[Beki in Wonderland]'s diary

1055928  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-11-21
Written: (5702 days ago)
Next in thread: 1055930

I was meant to be doing something constructive today, since it's my day off and all, but i just ended up sleeping till noon and then moping about all day complaining about my sore throat and headache and the fact that i have to work tomorrow at piss take o'clock in the morning. PFAH!

To rid myself of this feeling of crapness i have once again immersed myself into the world of Fandom Hearts (the land where all Kingdom Hearts uberfangirls go to squeal and make tea and whatever else they do). I haven't really been that obsessed with KH for about a year, but i've recently got back into it and it's like WAAAAAAAAAAA all of a sudden, because i can now draw better than i could back then, and can therefore draw Orgy XIII properly without them looking like deformed monkeys on heroin! So that has made me happy..

In other news.. Erm... I have none. My costume-thing for Gemma's party has arrived, so i'm going to look like a loon on loon tablets come the 28th lmaooooo. Me and Amz are going as a pair of gimps. No, really, we are. Fun fun.

I've decided i'm going to get completely smashed that night aswell, because i haven't been properly drunk in ages and i am in desperate need of some drunken antics, even if they end in me throwing up in a hedge. ALCOHOL AHOY!!!

Then it's my 18th, and then Christmas, good God... Not looking forward to that at all, i hate Christmas, it's so depressing. Yay, woo, presents that you'll never use or even see again after Boxing Day, old people in your house eating all your food, and having to deal with the humiliation of your parents getting drunk. DO.NOT.WANT. No, i'm spending Christmas in the pub wallowing in yuletide misery. Well, no, i'll be wallowing in beer, but same thing.

Wow, i'm in a very grumpy, british mood tonight :D I shall go back over to EP and see if that bint has replied to me, just so i can yell at someone. I don't think i've said anything about this have i? No, well, some girl picked a fight with me on EP because apparently i'm too much of a 'conformist' (when she was the biggest scene kid i've ever seen in my life lmao) and she is now losing this fight miserably because she failed to notice one very important thing. I am, in fact, British, and i am therefore extremely stubborn and extremely good at arguing. I love it. It's what we brits do. Well, we stereotypical brits anyway. We argue alot, drink alot of tea, and complain about everything. That's me lol :D ...And when i'm in a grumpy brit mood as Em likes to call them, i like to argue with ignorant people-who-aren't-british.

So off i go ^__^

*LOL tea time*


1055858  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-11-21
Written: (5702 days ago)
Next in thread: 1055896

I am ill again =_= ill ill ill and bleh! I can hardly talk and my glands are really really swollen. I've been drowning myself in hot lemons the last couple of days and rummaging around trying to find the last tray of antibiotics i had when i had my throat infection. I know there's one more around here somewhere!! I kept myself up till 4am last night coughing, it's really not nice =[ I'm glad i've got today to recover because i'm in work tomorrow on the worst set o shifts ever =[ I have to go in at 7am to cover Em's morning, come home again at 11am, go back in at 2.30pm and stay till 10pm >.< seriously CBAAAAAAAAA with that amount of work, then i have to go in for a 9 and a half hour shift on sunday aswell >.< ...pish. I'll do the saturday thing cuz i know they're REALLY short staffed, but i'm tempted to ring in sick on the sunday, i can't be arsed with sitting there on my till for 9 hours dying XD

Aaaanyway. I haven't properly been on ET for a few days or updated my diary at all, other than to put in things that have made me laugh (lol, Chad and the dragon *gigglesnort*)... the reason for this is because i decided to play through KHII again out of boredom. Bad idea. Now i've become a total fantard AGAIN and am really depressed because i've completed it AGAIN. Lmao i'm so lame. And i somehow managed to turn an L into a = by pressing some random button on the keyboard by accident o.O weird..

Ok, that's all i had to say i think. Off to continue drowning myself in liquid paracetamol *sniffles*


1055471  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-11-18
Written: (5705 days ago)

Lmao, beforeee --

Chad: And i went to buy my ticket, but i couldn't talk to the ticket lady to ask for it... So i just stood there looking at her, counting my money.
Me: Why couldn't you talk to her?
Chad: I dunno, i was off my face, i thought she was a dragon.



1055295  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-11-17
Written: (5707 days ago)

Amz: “Isn’t the internet amazing? You can find out the name of some little African kid who’s sitting at the corner of the world eating twigs.”

Fooking, legend.



1055101  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-11-15
Written: (5708 days ago)

I just spent a very enjoyable 15 minutes chasing my various family members/pets round the house yelling 'smell my face!!'  The reason for this is i tried out a new face-mask thingy, and it smells like candy X3 You know that uber-sweet, usually bright red, will-make-you-throw-up candy that you buy at beaches? It's usually in the shape of a dummy... Well that's what my face smells like lmao XD ...I've just realised, it also resembles the sweet-grape tobacco we had in our Hookah at Bloodstock... AWESOME!! I need to get me some more of these X3 for the BOA memories X3

Ok, i'm done espasmoing about my face smelling of candy... I don't really have anything else to say... Getting a laptop for my 18th, and i've bought dad's christmas present looooool. So just about 5 million more to go ¬___¬

That is all.


1055020  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-11-14
Written: (5709 days ago)

Xaldin: There's a word for that, i think it's 'hooker'
Xigbar: YOU'RE A HOOKER!!!

XD lmaoooooo!! KH the stupid files is my crack. Again X3 i always end up watching it when i'm ill o.O

That's all i had to say.


1054960  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-11-14
Written: (5709 days ago)

Wheeeee, David appeared and fixed out interwebs!!! X3 He is the magic computer man <.< >.>

In other news, i'm ill =[ I was ok when i woke up this morning, i got out of bed and went downstairs for breakfast, then i suddenly felt really dizzy and sick and like the room was spinning, and i fell over in the kitchen XD Mum says i fainted, but i don't think i did, i think i just lost my balance. Because i'm a tosser like that. Anyway she gave me some of the pills she takes for her vertigo because she thinks i might have had a vertigo attack and then sent me back to bed. I just got up again and i still feel queasy, but not dizzy anymore so it's all good-ish. Might go into school for the last couple of hours although i don't really see the point o.O I'm just bored here at home to be honest XD

Errrrmmm... It's children in need day today... I was meant to be going into school dressed up all crazy so i'm a bit gutted that i cant go in, i had an outfit all ready and everything =[ Oh well, i'll just dress crazy on monday and say i'm raising money late XD

That is all.


1054805  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-11-13
Written: (5710 days ago)

On the school computer again lmao!


Amz: Beki, that guy is missing an arm...
Me: ...Do you think we should go and tell him?


Ooooh loads of alarms are going off o.O What's going oooooon O___O

Not much to repooorrrt. Still no interwebs at my house which is depressing =[ It also means i have to do most of my school work in my frees so less free time for me BOOOOO!

Errrrr... Pay day tomorrow so Ebay christmas shopping ahoy! And of course savings for Japan <.< >.> We're going around May-June time next year X3

That is all.


1054646  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-11-12
Written: (5711 days ago)

Hai gais! Ok, i gotta be quick cuz i'm in art at school <.< >.> I'm not gonna be on much for a while, because my internet is le-broken! I'll get on a computer at school as often as i can to check messages etc, but i won't be on much apart from that!

See you all when my internets are back! :p

That is all.


1053431  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-11-04
Written: (5720 days ago)

Oooooooooomg, i just downloaded the sweetest game ever X3 It's called WolfQuest, and you get to create your own little wolf character *squeeeee* X3 ..Then you have to hunt, and meet other wolves, and find a mate, and start a pack of your own, and raise pups, and it's so adorable X3 I'm addicted to it!! Wujawujawuja X3 I've got a little black wolf called Race, after one of my old dogs, and he has a mate called Ylva, which is a scandinavian name it means she-wolf X3 waaaaaaaaa, i love them X3 *is way too over-excited about a childrens wolf game* O___O

In other news... I still have an essay to write and i'm exhausted, there's no way i'm going to get a story and 2 commentaries done tonight, and i have tried, i just can't get my brain into gear to write them *grumbles*. I'll do the one commentary now and worry about the other 2 tomorrow i suppose. Beki is wanting another week off school plx.

Aaaah well, that's all i had to say really.


1053278  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-11-02
Written: (5721 days ago)

Okaaaaaaay... Big newwwwws guys. I might be moving out of my parents house and moving in to a house with Nathan, because there's an empty council house at the end of Gemma's road and it's only £300 a month, which we could easily afford between us. We've discussed it a couple of times, the only problem that i can see with it is finances, and work. Nath works in mold, i work in queensferry. I've worked out that i could get to work on time during the week by getting the 4.30 bus to Queensferry, but i'm not sure about the weekends, and getting home again at 10.15 every night. I think as long as i'm on lates at the weekends getting there shouldn't be a problem, it's just getting back, i'm not paying £8 a go for a taxi every time i need to get home. SO, if i can find a new job in Mold, project moving out of this dump is go. Either that or really work hard with my driving and pass my driving test sometime in January so i'll be able to drive myself. Either way, i think it's time to move on, i've lived here too long and i feel ready to move out and find my own way now. I am nearly an adult now, as my mother keeps reminding me, and i don't want to spend the rest of my life leeching off them. To be honest, they don't even feel like my parents anymore, more like people that i know and live with. To me that's a sign i should leave. Haven't told mum yet, don't know what she'll say really, hopefully she'll be ok with it since she's been threatening to kick me out anyway for the last few months.

That's all i had to say really.


1052752  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-10-30
Written: (5725 days ago)

*Grumbles* why must men be so insensitive? ¬____¬ I've been having some trouble with a guy i know, because he's gone a bit weird recently and i'm frightened that he might hurt himself, but i don't know whether to tell him that he's starting to scare people and that he might want to get help... So anyway, i decided to confide in one of my good male friends. I talked to him about it for a bit, and told him what's worrying me about this guy, and he was ok for a while just talking to me about it. I just like to talk things like that out, and when i'm worried about a friend i tend to talk about it quite alot, i'll admit. But it's a friends job to listen and offer advice right? I'd do the exact same thing for any one of my friends, no matter what they were upset about. But this guy just said 'can we change the subject now, this is like talking about bread for half an hour.' ...and i got really upset. Ok, maybe i'm over-reacting, but i'm genuinely scared for a friend, and trying to vent a bit to someone i THOUGHT was my friend, and he pretty much tells me that i'm boring him! Well i'm so sorry for being upset, mister holier-than-thou! I shall never bother you with my troubles again ¬___¬ Jesus... I knew i should have confided in a woman, men are just so insensitive. Well, most men. I'll admit i know some men who are so sensitive it's frightening XD But this particular man has really got on my nerves now. I mean, if a friend of mine was upset about something and was ranting to me about it, i'd let them rant until they were done, then offer them some friendly advice, then let them rant some more! I would NEVER tell them i was bored of what they were saying, that's just horrible! Am i being petty here? It's just really upset me...

Oh i don't know. I'm just tired and hormonal i think. Bed time.

That is all.


1052011  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-10-25
Written: (5729 days ago)

Yeah i was just in a slump yesterday night. Work made me feel much better, i think i just needed to get out of the house and stop dwelling on things, and i was so busy today i didn't have time to think about anything at all, which was good. And now i'm far too tired to be depressed, so all's well that ends well i suppose :p
Work again tomorrow but i don't really mind cuz if it's as busy as it was today it'll fly by. Then i think i'm going to Amz's on monday to do some art.

That is all.


1050403  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-10-15
Written: (5739 days ago)

OH and also, Pentre tomorrow!! I'M SOOOO looking forward to it this week :p I'm feeling generous at the moment too so i've told a few people if they want to go but cant get back, i'll chip in and give them money for a taxi. I like it when there's lots of people at pentre, its more fun XD  I really cant wait until i pass my driving test though, then i wont have to worry about taxi money, just petrol money XD

That is all. Really.


 The logged in version 

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