[Beki in Wonderland]'s diary

1020843  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-03-28
Written: (6026 days ago)

I got up at 11 today despite being up till 5am last night (usually when i do that i sleep until at least 1pm XD) ..i have that tired sicky feeling but i don't mind too much. I NEED to get an early night tonight, since i kinda failed last night and i was supposed to be trying to normalise my sleeping patterns for work XD I just watched Ghost Rider again... Don't get me wrong, i love that film, but what's with all the pointing nonsense!!! ARGH, he just looks like a total spazztoid!!! Recap:

Jonny Blaze: .....*points*..............................you.
ajosiefrpeoasgtsoihytesgrea fail.
Just one of those things that i can't take seriously at all XD

Aaaaanyway. I can't really think of anything to do today, cuz i can't very well do anything in my room when the wardrobe is lying on the floor taking up pretty much all the space in there... I should do some more art really, but i'm not in an arty mood... Fellow artists will understand the annoyance of artists block XD

I think i'll go clean out my chest of drawers.

That is all.


1020676  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-03-27
Written: (6027 days ago)

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY. Lynda's off ill so there's no one to sort out my overtime so i'm freeeeeeeeee for 2 days!!! And as such i have been lazing about and hermiting and generally having a really nice time with me myself and I. I've been doing the staying up till 5am and getting up at 1pm thing again, but that's ok in the holidays i feel XD normal bed-time tonight though cuz i need to be able to get up at 7:30 on Saturday morning to get ready for work at 8:45. BAAAAAAAAAH. Same on Sunday too ¬___¬ buuut i'm not to bothered really. I just like having something to complain about.

I still haven't got it together to go and see Josh... I just can't be bothered, and i know that sounds harsh, but i hardly get any time to myself anymore, what with work and school and coursework and people pestering me to go out drinking and stuff... Eeeeeeeeeeh, i'm not trying to be a scrooge or party pooper, i just want these 3 days to chill out and do nothing but Final Fantasy, Black and White, artwork and bedroom. I've started filling in all the holes in my walls and it's upset me a bit because it's kind of made me realise what a violent and aggressive person i actually am. Some of the holes are unreal, and i can't believe i did them with my own fists... Meh...

Anyway. Got stuff to do so i'll talk later, mutti's nagging again.

Tatty bye!


1020128  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-03-25
Written: (6029 days ago)

I did get to go home at 6 from work the other day, but i didn't even have to make up an excuse cuz the store manager decided to close the store an hour early! (Y) It went REALLY fast because i was busy all morning on clothing then Paul had me running about doing his jobs for ages, which was actually fun (more fun than clothing anyway) so i might have to do more overtime cuz i get the chance to work on Ambient with all the cool people XD

However, i didn't actually get home from work until 7:30 because mum was spazzing driving around all over the place for no reason that she explained. Then i went to Amz's and we had a right laugh XD we went through 2 medium bottles of Bulmers and a big 2ltr bottle of Blackthorn, and i was amazed that it barely did anything to me at all. Wine is the one that gets me wankered... We played beyblades which was awesome, and i actually managed to win one fight XD then we went out for a walk, as usual, and found a tree which we dubbed Amz and Beki's Special Tree XD we pissed about for about an hour scaring people in their cars, then went back to have cheese and crackers! Amz destroyed a bunch of traffic cones and barriers round road works on the way back, and we turned a post box into the Dark Magician (we were on the wine by this point, i should point out). Went to bed at about 2am after watching random shit on Newgrounds for a bit. All in all twas a fun night! ...Oh yeah, and Amz took a very embarassing video of me chewing on a tree yelling 'I'M A BEAVER!!'... That was my drunkest moment XD

I'm not hungover at all today, nothing whatsoever! Got up at 10:30 with no problems, played Final Fantasy for a while, and came home! Good time, good time.

I have only one thing left to say.


Banyaaaaaaiii! That is all.


1019780  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-03-24
Written: (6031 days ago)

MY EASTER EGG IS HALF GREEN!!! omg it's the coolest thing ever XD XD I BET YOU DON'T HAVE A GREEN EASTER EGG DO YA?!?! HUH?! HUH?!?!?!?

Aaaanyway. Work wasn't so bad today, it did drag quite a bit though. Tomorrow i'm going to ask Lynda if i can go home at 6 instead of 7... make some excuse up <.< >.> The actual reason is that i'm going for a PISS UP AND OURAN MARATHON AT AMZ'S!!! Mum's got over her whole 'you will never see her again' thing. Waaaaaaaaaaai!!! I'm looking forward to it, it feels like i haven't seen anyone for weeks, when it's actually only been a few days XD XD Amz has got me into Ouran again, which i haven't seen for ages so i'm fangirling and obsessing again X3

So yeaaaaah. Then i think i'm doing overtime the rest of this week. So bah to that, but Lynda can forget me doing anything but my normal hours on Tueday, cuz if i've been at Amz's i won't be up till 12 and i'll probably be hungover. So i'll just do 4:30 till 10 and she'll have to deal with that.


That is all.


1019616  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-03-23
Written: (6031 days ago)

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai... I'm so freaking tired ¬____¬ i couldn't sleep last night because i was coughing so much and it was keeping me awake. My mum came marching in with a hot lemon at about 1am ranting that if i didn't stop coughing i could sleep in the garden coz i was keeping everyone awake... As if it's my fault i've got a killer cough! ...So i drank the hot lemon and it helped a bit, but then i couldn't sleep, so i watched House Of Wax... It was rubbish ¬___¬ the only good thing about it is that Paris Hilton gets killed. But it bored me to sleep, so that's ok i suppose... Then Makro rang at 10am to find out if i was working i was like 'FWEROAGNHREOAJREAFRAHRE of course i am you told me to!!!!!!!!' ...and she was acting all confused when i told her that she'd told me to do a 12-9 shift... DOES SHE REALLY THINK I'D VOLUNTARILY PUT THAT ON MYSELF?! Someone would have to tell me to do it or there's no way in hell that i'd even consider it. So anyway, she said she only wants me till 8, which is better i suppose, only a normal 8 hour shift that way, but still... They have no organisational skills whatsoever in Makro, you don't ask someone to do overtime then forget about it ¬____¬ Jebus...

Anyway, i'd better go get ready since i have to be ready to leave in half an hour... I'm so not in the mood for Makro today, i'm just going to be coughing my guts up the whole time i'm there and growling at customers to avoid having to speak to them... Oh well, i get payed double since it's easter, and it's overtime so it's all extra money going into my bank account. I'll just complain vigorously about it until i actually get the money, for that is the British way.


That is all.


1019558  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-03-22
Written: (6032 days ago)

Finished watching Hale Nochi Guu =____= now i will seriously have nothing to do for the rest of the holidays XD that was going to be my soul source of entertainment, and now it's over and we're not even into the first week of the holidays yet! DX How am i going to cope!?

Eeh... People should know that i become immensly anti-social during the holidays. I lock myself away, i don't want to see anyone, and thankfully i'm pretty much grounded anyway so i don't need to make excuses. I'm not sure why i go like this, i think i just really enjoy solitude and peaceful aloneness... Sounds weird but hey, that's me... I'm sociable, talkative, cocky etc etc during school time.. Then the minute it's the holidays it's like "Right, me-time now, everyone go away and leave me be for a few weeks!" ...Understandably i've lost friends and boyfriends doing this in the past, cuz no one really understands my need to have some time by myself. They all think i've gone weird when i coop myself up in the holidays, but it's just my thinking time. My time to have emotional ups and downs undisturbed, as you may have noticed from past diary entries o.O ...I guess i become somewhat of a hermit in the holidays... Unfortunately i'm doing overtime nearly every day next week, so there won't be any chances to be hermity. In which case chances are i will be even more anti-social for the last week of the holidays, when i'm only working Monday and Tuesday.

Dammit i'm on overtime tomorrow 12-9... I hope Lynda isn't too mean, i've given her the hours that i can do overtime and she's said she'll 'fit me in' but knowing her that means 9 hour shifts every day next week... I think i'll just die from exhaustion now to save her the hassle of killing me .___. I should have told her that i can't do that much because i've got art coursework and hermiting to do... I'll tell her tomorrow... The art coursework bit <.< >.>

Josh keeps pestering me too ¬___¬ my mum took my phone off me for a while so i had a day of blissful silence, but then the noise and the nagging and pestering started again... Not just him, everyone, wanting to know where i am and what i'm doing and am i going to the party and will i dye their hair AAAAAAARGH!!! Is it to much to ask to have a little time to myself once in a while?!?! It's getting increasingly difficult what with work and my increasingly busy social schedule (i'm not saying i'm super-popular, i'm just saying i have a small group of friends who happen to love going out drinking every night and love dragging me along for the ride). Eeeeeeh... I'm not the kind of person who's good at being rushed around, i like to take things nice and slowly at my own pace, especially if they're things that are supposed to be done at my leisure, like meeting friends and going out and stuff... Bah.

I'm trying to psychoanalyse myself here, this wasn't meant to turn into a ramble, i'm just annoyed at people for not getting that i just want to be on my own for a while. I'm not being emo or depressed, i just like to spend a little time with me, talking things through with... Myself! I know that sounds incredibly weird, but i'm the only one who knows me inside out and upsidown and back to front, so it makes sense that i should spend some time alone with me every now and then...

I sound crazy.

I'm not, i'm just... Erm... A hermit person o.O

I'm going to bed now before this cough kills me.

</rant of dewm>

1019505  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-03-22
Written: (6032 days ago)

*sigh* for all my optimism before, i've slipped back into a very down mood... I had a row with my parents again, and for once i was just trying to stay calm... But it made no difference...

Mum: You can do your room after you've done the dishes.
Me: It's not fair that i'm expected to do my room plus other chores and Ethan does nothing...
Dad: You're going the right way for a punch in the face, girl.
Me: ...I'll call social services if you do... I'm sick of this...
Dad: Shut the fuck up you snotty little bitch.

...And i just walked away. I could have lost my temper with him, i could have screamed and kicked up a fuss, but i didn't. Because i hate fighting and arguing, i just wish they'd see things from my point of view once in a while, since i've tried so hard to put myself in their shoes and work hard and try to better myself. But i still get treated like crap, i feel like the serving maid. If my dad talked to my brother like that my mum would go insane with him, but she just turns a blind eye when he swears at me or hits me or intimidates and threatens me... I don't want to be scared of my dad, but i am, i'm terrified of him. And i'm terrified that i'm going to be like him when i'm older. Part of me wishes i was adopted... At least that would explain the feeling that i'm living with the wrong family. I know there's alot of people who have it worse, but it's no fun being treated like a dog by your dad no matter who you are... In fact he treats the dog better than me, always trying to scare me and see how far he can push it, like he enjoys seeing me cry. And my mum does nothing about it, and my brother doesn't care either. I feel closer to the cat than i do to any of my other family members and that's so sad.

I really, really hope that i was adopted...


1019467  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-03-22
Written: (6032 days ago)

Sooo tiiiiiiiiiiiired ¬____¬ Been cleaning and cleaning none stop for a couple of days, with marathons of Hale Nochi Guu in between cleaning. Yesterday i had a total spazz and ripped all my posters off my walls in a frenzy of poster ripping madness. I have no idea why, i just lost my temper with the walls for some reason. Oh well, i feel better throwing all my old stuff away, it's helping me with this whole 'new start' thing. My counsellor says there's still some 'issues' to address, like my short temper and emotional instability... One minute i'm fine, the next i'm breaking down in tears, the next i'm viciously attacking whatever happens to be closest to me... Eh, it's gonna take more work than i thought to change who i am, but i think it's about time i did. Amazingly, it was Guu who actually got me in the frame of mind to change. She said "You talk about changing, when actually all you're doing is sitting around waiting for those around you to change. If you want to change yourself, you have to get up and act, you're not going to achieve anything sitting here feeling sorry for yourself." and it's true. All this time i've just been waiting for the world to change around me, so i can get my own way. I'm so used to having people fall at my feet and do as i say, having my mum cave in with every fight, my family walking on eggshells around me and my teachers giving in when i argue... It's given me a feeling of power that's not good for me, and i need to change that. I'm acting like a spoilt brat, and that NEEDS to change. I need to stop being so pessimistic too, i have lots to look forward to, i just need to remember that whenever i feel down.

So. Project Fix Beki starts today, and ends when i feel that i'm the person i want to be. I'm not saying i don't like who i am now, there's definately a sadistic side of me who likes all this control and power i have over other people, but i think it all needs to be pushed down until later in life when i might need to be able to take control. But until then, i need to get rid of the Hitler in me and start trying to bring out the Mother Theresa XD I know there's a good person in here somewhere, i just have to find her!

That is all.


1019375  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-03-21
Written: (6033 days ago)

Ahahaha, i just let a load off by having a massive, huge, explosive rant at a stupid retard girl on one of the forums i go to who was typing 'lYk DiS' despite the fact that in the rules it specifically states not to. Basically: (I'm Dogmatic, Magenta is an old Youtube buddy, and.. Well no need to explain who the other one is ¬____¬) 

Dogmatic: Jesus christ what the hell is wrong with you?!?! Can you not read? Were you brought up in a portaloo on mould and Rizla's?! Do you have something wrong with you?!?! Or is your keyboard broken and this is just a big misunderstanding??? For one thing, stop putting z's on the end of everything, it doesn't make you look cool, it gives you a virtual lisp and you look stupid!!! For another thing, no one here likes you! You're scum, you're going to be a public toilet cleaner when you grow up, you'll live in a broom cupboard with 5 benefit babies, a granny that smells of urine and lavatory disinfectant and a fleabitten old cat with a snotty nose!!!!! THAT IS YOUR FUTURE I TELL YOU!!!! Unless you stop typing like that, then your prediction will change, am i right Mags?


CuTiE69: Ur BoTh BiTcH3z!!!

And then she left and me and Mags had a right old laugh. Well it was more a right old 'LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL we're so banned...' XD Oh well, it cheered me up.

Ooooh i sounds like such a bitch, but really, you had to be there. If you'd seen some of the things she was typing, you'd understand why i lost my rag. Well maybe you wouldn't, but i do!!!! I'd copy and paste everything that was said if i could be bothered...

But i can't.

Off to watch Jungle wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Guu DELUXE!!!! X3


1019338  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-03-21
Written: (6033 days ago)

..I hate how people speak to me in this house..

"Shut the fuck up, or i'll put you in a fucking hospital, you won't need to take any pills this time."

Is that really any way to speak to your 17 year old daughter, particularly infront of a 9 year old who is easily upset?

Why do i feel like i just don't belong anywhere?

I'm sure i was born into the wrong time in history... I feel so lost here...


1019241  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-03-21
Written: (6034 days ago)

Been watching Jungle wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Guu for the last 3 hours. It's a brilliant anime, i urge everyone to watch it!!! It's so trippy and hilarious, i love it X3 It's all on youtube aswell, which is goooooooood. Means i don't have to spend any money XD

...i've managed to fill up 3 bin sacks with rubbish from my room today, which is harder than it sounds when you have to sort through everything with a finetooth bloody comb XD but it's done and i feel better.. Maybe mum will get off my back a bit now too. Going to the cinema tomorrow with her and my brother, so i think she's cooled down after the whole parents evening thing.. Did i write that in here? No i didn't... Basically she said that if i don't 'buck up my ideas' then she's pulling me out of 6th form, which is fair enough as i am a lazy twat. But she's also said that i'm not allowed to see Amz or Gemma again outside school, i'm not allowed out with the dudes from work after school, and if she catches me anywhere near Josh she's going to call the police (although they couldn't actually do anything). THAT, i think, is unreasonable. Maybe the going out after school and work isn't so unreasonable, considering how much i drink when i'm out with those guys.. but the not seeing Amz Josh and Gemma, two of my best friends and my boyfriend, is a bit harsh i feel.. Whatever, she's not going to stop me seeing them as i love all 3 of them to death and without them i probably would have exploded from stress by now. So mum's just going to have to get used to the fact that they're part of my life, whether she likes it or not.

Feeling very motivated and optimistic for some reason. Weird how that always seems to happen during the wee hours (it's nearly 2am here). Tomorrow i'll feel like shit and not want to do anything. Lee Evans is right, IT'S THE SLEEP THAT DOES IT!!!! XD But really, i'm feeling great, so hopefully i'll be able to finish my room, do a bit of art, and convince mum to let me go to Amz's since i was banned from going last night.

That is all.


1019073  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-03-20
Written: (6034 days ago)

Cold isn't getting any better... It's been like 2 weeks ¬___¬ my throat is killing me >.<

I'll be on and off today, got alot to do.

That is all.


1018992  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-03-19
Written: (6035 days ago)

Emotional rant, feel free to ignore, just need to vent a bit.

Hrrrmmmm... I dunno what to say really... Still feeling down, not sure why. I can't control my moods lately, and despite my vows to change myself i feel like i'm slipping back in to old ways. I can't control my moods, my emotions, my feelings.. Sometimes it even feels like i can't control my actions, and it's scary. Something tells me i'm looking for something, i just can't figure out what it is. I feel like i don't belong here, or anywhere at all really. I want to go and find whatever it is my subconscious seems to think i need to find. I want to run away from the pain and sadness that this place seems to be writhing with. It's like a dark cloud over me all the time, and i need to get away from it. So many bad memories lurking in corners waiting to jump out and bite me in the face when i feel like i'm beginning to win. I need to be somewhere new, somewhere fresh and different, where there's no shadows of the past lurking around to spite me. Somewhere where i can start making new memories to heal the wounds the old ones have left behind. That's what i want. But i can't run away, i can't leave, not for another two years and i don't know if i'll make it that far. To put it simply, it feels like i'm walking down a long road, and i can just about see my destination on the horizon, but my body is slowly crumbling away as i walk. I don't know if i'll manage to ever reach my destination... But i'm determined to try, to fight, to give it everything i've got. Because, in the end, that's the only way i'm ever going to get out of this horrible place, leave everyone and everything behind me and just start anew. Throw it all away. Yeah...


1018501  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-03-17
Written: (6037 days ago)

Bah. Still confused about boy stuff. Saw him today, felt like my brain went into seizure. I very nearly fell down the stairs. I'm apparently not going to be getting over this for a while XD But i just need to keep thinking "You have a boyfriend, you have a boyfriend, no matter how gorgeous and amazing and unbelievably perfect the other guy is, you already have a boyfriend!!!" ...*grumbles*... I hope i'm doing the right thing in just hoping that it's a crush and it'll blow over eventually... Meh.

Work was boring tonight. I was close to tears by the time i got off jewellery simply because you get alot of time to think when you're just standing there for 4 hours doing nothing. And i did alot of thinking. I'm down at the moment, really down, trying my best to cover it up. Life's been cruel to me the last couple of months, but hopefully things'll start getting better after 2 weeks off over easter. Like i said, i'll fix every other broken thing in my life at the moment when i'm done fixing myself.

Josh bleached his hair. At first i thought it looked ridiculous, but it's kinda growing on me. Dying it blue and pink for him on Thursday. I'm sure he'll regret this XD

That is all.


1018277  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-03-17
Written: (6038 days ago)

*sigh* We live in a sad, sad world. I just came accross someone's page on EP, and she has 'I support our troops and the war' spawled all over the top of her page. Then lower down she has 4 RIP memorials for loved ones she's lost in the war. How corrupt are the minds of people these days? I can't understand it.. If someone i loved died because of the war, i would instantly be against it (i'm against it anyway, but you get the idea).. How can you still support it after it has snatched away so many lives?? The world is just full of all this unnecessary suffering and it's just wrong... Not wrong that it exists, wrong that we just accept it as if it doesn't matter. 'It's not us, why should we care?' ..But it could be! It could be us! Tomorrow a bomb could go off and kill half your family. Then it would matter, wouldn't it?? Gah... I just can't understand why people are so blind to all this! Maybe i think too much, i don't know... It just all seems to warped and messed up to me, and i don't get why no one else seems to be able to see it but me. Ignorance is considered a good thing these days... Bah.

On a lighter (ha) and less ranty-at-the-whole-world note, i had fun in work today despite the fact that i was on a 9 hour overtime shift. It was fun coz all the cool people were on overtime too, so i had lots of people to talk to =] I'm developing a worrying sense of wanting-to-be-single again due to the presence of a certain person in my workplace. Have you ever got that feeling, when that person is walking towards you and it feels like your stomach is doing the high jump and using your heart as a landing mat? And then they talk to you and it just feels like all your internal organs have shot out of your arse and you have no idea what to do or say so you do something stupid like poke yourself in the eye with your own pricing gun? No, neither have i. NEVER. Until now... I've never been awkward around guys, i just find it incredibly easy to talk to them and get on with them and.. Be one of them almost. The only guy i've ever been a bit fumbly around was Isaac and i got over that in about 3 seconds. But i've been working with this person for several months and i still haven't got over my giddy-school-girl act whenever i see him/talk to him. It's bumming me out because it's causing some severe emotional conflict in my brain. I like him, that's obvious, but part of me thinks that i'm just enjoying the opportunity to be away from Josh for a while and have some time to be me (ie a flirty, cocky, over-the-top 17 year old). Another part of me thinks that i might genuinely be falling head over heals for him, in which case what the hell do i do??? Why do i always end up like this... No guys for ages, i finally get a boyfriend, i'm happy as larry for a while and then along comes mister-perfect-guy-i've-always-dreamed-of... JESUS WEPT. Oh well, i'll just see how it turns out i suppose...

That is all.


1018066  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-03-16
Written: (6039 days ago)

Abrneoaipsgjopreawgresw >.< *collapses* I'm tiiiiiiiiired. Very very tired, and i'm working 9 hours overtime tomorrow so i should definately be in bed instead of at the computer, considering it's nearly 2am... BUT I'M ADDICTED TO BLACK AND WHITE!!! Curse you Amz for getting my hooked on this bloody game >.< I can so see this being like my RS phase was over the summer, when i'd sit up on the computer until 5am, get up at 11am and go straight back on the computer, only pausing to eat and walk the dog when my mum made me. It was ridiculous XD

This is a problem i have o.O I get obsessed with things, and those things tend to take over my life completely for a while. I can't just like something, i have to be totally and utterly obsessed with it. Deary me.

Naruto manga made me laugh this week, though it was a predictable end that i've seen in a couple of doujinshi's now, actually. I still think it would have been better if Sasuke died and Itachi reigned supreme, but unfortunately the bad guys never win. Which is a shame, because 9 times out of 10 the bad guys are cooler. I just want to poke Itachi in the head now, bless him =3

Got nothing to do now, i'll either go to bed or go back on Black and White, i haven't decided yet.

Project Gender Bender is underway (Y)

No one will have the faintest idea what i'm talking about. Except [imperfectionist] of course XD


1018033  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-03-15
Written: (6039 days ago)
Next in thread: 1018060

Nina: Hey, have you got a stepladder in there?
Me: *not paying attention*
Me: ARGH! Your face looks like a stepladder!!!
Nina: .....That wasn't the question o.O
Me: *giggling fit*
Nina: *shakes head and walks off*

I'm so glad i managed to save my job!

Home now, internet's back, i'll reply to messages soon!

What's happened the last couples of days...

- Went out with Courtz and Linz, got utterly wankered, ended up asleep under a sign on the main road. Mum had to come and find me at 1am.
- Naturally i wasn't allowed to go to Amz's due to bad behavior the night before, so i spent the day owning on Devil May Cry.
- Moved into the computer room so i can decorate my actual room.
- Had a fire drill at work and got in trouble for pretending to be a casualty.
- Did what i think is the best drawing i've ever done.
- Went out drinking with Nob Job and Carl and had a right old laugh. Nob Job payed for a taxi home for me, which was very sweet of him.
- Spent an evening playing Black and White with Nob Job instead of going to Pentre XD I'm glad i did, it gave me an opportunity to rant and cry at someone.
- Saved my job with much grovelling and the help of one of my worst enemies. Funny how things turn out.
- Accidentally got paid double my normal wage due to what i'm assuming is a mess up in HR. I don't think i'll mention it to anyone XD
- Went on a shopping spree with my mum and bought a shit load of new stuff, which makes me happy.
- Discovered that i make a very convincing boy when i wog my fringe over and put my hood up.

That is all.


1017794  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-03-14
Written: (6040 days ago)
Next in thread:

HI GAIZ!!! On my mum's computer at her work, my internet isn't working so i won't be on for a while! I'll reply to all my messages sooooon i promise! Just letting y'all know i haven't died or anything! Luv u all! Tatty bye!


1016337  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-03-07
Written: (6047 days ago)

I just absolutely pissed myself laughing at Orochimaru's 'big resurrection' on Naruto. I genuinely fell on the floor laughing, i found it so hilarious XD

I'm going to do some art now cuz i feel all inspired for some reason. Nomnomnom.

Really looking forward to going out with Courtz and Linz tonight. Imagine that, getting drunk with my boss! Going to be a right laugh i think! I hope so anyway.. I don't plan on getting too drunk, the last thing i need is to be throwing up infront of my work peeps, that would be embarassing to the max XD

I'll save the throwing up for at Amz's XD XD DIGIMON MARATHON AHOY!!! <3 <3 <3

6 months with Josh tomorrow. CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S BEEN THAT LONG!! XD a whole half a year =O shocking.

Happy today ^_^

Can't type properly thought o.O

That is all.


1016330  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-03-07
Written: (6047 days ago)

I've been talking with my mum about this whole job thing.. Chances are the situation won't be negotiable, in which case i'll be jobless. I'll try my best to get another job but... My mum suggested that i go away to Israel to stay in a Kibbutz for the summer holidays. It'll both give me a chance to get away from here for a while and also travel like i've always wanted to! My mum and dad worked on a kibbutz for a year when they were younger, and they both had an amazing time... I would love to go too! The one i'm considering applying for is right near the dead sea, and i've always wanted to go there. It would be such an amazing experience for me and i think it would do me good to get away from this place and it's people for a couple of months. The work on a kibbutz is hard and you get paid in peanuts pretty much, but they pay for your keep and your food for as long as you want to stay. I just think it sounds amazing.. Everything's arranged for you by the agency, all i would have to do is pay for my flight and insurance and i'd be off! Ooooh i really want to go now, i can't wait! Sod work, sod worrying about everything, out there you're one big family and you work for your keep and nothing else. It's more basic, more simplistic, and so much more inviting than the hectic lifestyle we're forced to live here... I can't wait!

In other news.. I feel better today =] going out with Courtz tonight and going to Amz's tomorrow, so should be a good weekend =]

That is all.


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Written about Thursday 2008-03-06
Written: (6048 days ago)

Feeling ill... I stayed at Gem's last night and i was really sick in the night =( we ended up getting up at 2am because i was shaking so much and i was in and out of the bathroom every 5 minutes so there was no point in trying to sleep. Me and Gem went downstairs and had tea and watched tv for a few hours, which was good =) Eugh, i pretty much just slept on and off all day today, still feeling really sick. We worked on the storyline for our characters Loki and Phoenix, and it's looking pretty good, which is cool =) Still feeling really sick, so i don't know if i'm going to school tomorrow.. Might give it a miss, go to work and try and sort out this job, talk to Courtz and then see if i feel well enough to go out for a few drinks with her later on..

Had fun with Amz in chester yesterday though =3 We got attacked in the street by a cute guy who was asking us about skate shoes, and Amz scared him off with her weird reasoning and rants about Digimon XD Ooooh, speaking of which.. When we went to the toy shop thing on the market and bought a whole box of digimon stickers, we noticed a sign saying there was a Yugioh tournament! We decided there and then that we're going to it and we were both nearly suffocating from laughter discussing what we were going to do to cause havok XD Aaah man, it's going to be fun.

Anyway. I think i'm going to bed now, i don't feel well at all, i think i might be burning up because i feel really hot despite the fact that i'm sitting in a t-shirt and shorts next to the open patio door.. Bleh..

That is all.


 The logged in version 

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