i never left. This last year or so i've been having worse and worse bouts of feeling really low.. i've put it down to exam stress, relationship problems.. moving blah blah blah.. and i can only seeing it getting worse over the next to years.. but short of running away what can i do?
*sigh* i'm going crazy.. i can't wait to get to university.. meet new people.. i'm like the opposite of what you expect.. i lOVE change what scares me is everything staying the same.. being stuck in the same place with the same people. I want to get really drunk.. have a party or something.. but i can't i'm never invited.. i'm always the outsider.. part of everything but with no seperate life! I think i'm going to go walk to moel ffamau tomorrow.. walk to the top and sit! or to the top of loggerheads, take some photos.. do some drawing.. just chill and think.. i feel like i'm stuck in a prison at the moment. I need to sort my head out.
That means telling josh i want to stop going out with him for the moment. That means finshing all those things i said i'd finish. That means a fresh start.. i need a new hobby so i can have some new friends... i need something but i'm not sure what yet! >.<
...so yeah
on the up side Harry Potter was GREAT!!!! i loved it.. i want to go see it again though coz my brothers were chatting and i missed some bits.. but ZOMG!! i wanted to see bill! apparently he's really hot! <3  

957198  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-07-12
Written: (6295 days ago)

I went to sleep! *nods* okay so it was at 5am.. buut.. <.<
lol i got up at 4pm as well.. which goes to show i am becoming nocturnal.. but it's fun! we're going to see Harry Potter tomorrow! *is stupidly excited* lol i'm going with my family and Joshwa and Beki! we should have fun! =D It was expensive though.. bloody cinema prices and they go and knock down the only reasonably priced local cinema to replace it with a lap dancing club -_- i hate society...
My dad got back from Russia tonight as well! *squee* the stupid man is never at home anymore.. he was in switzerland last week, russia this week, switzerland again next week and the week after Canada for the world championships for 24 hour racing (he's strange) but on the plus side trips away means presants! =D He got me exactly what i wanted.. a completely stupid furry russian hat and it's a communist one as well.. i'll have to take a picture! XD So i've been sitting up on rs since midnight (when i got lunch coz i was starving) wearing this rediculous hat and doing quests!
Beki's gone to bed and that made me realise i probably should too so just a bit of rambling and message answering and i'll head to where i'm meant to be.

956780  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-07-10
Written: (6296 days ago)

so what have i done recently? nothing useful thats for sure! lol..i've got re-addicted to runescape so i thought what the heck last night and stayed up all night.. i kinda meant to and kinda didn't. I'd said to Josh i would coz i hadn't got up till lunch time yesterday.. so i was like.. feh not tired..
Anyways i sat down with a book and suddenly realise.. very belately as my mum had told me several times she was off to bed and it was late.. that it was almost midnight so i was like.. pc *nods* i planned to check messages and stuff but i was in a writing mood so i speant an hour rambling to myself on word.. started as a detailed description of myself and ended as a kinda personal ramble.. the i gave up on life and went to go on rs and fish some lobbies..
unfortunately ai, beki, [Beki in Wonderland] w/e you want to call her was online so we ended up wandering around and i said at about 4am i was going to get off the pc and then got completely side-tracked looked at the clock and it was 5:30.. my mum was waking me up at 7 to get ready for school anyways so there was not much point in going to sleep so i read a bit pretended to be asleep yelled at my mum and got up.
Then school and i was hyper from lack of sleep and waaay too much coffee <.< >.> so we went to one lesson realised that the whole induction was really pointless and i'd already spoken to my teachers and i'd seen everyone i wanted to see so i left after 1st period.. then town just bogging around amusing myself until lunch when i got a lift home.. my gran and grandad were here but i'd been awake over 24 hours by this point and wasn't in a talkative mood.. so i went to my room and read and then thought i should get some sleep. So i slept really lightly listening to the radio until 4 when someone came in and disturbed me and i got up. But coz i was so tired i ended up on the sofa for another two hours sleeping for 10 minutes and waking up flicking channels and sleeping again so that was alot of use >.< That makes my total of sleep in the last 2 days about..2 hours max.. greeaat.. but then i had dinner and food always wakes me up so of course now i can't sleep at all and i don't feel tired.
I'm at that stage where you know you should be tired.. know you should be dying somewhere you even feel a detached sense of tiredness like it's floating around you but i can't sleep and i just want to be doing stuff. Beki's ramble about the darkest part of the night and it's beauty has made me want to go for a walk.. >.< i'm gunna go for another ramble tomorrow i think i know a route now! =D i'm going to do it backwards i think! ^_^ (i have photos to put up of my last ramble.. i got lost! =P)
I have a really sore throat which i think is from drinking my cider when my brother got bleach in it when he was messing about.. it wasn't enough to kill me or anything but not a good idea anyway.. so i'm not doing that again! =D
Now i'm just rambling so i'm going to go on gaia.. and then i dunno probably go read for a bit and come back to the pc if i still can't sleep.. i am becoming nocturnal! but thats fine i only have to get up normally once a week for work so i'll survive! XD

955455  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-07-06
Written: (6301 days ago)

It's raining... again.. all day yesterday it rained, all day the day before it rained.. it's been raining for weeks now.. it's JULY!!!!!! << not impressed -_- It's 1pm and i finally got out of bed.. i woke up at about 10 but i couldn't be bothered getting up coz i knew it'd be raining and i'm fed up of it. I'd rather stay in my nice warm bed and dream about other more exciting things.
It sucks. I'm off school because my GCSEs have ended but i can't do anything coz it's raining, can't go to town or chester coz everything that doesn't involve spending money is outside. Can't go camping, can't do much walking coz i haven't got a rain coat. I'm feed up of being stuck inside.. and i have a killer headache that won't go away and has been appearing on and off for a couple of days.
gah! >.< I think i might go for a walk anyway this afternoon.. just to get out of the house.. i'll take my camera and take some pictures and then i'll come home and work on the designs for how i'm decorating my room photograph adn dismantle my bed and then things can actually get started! yay...

952403  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-06-26
Written: (6310 days ago)
Next in thread: 952404


yeah i can't be bothered with the shopping ramble.. basically i got clothes.. i don't think anyone really cares! lol

Anyways i've FINALLY started doing Tsome's request and si'm sorry Tsome that it's taken me so long.. i'll send you the pencil sketch when i'm done so you cna see what i'm doing and probably add colour at somepoint tomorrow. So yeah all i have to do after this is:
*Beki with cat ears
*Piano attacking!! dun dun dun
*Something for matt
and thats it i think! =D yay!

952302  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-06-26
Written: (6311 days ago)

Entry No 2: The Anti-Prom

(yeah this is in a random order seeming as i'm doing the Anti-prom after today but before the shopping thing which was actually before the anti-prom.. o___O.. that made no sense what so ever! >.<)

Okay so the Anti-Prom was friday, it was a party to mark the end of our GCSEs and also a revolt against the popular kid organised school prom! ^_^ Beki came over at around 6ish and we both got changed into very posh dresses.. we were VERY hyper which boded well for when the drinking started! XD Within 20 minutes beki had buttered her dress in the least inconspicuous places! We had bagels *nods* Josh was despairing.. especially coz we both had lots of alcohol.. beki had a 12 can crate of strongbow and some coconut rum liquore(sp) and i had a 2 litre bottle of strongbow and some red WKD. So we got my parents to take some photos (which i will put up when i find out whats been done with them!) and then we left!
From that point on things kinda went downhill.. by the time the band started playing me and Beki had had 2 cans of cider and were feeling rather mellow. During the band's set i was sitting on beki's knee and she kept bouncing me.. o__O which made me scream and at one point i got up to yell and her and missed the chair sitting down which resulted in a collision with a guitar and a table.. which hurt! =( The band were pretty good and it was fun trying to put walker off with the tea thing! After that more drinking and we went outside to chill.. not much happened really, Mike got stuck in one of these childrens block things (play stuff) and i was running around being hyper. Then i went for a walk with Chris and we ended up sitting in a bush..
While we were there chatting some chav's appeared and i put the can of cider up my top (don't ask why!) and got out of the bush. One of them called me a dirty bitch which i was WAY too proud of and me and chris headed back to mike's where aparently everyone had been looking for me and Josh (boyfriend) was emoing over my disappearance.
Then Josh and Walker disappeared and me and Beki went to the park. We played in the sand and hung upside down and i found a log on the side which i found really funny! XD Then more drinking.. another set from the band. Trampolining! Which was fun.. we found matt gagged and bound on there at one point! More walking.. more drinking and alot of stuff i can't remember!
I was talking to rob at one point about god knows what and we talked to non-boyfriend josh about his shoes and the prom. (I was on the verge of complete pissed-ness by this point) Apparently i drank some rum but i don't remember.. and me and beki went for a long walk up to someone's house and then headed back. Cross told me to jump off a bridge adn i decided it was a good idea and went in search of a bridge.. XD
Ohh and i found some ginger wine.. which apparently tasted like crap but i really liked! There was this guy there too who apparently made me crawl under a car but he decided he liked me and i got given a 3 tens score by him, this woman i was on the trampoline with and someone else who the random guy forced to give me a 10 on the pretence that i was cool and he liked me! X3 lol i felt special! That was about it from what i can remember go check out [Beki in Wonderland] aka beki's diary as it'll make more sense than mine and the pics can be found at: The Anti-Prom lol it was a gooood night! we went to sleep at about 4 me, beki and josh sharing the tiniest bed! The we got up and had penuts and party rings! i lOVE party rings! X3

952155  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-06-26
Written: (6311 days ago)

i'm going to have a ramble about the past couple of days but i'll split it up into manageable chunks.. about a day to an entry so that makes.. 3 entries i think sat sun and mon can be grouped together coz i was a lazy arse on all of those days! =D The Anti-Prom must have it's own entry and shopping.. *nods* that way if you're a guy or just plain fed up you can only read the bits you want to.. yehum.. so this entry shall be.. hmm today (tuesday) and a ramble about the pro's and con's of not being in school! =D yayness!

So yeah.. got up at 9:30 and pottered around until 11 when i caught the bus into town to do some bits and bobs. (Not being in school means i can potter to where ever i like.. mostly town.. although i'm pottering up moel ffamau on friday i'm going to take some pictures and hopefully do some sketches and stuff. the con is i had to get milk and a key cut for my mum and i had to go into school to return alot of stuff -__-) I met up with Josh and Walker but they were going into chester and i couldn't be bothered coz i have to cook dinner and i need to save money for bloodstock! woop!
So yeah then my mum gave me a lift home at lunch time but coz she's working lates and my dad is training for the 24 hour race world championshipd (mad.. utterly mad) and my brother is preforming in a school show she told me i had a bunch of chores to do. One of the major cons of being off school.. my mum now phones and gets me to do pretty much everything and anything she can think of under the pretence of "you have nothing better to do" thanks mum -__- So yeah my list for today was:
*Clean out the rabbit and guinea pig
*Empty and re-fill the coffee machine
*Clean the bathroom (she couldn't be arsed doing it but she says she'll give me a fiver so..)
*unstack the dishwasher (i'm making my brother do it as i have to do teh after dinner chores.)
*cook dinner
*do the after dinner chores (setting and clearing the table, stacking the dishwasher and washing up.)
i've done the R&G, bathroom and coffee machine. I'll be going to cook dinner in an hour.. and i want to stay up tonight and finish all my ET requests.. *le sigh* i'm definately not ready to give up on going to school.. it's too much like hard work! lol
The other pro's and con's are: I can do pretty much whatever i want and stay up late BUT it's expensive and i now need a part time job.. as if babysitting and working sunday's on the farm isn't enough.. i'm going to the job center this week and to homebase to look at stuff for decorating my room. (i'm in the process of clearing and boxing everything up.. it looks so bare now i have no posters up and the room is full of bin-bags and boxs!) So yeah.. stuff to keep me busy and my dad has said i should have a look at the A level syllabus so i don't turn into a mindless veg over the hols.. -______- ahh well XD i will truelly know how to survive at uni after this!

950688  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-06-21
Written: (6315 days ago)


*runs and hides*

i'm going....
950687  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-06-21
Written: (6315 days ago)

last diary entry.. i promise! lol i am going to bed now! <.< >.>


I think only [Beki in Wonderland] will get this.. it's about a convo she and Emily had last night that she told me about and we expanded on <.< yeah...

and the other thing.. Would you like some tea? *scratches ear* oh the inuendo! XD again probably only Iuean, Walker and [Beki in Wonderland] would have any clue what i mean by that.. but lets just say Walker's going to get it said to him ALOT tomorrow night! XD

off to bed now! xxx
950686  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-06-21
Written: (6315 days ago)

On a little side note this is not funny at all but it made me laugh my ass off.. seriously.. maybe you have to know mike *shrugs*

we were talking about Josh's sleeping arrangements for tomorrow night and he was wanting to know if his parents need directions etc. So meh then he just went: "forget i said anything we can invent sleeping places" I found it really funny coz i just had this image of a drunk group of partyers trying to get a drunk josh ontop of a cupboard so he had somewhere to sleep..

I know not funny at all.. i think it's my tiredness the fact i know mike and what happened last party.. *tries to stand up* "ow"...*tries to stand up* "ow"...*tries to stand up* "ow"... "oh yeah i'm under the table!" XD yeah that was me! <.<

950682  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-06-21
Written: (6315 days ago)

I just came online to have a quick rant about stuff!! ^__^

I just got in from babysitting (i'm so tired! XD) it was alright took me about 2 hours to get the kids to bed though -_- but i got payed which was cool! =D Means i have some money to save up for a shopping trip! yay! lol

It's so weird you can tell i'm tired because i walked into my house and my dad had left me a note and a large box of ferrero roche's (my favorite chocolates) and i nearly burst into tears! XD it was just so sweet.. i haven't seen my dad in a week coz he travels alot and we're a close family so mu mum finds it tough and i have more work to do to help out. Which is fine but with exams as well i'm completely shattered. Anyways the note said "Just a little something as a congratulations for finishing your exams and helping out. Love you loads dad." Might not seem alot but it really touched me.. and okay it could just be coz i'm tired and i have moments of hypersensitivity (long word! O__o)

so yeah that's about all i have to say.. i'll write more next chance i get which might not be till saturday coz i'm having a girly shopping day with my mum tomorrow and then mike's party! X3

950480  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-06-21
Written: (6316 days ago)

Wiki's: All replied to
Diaries: All read
Image Changes: Alll looked at

Now: Smoothie and food!

950478  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-06-21
Written: (6316 days ago)

I HAFF NEW HAIR! X3 i shall post pics.. at some point when i'm at home! =D


EXAMS ARE OVER SUMMER BEGINS!!! Here's to all the parties and fun! *cheers*

I'm starving but i'm in the libary waiting for Beki so i can't eat >.< gah... -___- and i'm babysitting tonight coz i'm broke! fun fun fun!!! I have cake.. and i want to go get a smoothie.. but again waiting for Beki... tick tock.. XD

my house is t3h g0n3 o__O yush.. i shall remodel it at some point next week.. i need a project.. and for those of you who are keeping up with COL i have written quite a bit more but i'm not going to post it until i have finished the whole of Vaughn's story coz it makes more sense like that.

so yeah.. talk to you all later! xxx

o___O 22 messages and loads of wiki comments... i could be here a while!
947122  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-06-10
Written: (6327 days ago)

Well i promised an end of week update and here it is! ^__^ Just a quick warning 1) i have ALOT to write about because i haven't been writing in here much this week 2) if you don't want to end up spending half an hour or so reading this just ignore the entire thing! 3) my spelling has apparently died <.< >.> so sorry for all the mistakes. XD I think i'm going to start at today which i think is Sunday and work backwards.. so the end should be very vague.. coz exams make you forget stuff more easily *nods* .. oh and i'll have to probably write this in several parts becuase 1) i'm lazy 2) i'm meant to be having a short break from revision BUT if i make it last until 4 i can have half an hour off having afternoon cake and coffee (yeah my family got posh.. i shall explain in a min!) 3) i'm puzzling on gaia ! XD <333 Gaia is the reason i haven't been online much.. i'm addicted!
Infact i'm going to forget the days thing and ramble in a random way as there are a few things that span several days..

//WARNING!!: Ramble about legs\\Meh lets start with this weekend and the reason i look (apparently) like some popular high school clone.. and this is going to sound completely stupid but it's because i'm trying to tan my legs before Mike's party! I woke up on saturday and threw on my usual black jeans and black strap top then i went and watched TV for an hour or two by which point i'd noticed that it was a really nice day.. soo.. me being me i decided i wanted to have a long kinda "beautifying session" becuase i'd been so busy with exams and stuff. So i pottered off to the bathroom, had a long shower put a face-mask on all that kinda girly stuff and then decided my legs were horribly pale compared to my arms (which had been exposed to the sun and tan quite well) which led to me throwing half the contents of my wardrobe around trying to find a pair of shorts.. my black pair smelt kinda dodgy coz i'd been on a canoing holiday last year and worn them in the river so i had to settle for my jean pair.. which are shorter than i thought! XD After that i had no black tops and i remembered my gran and grandad were coming over with my grandad's half sister and her husband which he found last year (he's adopted so he didn't know his real family and out of the blue he got a phone call from this woman and it turned out she was his half sister so of course we had to meet them). Which made me decide to wear this green top my gran got me a couple of years ago. So i went and prettyfied myself and went downstairs to sit in the garden, tan my legs and revise! (yay for multi-tasking!) And my mum turned around went OMG! and then realised it was me (thanks mum! -_-) at which point she told me i looked very nice but i wasn't her daughter becuase i looked too stylish (again thanks mum! XD she didn't mean it in a bad way just i don't normally look "fasionable" more just odd!) SO now i have made a resolution to wear shorts for the next two weeks so i can get browner legs! ^__^ see wasn't that important? a long ramble about shorts and legs! XD //RAMBLE OVER!\\ 

What else? it's now been about 2 weeks since i started that entry and i have absolutely no idea what i was going to say for the rest of it.. i'm nearly done my exams now though.. only STATs on Thursday and then Mike's anti-prom friday and i CANNOT WAIT!!! it's going to be awesome.. Vena Cava are playing and as i'm good friends with their Drummer and their bassist is my ex (don't worry we're speaking.. it's cool! XD) I know exactly what their playlist is and my god it sounds awesome!! Plus i'm wearing a dress and jewellery and i'm going to be looking somewhat respectable! *gasp* i know! xD I'm getting my hair cut and dyed tomorrow.. black and pink and turquoise! X3 which should be interesting.. i'll post photos at some point.. of my hair and of me and [Beki in Wonderland] at the party.. Mike's party pics take 2! XD lol if last time is anything to go by we're going to have so much fun!

Meh i guess i should comment on my exams.. i think they went pretty well.. i stupidly took 12 GCSEs so i had about 18 exams to do in this last month -_- with a week break over half term for revision.. it's been so tiring.. getting up at 7, revising till 2 am and then sitting and thinking for hours only to think afterwards that i've completely failed! XD They haven't been that bad in all honestly.. i mean welsh i've failed and physics was SO difficult but i think i did okay ion all my other exams and thats the last thing i'm going to say on the matter because there is absolutely worrying about something i can't change for 2 months. (results day is on the 23rd August)

I need to send myself a reminder that we have a 6th form day on the 10th July.. (in 2 weeks i think) and after that i'm not going back to school until September (hopefully i'll get accepted into the 6th form)

So over my extra long summer i've got some things to do and some things to look forward to!
1)I've got to catch up on all my EP ET and Realms messages... especially the realms.. i admin so i have a new forum to sort out, RP to post on and a lot of general work to do.
2) Finish all the art requests i've had recently and upload all my art to my DA as well as type up some stories and poems and organise them somewhere!
3) 2 weeks walking holiday with FSC end of July/beginning of August X3 i'll be seeing Ian, Graham and Jaco for the first time in a year <3 luff to them all.. we have so many camp take-over plans! XD
4) BLOODSTOCK!!!! The line up looks awesome and i've got my tickets! <3
5) A random week long ramble with [Beki in Wonderland] to get over the exams and just chill chat and be lazy! 

Anyways that'll be it from me until Friday i think.. except to post photos of my hair tomorrow!

My New Start Resolutions:
*walk somewhere every day
*do 60 stomach crunches a day
*keep up to date with ET and EP
*eat more healthily
*save money

Love ya! xxx <333

946268  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-06-07
Written: (6330 days ago)

What is my stereotype??


Whats Your Stereotype?
•[] You go/have gone tanning.
•[x] You own an iPod/mp3 player.
•[x] You love Starbucks.
•[] You have been called a brat.
•[] You have tons of shoes.
•[] You hate buying things that are on sale.
•[] You have a laptop.
•[x] You love shopping.
•[x] Black is one of your favorite colors. (okay that fits)
•[] You wear chains. (thats fetish not goth)
•[x] you like heavy metal. (metal head not goth)
•[X] you've shopped at soho's (huh? i'm british what is that?? SOHO'S IS THE ONLY GOTH SHOP.. i'm changing it to soho's) (hot topic is more emo/scene)
•[x] You have worn black lipstick. (punk/rocker/metal head)
•[x] You have/had/or wanted piercings. (punk)
•[] You own a pair of Tripp pants (punk)
•[X] u have at least one unnaturally colored haired friend. (punk)
ergo none of this makes you a goth.. ergo you lose! XD
•[] You can skateboard. (skater -_-)
•[] You like plaid.
•[] You have/love Converse. (scene/clone)
•[x] You hate mtv. (anti-pop)
•[x] You have/had/wanted blue, pink, red, purple, or green hair.
•[X] You love mohawks
•[X] You LOVE Music. (punk music)
•[X] Hate people who pretend to be something they are not
•[X] You are depressed sometimes. (everyone gets depressed doesn't make you emo)
•[x] You have dark colored thick-rimmed glasses. (again not emo.. some people actually need glasses and there's not like there's a wide variety to choose from.)
•[] You cry easily. (again not emo.. sensitive -_-)
•[X] You like emo music
•[] You've kept a journal/diary. (also doesn't make you emo just coz you want to remember your life!)
•[x] You have written a sad poem. (doesn't make you emo.. >.<)
•[] you have dyed your hair (EVERYONE dyes their hair.. so we're all emo.. yay! now can everyone stop being so childish about it all.) 
•[] You're sad when you're drunk
•[] You like rap
•[x] have said "Fo Sho, Fo Shizzle, Fo Sheezy, etc."
•[] You have worn/wanted a grill.
•[] You have had a freestyling contest.
•[] You have worn your shoes with the tongue flipped out.
•[] You've said the N word to a black person and didnt get punched
•[] you know most of the lines from Boyz N Da Hood
•[] You own a huge gold chain with a giant gold pendant
•[x] You like loud music.
•[x] You love/like the Ninja Turtles. (WTF?????)
•[x] You have slip-on shoes.
•[] You like Norma Jean.
•[x] People have called you a freak and meant it lovingly
•[] You love to "hardcore" dance
•[x] Your hair has been dyed more than one color.
•[x] You wear jeans a lot.
(how does this make you hardcore?)
•[] You LOVE/like The OC.
•[] You had/have/want a tiny/small sized dog.
•[] Your usual outfits consist of pink.
•[] u like buying shoes A LOT.
•[] you shop at Hollister.AE,and/or Abercrombie
•[] Getting your nails done is a fun thing.
•[x] You have big sunglasses
•[x] You can't go anywhere without your hair perfect.
•[] You watch the Superbowl.
•[] You own track shoes or cleats other sports related shoes.
•[] You own jerseys.
•[] You have/ had a special shelf for trophies and awards.
•[] Your garage/shed consists of sports equipment.
•[] You belong/belonged to a team.
•[] You have a specific number preferred for your jersey.
•[] You practice a sport at least 3 times a week
•[x] You like putting little bows in your hair (J-Rock.. japanese fetish not scene)
•[] You have mini-skirts.
•[x] You have parted your hair to the side. (yeah coz it looks crap otherwise..)
•[] You think polka-dots are way cute.
•[x] You have done a peace sign while you pose for a picture.
•[] You've been called scene before.
•[] You have dyed you hair a bright neon color
•[x] You wear/wore long, colorful socks with your skirts
•[] Gone four wheeling.
•[] Went hunting.
•[] Own a four/three-wheeler or dirt bike...ect.
•[] Like to go fishing.
•[] Eat beef jerky
•[] Ever said GIT-R-DONE.
•[] Listened to the song Redneck Woman.
•[] Know who Bocephus is.
•[x] You wear band shirts alot.
•[x] If people down talk metal you down talk their favorite music.
•[x] You like bands like As I Lay Dying, Lamb Of God, and All That Remains.
•[] You HATE emos. (i don't hate true emo i hate scene)
•[x] You love Black Sabbath.
•[x] You have gone to Ozzfest.
•[x] You like to headbang.
•[x] You don't like rap.
•[x] You have a taste for classic rock as well.

•The 1 that you have the most X's under will be your title!!•
Repost this as "whats ur stereotype?"

I am.. a metal head.. go figure! XD lol

945734  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-06-05
Written: (6332 days ago)

I hate exams... well no thats not really true, i like exmas i prefer them to revision leave.. all the learning things and having no idea if what you're even learning is going to help you at all. I don't mind exams what i do hate is people. I know it sounds really odd and it's not like i'm anti-social or anything but when i'm doing exams i like to chill and focus i don't mind being with one person and chatting but i've only had 2 exams so far and already i've had to walk away from all my friends becuase i know if i'd stayed i would have ended up yelling at them all and really using my temper.
I don't know why it's just i can't stand being with a bunch of people that don't really give a shit about me and only speak to me coz they have problems. I hate people thinnking i'll do whatever they want coz i'm easy going. Right now i'm in the frame of mind where i want to push all my friends away, i want to yell at them and hurt them coz i know then i'll feel better. I'll feel like i deserve to feel like crap at the moment, like i'll be able to stop worrying about everyone else and actually worry about myself.
This happens to me alot and i know it's stress but knowing doesn't make it any easier, it doesn't stop me from wanting to go on a killing spree or run away. If it wasn't for the fact GCSEs are so important i'd be gone by now. The other thing i hate is not knowing whether i'm going to move to Holland or not. We might be finding out tomorrow and fingers crossed we do becuase the longer we wait the more i can feel myself completely loosing it. I make a promise right now that i am going away for a couple of days after my last exam. From the 23rd to the 25th i think. I'll take some clothes, our hiking tent and go off into the clwydian mountains. It'll give me a chance to think nad get so worn out thinking's no longer important. If i didn't have a biology exam (which i'm going to fail) tomorrow i would be getting completely wasted right now. Nothing like drowning your sorrows but i'm going through too much crap with these exams for me to just throw them away like that.
I'm in two minds about whether to get the morning bus into school tomorrow or get a lift. I'll go in in the morning *nods* Beki's going in and chatting to her on msn has made me feel better.. i can rant at her! *luffles* <.< lol XD
meh i'm playing on gaia.. i'll do an exam update at the end of the week.. i need to go do puzzle stuff! yeah! 

944852  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-06-02
Written: (6334 days ago)

Que todays long winded and ultimately pointless ramble... wait for it.. wait for it... okay NOW!

Well yesterday was just as good as i thought it would be! XD I had fun!! lol We met in Mold at 1 and got the bus to Chester which was 50 minutes of singing drunkenly, yelling at Josh for suggesting that the bus wasn't a pirate ship! (XD) Flying our pirate flag out the back window and waving swords at all the nearby drivers! It was amazingly fun if childish, drunken and resembling a two girl hen party! Anyways we got to chester got our tickets for POTC3 and did a bit of shopping. It was so hot!! I couldn't believe it.. i mean it's britain nad it's been raining for the last couple of days! So we had to stop by cafe republic and grab ourselves a couple of bueno shakes and some oreos. Then we went to clairs and me and beki had to get a set of surprise bags! XD After that we decided it was too hot for proper shopping and went and blew pretty much all our money in the disney shop on POTC3 merc. I got a cup (i'm getting the mug next time) some badges and some transfer tattoo's. Then we watched the movie, Josh for the first time and me and [Beki in Wonderland] /aka Beki\ for the 2nd time. it was just as good the second time and there were only about 9 people in the cinema so we were alloud to laugh at EVERYTHING we found funny (which for me and beki was pretty much every single thing!) and chat about what we thought of the movie as it went along. For me it is the best of the 3 films and Will and Jack are at their hottest <33 nothing like a bit of fan love.. i mean come on.. the dark eye-liner thing and wet wind-swept hair.. it just works! XD
So yeah a good day!

Today was quite boring just biology revision all day with breaks for reading Neo mag, answering ET and EP messages and texting people but it was still a pretty awesome day, i felt really chilled and well rested for the first time in ages. which just goes to show having a day out followed by a day of revision is ALOT better than several days of revision in a row. There were a couple of things at dinner and this evening that made me laugh though:

me: oh mark Josh says he'll fight you if you get a sword
mark: great! but remember to tell him i don't fight fair i mean if we're locked in battle a kick to the crotch would solve everything.
me: *laughs* you should fight me then, i don't fight fair and a kick to the crotch wouldn't do much.
mark: yeah but then i could hit you in the nose with my sword.
me: i'm short i'd sit down and then i'd hit you round my kneecaps with my sword!
mark: i could just hit you on the head with the hilt of my sword.
me: no! i'd be rolling around your feet in circles occasionally hitting your shins.
mark: i'd drop a bomb...
me: *inturrupting* you would never have a bomb..
mark: but if i did i'd drop it and walk away..
dad: *laughs* and blow yourself up as well as her.
mark: it'd be on a timer, what do you think i am? stupid? yeah i could imagine it.. how do you turn this thing on? ahh i see BOOM!
me: do i look completely thick to you? I think i might notice that your feet had disappeared and there was a bomb instead!
lewis: why don't you step out of your boots?
mark: yeah it could be a pair of exploding boots.. you could just be walking into tesco and.. BANG! one of your boots blow up!
Everyone: *laughs*
mum: *gives us all a look*

Then later when we were clearing up:

mark: it'll fit, it'll fit! (he was trying to get a bowl of pasta into the fridge* yes i managed it!
me: yeah and then you close the fridge door and.. "crash SMASH!"
mark: when have you ever heard anything go smash?? You don't get a train crashing into a building and then "SMASH!" or a bomb blowing up and the sound "SMASH" echoing around the hills.
me: fair point *walks away*

and finally we were having a nice family conversation about terrorism.. as you do..

mark: terrorists are stupid.
me: why's that?
mark: well instead of having a pair of sissors they could buy a bottle of water on the plane and throw it over the pilot's controls.
lewis: you'd need a kid to get into the cockpit..
me: i'm sure the controls are all protected from liquid damage (if they're not i suggest you hurry up and sort that!)
mum: you know what's really stupid?
me: what?
mum: the scientist guys they get on TV after all these terrorist plots and stuff.
mark: yeah like after the car park bombing attempt on the twin towers and the guy came on TV and said "that would have been most ineffective if i wanted to cause maximum damage i would have flown a plane into this floor of the building as it is where the building is weakest" (i kid you not.. they actualy gave the terrorists information on how best to bomb the twin towers -_-)

sorry if anyone finds that offensive but it is really stupid.. i mean come on! 

944301  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-05-31
Written: (6336 days ago)

I'm sooo hyper now, i can't wait for tomorrow! *dances* me and [Beki in Wonderland] are off into chester dressed as pirates to shop nad see POTC 3 for the 2nd time! XD coz we love it THAT much! <333
My pirate costume consists of:
*Riding long boots
*Black jeans
*A black belt
*a black skull and cross bones scarf tied just above the belt
*A white T-Shirt with poofy sleeves!
*A bandana
*3 rings
*A charm bracelet (coz it jingles!)
*2 other bracelets
*Several earrings
*A necklace with a couple of bits and bobs attached to it
and if it's cold a long black coat! XD

Tomorrow is going to be so awesome!

944097  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-05-31
Written: (6337 days ago)
Next in thread: 944123

Time for another ramble me thinks! =D

So yesterday i had a great time! ^__^ I went into Mold on the bus to meet Josh coz i hadn't seen him in a week and i needed a break from revision. I got there a bit earlier than i said i would so i went into the libary and found [imperfectionist] who told me about this anime and manga magazine called Neo.. which i had to go and buy immediately of course! XD To any UK anime and manga fans the magazine is gooood! *nods*

Then me and Danny met Josh and we all went to Tesco's to get lunch coz none of us had eaten all day! XD (yeah we're good like that!) I was having a moment (proberly becuase of the amount of rum i'd drunk the night before <.<) and i couldn't decide what i wanted to eat! I ended up with a french stick, some crisps and a bueno. I ate the french stick and i've just had the crisps and bueno for my lunch. ohh and it's raining! o___O quite heavily too! Anyways after that we wandered around, i needed a pencil case for the exams so.. yeah.

Surprise surprise we ended up at the libary again and met Gemma and Anne and Ceri appeared too! Which was cool, i hadn't seen Ceri since ROA so we hugged and chatted about revision! Then Walker ran in and glomped me and insisted he had to show us that the libary had a slayer CD! XD bless him! Then Danny, Gemma, Josh and I went to the bank coz i had my allowence and wages to put in and on the way back to the libary met Alan and Chris and Laura's mum. So we chatted to them for a bit about viper and other quite perverted stuff and drugs.. o__O it was odd..

Then back to the libary where we spent about an hour just chatting coz Alan appeared again.. we got told off for being nosy! XD can you imagine?? XD

So yeah after that we ended up in Chris's house and i saw Wilson (who's got a tattoo now!) and i told him off becuase i hadn't seen him in about a month! lol After that we didn't do much just wandered, found out what time my bus home was and went to gemma's for a bit. I went to get the bus and Josh followed.. he'd decided he was coming home with me! XD So yeah i came home with Josh and we had a bit of a drink and a chat and watched big brother. Josh decided he couldn't be bothered going home and ended up sleeping in the spare room! I was like.. fine whatever! My parents are away so as long as he was gone before they got back it didn't matter. ^__^

Then this morning i got up at 5 in the morning and did all the chores, washing up, stacking dish washer, feeding pets the usual and then fell asleep on the sofa infront of the TV. I woke up at 8 and Josh appeared so i forced him to eat something and then he left to go home! Since then i've been revising.. <.< well ish i AM looking at my physics book! XD tomorrow is Chester! yay, i think i'm going to see pirates 3 again this time dressed as a pirate and i'll do some shopping! ^__^

All in all a gooood day after the crap one yesterday. 

943425  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-05-29
Written: (6339 days ago)

hehe i inspired [Beki in Wonderland]'s hyperness and diary whorishness last night! XD and surprise surprise her morning seems to have gone just like mine.. parent eh? I've come online to have a break from revision (why am i bothering?) and becuase i need to ramble about my morning or i'll just get angrier and angrier.. and i know this is REALLY bad but i've got myself a rum and honey mocha (I know drinking at this time in the day.. i hate myself for it.. but it's not much.. i actually only had a splash.) So yeah.

Basically I got up at 9 after having 4 hours sleep, it took me at least an hour to get to sleep after i went offline coz i'd been drinking rum and caffinated coffee. So yeah last night i was a bit hyper and i thought that while no one was around and i was talking to Beki and she was drinking coffee and rum i would too. But i got a bit over excited.. anyways no harm done.. i was just a tad mellow. So yeah i got up this morning and went down stairs to rescue some books my mum was attempting to throw out. I kept myself to saving only 5 (plus the pile of about 20 i hid in my room.. <.< but yeah) //This is a completely un related ramble you can skip it if you want. My mum told me i needed to get rid of some of the books in my room, i was like yeah right -_- i am a book worm and yeah i have about 100 books in my room but all of them are ones i would re-read or am intending to read and i couldn't throw any of them out so of course i said i wasn't going to. Then she started grumbling at me and telling me i didn't have a choice. So i didn't yell, i didn't scream. I turned around looked her in the eye and said "If you touch ANY of the books in my room i will become the most horrible daughter you could ever imagine." Then i walked away. Thing is she hasn't brought the subject up again.. which just goes to show she knows i'm deadly serious and capable of making her life a complete and utter hell. She hasn't even stopped me from taking the books i think she shouldn't throw away and adding them to the ones in my room.\\ now back to the original rant. So my mum yelled at me to come talk to her in her room, her and my dad were there and they had set it up so it was two against one. I'm NOT a morning person.. most people know if you try and talk to me when i've been up less than an hour you're asking to have your head bitten off. Especially when i've had 4 hours sleep (not that they'd know that) so yeah and you know what she said to me? I don't want you going out on wednesday or friday. i was like WTF?? I'm not allowd to see my friends even though i'm spending pretty much all week revising and am going to be stuck at home for the next 2 weeks becuase of exams?? So of course i wasn't playing ball and i told them i had a revision plan and i knew what i was doing. As i left my mum yelled "remember you're laptop" now for those of you that don't know i have to get 10 A grades and i get a laptop. People who also don't know me that well won't know that i DO NOT like being forced to do something against my will. For a minute i thought about not doing any revision to spite them but decided i was just tired and should get on with the revision i had planned. Which i did.

An hour later my mum came in with a muffin and i went downstairs to get breakfast. Everything was fine, i was calming down and then she said: You're not doing enough work and i don't think you should go out at all, you're not going to pass if you don't put in more work. MORE WORK??? as if giving up about a month of my life to revision isn't enough for her. So i got angrier and angrier and asked her how much revision she did for her O Levels.. she told me that she failed her O Levels which i know she didn't and i stormed up to my room to eat my breakfast. Well and truelly angry at this point but i calmed myself down a bit figured it was just coz i was tired.

Half an hour later she comes in and says something trivial about muffins and i tell her i'm not speaking to her, i need space to calm down. but nooo she can't figure out i need to be left alone, after crossing me twice in 2 hours she has another go and i of course explode.. coz she starts in the most patronising tone ever "I knew you were upset." NOOO have a prize.. you think? no i'm really happy.. my mother told me nothing i was doing was good enough and i'm extatic -_- so yeah.. que me losing it completely. So i yelled at her about how she had no right to try and bribe me and try and control my life and (coz i was well and truelly gone by this point) I yelled that she couldn't try and live her life through me becuase she failed her exmas. Just because she failed doesn't mean i need to work harder and then i told her she knew full well i'm alot cleverer than her. She walked out of my room (not really surprising.) And okay i do regret tearing her down like that and everything and if i hadn't been so angry i wouldn't have said it but.. grrr she doesn't know when to back off. So yeah...

Now i'm not speaking to her and i'm drinking rum mocha coz otherwise i'm really tempted to try out this tribal thing i read about where you cut yourself and rub salt in the wound coz it makes it scar. it's a sign of strength. If our knives weren't all so blunt i'd be tempted to try.. more than tempted but you have to do it along your ribs.. and meh.. i'm not that stupid. 

943342  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-05-29
Written: (6339 days ago)

I'm being a diary whore too... blame [Beki in Wonderland].. who says i'm drinking like a teenager the reason being:

we both went to get rum coffee.. she ended up with schizo coffee (see her diary) and i ended up with coneyum which is rum (i put in half a mug full... <.< meh i'm a bit trigger happy) honey and coffee! GORGEOUS!!! and addictive.

Also why do spirits like to go up my nose.. i've ended up with vodka up my nose and i sttempted to swig some rum and it all went up my nose! hmph! so i had to try again nad have a big mouthful <.< >.> and the coffee's caffinated again! yay for all nighters and revision tomorrow.. i might have a couple of hours sleep..

 The logged in version 

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