Lol, work:
Rachel: You know what, i think i have an old guy fetish...
Abby: Yeah me too...
Me: Me three XD
Rachel: Seriously, i have a crush on a 21 year old..
Abby: Lol, Rach that's not old, i like a 27 year old!
Me: Guys, you both suck. I got off with a 39 year old at Bloodstock and i wouldn't say no to Nikki Sixx who is pushing 50.
Abby: Omg, you weirdo!
Rachel: That's old guy fetish extreme!!
Best conversation ever.
OOOOOH MAAAAAAAAI GOOOOOOOOD GAIZ!!!! Bloodstock was fricking epic this year XD XD XD I had soooo much fun, it's unreal, it went so fast!! I want to go back naow =[
I really cba doing a big long rant about it like i did last year, but lets just say this year will stick in my memory forever XD We had the BEST tent neighbours anyone could ever ask for, they were so amazing! And the rest of the people on our tent 'street' were pretty awesome too! We had Matt, Phil, Rob and Alex opposite us (we had our own little 'drinking garden' and everything!), then we had the two Skye's on the opposite side of the street to us (named Skye 1 and Skye 2 by us because they reminded us of future versions of Skye 'The Original' XD) and a crazy Australian dude called Steven 6 tents down from us. I saw some people from last year too, Fred and Ross, Wiggles and the Commodore, and of course the Shauns!!! WHO REMEMBERED ME!!!! Purple Shaun (aka me XD) returned this year XD THERE WAS A FOOKING SHISHA/HOOKAH TENT!!! Full of hippies and awesome people, i was in and out of there constantly XD We had a 'Weed Plz' sign, which actually worked XD we spray painted all over our tent and spent most of the weekend chilling in our 'garden' and mooching round the shops XD we saw about 5 bands out of the 30-something playing, but that doesn't matter XD we got interviewed for the dvd, made loads of friends, got really drunk, got about 2 hours sleep every night, got muddy and wet, AND HAD THE BEST FRICKING TIME EVER MIGHT I ADD?!?!!!!!!
Oh and also, several epic quotes came from Bloodstock this year.
1 - (welsh accent) "Everyone here is SO nice!!" (courtesy of Matt XD)
2 - (shouted) "BACK SCRATCHER!!!!" (Matt started it, it spread through the entire campsite by the end of the weekend, everyone was shouting it XD)
3 - "WHERE IS RUBBER MAN!?!?" (mine XD shouted until someone replies with "I AM RUBBERMAN!!!!" then i'd say "RUBBERMAN YOU ARE MY NEMESIS!!!" ...and that was it XD)
4 - "Would you like some epic with your Bloodstock? ....Plix." (used for anything, it's more just the 'would you like some _____ with your ______ ....Plix.' joke courtesy of our wonderful neighbors XD)
So yeah, that was this years BOA in a nutshell, i'll probably have more to say about it later, but it was the best BOA ever this year, minus the rain XD
See you next year mutha fuckaaaaaaaaaaaaas!!!! O____O
*and breathe*
I'm going off on my merry way to Bloodstock tomorrow, and i have NOTHING ready. I'm not packed or anything, and omg i just sneezed my glasses off, what a retard XD XD I'm extremely tired and extremely hyper at the same time, it's a bad combination XD XD i have to pack, i don't know why i'm on here.. First things first i have to figure out a way to smuggle my drink onto the campsite, because you're not allowed to take alcohol on site this year, what a pisser! So i'm doing a smuggling job with the drink XD Second i need to choose clothes, third i need to make sure i've got EVERYTHING, fourth i need to panic and re-check everything, then i need to go to bed so i can lie awake for 4 hours worrying about getting my exam results tomorrow XD
So yeah, going to pack now!!!
Felt like a long day in work today.. I went and sat in the changing rooms instead of the canteen on my break today, because i didn't feel like talking to anyone. I've been really down again recently, i can't work out why. I refused any more counselling a while back because they don't help at all, now i'm thinking that was probably a bad idea... If i didn't have to work i probably wouldn't even bother to get out of bed, it's got to the point where i can't be arsed with anything. Mum wants to take me to the doctors again because she thinks i'm depressed. It's time of the month aswell which isn't helping... Mine is so retarded at the moment, i get it once every two or three months now, it's so stupid. Apparently it's a sign that one of your ovaries isn't working... Pah, i don't care, i only need one anyway.
I'm not speaking to ALOT of people, because alot of people have pissed me off. Petty things, things that normally wouldn't bother me, but recently they've been really getting to me and i've just stopped talking to alot of people. One guy made a comment about my weight, because i've dropped quite a bit off, and he thinks i'm starving myself... I kicked off on him and now i'm refusing to talk to him, but even i don't know why.. He was only worried about me ¬____¬ HUUUUUUUUH.
Gotta sort myself out again.
I have a headache now ¬____¬ Bed time.
Are you keeping a big secret right now?
Nope, don't think so.
How many posters do you have in your room and of what?
8. I used to have hundreds before i redecorated though... Now i have 1 of Gojyo from Saiyuki, one of Mr.K from Gravi, and 6 of the Joker from the Dark Knight XD
Besides sleeping, what else do you do in your room?
Watch tv, play videogames, draw, and just generally chill.
If you had a baby with the last person you texted, what would the baby's last name be?
Despite the fact that it would be impossible, it would be Partridge XD
Do you like Canada?
Magh, not really bothered XD
Who do you live with?
What's the last number you've entered into your cell phone?
My home number to get a lift home yesterday cuz i was hungover and didn't want to walk XD
What kind of grades do you get in school?
Is money important to you?
How much time per day do you have to relax and be alone?
A few hours at least, i like my alone time XD
Do you prefer to be around people, or by yourself?
Kinda depends what mood i'm in. If i'm upset or tired or moody or angry i prefer to be on my own and chill, but if i'm hyper or overly cheerful or excited i like to be with other people XD
Do you think you'll get along better with your siblings when you get older?
No, probably not.
Would you rather give up the computer or the TV?
TV, cuz i hardly ever watch TV anymore anyway...
Does internet gossip ever end in you sitting in tears at the computer desk?
Nah. Sometimes when i have those very rare 'serious' conversations with people on msn i'll cry a little bit, but i don't count that as internet gossip.
Have you ever stayed up all night while drunk?
Yeah man, till the sun comes up then go and collapse XD
Do you find yourself happy at this point?
Yeah, if a bit tired XD
Where were you last night?
At hoooooome, sleeping off all the drinking i did the night before last XD
What is today's date?
6th August
When you're at the grocery store do you use the self checkout?
If you were abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive?
I think i'd be ok yeah
Who do you text the most?:
Ummmm... Probably Amz XD
First person to text today?
Cheekbones o.O (aka Gaz)
I went to see the Dark Knight again yesterday, and i'm going to see it again on Sunday <3 i'm absolutely in love with that film, and the Joker <3 My obsession has gone into overdrive, i've just bought loads of posters of him, including one 3D-effect one, and they're currently all over my bedroom walls XD <3 i want to marry him dammit!!! O.O
Went to Emma's party last night and it was SO much fun XD i got drunker than i've been in a while, but some of the best quotes ever came from last night, if only i could remember them XD Nah i can, me and Amz had to amuse ourselves for a few hours cuz everyone else suddenly got depressed and we were like 'They're all depressed... BUT WE'RE FINE!!!!' XD it was awesome.
That's all i had to say really.
Bah, i hate working weekends, it always sucks... Nothing to do all day except stand on checkouts and pray for the time to go quickly D8
And my insomnia is back... I'm tired all day, then i come home and eat and chill for a bit, but i just can't sleep. Then when i finally get to sleep at like 4am it's restless sleep and i wake up exhausted and have to drag myself out of bed and go to work again ¬___¬ i hate it. Anyone know a cure for insomnia? Please let me know if you do XD
That is all.
Went to see The Dark Knight today. Bloody loved it! As usual, i developed an affinity for the bad guy, and was completely in love with the Joker by the end of it XD so much so that a dear friend of mine drew a picture of me and the Joker for me. It's the most awesome thing i've ever seen XD
But yes, film was gewd! Despite being stupidly long, it was great.
I also went to see my old friend Roo who i haven't seen for 4 years XD it was nice to catch up after all this time! <3
That is all.
It's too hot! It's making me feel ill ¬____¬
Me and Amz have got all our gear for BOA, so looking forward to it now X3 Off over to hers now to rant about how our Norrath games have broke, and do other things i suppose. We're both working at 9 tomorrow so i have to get a lift home later so we're not late XD
I bought a pipe today. I have no idea why. And then i tried to tell my cousin about it and accidentally wrote 'i bought a pope' XD Typo's are fun.
Erm... I have nothing else useful to say. Farewell.
That is all.
I'm dying in here!!! Jesus wept, what kind of lunatic has the heating turned up full in this weather?! My dad, that's who... Bloody idiot...
Aaanyway. Had fun in Chester today with Amz and Alex. I've missed chilling with just the three of us, it was fun <3
Me and Amz have decided that we're going to buy rats! Next paycheck, that's what we'll be getting, a pair of rats XD I want one with red eyes, Amz wants one that would suit the name Sanzo *rolls eyes*
Mine will be called Betty, whether it be male or female. It will be an ode to my Norrath skeleton, who i love waaaaaay to much considering it's pretty much a bunch of pixels XD
That is all.
WELL... I haven't written in here for, what, a week? Odd for me, but i think i'm just getting bored of ET and EP and the internet in general now...
What updates do i have? I still have my job, which is good, and i don't think they're planning on kicking me out for some time, which is also good.
Amz now has a job, so me her and Alex all have a good constant flow of money now XD which hopefully means more days out and chilling over the summer <3
My hours have changed so i now work tuesday and wednesday instead of monday and tuesday. Which is better in a way because it means i never go more than 2 days without a day off XD
Liverpool was ACE. Billy was lovely, and we met some of his friends too, one of whom was very Irish XP we had fun. And we bought Norrath Return to Arms, so you can imagine what i'm going to be doing all summer XP
I got all my holidays booked so i'm prepping for the week alone while my parents are away! Amz is coming to stay with me, along with maybe Billy, Carl and a couple of other people might appear for a day or two. Also trying to arrange a party for the wednesday or thursday, but we'll have to see how that goes XP
Erm.. That's pretty much all that's been happening recently... Mum's insuring me to my dads car so i'll be able to drive myself places (Y) apart from that, life is pretty same old at the moment. If hectic. But same old, and i'm happy, so it's all good. Off to play Norrath for a while and get ready for work. Ta ta!
LOL at work today, it wasn't so bad XP Linda and Andrea were comparing the twins..
Linda: Jack is more competative...
Andrea: Harry's a pain in the arse.
Linda: Jack gets more stressed over things...
Jack: Because i have more to do!!
Harry: In life, Jack. Not just work, in life.
Andrea: ...Harry's still a pain in the arse.
Harry: I'M GAY =D
Linda: Are you?
Harry: Would you be gutted if i was?
Chloe: Why do you think it matters to Linda?? *XD*
Harry: It does!
Chloe: I love gay people.
Andrea: ...Harry's STILL a pain in the arse.
It was tres amusing XP
Now i'm tired and i have work again tomorrow. I have a goal for tomorrow though: Reach level 50 on Norrath before we go to Liverpool on wednesday. Purely because i want to be the highest level possible XD
That is all.
I am so fucking tired ¬___¬ and pissed off, and tired, and PISSED OFF. GOD. I was up till 5am last night talking to people on msn, mainly Josh, and once again he has managed to upset me. Which has just left me in a horrible mood today.. I woke up at 11.30 but i'm still nackered due to not going to bed till 5am two nights in a row. I have work in 15 minutes and i really REALLY can't be arsed. I'm in trouble with HR because i took a day off and i have to go and see Linda about my holiday which i asked about 3 weeks ago and nothing has been done about it ¬___¬ It's so fucking annoying! Makro are absolutely shit at communication, don't work there... Part of me wants them to fire me, just so i can get out of there... But lets face it, i need the money more than ever now, so i can't afford to lose the job.
So yeah, bad mood today, sorry about swearing so much, i tend to swear more when i'm in a bad mood ¬___¬ i'm going to bed as soon as i get in tonight, i cba with people talking to me on msn until piss take o'clock in the morning. I have work again tomorrow, i intend to be awake for it.
That is all.
Errrrm, wtf with wiki page pictures?? Is it doing this for anyone else or just me?? Layering them all on top of eachother so you can't see anything? o.O Yeah...
Been neglecting ET a bit, mainly because i'm still huffy about the new layout XP
I don't reall have anything else productive to say... Went out drinking with Amz Cal and Butch (what a name) last night, didn't get back till 5am and it was LIGHT! I felt well hardcore walking home after a night of drinking in daylight XD ...When i say home, i mean round the corner to Amz's, but... Same thing XP
Going to Liverpool with Amz on wednesday to drink with Billy, so i'll be able to meet him and abuse his apparent willingness to do anything you tell him too XP
So yeah, gonna be a good week i think.
Apart from work. They're calling me for an investigation because i took ONE DAY OFF. ONE DAY!! Louise took 2 weeks and she doesn't get called for investigation!
Soooo... I don't really have anything else to say. Good effort with the preview button, i like previews... but this new look still has to win me over, i'm stubborn, i like the old one ¬___¬
That is all.
Chester was ok today but.. Time of the month =/ i felt really ill for most of it, apart from after i took some aspirin. Still, had a good day =] Nice to see everyone really, cuz i know what i'm like in the summer XP i have a tendency to hermit away and not see anyone for the whole 2 months, so i'm determined to get out and about this summer and just enjoy myself a bit.
I bought 3 asia extreme films today (5 technically, if you count the three movies in the boxset XP) Ring, Battle Royale (BEST MOVIE EVER <3 <3) and the Vengeance boxset. I LOVE Asia Extreme movies <3 <3 <3
I really want to watch one of them now but it's piss take o'clock in the morning and i know i'd never wake up tomorrow if i watched a film now. Doing overtime tomorrow and friday ¬___¬ nooooooot looking forward to it but hey, it's only 5 hours each day so that's like the shortest shift i will ever have done there XD no problems. And it's money, so whatever.
Good news is i'm FINALLY over him. Yeah, that him, the him i was so infatuated with... I saw him in work the other day and i was like 'what did i see in you again?'.. and just like that my brain decided that he's just a friend. I think it's Bloodstock fever kicking in, i can't wait to get there and be single and meet loads of new guys all over again. As for after BOA... Well we'll just have to wait and see ;p
Pretty happy with life at the moment. No more school for ages, only little odds and sods work wise, and house party at mine at the end of August, everyone's invited!!! :p
That is all.
Hrrmph, had an ok day in work today. I've been given a load of overtime, but i don't really mind.. It's money XD Nic was being ditzy today which really amused me.
Michelle: Someone needs to put a call out for someone to go to fish.
Nic: Nicole already put a fish out for... *bursts out laughing*
Michelle: *not finding it funny*
Me: *LOL* Put a fish out XD XD
Nic: I mean call out *facepalm*
Nic: Bek, can you take this milk back over to the thingy.. the cold things.
Me: The fridges, yeah?
Nic: That's what i was aiming for yeah.
Me: *XD*
She amuses me XD
And i'm not talking to a certain SOMEONE because he ran over my foot with a pallet dog and it hurt.
That's it for today.
It's deleted all my diary entries the big gay!!! >.<
I like reading them back to amuse myself you gayface!!!
WHAT WAS WRONG WITH THE OLD ELFTOWN!! BLOODY HELL!!! I want to campaigne against this new look, it fails...
That is all.
HOLES SOUNDTRACK ARRIVED!!! And i'm really over excited about that! It amazes me X3
BUT. This diary entry is a sad one. Today, i went into work as usual. Horace was there, and he had some friends! Friends who i named Helga and Hector. I put a blue spot on Hector and a red spot on Helga so i could tell them apart. Later on, i was walking around with Carl, and he spotted Helga on the floor. He BRUTALLY MURDERED HER. Well he kicked her and accidentally killed her... So i got really annoyed and kicked him and we had a tiny little fight, and then got bored.
Anyway. This entry is dedicated to Helga, the poor dead beetle. May she rest in peace. And may Hector and Horice somehow survive without her.
She was a very pretty beetle.. You know, for a beetle.
That is all.