[Beki in Wonderland]'s diary

1034686  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-06-09
Written: (5962 days ago)

HOLES SOUNDTRACK ARRIVED!!! And i'm really over excited about that! It amazes me X3

BUT. This diary entry is a sad one. Today, i went into work as usual. Horace was there, and he had some friends! Friends who i named Helga and Hector. I put a blue spot on Hector and a red spot on Helga so i could tell them apart. Later on, i was walking around with Carl, and he spotted Helga on the floor. He BRUTALLY MURDERED HER. Well he kicked her and accidentally killed her... So i got really annoyed and kicked him and we had a tiny little fight, and then got bored.

Anyway. This entry is dedicated to Helga, the poor dead beetle. May she rest in peace. And may Hector and Horice somehow survive without her.

She was a very pretty beetle.. You know, for a beetle.

That is all.


1034605  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-06-09
Written: (5963 days ago)

OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. I'm in pain. Well sort of. I'm just over reacting actually, but i need something to complain about so i figure i'll complain about my ear. Karl bet me i wouldn't stretch it to an 8 before work today. So i just did. And it hurt. Quite a bit actually. Because my 6 was infected and all bloody and disgusting, so it started bleeding again when i stuck the 8 through. BUT I DID IT. And now i get £5 off Karl XD

But i have a throbby ear. Which is going to annoy me endlessly in work, so i'll probably be really snappy with everyone XD

Actually, no, i'll just take co-codamol before i go. It takes away aaaalll pain, it's like a mild dose of morphine :D So co-codamol down the hatch and i should be fine for a 6 and a half hour shift. YAY.

Erm... Back to school today. Wasn't that eventful, didn't even feel like we'd been away long.

We're having our artwork displayed in a gallery. Me and Amz invited Skye to come and see it, so we can sneakily turn him into one of the exhibits. "Skye the Mop" because of his new blue dreads XD

And Viper is coming to stay with me. Bad idea? Yes, probably, but i don't care. We have a plan. Amz is coming to stay too, Viper is sleeping on the sofa and me and her are going to ignore him and play Champions of Norrath all weekend XP

Fun fun.

That is all.


1034488  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-06-08
Written: (5963 days ago)

Hmph, i'm bored and i have nothing to do, so i think it's time for a ramble... Since i haven't rambled for quite some time... Not properly anyway.
The only problem is i don't really have anything to ramble about... Erm...

The beetle was back today o.o I've named him Horace. He's a very nice beetle, but he gets in the way when i'm trying to serve customers. I had to keep leaping about to avoid squashing him. Simon asked me what i was doing, and i told him i didn't want to step on Horace. He gave me a very funny look, he probably thought i'd lost my mind completely in the heat XD

Yes, that's how bored i get in work. I make friends with beetles. Welcome to my life.

Back to school tomorrow. I'm quite looking forward to it actually! It'll be nice to see everyone again, even if it's only been a few weeks, it feels like forever! I've missed our noisy form time and annoying miss B! XD

I've decided that when i'm 'grown up', whenever that may be, and i actually have a substantial amount of money and a house of my own, i'm going to have a whole menagerie of animals! I was talking to Karl about it to day, and the looks he was giving me kept getting weirder and weirder as i chose species and names for all my future pets XD

First off, nice and simple, i want 5 cats. Sanzo, Gojyo, Goku, Hakkai and Betty. You'd understand that if you watched the episode of Saiyuki where they get a kitten XD
Then i'd have tarantulas, because Spike used to have loads and they're the only things with more than 4 legs that im not scared of. 3 boys called Aragog, Spindleshanks and Wilson (don't ask, it was a 'you had to be there' moment), and two girls called Charlotte and Shelob. They have their names for a reason.
Then i'd have an iguana called Milo. I don't really know why o.o
A Minor Bird called Shakespeare (Will for short XD)
A rat called Scabbers
A ferret called Moakjak
A corn snake called Winston
An Asp (yes, a venoumous snake, i'd keep it in a tank) called Cleo
A python called Orochimaru (Oreo for short XD)
A hamster called Special Patrol Group (anyone who gets that also gets a hug XD)
A huskie called Nanuk
A Saluki called Shadi
And a fish called Vyvyan. A really big fish. Catfish maybe.

And i will be very happy with all my animals. And probably drive whoever i live with absolutely crazy XD

Yeah Karl offended me by telling me he wouldn't be able to find me in a house full of animals. I threw my half eaten apple at him and he did a gorilla impression, which apparently proved his point. So i threw his coffee in the bin and he sulked for a while.

And then it was all ok again o_____o

That is all.


1034469  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-06-08
Written: (5963 days ago)

Work wasn't so bad today, it didn't feel like such a long shift, which was nice XP Sat in the canteen with the usual people and watched House, cuz i had it on my phone XD Best quote ever:

House: He was hit by a bullet, aswell.
Cameron: He was shot?!
House: No, someone threw it at him.

XP me and Karl found the biggest pie i've ever seen in my life, and tried to steal it. We failed miserably and had to put the pie back XD

I'm still scared of my temper you know =/ Have you ever tried to have a normal conversation with your parents and they've just turned it into an argument for no reason? Yeah, it's infuriating.. So i just had an argument with my mum, came upstairs, picked up a hammer and smashed the bin. I didn't even know what i was doing, i just needed to break something. I'm just scared that one day i'll need to break something and that something will be another person, not a wall or door or bin.

Viper started talking to me again last night. He really pisses me off, he only talks to me when he wants something, and he totally sucks up to me being really nice but it's so obvious he's only trying to get something. So i told him i'd turned into a zombie while he was away and then i wouldn't talk to him XD

So i'm calm now, once i've broken something i calm down XP which is good. I do feel like taking out some frustrations on Champions of Norrath though... It's the best game evaaaaar!! :D

LAST WEEKEND SHIFT FOR THE REST OF THIS MONTH!!!!!!!!! *thrilled* 3 whole weeks of only working two 6 and a half hour shifts a week! BLISS!!!!


1034362  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-06-07
Written: (5964 days ago)

Also, i'm stretching my ear to a 10 at some point next week. Then hopefully a 12 so i can finally hang my shark tooth from my ear with pride XD I just reminded myself of this by talking to my mum about it o.o

Mum: Why did you buy more of those thingies that go in your ear?
Me: I'm stretching it bigger..
Mum: WHY?
Me: So i can put a metal tunnle through it and hang a hoop from it and hang my shark tooth from that!
Mum: You'll look like a barbarian!
Me: I KNOW AYE!!! :D
Mum: =____=;;

XD good times, good times o.o


1034358  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-06-07
Written: (5964 days ago)

Had an amusing day at work today. I spent 3 hours in the kiosk watching an insane beetle run round and round the room, it was quite amusing. Ended up with 3 people in there watching the beetle run round and round, it was bizarre but funny. Then Karl moved a box and the beetle had a complete spazzy fit and fell over, so we ignored it o.o

Other than that, i have a headache and i think i'm overdrawn. Again. Bastard.. And my mum's lost my ISA book so i can't even steal money from there and transfer it over to fix my own ridiculous financial problems XD It's ok though, i found a tenner so i'll plonk that in my bank and hopefully that'll solve everything o.o

That is all.


1034220  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-06-06
Written: (5965 days ago)


Sooooo, once again stealing things from Atay's diary XD Photo isn't mine.. Try this!:

1) Go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random and look at the name of the article. That is the name of your band.

2) Next, go to http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3 and check the last four
words of the very last quote. That is the name of your album.

3) Finally, head over to http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days/ and look at the third image. Whatever it is, that will be your album cover.

4) Muck all three up with your favorite photo-editing program and post the result.

XP I had fun. I got over excited by it and did a few more as well, i just liked this one best. The others are here The Album Covers XD o.o

That is all.

1033986  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-06-05
Written: (5966 days ago)

Stole off Atay! Stop putting exciting things in your diary woman!! :D
I'm addicted to these, they make me happy XD Mainly cuz it's an easy and lazy way to build on a character's personality <.< >.>
I warn you in advance, Kim and Sheer are two VERY opinionated and VERY rude people. There are a few bits in here that may offend a few people. Just a warning XD

1. Choose a few of your own characters. Five at the most.
2. Make them answer the following questions.
3. Then tag three people.
4. Feel free to go ahead and add some questions yourself

Reid: The Twelfth Hour (an msn RP XD how sad is that lerd?!?! :D)
Kim: Same as Reid. And Kim is a BOY.
Sheer: Ditto the other too. And this one's a girl XP
Seren: aka Serendipity. Another girl, from The Twelfth Hour again. 

Hello everyone. I have a few questions to ask all of you.
Reid: Ok cool. *puts book down*
Kim: What the hell man? I'm busy! *glaaaaaaaare*
Sheer: *death glare*
Seren: You people are a bunch of moody asses, you know that?

How old are you?
Reid: 29. Oh my Gods, I'm nearly half way to 60! That's awful XD
Kim: 25...
Sheer: I don't know.
Seren: Ehe... I'm around 3000. Not actually sure *sweatdrop*
Beki: Umm.. I should explain.. Sheer and Seren are both what's called 'Ancients'. Basically they live a hell of a lot longer than normal people. Kim is half 'vampire' though he hates being called that, and Reid is just a normal human :D

What do you like to eat?
Reid: Hmm... Duck!
Kim: ¬___¬ Human life force, mainly. No, I do not drink blood, that's a stupid fucking stereotype. I'm NOT A VAMPIRE DAMMIT.
Sheer: Meat. Raw, cooked, still breathing. All are good. 
Seren: Ew... I'm a vegetarian... So... Vegetables! :D
Kim: Oh GOODY! </sarcasm>

Do you have any interesting traits?
Reid: Urm... Not really.
Kim: Reid is a boring ass who constantly has his nose buried in a book. His most interesting trait is that he's half blind, and that's just stupid.
Reid: Thanks for that Kim. Whereas your most interesting trait is that you like to kill people and suck out their life force. That's so much better than being half blind.
Kim: Fuck you, jerk off...
Seren: Mature guys... Well apart from my fact that I've outlived over 10 generations of my own family... I can use magic... I guess that's interesting XD
Sheer: I have tattoos on my face. I did them myself. I think that's interesting.
Reid: I think that's scary...
Kim: And I think you're a pussy. Now we're done with the opinions, can we move on?

How do you spend your time here on elftown?
Reid: Elftown? What's that? I don't think I've ever met an elf...
Kim: *absent mindedly* I killed an elf once... They've got very tasty life force...
Sheer: =____= I don't know what that is and I don't care. Can I go please?
Seren: No, sit down Sheer. I'm... Not sure what Elftown is... But I have met a few elves and they're a very pleasant race!
Kim: “And they're a very pleasant race”... Come on Seren, stop spreading on the honey, we all know you're an evil bitch deep down.
Seren: *under her breath to Kim* Kim I'm going to rip your useless little face off in a minute if you don't shut the hell up and act like a civil human being!
Kim: *under his breath* See what I mean...

Are you a virgin?
Reid: Not at all, I'm married, and I have a daughter XD
Kim: You could be married and be a virgin... It wouldn't surprise me with you...
Reid: *rolls eyes* Yes, but I can't be a virgin and have a child, dumbass.
Kim: OOOOOH Reid said a bad word! :O :O </sarcasm> I'm not a virgin.
Sheer: No, because you like to rape your victims before you suck out their brains, right? *sneer* ...No, I'm not.
Seren: I've been alive for over 3000 years, what do you think? XD

Who's your mate/spouse?
Reid: My lovely wife Amella ^.^
Kim: His lovely wife Amella.
Reid: KIM!
Kim: *smirk*
Sheer: Don't have one..
Seren: Me neither. My husband died a LONG time ago. He was, alas human, and as such had a human lifespan. I could never bring myself to remarry..

Have you killed anyone?
Reid: Certainly not.
Kim: You don't know what you're missing.
Reid: I'll remain ignorant, thanks.
Sheer: Yeah, 'course. For fun too, it's my hobby ^__^
Seren: The only thing you truly enjoy... She was raised a barbarian, so she can't be fully blamed... Alas, I have fought in countless wars, so I'm as guilty of murder as Kim and Sheer.

Do you hate anyone?
Reid: Hate is such a strong word... But... I cannot deny my hatred for the Gloom...
Kim: I'm half Gloom you jackass! *snarl*
Reid: ...I rest my case...
Sheer: I hate everyone.
Seren:...As an Ancient, I have seen a lot of hatred, and it never brings any good to the world. So no, I don't.
Beki: I should explain.. Again... The Gloom are a race very similar to vampires... They feed on life force mainly, and also on people's strongest traits. For example: intelligence, sexuality, confidence, optimism.. Or indeed pessimism, hatred, lust, envy etc etc.

Do you love anyone?
Reid: My wife, and my beautiful daughter Marie.
Kim: Love? What a tasty snack...
Sheer: *rolls eyes*
Seren: No, not anymore.

What do you do to relax?
Reid: I read, play piano and talk to my wife. She's very intelligent, she's a wonderful person to just sit and chat too ^////^
Kim: Sex, smoking, alcohol, killing. All very relaxing.
Sheer: I kill things. Or just hurt them. In fact, torture is more relaxing, I feel.
Seren: I sing =3
Reid: And you do so beautifully, I must say =]
Any parting words?
Reid: Well... Goodbye I suppose!
Kim: ...Cunt.
Reid: KIM! What the hell is wrong with you??
Kim: I thought I might as well end with the biggest taboo in the dictionary *shrug*
Sheer: I agree with Kim. Nigger.
Seren: *smacks Kim and Sheer round their heads* SHUT THE HELL UP YOU PAIR OF TOTAL IDIOTS!!! We should seriously prevent these two from ever breeding, it would be no loss to the world! I apologise for them, I really do, they're atrocious. *smacks them again* My parting words are... Never listen to anything these two say. Especially Kim. Toodles!

1033676  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-06-04
Written: (5967 days ago)

Stole this off Atay :p

Q: Type in "<your name> needs" in the Google search:

A: Beki needs a cactus shoved up her vagina
LOL XD best thing ever

Q: Type in "<your name> looks like" in Google search:

A: Beki looks like she's been smoking the reefer

Q: Type in "<your name> says" in Google search:

A: Beki says goodbye to the AAA
Yes. Yes i do.

Q: Type in "<your name> wants" in Google search:

A: Beki wants to destroy her school

Q: Type in "<your name> does" in Google search:

A: Beki does london
Yes i do XD

Q: Type in "<your name> hates" in Google search:

A: Beki hates school
No i don't o.o

Q: Type in "<your name> asks" in Google search:

A: Beki asks Jack to start serving brunch
Who's Jack? XD

Q: Type in "<your name> goes" in Google search:

A: Beki goes to school
All these are about school o.o

Q: Type in "<your name> likes" in Google search:

A: Beki likes cake

Q: Type in "<your name> eats" in Google search:

A: Beki eats catnip
LOL yeah i do..

Q: Type in "<your name> wears" in Google search:

A: Beki wears a stunning red dress

Q: Type in "<your name> was arrested for" in Google Search:

A: Beki was arrested for having sex with a student
NOOOOOOOOOOOO it's out :O i've slept with a student!!! Oh noez!!! How bad of me XD

LOL that amused me..


1033560  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-06-04
Written: (5968 days ago)

I. Am. In. So. Much. Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaain ;___;

This started last night, woke me up at about 2am. I can't move my head. Seriously. I have no idea what i've done, but every time i move my head i get this pain shooting up from the top of my spine between my shoulders, right round the back and sides of my head. And it's PAIN. I have quite a good pain tolerance, you kinda have to when you've got permanent deep muscle damage in your back, so i'm not exagerating when i say this REALLY fucking hurts. To the extent where when i woke up i thought "ow, my head hurts", then i looked to the left and instantly threw up because it hurt so much. It's taken me 3 hours to motivate myself enough to deal with getting out of bed, and that hurt so much i nearly cried. Now i'm trying my hardest not to move my head at all. I'm doped up on co-codamol to deal with the headache (which is separate from the neck pain, just a constant dull ache).. and i keep getting dizzy spells and nausea. Not nice. I think i'm gonna have to cancel my driving lesson and drinking session, because right now i feel like i should be booking my funeral.

Aaanyway. I'm still refusing to go to the doctors. This family is a bunch of hypochondriacs. Me and my dad are the only one's who aren't, and we're the only ones who actually have something wrong with us. Ironic really. My brother gets a rash, he's got Lupus. I get flu, it's Meningitis. Dad kicks a pigeon, he's got Cryptococcosis. You get the picture, mum always thinks there's going to be something seriously wrong, so i'm just going to say i strained my neck doing lifting in work or something (lol yeah lifting the really heavy cigarettes off the shelf o.o). I just don't want to cause another mass-family panic. It's ridiculous and i can't be doing with it...

So. My diagnosis is: I have no idea what's wrong. Maybe it's linked to my muscle problems somehow.
My treatment: Dope up on co-codamol and any other painkillers i can get hold of, and carry on like normal. Except for driving lessons. I think i'd be dangerous on the road, dizziness is bad when driving.

I just wanted to complain somewhere without causing a huge family-wide panic attack, so i'll complain here where i know they can't see it XD

That is all.


1033310  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-06-03
Written: (5969 days ago)

Helloooooooooooooo!!! Man i've been neglecting this diary! Gone are the days i used to write in here diligently every single day without fail XD

Sooo...update... Erm... Ok the major events of late have been, went to Amz's, went to chester (twice XP) spent £15 on games (Solid Snake 3, Urbz and Clock Tower 3) and Amz bought Champions of Norrath which turned out to be fecking awesome XD So we pretty much played that none stop for 2 days o.o Then i had to buy it too, went on ebay on sunday night, bought it, and it arrived today! 2 hours before i have to go to work so i'm going on a gaming spree XD

Erm... What else has happened? I was really ill yesterday, but i still went into work. Felt sick and dizzy the entire 6 and a half hours, then threw up just before i went home XD piss take that, if i'd thrown up earlier i would have been sent home, but noooooo i had to go and wait till the very last minute XD Still feel sick today, probably due to being up till 3am last night throwing up, but i'm still going into work. I need money and i don't wanna take any more time off anyway..

I'm only working 1 weekend this month instead of two, which rocks! XD so i won't get a huge paycheck for june... I don't care cuz i'll get a huge one for may because i did overtime and bank holidays XD double time ftw!!

So yeah, that's all i had to say really... I'm turning into such a money grabber o.o

That is all.


1032038  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-05-27
Written: (5975 days ago)
Next in thread: 1032324

Yeah, i was right, work cheered me up and i feel better now. There was a box of chocolates on the jewellery counter with my name on, which was sweet =] no idea who they were from, but hey, it's free chocolate XD

I think i'm gonna go chill and play final fantasy for a bit. Only 1 more day of work to go and i'm freeeeeee!! XP


1031953  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-05-27
Written: (5976 days ago)

Grrrr. Really pissed off with my mum at the moment... She asked me to check her email for her to see if some archery dude had emailed back, and while i was at it i was reading through the emails my cousin had been sending her. Nothing wrong with that, it's my cousin, i wanted to see what she was up to since i hardly ever talk to her, and it turns out my mum has pretty much been slagging me off to my entire family without me knowing about it. And i'm not talking the usual 'oh she's so lazy' or 'she's such a pain', but really nasty, un-called for stuff that's just upsetting. I was glad to read that my cousin had been tactfully ignoring those comments, as had the other family members, but it's still really upsetting to read things like that. So i'm pretty much not talking to my mum at the moment, and if she thinks i don't have a valid reason for ignoring her she can go to hell. Hopefully she'll figure out why i'm pissed off and try and explain herself, that way it'll give me a chance to let loose hell on her. If i'm provoked, it's not my fault, right pshychiatrist? ¬___¬

So yeah, just generally pissed off today and actually looking forward to going to work just so i can get away from this shithole for a while. Only two days of work to go and i'm free for 4 days. A 5 and a half hour shift and a 7 hour shift. I think i can handle that.

I'll probably have calmed down by the time i get home tonight, i'm just peeved at the moment... I can get in a bad mood with someone but usually it never lasts... Unless they REALLY upset me, then i can hold a grudge like the best of them.

Whatever, i'm off to do something productive for an hour before i have to get ready for work.


1031669  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-05-25
Written: (5977 days ago)
Next in thread: 1031874

I should have been in beeeeeed several hours agooooo.. but i got distracted by possibly the funniest game in existence. It was german, or swedish, or something like that, so i had no idea what was going on. But there was a very angry egg in the bottom corner screaming like a maniac in swedish/german/whatever, and it made me giggle.

Kinda missing the single life =/ WAOW. I know that's a bit random, after talking about an angry egg, but it just kinda occured to me that i've fallen out of one relationship and straight into another, something i've NEVER done before. Because i prefer to have a few months inbetween of being single and whorish. I'm getting withdrawal symptoms XD Oh well, if it works it works, if it doesn't.. Too bad, i've made yet another mistake and i'll just have to deal.

I felt really, really weird in work today... I came over all House all of a sudden... Some guy was talking to me, and i was just noticing things about him, and then i just blurted out 'Do you have heart problems??' ...And he was all '..Yeah, recently diagnosed.. but how did you know??' ...and then i had to explain that his fingers were 'clubbing' (aka, swelling at the end) and it was a sign of heart problems. He asked me if i was training to be a doctor. I told him i watch too many hospital shows. He laughed, which is good, at least he didn't get offended XD

I'm running out of things to talk about, but i really don't want to go to bed so i have to... wait a sec.. what the feck... There are 11 firefox windows open, how did that happen o.o *curious* ...Oh, all pop ups. Thats what you get for playing swedish angry egg games at stupid o'clock at night.

I'm going to bed now, i'm dying here. Seriously.


1031656  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-05-25
Written: (5977 days ago)

Meeeeeeh. I just got back from drinking in Ewloe with Amz lerd... I feel sick because Skye's car smells funny and it was too hot =[ stupid person. Buuuut i had fun anyway XP

I feel all nostalgic now because i was just reading through all my old journals and surveys on ET and i found one that mentioned Ash (a really cool pirate-type dude i met at Download) and it got me really missing him XD (lame i know)..SO i've texted him and all the other people i've been neglecting and i feel better now...

*looks up*

46 messages.

I should really do something about that...

Work tomorrow at 9am *dies*

Better go to bed then, since i've been drinking, i know i won't get up tomorrow if i don't get a decent night's sleep XD

That is all.


1031319  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-05-24
Written: (5979 days ago)

Woke up at 7.30 this morning to my phone ringing... It was my boss telling me i don't need to come in till 11.30 X3 Sooo i was like 'well fuck that' and i went back to sleep... And now it's 9.30 and i'm happy ^.^

Buuuut in an hour and a half i'm gonna have to get myself ready ¬___¬ and i'm not leaving work till 8pm now, instead of the usual 5.30, which kinda sucks... But hey, i can deal, it's not the end of the world.

I'm just thinking if i'd actually got up at 7.30 i could've played final fantasy for a while XD As it turns out, i now have to walk the dog and do other things, so there's no time for FF =/

Soooo... Whatever... I'm working 5 days straight now and i hardly ever do that anymore... Today 11.30am-8pm, tomorrow 10am-6.30pm, monday 9am-5.30pm, tuesday 4.30pm-10pm, wednesday 2.45pm-10pm... THEN I'M OFF THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY AND I INTEND TO SPEND THOSE DAYS SLEEPING!!!! O.O *hyperventilates*

I'm off now to take the dog for the quickest walk in history so i can maybe get an hour of FF in before work *dork*


1031263  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-05-23
Written: (5979 days ago)
Next in thread: 1031305

CCCCCCCCBBBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAA. Work tomorrow. Really really cba. ARGH. I'm working 8 hour shifts 3 days in a row now which is something i really don't want to do >.< 2 8 hour shifts a week is enough for me, i don't need bloody three. And then wednesday i'm doing a 7 hour shift which is just as bad really.. GAYFACE. Ah well. Think of the money, think of the money, think of the money...

I've made a really big mistake with something too =/ and i'm not sure if it's possible to resolve it without someone getting hurt. And i don't want to hurt anyone, not again, i've done enough of that recently thank you very much. Soooo once again stuck in a vicious circle, and it's entirely my fault, and i know full well someone is going to end up getting hurt, and it's probably not going to be me, which in a way makes it worse *headdesk* why do i always get myself into these situations?? >.<

Had a huge blazing row with Carl over the phone earlier, which has really done nothing to lighten my already abysmal mood. I'll just avoid him for a while, i can't be doing with petty arguments.

I seem to be losing alot of friends recently =/ Maybe they're right, maybe i am changing... Ah well, maybe it's for the better too. It's not getting me down so it's nothing to worry about.

On a lighter note, been playing FFXII all day. Balthier = My future husband. Do i care that he's a computer animated character? No. No i really don't. :p

Off to bed now, early start tomorrow =___=;;



1030438  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-05-20
Written: (5983 days ago)
Next in thread: 1030442

Maaaaaaaaagh again XD I'm going to have a busy week this week. All i REALLY want to do is sit in my room and play Final Fantasy 12 until my eyes explode, buuuut i can't do that. I have relations that need to be maintained if i don't want to die a sad, lonely dorkazoid XD Soooooo, tonight after work i'm heading over to Gemma and Nathan's to have a mini-piss-up with those two, which should be fun. Then i'm coming home some time wednesday, getting myself looking semi not-hungover and going for my driving lesson at 6. THEN i'm going over to Amz's to sort out our next cosplay and i'm staying there wednesday night through thursday. Then FINALLY i can spend thursday night and friday day playing final fantasy till i drop XD ...Then i'm working at the weekend. DEPRESSING. Oh well.

Sooooo, those are my plans for this week. My plans for the week after: work monday, tuesday and wednesday, do bugger all for the rest of the week. Then i've got two more weeks to plan around but i'll do that when i get there. THEN it's back to school to start a new year (which will last 1 month, then i'm on summer break. Seems pointless, right? It is.) and THEN the Borders Anime Con, which is like the big black blob on the horizon of the next few months. The looming event of the year XD Good god, i don't think i'm going to get any rest until christmas the way things are going... AH WELL.

You see how much of a jerk i am? I've just realised, i'm making going to see my friends sound like a big chore. It's not, not really. Leaving the house is the big chore, once i'm in someone elses house and i can sit down again i'm ok XD It's just the inbetween preparation and movement that bothers me.

Laziest person in the world? Why yes, i think i am.


1030415  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-05-20
Written: (5983 days ago)
Next in thread: 1030425

Maaaaaaaaagh... Ok, i don't feel like i've written in here for ages... Despite the fact that it's only been like 4 days, i usually update 5 times a day XD So it's weird.. The reason for this is there's been alot of fighting and general shit-ness here and i just couldn't be bothered writing about depressing stuff. So i've waited for all that to boil over and disappear and now things are normal again i can write in my journal again.

I'm burning a CD at the moment. Something really amused me about 2 minutes ago and i'm still laughing. My cursor, for no reason whatsoever, turned into a banana when i was burning the CD. Anywhere else on the desktop my cursor was normal, boring old white pointer, but when i went to my burn list it turned into a wiggling banana XD really amused me..

Erm... Not much has been happening here recently apart from the fighting... I was in work yesterday, and Paul amused me with his invention of the word 'Piss-take-arettes', describing the thousands upon thousands of cigarettes me and him had to count XD Other than that work was dull as always. I made an elastic band ball.

Also yesterday i got described as a likeable jerk by the dude who works in the shop in my village. I always stop for a chat when i'm there, I was up there buying cheese and we were talking. The conversation went something like this::

Me: It's really quiet in here lately..
Him: The summer heat brings nothing but insects.
Me:... Are you going to explain that or is it supposed to be one of those mysterious metaphors that makes you sound cool?
Him:...I mean that.. Oh nevermind.
Me: No, i'm interested now. Are you possibly suggesting that i'm an insect? Or maybe you're the insect, you're just in denial about being an insect so you accuse the rest of the world of being them. Is that it? Are you harbouring a secret lust for dragonflies?
Him: You're a jerk you know. A likeable jerk, but still a jerk.
Me: why thank you!

XD It amused me. So he's an insect and i'm a walking contradiction. What a pair o.o

Anyway, i've gotta go and clean my room and get a bag sorted and get ready for work. BLAAAAH. That is all.


1029926  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-05-17
Written: (5985 days ago)

Soooo went into Cheshire Oaks today. I BOUGHT HOUSE SEASON 1 AND 2!!! Now i have 1, 2 + 3, so i'm happy XP House marathon ftw!! And FFXII came today so i'm gonna be up all night XP Me and Amz decided who we're cosplaying as for the next con.. DUN, DUN, DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!! We're gonna be....... Dark and Daisuke from D.N Angel! Which should be fun XP Gay couple ftw o.o

We saw Shutter today. I wasn't that impressed by it to be honest. In fact, it was hilarious. I'm not gonna spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it, but there was two bits in it that literally had me spazzing with laughter, to the point where Amz had to restrain me because i looked like a crazy person XP 

OOOOOOOOOOH and for anyone interested in any of my creative writings, spare a minute to look at The RWG Project, which is just a little creative experiment i'm doing :p

That is all.


1029757  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-05-16
Written: (5986 days ago)
Next in thread: 1029833

Still drawing Balthier.. OBSESSED!! He's sexy. EXAMS OVER NAOW!!!! HAPPYYYYYY!!!!! X3 I think i failed miserably, but i don't care, because they're over and i don't have to worry about them until August!!! I was meant to be going out celebrating with Amz tonight, but lo, my parents came up with some reason for me to stay home...

Me: Mum, i need a lift to Buckley.
Mum: What for?
Me: I'm going out drinking with Amz to celebrate end of exams.
Mum: No you're not. All you ever do is go out drinking. I'm sick of it, you're staying here.
Me: Whyyyyyy?!?!
Mum: Well, you have to clean the playroom, and you can do the washing, and feed the animals while i'm out, and hoover the landing and-
Me: OH MY GOD!!!
Mum: What??
Mum: ¬____¬ Get cleaning.

So i've been cleaning =____= No worries though, i've got a month off school now so there's plenty of time for going out and getting drunk ^.^ for now, i'll focus on finishing my invisible chores so i can go to Cheshire Oaks with Amz Lerd tomorrow =D

Oh, and when i got home today, my Vaan figure had fallen off his stand and faceplanted straight into Balthier's crotch. I nearly pissed myself laughing XD XD Wish i'd got a photo... Priceless moment :p

I'm such a nerd XD


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