[Beki in Wonderland]'s diary

1052752  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-10-30
Written: (5725 days ago)

*Grumbles* why must men be so insensitive? ¬____¬ I've been having some trouble with a guy i know, because he's gone a bit weird recently and i'm frightened that he might hurt himself, but i don't know whether to tell him that he's starting to scare people and that he might want to get help... So anyway, i decided to confide in one of my good male friends. I talked to him about it for a bit, and told him what's worrying me about this guy, and he was ok for a while just talking to me about it. I just like to talk things like that out, and when i'm worried about a friend i tend to talk about it quite alot, i'll admit. But it's a friends job to listen and offer advice right? I'd do the exact same thing for any one of my friends, no matter what they were upset about. But this guy just said 'can we change the subject now, this is like talking about bread for half an hour.' ...and i got really upset. Ok, maybe i'm over-reacting, but i'm genuinely scared for a friend, and trying to vent a bit to someone i THOUGHT was my friend, and he pretty much tells me that i'm boring him! Well i'm so sorry for being upset, mister holier-than-thou! I shall never bother you with my troubles again ¬___¬ Jesus... I knew i should have confided in a woman, men are just so insensitive. Well, most men. I'll admit i know some men who are so sensitive it's frightening XD But this particular man has really got on my nerves now. I mean, if a friend of mine was upset about something and was ranting to me about it, i'd let them rant until they were done, then offer them some friendly advice, then let them rant some more! I would NEVER tell them i was bored of what they were saying, that's just horrible! Am i being petty here? It's just really upset me...

Oh i don't know. I'm just tired and hormonal i think. Bed time.

That is all.


1052011  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-10-25
Written: (5729 days ago)

Yeah i was just in a slump yesterday night. Work made me feel much better, i think i just needed to get out of the house and stop dwelling on things, and i was so busy today i didn't have time to think about anything at all, which was good. And now i'm far too tired to be depressed, so all's well that ends well i suppose :p
Work again tomorrow but i don't really mind cuz if it's as busy as it was today it'll fly by. Then i think i'm going to Amz's on monday to do some art.

That is all.


1050403  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-10-15
Written: (5739 days ago)

OH and also, Pentre tomorrow!! I'M SOOOO looking forward to it this week :p I'm feeling generous at the moment too so i've told a few people if they want to go but cant get back, i'll chip in and give them money for a taxi. I like it when there's lots of people at pentre, its more fun XD  I really cant wait until i pass my driving test though, then i wont have to worry about taxi money, just petrol money XD

That is all. Really.


1049478  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-10-10
Written: (5744 days ago)

Meeeh, i'm tired but i dont feel much like sleeping because i know if i sleep the next thing i'll be doing is getting up to go to work, and i can't be arsed with work atm XD XD i'd pull a sickie but it's only a 7 hour shift so i shouldn't really complain. Still debating whether or not i can be bothered going out with Carl tomorrow night, it's too much like effort tbh o.o  I'll see him at Pentre next week, i don't think i can be arsed coming out of work at 7.30 then going home getting changed trying to organise myself and then going out again to meet him at 8. Knowing me i'll get stuck in shotton and end up out till piss take o'clock in the morning, and then i won't want to get up on Sunday for work, which is a 9 hour shift, which will be much worse especially if i'm tired. So yes. Having internal conflicts here :p

That's all i wanted to say really.


1049413  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-10-10
Written: (5744 days ago)

Ok. I've decided, running away isn't going to help anyone, neither is losing my temper or sulking. Mum was yelling before but then she calmed down, but my dad wouldn't stop, and it got to the point where he scared me so much i had to run out of the house. He can be so horrible sometimes =[  But i'm not going to let it get me down, i can't, not when i really need to push myself to try hard at school and stop missing lessons just because i feel down. I'm a teenager, i'm meant to feel down 90% of the time, and i can't let it get in my way anymore. I need to focus on the good things in my life, not the bad. Ignore my parents, ignore my arguments with Josh, ignore the stress and the sleeping disorder and the tiredness. Focus on the nice things that have been happening to me recently, like Carl, and parties, and new friends.   

Stop crying. Now. It's not helping.

Inner peace. I need to stop letting everything get to me. Inner peeeeeeeeeace.


I feel surprisingly better XD


1049402  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-10-10
Written: (5744 days ago)

Ugh, i've had a bad week, and my mum has just made it like 100 times worse ¬___¬

I've not been well all week, neither has my brother, we've both had a bug. I've been on and off, sometimes feeling alright, sometimes feeling like death. School has, admittedly, been a problem. Because on some days i just felt so ill i didn't go in till later on, and sometimes i went in but felt ill and just went and slept in the library or went home. Now the school has rang my mum about it despite the fact that she said she'd rang in sick for me the 2 days i took off, and SHE has asked the school to expel me!  I had to go and see Dr.Erasmus today and thankfully he said it's not up to my mum whether i stay in the school or not, it's my choice, but i still can't believe she'd do something like that to me!  I've had a really rough week, not just health wise, but emotionally, and her threatening me with that is just horrible. She's all "Well you better contact Makro about getting a full time job because you'r leaving school and you're leaving this house aswell".  I'm not in the mood for this, or her, at the moment. I just feel like running away and never coming back, i can't stand it anymore.  Tonight when i get back from my driving lesson i think i'm going to leave, go somewhere, i don't know where. Not forever, just for a night, to calm down and think. Because i'm angry, and upset, not just at my mum but about a lot of things. Fights with people i care about and the general feeling of hopelesness i've been getting lately..  Nothing feels right anymore, nothing feels worth doing, i just feel so sad all the time and i don't know why. It doesn't even seem worth getting out of bed in the mornings.  I'm gutted because i was so motivated at the start of the year, so ready to work. I was enjoying my lessons and doing all my work and managing fine, then all of a sudden the pessimistic side of my brain kicked in and convinced me that it's a waste of time and i'm never going to achieve anything anyway so why bother. 

I just want to curl up and die to be perfectly honest.

I've had enough, and now mum's home to yell at me some more and probable punch me into a few walls just for the laughs.




1048446  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-10-05
Written: (5750 days ago)

Off to Liverpool todayyy!! I was supposed to be at Amz's for 10, and i've been up since 8.30, but my mum is refusing to get out of bed so i'll have to get a lift later on XD It's ok though, no massive rush or anything.

I'm trying to clear my phone out now, super fast, so i can very quickly stick some tuuuunage on there for the train, because i accidentally deleted all my music (again) last night XD

Umm... I don't think i have anything else to say... Except i went out for a drink in a field last night, with that guy :p it was so random, just lying in a field drinking and talking, but it was nice too. Until it started pissing down XD then we had to do a runner into the woods, and i was scared because it was really dark and it was like 11 o'clock at night and we were at an old bloody castle ruin in the woods in the dark and he was all "ooooh, there's loads of druggies around here at night". Very amusing XD But i got over being scared eventually because it was raining and that distracted me o.O

Fun night though, even if i did get soaked XD

That is all.


1048304  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-10-03
Written: (5751 days ago)


Because i think Carl (other Carl, not my Carl... CONFUSING MUCH XD) just told me he likes me, but i'm not sure because i can't understand what he's saying in the text XD XD XD XD LOL I FAIL.



1048275  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-10-03
Written: (5751 days ago)
Next in thread: 1048639

Blaaaah, everything is pissing me off today o.O I was in a good mood this morning, ish anyway. Then i was ok most of the day, but as soon as i got home everything started pissing me off. Mum tells me to clean my room, i storm off and slam doors. Someone's sarky with me on msn, i have a go at them and block them. I'm just NOT in the mood for anything tonight ¬__¬ and i have to babysit my brother for a bit while my mum goes out and has a party or whatever, and i cant be arsed with that either. He keeps pestering me to get the bloody hamsters out, they don't even LIKE coming out, gah! Even THAT is pissing me off... I'm in a really REALLY pissy mood o.O

Maaaaah whatever. Stupid everything. I just hope i'm in a better mood for chester tomorrow or i may well punch someone in the face ¬____¬


1048211  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-10-03
Written: (5752 days ago)

OOOOMG lol, i was so drunk last night XD I've deleted that diary entry because it makes about as much sense as a donkey with 3 heads, seriously...

BASICALLY. What happened last night was i saw Andy, who i haven't seen for ages and ages and ages, but this was literally in the last 15 minutes, i had no idea he'd been there the whole night. But it was nice seeing him again, and as usual i over-react to these kind of things when i'm drunk so i obviously thought i was getting married XD

It's not like that, honest :p i think he's cute, that's all.

Then i spent the last 15 minutes sat with Carl ranting about stuff that i can't even remember, possibly the fact that he has a crush on Nic from our work (which he claims not to, as Nic is almost old enough to be his mum, but i don't believe him, he deffinately likes her XD)

But yes, apart from me getting upset for a few minutes over something really stupid, all was well in Pentre town. Won't be going next week because of the 6th form partay, but i'll definately go the week after. It really is becoming a regular thing, but it's so much fun, even if i don't drink i always enjoy myself.

It's also nice seeing work people outside work, because i don't really drink with them as much since Courtz left. Chloe was really shocked, she thought i was a nice girl XD and i was stood there with a fag in one hand and a pint in the other looking extremely wrecked XD fun times.

That is all.


1047966  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-10-02
Written: (5753 days ago)


So, there's this guy.
He's told me he wants me, and i think i kinda want him too.
But he's got a girlfriend. And i've got Carl, and i know he's not my boyfriend or anything but we do kind of ACT like it when we're out together, so he might aswell be. And the only reason i'm not with him is because neither of us feel ready for any kind of commitment at the moment XD
But this guy.
I dunno.
There's something about him, i can't explain, but i shouldn't even be thinking about it. Taken guys are just a no-go-zone as far as i'm concerned.
But he won't leave it alone.
No matter how many times i tell him to stop it, he keeps bringing it up.
And these kind of things get to me. I feel guilty, i lose sleep over it, i get stressed, then i get depressed. He doesn't realise it, but that's the kind of effect this is going to have on me.
It doesn't help that deep down i know i like him too.
I shouldn't.
I know i shouldn't.
But you know, you can't help it when you like someone, can you? Even though you know you shouldn't like them. That it's 'against the rules'. You can't help who you like. That's life.

Doesn't stop me feeling the guilt big time though.

Ah well. I'll get over it.

That is all.


1047939  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-10-01
Written: (5753 days ago)

Waaaah, i feel more happy and cheerful now. I felt really ill all day, but i feel better now. People just kept cheering me up all day, being nice to me and noticing that i was a bit down =] they know who they are <3 Work cheered me up even more too =] Someone was hiding potatoes all around my till all evening, i just kept finding them, it was so funny XD and there was this guy drilling and Nic was yelling that it sounded like a constipated elephant, which was the funniest thing ever at the time XD

And then after work, Carl came to pick me up because my mum was watching Heroes XD and he said i had spud rabies o.O

And then he proposed to me with a Haribo fried egg because he accidentally ate all the rings. So we're having a spud wedding.

I love my friends so much <3

Looking forward to Pentre tomorrow night! :p

That is all.


1047740  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-09-30
Written: (5754 days ago)


I have had a VERY bad day. VERY VERY bad day. A certain person in school is really beginning to piss me off, and i wish he'd just STOP IT. Because he's taken, and i'm 'romantically involved' with someone, so there's just no way. So he can fuck off.

And then people nagging me and pestering me, and my mum losing her rag with me because i didn't hoover the fucking living room when i came in from school, as if i don't have enough to do already GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

I honestly nearly burst into tears in work today, i couldn't stand it.

Having a bad week so far ¬____¬


 The logged in version 

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