[Lexi. Short and Sweet!]'s diary

996920  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-12-04
Written: (6054 days ago)

hokai ramble time!! I have my tea and i'm meant to be doing homework so cheh!
Beki got through to the jap. exchange interviews too! yay! It would be mega awesome if we both got onto the trip but as there are only 3 places for the whole county i'm not sure it'll happen! still i can hope!!
In other news i'm fed up of the headache that i've been having today.. sometimes it's a short sharp pain like i'm being punched in the head in a small area above my eye, sometimes it's at the back of my head and sometimes it's just a crusher headache.. ibuprofen worked for about a half hour >.< 'm going to get sudefed (sp?) in a min before this drives me crazy!!
Oh and i woke up to find i had been sleeping with my eyes wide open this morning! weird huh??

996898  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-12-04
Written: (6055 days ago)

ZOMGZORZ!!! I got through to the interview stage of the Japanese exchange!! .:squee:. if i pass this i'm going to Japan next year!! Interview is on Tuesday.. wish me well! X3 I'm mega excited!! Nothing much else to report.. usual at school, we seem to be having engineering meetings every day at the moment.. which means i get hardly any lunch break.. buuut i did have a free last coz my english teacher had to go home last minute!! ^__^ that was fun! So yeah i'm off to pretend i'm doing homework and simtard for an hour or so!! =D
tarrah! xxx

996650  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-12-03
Written: (6055 days ago)

Bleh boring day! Not much to talk about really... buuut i did get on to the mainstreet poll for the vampire photo competition!! lol Highlight of my day!! I got some homework to do, but yeah.. can't wait for the x-mas hols!!!

996320  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-12-02
Written: (6056 days ago)

Messages: ANSWERED!

Wiki's: Checked!

Comments: replied to!

Arekusandora: IS BACK!!!

lol sorry to everyone thats had to put up with my absences and sparrodic replies to messages!! ^_^

And in other news i made it to round 3 of the RPing competition!! *dances* i'm mega pleased!!
996317  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-12-02
Written: (6056 days ago)

Ahhh school tomorrow.. i cba! XD lol but i fell asleep on the sofa for an hour and that helped.. i'm not hungover just tired and my bodyclock is majorly fucked up!! lol but Tanz's party was awesome! Apart from Beki being ill >.< but she was okay in the morning and she work up at about 2am so we did have some rather random moments! XD I got a vid too that i need to stick up on Youtube of me and Tanz getting the selotape off Mike! XD lolz it has lost of shots of Amy's breasts in it coz she was filming and she kept getting bored! XD
Anyways it was fun and worth going! Me and Amz did the whole psycho-analysing thing which meant that we went around telling everyone that they had a problem but we'd solve it for them! XD It was hilarious and there were some deep conversations in the garden which were really good coz there are a bunch of people i know alot better now! ^_^ And i have to lol at topha coz i phoned him coz Tanz asked me to to try and sort out what was going oon between them and at the end he asked me what he should save my number as.. i had no idea so he decided to save it as "Vicky" i was like WTF?? where did that come from!
There was also a late night trip to the spar and just general drunken hilarity! I'm sure i shouldn't have been as out of it as i was.. o_o but oh well! Although i am thinking of going T-total for a while or limiting myself to a couple of beers/ciders a week and an occasional shot. Coz in all honestly i drink waaay too much.. as some people might know.. and i need to stop getting pissed and ending up smoking with Amy coz it's never as good an idea as it is at the time and i really do hate myself for it the morning after. Anyways i'm on a health kick now! And i'm broke coz i spent like £70 on christmas presents yesterday!
Chester was busy as hell.. >.< i hate it when it's like that but me and Beki took it easy and just meandered along we knew where we wanted to go and what we wanted to do and got everything done in 2 hours. Buut i lost my 16 - 18 bus card in mold >.< which is craaaaap... coz it costs a fiver for a new one.. and the bus from my house to mold costs £1.25 without it and i'm arsed paying that much. Hopefully it'll turn up! Plus i want a rail card so i can trek to manchester and stuff!! I've spent loads of time on trains this year!! XD
Anywho i'm going to shut up rambling and find out when dinner is coz i am HUNGRY!!!!! >.< Then an early night! after top gear of course, bed and my new book!! yayz! Oh and i got sims 2! Which i've wanted for ages! Haven't had much time to play it recently though. =(
tarrah xxx

996027  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-12-01
Written: (6058 days ago)

Time for a ramble methinks.. may be cut short as i'm going to chester soon!!
Anyways I went to London on Thursday with some people from my school as part of my AS art course. It was coool! ^_^ The train journey was pretty boring though on the way down i drew, slept a bit and played top trumps with Amz who beat my ass at it! >3< It was most annoying coz i'm quite competative.. XD. Anyways when we got there we headed onto the tube and went to the National Portrait gallery, it was quite interesting even though we didn't see much coz we had to do at least one study. =___= My study was pretty crap tbh, Beki's was good though! Then we spent the last half hour messing around on the touch screen pc's and doing some other studies. After that we got our tickets for the Pop Art exhibition and spent half an hour in there doing a Peter Blake study. After that we decided it was time for a tea break and went down to the cafe! I laughed so much! First as we were going to the cafe Beki caught a tray of coins in the gift shop with her bag and sent them everywhere! Then we had to pick them all up again looking really shifty!
When we got to the cafe me and Beki ordered a pot of tea each and each got a tea pot with enough tea for about 5 cups and we only had 10 mintues to drink it all. So me and Beki were spead drinking mugs of tea while Amz was sneakily stealing condements.
Beki: "Amy where's all the sugar gone?"
Amy: "No where."
Beki: "When i left the bowl was almost full now it's nearly empty."
Amy: *looks shifty* ...
Alex: "You've been stealing it haven't you??"
Amy: *giggles*
And she had been as well.. the side pocket of her bag was full of sugar cubes! And she had a salt and pepper shaker.. i have no idea why though o_O she's crazy! Brilliant but crazy!
Then i was acting like Beki and Amy's mother, our table was a tip and i was complaining about how we couldn't take Amy anywhere and Beki said something that made Amy explode and proved the point very well! She spat tea all over the floor and couldn't stop laughing! It was hilarious then she just dumped some paper towels ontop of it and carried on drinking her tea. Which was in a milk jug as me and beki were using both tea cups! XD Ahh i laughed so much. Then we went to meet up with our group again and on the way out of the gift shop beki got attached to an old man! XD It was funny!
After that we went to spend half an hour in trafalga square and sir set us the challenge of catching a pigeon which meant watching Beki and Dan try and sneak up on them with their cameras and "capture" a photo! We climbed up onto the lions too and the found out that you could slide down the back and go flying! X3 Beki got a really cool picture of her doing that!
From Trafalga square we went to the Tate Modern and spent 15 minutes admiring the "crack" which started a load of jokes! XD Then we went to the gift shop and went to look round the gallery. We wanted to find th giant slides but ended up in the top floor restaurant! XD It was so amusing, everyone was poshly sitting around and me, Beki and Amz were looking lost and bewildered! After that we got stuck on the 5th floor. We each did a quick study to please the teaachers and then spent the rest of our time playing an awesome art game that Beki won twice!! >.< lol i did win one though!
After that we had to head back to the train station and we had an hour there before our train arrived which meant getting food and just generally misbehaving. We continued our streak of knocking things over in paperchase and Beki picked up a model hand with the words: "This is great, you cna grope people without them knowing!" I laughed at that especially as there was a student teacher behind her at the time! The teacher found it funny too and tutted at her! XD
Then we had a glitter fight with one of the tester pots in the boots shop! It was amazing we were all sparkly and then we turned on Sam and covered him in it too! Which was just hilarious!
Finally we got on our train home, another 2 and a half hour journey and by that point me and beki were so hyper we couldn't sleep so we were listening to music and drawing and chatting and just generally being loud!! ahh it was a good day! X3
Yesterday was pretty average and i was sooo tired i was like a zombie! XD But cheh good week so far and i got chester and Tanz's party tonight!! X3 fun fun fun!!! =D
ANNND x-mas soon! I'm really excited about it this year!!
Anyways tarrah xxx

995050  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-11-26
Written: (6062 days ago)

okkkay so i'm procrastinating... <_< sue me...

LOLZ to Atay's diary entry!!

and No cash value is a diary WHORE.. damn you spamming up my new diaries box with your hilarious crap..

right i am going to do that physics question now...

995048  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-11-26
Written: (6062 days ago)

26 messages??? seriously... =______= BAAAH I have physics to do so i shall deal with them in 15..

994629  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-11-25
Written: (6064 days ago)

.. still pretty absent... but LOLZ... yeah.. that is all..

BOOOOORED.. should go to bed but i slept in late this morning and i'm so untired... man i feel my diary needs updating.. but bleh.. cba.. tbh! XD I shall start being better about being online soon.. maybe monday.. aye monday sounds like a good time to stop being lazy and start making time for ET..

See you monday.. i shall answer messages then..

993095  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-11-17
Written: (6071 days ago)

Bleeeeh.. so much work i'm hardly online any more ;__; so yeah.. sorry that i'm not replying to messages and stuff.. i can't see that canging anytime soon i have LOADS of work to do for school and a social life to balance, plus gym and i need a job but bleh... i cba so i might just budget.. or see if i can start doing commisions.. or maybe finish writing something i can get published.. dunno...

988289  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-10-31
Written: (6089 days ago)

I PHAIL!! rofl

yes.. i do.. i was meant to be doing useful school work this morning.. what did i do instead? I spent 2 hours on KH! XD >.< lol!! Now i shall have to stay up late working every night till we get back to school..

Annnd! Halloween tonight! x3 should be fun! I'm doing the stereotypical vampire thing! Coz it's an easy costume and i get to glue some fangs to my teeth! yaya! <3

thats is all gotta go pick up people in 15 and i need to put in my contacts and do the ake-up thing!

987829  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-10-30
Written: (6090 days ago)


I LOOOVE halloween!! The last day or so several things have heppened that have got me in a really childish halloween mood! I'm just disappointed that i don't have time to do halloween art.. but on the plus side i'm doing well at checking the boxes on Miss Batten's art coursework sheet! =D yayz!
Anywho back to halloween.. last night i talked to Beki and we've arranged for her to come over here and then we're going trick or treating with my little brother (like the little kid i am at heart) after that we're going to go to the graveyard take some photos and stuff and then watch some horror movies.. and the final part of the most haunted live halloween 5 part show. Thats the other thing thats got me excited about halloween MOST HAUNTED LIVE! lol i know it's stupid but i'm a most haunted nut! I love the tension it builds up and the way you can never be sure if it's real or fake.. i just love it! Anyways caught the 3rd episode last night missed the first two ;__; but last night was brilliant! Me and my brothers watched all 3 hours of it and i had my laptop so we went on the website to watch the webcams during the intermission (or ad break). It was really scary!
Then there's the normal halloween stuff, like the fact i carved the pumpkin today! And made a pumpkin cake... randomly.. coz i felt like it! Anywho i'll take pictures of my costume and of my pumkin and i'm going to halloweenise my house at somepoint! (tonight and tomorrow i think) so yeah! X3 *luff* lolz
Anyway i need to get back to work! tarrah! xxx
987543  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-10-29
Written: (6091 days ago)

gah.. brother (mark) has a friend over, he's pretty nice but boys being boys him and mark spend most of the time fighting and insulting each other.. which can be annoying when i'm in charge and he has chores to do.. but he's no where near as bad as felix sooo.. s'all good! Plus i can now retire to my room and net when they annoy me too much.. although i wanted to play KH for an hour before i have to walk into town.. guess it'll have to wait until later!
I'm going to get my hair cut.. dunno what im doing with it it's pretty short at the moment.. i might get some layers added in and make the back really short.. something like that.. or i might just let emma do whatever she wants she's pretty good at things like that! I just want a change.. then this afternoon i think i'll re-dye it and start on my art coursework.. luckily i don't have much other homework cept maths revision and to write up notes. I'm going to do mrs batton's coursework first as she's given us a check list and i should be able to go through that fairly quickly..
Plus there's NaNoWriMo and i'm determined to succeed which means a 2000 word count every day.. =/ i'll find the time.. i have 2 ideas.. one is a dark story about a girl who was captured and tortured until she lost her memory and is then found. It fallows 2 intertwining plot lines which is what happens to her in the present and her slow remembering of what happened in the past.
The other i was thinking of was a terry pratchett type spoof.. i think i'm going to write both of them but use the first one for NaNo as it's got the more developed plot of the two. The second one is going to be about a witch.. modelled on myself.. so a know-it all, loud-mouth, happy go lucky nutter!! =D
Anywho.. half an hour till i have to leave! I should be back online later..
tarrah xxx

987301  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-10-28
Written: (6092 days ago)

MWAHAHAHAHA!!! *evil laughter* ^__^ i am happyful and you know why? Because all my stuff is in my room, i chucked out 5 bin liners worth of crap and i just have the second coat to do on the red squares and then i'm done with my room!! *dances* Done by tomorrow i think which gives me the rest of the week to work on Art AO1 and AO2 for Mr t and Mrs Batton and other homework and revision typing up notes etc. Plus I think i'm going to go trick or treating on halloween.. coz i'm 16 and this is probably the last year i'll get to go and act like a kid! :3 So i'm hoping to rope [Beki in Wonderland] in and then she can stay over and we can watch scary movies and do a halloween graveyard photo-shoot! I'll ring her tonight to talk about it..
Then chester on saturday i think! Which should be fun it's been like 2 months since i last went to chester.. oh yeah and halloween larp.. should be fun! (plus gets lyon off my back for a while.. =P) Thats it really.. still need to reply to my gaia RPs.. but that shouldn't take long and then do some writing.. in prep for NaNoWriMo.. =D so yeah i'm feeling less like i have an empty life and more like i am getting my ass in order.. no BF.. but meh.. *shrugs* i'm not going to go find any bloke.. i'm going to wait and see what happens!
tarrah! xxx

987300  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-10-28
Written: (6092 days ago)

MWAHAHAHAHA!!! *evil laughter* ^__^ i am happyful and you know why? Because all my stuff is in my room, i chucked out 5 bin liners worth of crap and i just have the second coat to do on the red squares and then i'm done with my room!! *dances* Done by tomorrow i think which gives me the rest of the week to work on Art AO1 and AO2 for Mr t and Mrs Batton and other homework and revision typing up notes etc. Plus I think i'm going to go trick or treating on halloween.. coz i'm 16 and this is probably the last year i'll get to go and act like a kid! :3 So i'm hoping to rope [Beki in Wonderland] in and then she can stay over and we can watch scary movies and do a halloween graveyard photo-shoot! I'll ring her tonight to talk about it..
Then chester on saturday i think! Which should be fun it's been like 2 months since i last went to chester.. oh yeah and halloween larp.. should be fun! (plus gets lyon off my back for a while.. =P) Thats it really.. still need to reply to my gaia RPs.. but that shouldn't take long and then do some writing.. in prep for NaNoWriMo.. =D so yeah i'm feeling less like i have an empty life and more like i am getting my ass in order.. no BF.. but meh.. *shrugs* i'm not going to go find any bloke.. i'm going to wait and see what happens!
tarrah! xxx

987171  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-10-27
Written: (6092 days ago)
Next in thread: 987197

[I'm a horrible person.]

1. Smoked. [x]
2. Consumed alcohol. [x]
3. Slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex. [x]
4. Slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex. [x]
5. Kissed someone of the same sex. [x]
6. Had sex. []
7. Had someone in your room other than family. [x]
8. Watched porn. [x]
9. Bought porn. []
10. Done drugs. [x]

1. Taken painkillers. [x]
2. Taken someone else's prescription medicine. [x] <_< >_> 
3. Lied to your parents. [x]
4. Lied to a friend. [x](i'm not perfect.. infact far from.. but cheh..)
5. Been to rehab. []
6. Done something illegal. [x]
7. Cut yourself. [x] ([not in the emo way.. there is a story behind it actually, which only Alex knows XD] - beki.. yeah i know the story! =P)
8. Hurt someone. [x]
9. Been to a club. [x]
10. Seen someone die.[]

1. Missed curfew. [x]
2. Stayed out all night. [x]
3. Eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself. [x]
4. Been to a therapist. []
5. Snuck out of the house. [x]
6. Dyed your hair. [x]
7. Received a ticket. []
8. Been in an accident. [x](<_< coz i'm a bit dim sometimes)
9. Wished someone to die. [x]
10. Been to a bar.[x]

1. Been to a wild party. [x]
2. Been to a Mardi Gras parade. [ ]
3. Drank more than four beers in a night. [x] (beers?? me and beki do crates by ourselves and then follow up with spirits.. XD)
4. Had a spring break in Florida. []
5. Sniffed anything. [x](ohh yes and those flowers smelt damn good i'll have you know!) 
6. Wore black nail polish. [x]
7. Wore arm bands. [x
8. Wore t-shirts with band names. [x]
9. Listened to rap. [x]
10. Owned a 50 Cent CD. [x](rofl i did! XD thanks to rachel!!)

1. Dressed Gothic. [x]
2. Dressed prep.[x]
3. Dressed punk. [x]
4. Dressed grunge. [x
5. Stole something. [x]
6. Been too drunk to remember anything. [x]
7. Blacked out. [x]
8. Fainted. [x]
9. Had a crush on a neighbor. [] (aye coz those dead bodies are so damned sexual! X3 =__=)

1. Snuck into someone else's room. [x]
2. Had a crush on your friend. [x]
3. Been to a concert. [x]
4. Dry-humped someone. [x] (rofl.. reminds me of someone..)
5. Been called a slut. [x]
6. Called someone a slut. [x]
7. Installed speakers in your car. []
8. Broken a mirror. [x]
9. Showered at someone of the opposites sex's house. [x]
10. Brushed your teeth with someone elses toothbrush. [x](grins and (yes i'm going to say it) it was a damned good toothbrush too! =P)

1. Consider/considered Ludacris your favorite rapper. []
2. Seen an R-rated movie in theater. [](thought that said chester then! XD)
3. Cruised the mall. [x]
4. Skipped school. [x]
5. Had surgery. [] 
6. Had an injury. [x]
7. Gone to court. []
8. Walked out of a restaurant without paying/tipping. [x
9. Caught something on fire. [x]
10. Lied about your age. [x]

1. Owned/rented an apartment.[]
2. Broke the law in the police's presence. [x](cheh.. drinking in chester..)
3. Made out with someone who had a gf/bf. [x] (i'm not proud... theres alot i hate about myself.. this list has most of the things!)
4. Got in trouble with the police. []
5. Talked to a stranger. [x]
6. Hugged a stranger. [x]
7. Kissed a stranger. [x] (festivals FTW!)
8. Rode in the car with a stranger. [x] (hehe)
9. Been harassed. [x]
10. Been verbally harassed. [x]

1. Met face-to-face with someone you met online. []
2. Stayed online for 5 hours straight. [x]
3. Talked on the phone for more than 4 hours straight. [x]
4. Watched TV for 5 hours straight. [x]
5. Been to a fair. [x]
6. Been called a bad influence. [x]
7. Drink and drive. []
8. Prank-called someone. [x]
9. Laid on a couch with someone of the opposite sex. [x]
10. Cheated on a test. [x]

TOTAL OF ALL SCORES = 69 o___O crap... that says it all.. buut i'm not bad at all... this is a cheap fake quiz! *pouts* lolz

-If You Have Less Then 10.. write [I'm a Goody Goody.]
-If You Have More Than 10.. write [I'm still a goody goody.]
-If You Have more Than 20..write [I'm average.]
-If You Have More Than 30..write [I'm a bad kid.]
-If You have more than 40..write [I'm a very bad influence.]
-If You Have more than 50..write [I'm a horrible person.]

in other news i'm bored as hell.. i'm doing feck all this week.. sooo bored... sooo fed up.. can't wait until college is over atm. =___= You know what? I need a relationship.. where is that damn perfect guy?? fucking hurry up and sweep me off my feet! XD I need to rant and moan and snog and hug.. and... yeah.. i need a guy! lolz.. lookit i'm advertising like a whore.. ahh well.. i'm not looking for net relationships.. so this is a pointless add.. "horrible person looking for dream guy for a casual relationship" cheh thats me! =P 
987164  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-10-27
Written: (6092 days ago)

Bleh my house still needs sorting <_< *cough* it will happen eventually.... in a year or two =P j/k

Anywho! Long time since i diaried... school is teh hard work.. no time for doing much.. no will to do much =__= i am a willless zombie atm! but.. half term! :3 and crimbo coming up and hopefully my tablet so i can do some decent digital art and i'll probably change my DA coz that name is sooo old.. and i want a new one! yeahz.. so all that to look forward to.. and zomg birthdays.. i'm in mold on monday so i shall sort out prezzies and stuff then!

Anyways i went caving and it was awesome! I survived the trains *ish proud* and even managed the 6am get-up and the afternoon cave on the first day.. and i lOVED every minute of it.. so now i know i have no normal phobias.. i mean i can handle small spaces, darkness, heights.. all that sorta stuff and i hope to go back in february.. twill be my new crack! :3 well my new activity crack.. although i would like to go skiing again but i figure i'll do that in my gap year! Or with a friend sometimes! X3
I did 5 caves, Cuckoo Cleeves, Rod's pot through trip (2 caves), Goatchurch and Sidcot Swallet and in feb i'd like to do Rod's pot again, goatchurch, eastwater and swildon. =D so yayz for that.. i'll try and get hold of some of the photos and make a wiki for them! It was so awesome though i met loads of cool people! <3 to them all.. and i think i might do a bristol then london trip at somepoint!
I got back lateish on wednesday and was thrown straight into school on thurs.. needless to say i was a moody bitch and i have a new bunch of people on my "don't like" list.. life as normal.. not speaking to josh, hanging out after school.. lessons.. bleh! =___= BUUT now it's half term and i have time to catch up on my work and my gran's coming to stay and i'm adding the finishing touches to my room! *dances* so it's all good.. plus i decided to go to LARP just to get out and do something and i'm getting my hair cut on monday! :3 so it's all good!
Anyway i CBA writing anymore now.. that brings everyone who cares up to date! Now to gaia to post on some RPs.. and then.. *shrugs* bed!
Tarrah! xxxx

983711  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-10-14
Written: (6105 days ago)

parents.. =__= seriously.. got in from babysitting last night got addicted to KH so i ended up in bed at 3am expecting a lie in... 9 o clock my mum comes on "Just checking you're here!!" ..Thank you.. she could have checked without yelling at me! Then she had to have a half hour long convo with me about how much she likes my room and how pretty it is and how it's good that it's finished finally... blah blah blah.. and finally she left.. but WTF?? I don't get my mum... she's odd sometimes.. i love her lots but seriously.. i'm going to wake her up and start talking about oranges one day see how she likes it!
Anyways i actually got up properly at 2pm! Then i was just pottering about doing art, playing KH and chatting on msn.. pretty relaxed day! First one in ages and i did all my homework yesterday and friday which was good! Just gotta finish my mechanics homework now.. then i'm home fee which is good coz next week is going to be busy! :o i have to move most of my stuff back into my room and pack for caving (i leave on sat at about 6am :o but it should be fun and i'll have time to sleep on the train) and there's a concert on friday ruth says i HAVE to go to.. so i am but i have to have all my stuff sorted for caving.. shouldn't be too hard.. old clothes... first aid kit.. torch.. anywho thats all for today! 

983438  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-10-13
Written: (6107 days ago)

oh yeah..


as is the tradition in our area.. you go to ikea steal loads of their pencils and give them to people at school! XD thats why my pencil case is full of mini-pencils.. hehe.. i looked really stupid walking arounf ikea with my jean pockets stuffed with pencils!
983436  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-10-13
Written: (6107 days ago)

I think i was a magpie in a past life! lol.. seriously i LOVE shiny and sparkly things and today in ikea i got stressed out with my mum so i sqwarked at her and flapped my arms around... o___O rofl.. it's so true! XD If everyone has animal charactaristics i'm a magpie... =D
Anywho... the point of this ramble was to update everyone on life at the moment... coz i haven't been spending much time writing in my diary or answering messages at the moment.. I've been busy with school work and trying to keep up to date.. plus art coursework due in on monday and what i've got to hand in is kinda pathetic.. we do get it back to work on but i'd kinda like to get as much done as poss. this weekend.
I GOT MY KH GAMES!! They came in the post on Thursday.. thank goodness for the end of the postal strikes!! I would have gone crazy having to wait any longr! Haven't had much time to play them though! My brothers keep asking me for a go and i'm like NO!! get away!! my new games!! GRRR! lol <_< I'm going to take them with me babysitting coz the kids i'm sitting have a PS2 so i'ma gunna steal the mem. card and game for a couple of hours! X3 yay! I need to play on the PS2 more.. i'm going to get our family one after x-mas if my bros get the X-box 360 they want!
I also got a letter in the post on Thursday saying a poem i entered in an online contest has made the semi-finals and is being published (with my permission) and stands a chance of winning me a couple of hundred pounds! I don't think i'll win but it's still exciting.. and i can't believe the judges likes what i submitted.. i mean i know people say i have a talent for poetry but i've never really thought i was good enough to win anything... especially as the other entrants are all in their 20s and 30s! *squee* !!! I think i might enter more comps. i mean if i can get money out of something i LOVE doing then why not?
Didn't get the tesco job =( but i'm filling out an application for Argos for x-mas work and i'll get an app. form for Smiths if they're taking on people which rach says they might be!
Last night was good hung around at the bus stop with Josh, Mark, Wilson and Gemma.. we had so much fun! XD lol and we saw Beki and ruth! All of us were eating chips! yum!
Today.. well i had to get up at 8 to go to ikea so we could get some furniture and get home before my mum had to go get her hair cut. I was SHATTERED!! lol because i was up till 1:30am talking to Ieuan on msn and then i was reading some of this poetry book i was leant off my english lit teacher.. and i had one of those.. have i gone to sleep at all moments at about 4am.. so i got up had coffee went to ikea!
My mum was stressing out becuase she wants all my stuff back in my room and she stressed me out and kept asking me what i wanted and stuff and coz i was tired i lost it with her! I just screamed and flapped for a bit in the middle of Ikea.. rofl must have been so funny to watch! Then my mum felt bad for me.. so she let me have a really cool light tree! Oh yeah and my room is almost done! about 3 months after i began.. but hay! I have a desk now which i'm currently sitting at! Nice big double bed, bookshelf, chest of draws and wardrobe (not all from Ikea) and i got a cube to go next to my bed to dump magazines and stuff in! And a cool light thats next to my desk! So i'm happy.. especially as we only have to put up a couple of shelves and i can get all my stuff back in my room! I'm going to sort everything out and go to a big bootsale at somepoint.. hopefully make a bit of cash! Which is always useful! Plus caving in a week! Can't wait!! Get to see all the camping gang again and get good and muddy and have camp fires and just generally forget that there are expectations of me.. gah.. A Level stress aready! *rolls eyes* i'm too stubborn to drop a subject though!! I WILL SURVIVE!!!!!!!! rofl..
Anywho i'm starving.. dinners not till 6 ;_; i had lunch at 12.. and nothing since.. lol but my mum got me some daim's from Ikea.. coz i love them! Plus she disappeared off while i was sorting some bits in my room and reappears with a proper posh art portfolio!! She used her wages to buy it for me coz she said she was fed up of me carting aorund tatty plastic art folders with broken handles! It's so awesome! looks really professional too and it should last me a while.. must have been expensive though o___O Anywho i am a very happy child at the moment! ^_^ I think i just need to get organised (which i will do over half term) stop fannying about and start using a baseball bat to make my way through life! I'm going to do things my way and succeed or some one will be feeling the wrath of my large metaphorical baseball bat! so yeah... *dances* rofl.. thats probably been a very long and rambly rant so.. <_< i shall say tarrah to you all! Babysitting yeah! KH gaming sesh! even better!
Love you all! xxx 

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Written about Thursday 2007-10-11
Written: (6108 days ago)

The strangest thing just happened.. o___O
I was sitting in my room on my laptop minding my own business when the fire alarm went off, it lasted for about 30 seconds and then stopped so i figured someone had burnt something in the kitchen and ignored it. The it happened again and it went off for longer.. so i thought i'd get up and go check it out.. walked along the landing and smelt the faint whiff of smoke then the alarm stopped again. So i stood and looked at it a while but it did nothing.. so i went downstairs and my mum asked me if i'd heard the alarm, i told her i had so we went and checked every room for any sign or smell of smoke.. as you do! We couldn't find anything.. that may not seem weird to you.. you may just shake your head and go "so your fire alarm battery needs changing" but i was up in my room, my mum was in the front room watching TV, the first time it went off only me and my mum heard it, the second time everyone except my brother mark heard it. The strangest thing is i smelt smoke on the landing upstairs and my mum smelt smoke in the dining room downstairs. Thats opposite ends of the house and different floors! It was only a faint smell and it disappeared after that... Then i went back to my room and the minute i stepped in the door the alarm went off again and i went back to yell at it.. it stopped beeping the minute i told it to "shut up!" Which was odd.. anyways we decided it was just the battery needing changing as there was no sign of a fire or anything around.. but it was still freaky... the smoke bit most of all.. o___O

 The logged in version 

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