[Beki in Wonderland]'s diary

1004768  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-01-13
Written: (6101 days ago)

I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
'Cause your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me

You used to captivate me
By your resonating light
Now I'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face it haunts
My once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away
All the sanity in me

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase


I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
But though you're still with me
I've been alone all along
1004703  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-01-13
Written: (6102 days ago)
Next in thread: 1004778

Roite.. i will now attempt to ramble about Amz's.. This will be similar to Alex's ramble, only most likely more garbled as i don't seem to remember all that much o_O I got to Amz's an hour before Alex, and we cooked the dinner (and Amz forced a few shots of vodka down my throat XD). She really amused me becuase she couldn't be arsed defrosting the chicken so she blow-dried it XD Made me giggle.. Then we went and got alex, and for some reason i decided i was wearing Amz's masquerade mask.. So i looked like a bloody maniac walking down the street with this weird mask that has a massive beak XD
After we hung out at Amz's for a bit, watched Clockwork Orange, one of my uber fave films <3, and mucked about on webcam we decided we were going to the park. Things get a bit fuzzy after this because i was on the wine, i'd had several shots of vodka and a fair bit of beer (i found 3 empty cans of it in my bag in the morning XD) Me and Amz had been through 2 bottles of wine between us.. Ish.. Apart from the glass i spilled on her carpet XD XD twice XD so i was pretty merry, but not really drunk. And that's the worst for me. When i get merry, i forget everything XD drunk, i'll always remember. Merry, no. So we went to the pub to meet Topha and some random guys i think i may have known, and i met this girl called Sian who was really nice. We decided to burn a face onto my fraggle Melvyn for no reason XD she was cool.. Then some random guy who i think was called Gaz sent me a bunch of music.. We went to the chippy and i started talking to some random strangers and eating their chips XD Then we decided to go to Tesco for no reason whatsoever. We got there, stuffed our tops with scrunched up magazines for insulation, then walked all the way back to Buckley double quick time XD Me and Alex got there really fast and Amz was miles behind us, so we fell asleep in a hedge for half an hour XD Then on the way back to Amz's she nicked an elephant watering can from someones garden XD We got in at about 6am and went straight to bed. I fell asleep within abot 6 seconds of my head touching the pillow (wine does that to me) and didn't wake up till 12:30 (missed my hair appointment, but that's a good thing since i discovered that my hair had about half a can of beer in it XD) then me and Amz watched a chinese horror film, and my mum picked me up to go and have my eyes tested! THE FECKING END!!!


Oh wait, two more things. I have decided that if i'm going to drink in future, then i will drink wine as it doesn't seem to get me as drunk as other substances (or i didn't notice anyway) and i dont get hung over at all either. It also doesn't make me feel sick like other alcohol does, it's affects last longer, and i don't get headaches when i drink it. So yes, from now on i'm a wine person.

The other thing was that i got ANOTHER pair of designer glasses in town (Gok Wan reccomended ones!!! <3 XD) So now i have 2 pairs of Osiris glasses, both costing £125 each. Booya! XD

That is all.

</ramble again>

1004587  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-01-12
Written: (6102 days ago)

Aaah man, Amz's was so amusing.. I'm not going to ramble about it now, i want to go and watch a film before i go to bed.. All i'll say for now is that me and [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] ended up sleeping in a hedge at 5:30am XD XD XD XD omg lol...

</very short ramble>

1004380  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-01-11
Written: (6104 days ago)

Wheeeeeeeeeee off for a piss up at Amz's in 15 mins! I have had a hilarious day at school.. I've been in such a retarded mood all day, and it's just starting to hit me now, I'M SO FRICKING TIRED!!!! XD But.. Omg, at dinner.. Me and Amz stole a bunch of sticks (coffee stirring things) from Tesco, and chucked them all at Danny (a demonstration of 'retard no jutsu') XD XD XD It was the funniest thing ever, there were hundreds of them all over the floor XD Ah man... And i've been thinking. I'm bored of Josh. Totally and utterly... I dunno why, i was just sitting in the bus shelter with him and Ruth and Walker today and i thought 'it's the same bloody thing every day.. He gets depressed over something stupid and i'm expected to offer my sympathy.. Grrr..' so... Yeah, i think i'm going to break up with him on Monday, PROPERLY this time and i'm not going to get back with him after a week... It's permanent this time, i need to learn to show some conviction and when i make a decision.. I have to stick with it. I dunno, this may hit me hard or it may just be like 'what was all the fuss about??' XD but expect rambles in here about it either way. Anyway, off to Amz's now, turrah!


1004080  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-01-10
Written: (6105 days ago)

OMFG. I have FOUND the tattoo that i'm getting. And i am definately getting it, i don't care what anyone has to say about how gross they are, this one is gorgeous. The minute i turn 18, sooner if i can get away with it, i'm getting that mutha fugging tattoo. Yeah.

</mini ramble>

1003964  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-01-09
Written: (6105 days ago)

Ooooh this made me giggle X3 Tora's description of Autumn:

autumn?! autumn?! i never really thought about autumn...um...autumn is so subtle... autumn... well..autumn comes after summer..& before winter... autumn...well i don't really care about season... autumn... i don't know about autumn... really, i don't... i don't know anything about autumn...spring, summer, fall, winter... i never really thought about seasons. autumn... well it's not summer... it's not winter... that's why its autumn... it's like half&half. well summer's summer cause it's hot and winter's winter cause its cold... & autumn is in between so they just named it autumn... yeah, it's probably like that... well people say autumn is all about eating... so i guess autumn is about eating!

X3 ZOMG i love Tora almost as much as i love Miyavi! Seriously, he is the cutest little thing on the planet, and he's got such a sexy voice that just doesn't match his peronality at all XD Kyaaaaaaa X3 Tora's voice is how i imagine Rio's voice to be.. Yeeeeeeeah... So, yay, i'm off to fangirl over Tora and Myv now. Turrah! XD


1003947  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-01-09
Written: (6105 days ago)

Rofl, i was just talking on the phone to Anne, and we got on to talking about having kids.. Bloody hell, that woman may be old but she makes me laugh..

Anne: Why don't you want kids then?
Me: It's not that i don't want kids.. I don't want to go through the pain of giving birth to the little bastards.
Anne: *chuckles* it's not that bad you know.
Me: Describe to me how painful it is.
Anne: It's like losing your virginity to a really angry bullctus.
Me: ..What is a bullctus pray tell?
Anne: It's a bull crossed with a cactus.
Me: *dies laughing* that's the exact reason i don't want kids then XD

Aaah man.. She's really put me off having kids now, not that i was ever that keen on the idea of kids to begin with XD

Anyway.. What happened today? Nothing interesting really, i bought a bunch of new stuff because i'm retarded and when i have money i have to spend it.. Me and Danny invented a new attack for Haku 'Retard-no-jutsu' which nearly made me pee myself laughing, and Josh got all disgruntled because i was having fun with someone other than him ¬___¬ So all in all, i had a good day ^__^ And also, me and Alex's argument thing at the moment:

Alex: You hit me with your bustier!
Beki: You groped my chest!
Alex: I tripped over my art folder!
Beki: That's what they all say..
Alex: NO RLY!!

XD and we've been through that about 500 times today XD we're so retarded...

That's all i had to say i think. I'm off to do psychology homework now. Turrah luvs.


1003736  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-01-08
Written: (6106 days ago)
Next in thread: 1003739

Got it off [XxTsomexX], because i'm addicted to doing things like this XD

Three Things You Want To Do Before You Die:
1.) Learn Japanese fluently
2.) Visit Japan/live there
3.) Lunge wildly at the pope (you kinda have to be a Bill Bailey fan to get that XD)

Three Names You Go By:
1.) Beki
2.) Beki-mofo
3.) Bex (the peeps at work call me that X3)

Three Screen Names You Have Had:
1) Ai Kajuju
2) Juju-Sensei
3) No Cash Value

Three Physical Things You Like About Yourself:
1.) My eyes
2.) My hair (it's naturally blonde+curly, but blow dries straight, so i hardly ever have to straighten it <3 XD)
3.) My bum!(It's big, and i love it XD)

Three Parts Of Your Heritage:
1.) English
2.) Scottish
3.) French

Three Things That Scare You:
1.) Moths
2.) Relationships that last more than 4 months XD
3.) Growing up

Three Of Your Everyday Essentials:
1.) Tea
2.) My phone
3.) My computer

Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1.) My Makro fleece (i just got back from work XD)
2.) My black work trousers
3.) My smexy Osiris glasses (they cost £125 i'll have you know! XD)

Three Of Your Favorite Bands/Musical Artists: (This is a really tough one for me as i listen to a MASSIVE variety of bands.. So i'll put my 3 favourite musical genres instead XD)
1.) Metal/power metal/rock/punk/old school rock/shock rock etc etc.. 
2.) Reggae
3.) Folk (and yes, i do have a weird taste in music, and no i don't want to hear your opinion on it)

Three Of Your Favorite Songs:
1.) "Kingdom For a Heart" - Sonata Arctica
2.) "Buffalo Soldier" - Bob Marley
3.) "Tornado" - Mindless Self Indulgence

Three Things You Want/Have In A Relationship:
1.) Understanding
2.) Freedom to be me
3.) A healthy love-hate balance ^___^ XD

Two Truths And A Lie (in no particular order):
1.) I have a total of 3 diagnosed mental 'problems' (anger management problems, mild schizophrenic, manic depressive) only one of which i believe that i actually have.
2.) I love to be loved, though i generally hate to show people that i have a soft side!
3.) I am a chav (lol, guess which one's the lie 8D)

Three Physical Things About The Preferred Sex That Appeal To You:
1) Piercings
2) Long hair
3) Japanese XD

Three Of Your Favorite Hobbies:
1.) Being lazy
2.) Going to gigs/festivals
3.) Drinking (as in alcohol)

Three Things You Want To Do Really Badly Right Now:
1.) Sleep XD
2.) Scratch my foot, because.. It's itching XD
3.) Reply to Isaac's text before i forget..

Three Careers You're Considering/You've Considered:
1.) Graphic designer
2.) Sports psychologist (they get payed almost as much as the sports-person, so just be a really famous footballer's psychologist XD)
3.) Hair-model (loads of free haircuts! XD)

Three Places You Want To Go On Vacation:
1.) Japan
2.) China
3.) North Korea

Three Names You Like:
1.) Axel (and i've always liked it, not just since i started playing Kingdom Hearts!!!)
2.) Dylan (X3 so cute!)
3.) Rose (have a girl's name..)

Three Ways That You Are Stereotypically A Girl:
1.) I fuss about my hair
2.) I wear makeup
3.) I worry about my figure sometimes

Three Ways That You Are Stereotypically A Boy:
1.) I'm generally violent and aggressive with my friends
2.) I really enjoy leaping into outdoor mosh pits and getting absolutely filthy and beaten to a bloody pulp
3.) I prefer hanging out with guys playing video-games and getting shitfaced to going out 'on the town' to clubs and stuff with girls.

Three People That I Would Like To See Take This Quiz Now:
1) ALL J00 PEOPLEZ WHO READ IT!!!!!!! I'M WATCHING YOU!!!!! <.< >.>


1003532  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-01-07
Written: (6107 days ago)

Omfg.. This guy came to the jewellery counter today looking at bracelets, and he was soooo camp it was unreal XD He stood there talking to me and Courtz for ages and then he came out with the weirdest thing ever...

Me: No, we really don't have any more of those.. Sorry :p
Him: ...You know what, you would make a really hot gay guy.
Me: I beg your pardon?! XD
Him: I dunno, you just seem like you should have been born as a gay guy.
Me: *dies laughing*

..It was really funny at the time, but thinking about it now he's not the first person who's ever said that to me... OMG I'M ACTUALLY A GAY GUY!!!! XD XD XD
And then later on me and Courtz were talking about haggis:

Courtz: Ew, i never knew what was in it...
Me: Mhm, they ate it in the wars when there wasn't any fresh meat, so they just used the leftovers..
Courtz: ..You mean like "Here's your brother, he's died in the war." "..Hmm, let's make some haggis!"
Me: XD XD No, they weren't cannibals XD XD

So yeah me and Courtz had a laugh today, talking about guys with big poles, and we acted out a scene much to the amusement of onlookers. I was the bemused girl, and Courtz was the pervy guy.

Her: Heyyy, you wanna come round me house and see my big pole?
Me: Alright then >:3
Her: ...Ok, here he is.
Me: ...What?
Her: Klaus the 7 foot Polish man.
Me: *dies laughing*
Her: He's a reeeeeeeally big Pole!
Her (pretending to be Klaus): HALLOOOOO!
Me: *still dying of laughter*

She really has the most awesome sense of humour ever XD It's such a bummer that she's leaving in March, work won't be the same without her! :'( Oh well, i'll manage XD

That is all.


..Except, i have just noticed that all i seem to talk about in here is work. That's because it seems to be all i do at the moment XD Work and school.. Incidentally, some pretty funny shit happened in school today, but i've rambled enough and i need sleep! INCEST, ANAL, ORAL AND GENITALS!!! That's all i need to say and only people taking Psychology this year will udnerstand!!!!

</ramble again>

1003368  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-01-06
Written: (6108 days ago)

Oh i forgot to mention.. I GOT SOME GREEN SKI GOGGLES XD XD XD XD

For those of you who haven't known me for ages, i have wanted a pair of green ski goggles ever since i wrote a story with a character in it who always wore green ski goggles.. AND NOW I HAVE A PAIR X3

I am so easily pleased it's unreal ¬__¬;;


1003338  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-01-06
Written: (6109 days ago)

Lol, work has been fun this weekend X3

Me: *sneakily texting someone in the shoe isle*
Jake: Buonjiorno!
Me: Aich! *hides phone*
Jake: Ooooh, it's like that is it?
Me: You saw nothing! *runs off*
Jake: *preening in mirror*
Me: Ahem..
Jake: Argh! <.< You saw nothing..
Me: LOL we're secret keepers!!! *strokes invisible beard*
Jake: What are you doing?
Me: I'm Dumbledore
Jake: *O_O*

And with Courtz...

Me: *reading shoe box* ...Gluv Your Feet? That's a bloody stupid name...
Courtz: Yeah.. Why don't you go and... Shoe Your Hands!
Me: *XD*

Sooo, i didn't have a bad day today... Had to sort out the mens underwear with Vicky which was crap, but other than that it was a laid back day ^_^

That's all i had to say really.. I'm off for tea now!!!


1002876  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-01-04
Written: (6111 days ago)

You know what.. I was just browsing around houses and i noticed about 5 'emo' people with some random rambling about their 'heart bleeding'.. And i was just like.. Well, yeah, your heart IS bleeding.. You'd kind of, not be alive if it's wasn't... And most of the things they write that they call 'poetry' make no sense anyway, and it's just an excuse to stick loads of emotive words together in a big jumble, claim it's poetry and that they write it because they're depressed and that all the best poets were depressed. I have news for you, all the best poets were drunk. Best quote in the world: "Do i drink? Didn't i just tell you that i'm a poet? Of course i drink." and another "Poetry is the worded version of your own thoughts and feelings that are hidden away in your deepest subconscious. In order to access them, you must be drunk." So, not depressed then, just drunk. Most writers, artists and poets are just drunkards, no matter what historians say. They were either drunk or completely mentally unstable. Not depressed 14 year olds with fringes bigger than their brains. Sorry 50000000 emo children out there who think you are going to get recognised for your 'beautiful' poetry one day. Chances are only one of you will become famous for it, and i bet you anything it'll be the drunk one in the corner over there *points*

That's all i had to say, thank you goodbye.


1002729  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-01-03
Written: (6111 days ago)

Okai... One of the store managers in Makro is actually quite cute... The one who looks like John Simm... Nomnomnom X3

I thinks i have a weird taste in men... Oh well!

I got so bored today in work that i ended up doing an introduction to all my characters... On Post-It notes XD Aaaah, it amused me for 2 hours, I didn't know i could stand up and draw for that long XD I do love my job sometimes.. I'm getting payed to do feck all really...

That is all.


1002358  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-01-02
Written: (6113 days ago)

Okai, my new years resolutions are:

- Drop a stone. I'm too heavy and it's starting to bug me. If i can get down to 9 stone by April i'll be happy.
- Clean my room and keep it clean!!
- Try harder in 6th form, because i've been slacking again.
- Work on getting my sleeping patterns back in synch so i'm not dead when exams come around!

That is all. Here's hoping that 2008 is as eventful as 2007!

</short ramble>

1002119  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-01-01
Written: (6114 days ago)


1002006  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-12-31
Written: (6115 days ago)

OH MAI GIDDY GOD!!!! Argh! Wow... Ok... *breathes* what am i even trying to say?? I'm all flustered... Right. In work today, i was bored shitless organizing clothes, when the most gorgeous guy i have ever seen in my life walked past me. I was just all "O______O *drops big pile of shoes* wow..." ..He really was that good looking. I seriously didn't think guys like him could exist outside of the celebrity circle XD Long brown hair with a couple of random little braids near the front, ruggedly handsome (kinda like.. Hugh Jackman cross Johnny Depp XD) dressed like a cross between a pirate, a wandering irish musician and crocodile dundee, and he had the most gorgeous smile ever. I kept bumping into him *coughdeliberatelycough* and eventually he said hi X3

Him: Are you following me?
Me: Noooo >.> I'm the only one working clothing, i have to be an expert at being in 15 places at once.
Him: Is that what it is? You sure you're not trying to steal my hat?
Me: ...Is stealing your hat an option then?
Him: Haha, no. But you can steal my number if you want.
Me: No you're alright, i've got one already *waves phone at him* (at this point i was mentally slapping myself in the face XD)
Him: Nope, i insist.

And he gave me his number X3 He was called Isaac, and i had the immediate urge to ask him if he could paint the future. Restrained myself though XD ARGH he was so... WOW!! He was in his twenties, but i don't care, he was drop dead gorgeous so it doesn't matter... Zomg, i'm usually so good at keeping my cool around guys, but he had me all giddy and stupid *floats off on a little cloud*

*falls down* I've just remembered i have a boyfriend... Bollocks... Oh well, i can still daydream incessantly about Isaac *floats off again*


1001934  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-12-31
Written: (6115 days ago)


ARGH!! NO! NOT BLOODY EFFING FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >_______<

I only just got round to reading this weeks Naruto manga and.. FECK! It's like the biggest cliffhanger ever created by man!!!!!


Spoiler alerts people!!!! Don't read on if you don't wanna know!!

But seriously, Sasuke and Itachi's fight is very anti-climatic... And the fact that they both use the same gen-jutsu just makes it amusing.

Itachi: Haha, this isn't the real me.
Sasuke: Well lol, this isn't the real me either.
Itachi: Lol, pwn'd.

XD So amusing... But seriously, that's not bloody fair!!! Kishi can't just leave it there for a whole week, i need to know if Itachi is bloody dead or not!!! Because if he is i'm going to throw the biggest tantrum in the history of tantrums... I'm not a big Itachi fangirl, but i'd choose him over Saucegay any day ¬____¬ If he's gone and died in such a crap way then i'm going on a rampage similar to the one i went on when Kakuzu and Hidan were killed off (i spent a week trying to find a way of contacting Kishi, and when i couldn't do that i posted my disgust all over every forum i could find, had a funeral for Kuzu and Hidan, and decided that my new religion is that of Jashin. That lasted all of 5 minutes XD).. but whatever, Itachi can't die yet... I don't care if this manga has been running the same plot line for years, they can't kill him yet XD And i get the feeling that Kisame is going to die soon too, which makes me even more angry. The day all the Akatsuki's die is the day i'm travelling to Japan and demanding that Kishi ressurect them all lest i kill him. All except Sasori, that whiney twat can just go to hell.

I'm done now. I'm going to bed as i have work in the morning and i'm going to be thoroughly shattered.


1001797  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-12-30
Written: (6116 days ago)

If i ever go to court, i want Luxord to be my lawyer XD XD XD XD

Good lord this made me nearly pop a blood vessel laughing:

(BTW, any KH fans should read the whole thing. It's Served by Ladychimera over on Deviantart. Check it out :P)


1001597  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-12-28
Written: (6117 days ago)

Nicked this off [XxTsomexX] =3

1. choose a few of your own characters. Five at the most.
2. make them answer the following questions.
3. then tag three people.
4. feel free to go ahead and add some questions yourself


how old are you?
Rio: 23
Cody: 17
Kia: 21
Suki: 18
Sully 39

are you a virgin?
Rio: Yes.
Me: Don’t bloody lie Rio…
Rio: …Ok, no I’m not.
Cody: Umm.. Yeah..
Kia: No.
Suki: Yep, and proud!
Sully: No

who's your mate/spouse?
Rio: No one… I don’t like settling down…
Cody: Don’t have one =(
Kia: No one really…
Suki: No one at the moment
Sully: Sophie is the mother to my child.. There will be no one after her, Gods rest her soul.. 
Me: Aww, poor Sul =’(

do you have any kids?
Rio: Erm… I’m not 100% sure, can I get back to you on that?
Cody: Nope
Kia: No
Suki: No ^_^
Sully: Yep, Cody’s my kid :p

what's your favourite food?
Rio: Weeeeelll… *censored* >=3
Me: *facepalm* Pervert…
Cody: O_____O *mentally scarred from Rio’s answer*
Kia: Sushi for me
Suki: I like apples =3
Sully: Curry

have you killed anyone?
Rio: It’s kinda my job to kill people… So yeah, many many people.
Cody: One person… Erm… It was an accident <_< >_>
Kia: Same as Rio, it’s my job.
Suki: No way, I could never kill another person! I couldn’t even kill an ant..
Sully: I’ve killed, yes. I’ve spent most of my life killing actually. Something good to put on a resume, aint it?

do you hate anyone?
Rio: Hate is a strong word. I’ll screw anyone before I hate them.
Me: *smacks Rio round the head* Slut…
Cody: I hate the bastard who killed my mother…
Kia: Oooh, I hate a lot of people. I’m a bitter person, and I have a lot to be bitter about and a lot of people to be bitter towards.
Suki: No, I don’t hate anyone or anything.
Sully: The man who killed Sophie, and Gulliver for giving me this lifelong pain… 

have any secrets?
Rio: Many, none that I want to share.
Cody: A few…
Me: Yeah, like the fact that he’s-
Cody: GTFO WOMAN!!!!!
Me: ¬____¬ fine.. *leaves*
Kia: Nah, I don’t care what people know about me…
Suki: no, I have nothing to hide.
Sully: Many.

do you love anyone?
Rio: Yes… Kinda, secretly… I’m not supposed to be the type to fall in love XD
Cody: Yeah =3
Kia: Nope. No time for that.
Suki: I love all my friends and family and… Everyone!
Me: *re-appears* Bloody hippy…
Sully: I love Sophie… I always will…
Me: Awwww =’3 

boy or girl?
Rio:Either, I’m not bothered ;p
Cody: Slut ___ girl for me pl0x..
Me: Lies.
Cody: STFU woman, what the hell do you know?!?!
Me: Ohohoho, touchy >=3
Cody: =____=
Kia: Not fussed. Either is good.
Suki: Umm.. Boy! Though I don’t think about it all that much really…
Sully: Girl please. 

What do you do to relax?
Rio: Weeeeelll first I grab hold of-
Me: *smacks Rio* No one wants to know. Shut up and go sit in a corner.
Rio: Fine ;___;
Cody: Umm.. I read, paint or play guitar.
Kia: I kill people.
Suki: Kia! That’s aweful… I sit in my garden and watch the clouds =3
Sully: I fiddle with electrical stuff.

Any comments?
Rio: Well I’m sat in the bloody corner like a naughty school boy, so can I please leave this corner of humiliation?
Me: No. Stay.
Cody: …Ummm… Bye? XD *wanders off*
Kia: I have no other comments, I’m leaving. *walks off*
Suki: Kiiiiaaa!! Why do you have to be so cold all the time! Release your inner tree! *runs after Kia*
Sully:…Inner tree? What in Gods name is that girl talking about? *wanders off grumbling to himself*
Rio: Can I come out now?
Me: Are you ready to apologise?
Rio: Wtf woman?! Who do you think you are, Supernanny?!
Me: Do you want to go on the naughty step?
Rio: No…Wait… This is my freaking room!! What are you even doing in here, GTFO!!!
Me: Moody arse.. *leaves*
Rio: …You can go away too, interviewing person… Go on, scram!! *slams door*

And that concludes this interview ^___^ Farewell! XD

I tag anyone who wants to do it XD

1000979  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-12-26
Written: (6120 days ago)

Aaah i remember why i loved my old forums and friends so much... Now, i know the below conversation is kinda racist, but it's bloody funny so stfu...

Imperium: ..Stupid towel heads...
Dunechard: Now now, we must be politically correct. they wear sheets on their heads. Therefore, they are 'sheetheads'.
Ludacris: No they are not 'sheetheads' actually. They are wearing Hijabs on their heads, i'll have you know.
Dunechard: I suppose they wear Lojabs on their feet then?

XD XD I don't know whether that's just my bad sense of humour kicking in, but i found that so bloody funny XD XD ...If no one else finds it funny then it's clear that i, and the rest of them, have issues XD

Sorry if anyone's offended by this, i mean no harm, i just found the hijabs lojabs thing funny XD


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