[Beki in Wonderland]'s diary

1059908  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-12-23
Written: (5758 days ago)

Wheeeeeee, bought my Xbox360 yesterday and have been playing Fable II almost none-stop since then. At least, i was, until i accidentally completely destroyed it last night lmao XD (fable, not the Xbox, i'd be distraught if i'd destroyed that XD) i didn't mean to, i just forgot to put the tabs across it and because the console was vertical when i nudged it the game fell out of the tray thingy while i was in the middle of a game and started getting churned up inside XD I took it out and it had a nice big attractive scratch all the way around it and it's now unreadable, but i don't really care because i think ahead and i know what a dolt i am, so i bought two copies of the game just in case XD So it's all good. I will stick the trashed game on my wall and label it 'First Xbox 360 game i trashed, within hours of owning it'. I fail so much. But yes, FAAABLEEEEEE!! It's awesome X3 I love games with no real story where you can just fuck about and do your own thing lmao XD


1059755  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-12-22
Written: (5759 days ago)

I fainted earlier, it was a weird experience o.o Mum said it was Vertigo, i say it was me being really tired and falling asleep while i was still standing up, but whatever.

I just worked out why the guy who plays Light in the Deathnote movies is so familiar. He also played Nanahara in Battle Royale *facepalm* i can't believe i never realised before. That makes me happy for no reason X3

I didn't really have anything else productive to say lmao.

1059360  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-12-18
Written: (5763 days ago)

I just went to a Medieval Banquet with my family for my 18th and it was so awesome! Only just got back and i'm shattered and a wee bit merry from the mead (LOL) but it was soooooo awesome X3 The host guy was adorable and he kept bursting into song and rapping for some reason X3 He gave me a special birthday announcement and made everyone sing, it was amazing! My mum got really drunk and started making elephants out of the oranges in the fruit bowl lol!!! It was all so lovely, and i actually got quite tearful when they were all giving me a toast because it was my 18th and everyone was singing and beating the tables, It was soooo cool! everyone was dressed up and all the food was traditional medieval style, and there were no knives and forks we just had to grab at it with our fingers, it was amazing how realistic it all was, i actually felt like i'd fallen back in time, it was so amazing. Like a big LARP but more fun X3 And as i walked out the guy said 'Good night Lady Beki, i hope to see you again some time' and bowed! I was like 'omg he's like 35 but he's so damn cute' X3 So yeah i had a really fun night! The food was great, the mead was good, and the people were all amazing X3 YAY!!!

</happy spam>

1059250  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-12-18
Written: (5763 days ago)

This song makes me cry... Friends never say goodbye - Elton John

There isn't much I haven't shared
With you along the road
And through it all there'd always be
Tomorrow's episode
Suddenly that isn't true
There's another avenue
Beckoning, the great divide
Ask no questions, take no side
Who's to say who's right or wrong
Whose course is braver run
Still we are, will always be,
Will ever be, as one

What is done has been done for the best
Though the mist in my eyes might suggest
Just a little confusion about what I'll lose
But if I started over I know I would choose
The same joy the same sadness each step of the way
That fought me and tought me that friends never say
Never say goodbye
Never say goodbye
Never say goodbye
Never say goodbye


1058749  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-12-14
Written: (5767 days ago)

Wheeeee i'm in my bedroom on my new laptop!!! XD excitement!

My birthday has been ace so far, my mum decided that for some reason she needed to buy me 18 presents because it's my 18th so i'm happy XD

Gotta go now, the family are coming round for a meal :P


1058008  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-12-09
Written: (5772 days ago)

Lmaooooooo, i love the conversations we have in the common room.

Chad: Matt, don't even think about humping my leg.

Gemma: Why have you only come in for 2 lessons?
Amz: (in really stoned/out of it voice) I... i woke up.

Chad: I was well unimpressed with my dog, he was just lay on the floor letting this other dog bum him.

Gemma: And they were saying 'do you remember when you were little and you used to push it in?' (talking about penises lmao)
Dom: THAT, was just a little too disturbing for my tastes. *walks off*
Chad: ...I never used to do that.

XD i love 6th form <3


1057859  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-12-07
Written: (5774 days ago)

Wheeeee, survey quizzy thing, because i can.

1. Were you smiling when you woke up this morning?
No, i was like 'uuuuuuuuugh, gotta go to work again'

2. When was the last time you met someone new?
Uhhmmmm.... That would be last weekend, when i met Kurtice.

3. What is irritating you right now?
My cough ¬__¬

4. When did you last eat pizza?
Ages ago =[

5. Who is the last person you held hands with?
Umumumummmmmmm... i can't remember... OH bugger that yes i can, it was John last night *durrrr* but we were skipping down the street so i dont think that counts XD

7. What's the furthest distance you've gone in the past 3 days?
Lol, 10 minutes up the road to Makro

9. Have you ever kissed anyone named Mike?
I don't know.. I might have. I don't remember all the names of all the people i've kissed. (Bloodstock, it does terrible things to innocent girls)

10. Besides your bed, what is your favorite thing in your room?
My TV + PS2

11. Do you enjoy piercings and tattoos?
Do i enjoy them?? Meaning do i enjoy having needles stuck in my skin or do i like the finished product?? In answer, no i don't like having needles stuck in my skin but yes i do like the finished product.

12. Who is in the room with you?
Just meeeeeeee. And my jar full of octopuses. If they count. They're a bit dead though.

13. What are you wearing on your feet?

14. What is/are your favorite pair of shoes?
My scraggy, filthy black Airwalks. They're falling apart but i love them to death.

15. Who was the last person you told you loved them?

16. What was the last thing you ate?

17. What were you doing before this?
Uhm... God i can't even remember, my memory sucks..

18. What's the closest item near you that is blue?
Tip Ex bottle XD

19. What instant messaging service do you use?

20. What is your favorite website?
NEWGROUNDS. Where would i be without it??? 'ooooh you found me.... OOOOH I PISSED MYSELF!!' EPIC

21. What's the most abnormal thing you've done in the past?
My live is abnormal, it would be a harder thing to ask me what the most normal thing i've ever done is.

22. What do you wear more, jeans or sweatpants?
Jeeeeeeeeans plx

23. What is the last movie you watched?
Silence of the Lambs (i want to marry Hannibal Lecter XD)

24. What do you hear right now?
The TV next door.

26. When did you last take a picture with someone?
Urrrr... Dunno o.O

27. Where's your favorite place to be?
Hmmm... Pub, my room, or Amz's house. One of the three.

28. Where did you sleep last?
In mai bed.

29. Where do you shop the most?

30. Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?

32. Where was your default picture taken?
Amy's house i think

34. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
Because he's very cute, and i was extremely stoned, and he has a nice car XD

35. Are you happy with where you are?
Yes, this chair is very comfy XD (in all seriousness, no i'm not, but i'm dealing with it :P )

40. Where is your number one person on your friends list?
Idunno O_O XD

41. What's the story behind your headline mood?
There is no story... I like doing photomanips XD

42. Describe your dream car.
WHITE LAMBORGHINI GALLARDO SPYDER. License plate: Y3R F4C3  ...With a fucking alien painted on the bonnet. Yeah.

43. Describe the background on your cell phone.
I can't remember what it is, hold on... Ahhh it's my dog smiling. Because she smiles on command. Because she's awesome like that.

48. Describe what you're wearing.
PJ bottoms, random jumper, underwear obviously XD

49. Do you like candles?
I like scented ones o.O

51. Do you sleep naked?

52. Is there someone on your mind that shouldn't be?
Yes, Hitler. I'm joking of course.

53. Do you burn easily in the sun?
Yeah, Irish skin ftw ¬___¬

54. Do you speak another language besides English?
German o.O

56. What did you do last weekend?
Got completely wasted on friday and stoned on saturday and passed out on Ryan's sofa at the end of it all :D good times my friends.

57. Who were the last people you went out to dinner with?
I think it was Amz when we went to the chinese...

1057855  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-12-07
Written: (5774 days ago)

NYAAAAAH >.< This weekend was my last weekend ever of being 17. And this week is my last week ever of being a CHILD. Or rather a TEENAGER. As of next week, next sunday to be precise, exactly 7 days, I WILL LEGALLY BE AN ADULT. That is the scariest thought in the world... ME, considered an adult by society. I WILL HAVE NO BOUNDRIES!!! No more worrying about being caught drinking underage, or being ID'd at bars. Not that i've been ID'd at a bar for years, but still! I will, by law, be able to do all the things i shouldn't have been doing for the past 4 years but have been doing anyway! Will that take the fun out of it? I don't know, i don't care, I WILL BE AN ADULT!!!

In my mind that means i can do whatever i want and no one can yell at me about it.

I shouldn't be given this kind of power, it's not good for my brain.


1057581  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-12-05
Written: (5776 days ago)

My family are insane. Does anyone want to swap? There's only so much weirdness a person can deal with in their life. I just came in from my driving lesson, and my mum was all dressed up to go out for dinner, sitting on the floor infront of the freezer yelling 'faggots' occasionally, for no apparent reason. My brother was sitting in the dog's bed, holding the dog and the cat, and him and my dad were singing christmas carols, apparently to the cat.

Ethan: He knows when you are sleeping! He knows when you're awake!
Dad: He'll steal your eyes and kick your face in,
Ethan: So be good for goodness saaaaaaaaake!!!

And then to top it off my gran, who is deaf, phoned me only to yell "Oh i'm deaf, i can't hear a word you're saying" down the phone at me and then laugh like a loon for 10 minutes.

Honestly, someone either come and take my family away or adopt me, either would be great o.o Although really, i suppose i should be greatful for their weirdness. Christmas time would be so boring if i had a normal family. I mean, what's Christmas dinner if one of the old people doesn't set themself on fire or try and escape with the turkey or start a food fight or accidentally throw their entire meal at one of the dogs or cat. Yes, all these things have happened to my family at Christmas. It's really quite amazing. We have 11 people round and 3 extra dogs (so that's 4 dogs, one cat and two hamsters in the house), we have a massive christmas dinner where everyone gets drunk and then go for that 'christmas night walk', where someone always ends up falling over or getting lost or causing a car crash. I love Christmas =] and i love my family, and i'm in a REALLY christmassy mood now X3 I can't wait for the weirdness to get even weirder XD


1057491  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-12-05
Written: (5776 days ago)

I just managed to scratch my tongue, i don't know what the hell is wrong with me XD

I forgot to mention before, i had the biggest laughing fit ever today. My art teacher was being all serious and giving me the 'Beki, if you don't have this work finished by Christmas, you'll be booted off the course' line, and i just started giggling. And you know that kind of giggling where no matter how hard you try you just can't stop, even though you know you should because you'll be in big trouble if you don't? Yeah i had that. I just couldn't stop laughing, i had to walk out of the room in the end and i actually fell over by the door because i was laughing so hard. It was hilarious, in a kind of 'oh my god she's going to kill me' way XD

ALSO. I have decided i need practice doing photomanips so if anyone has a picture they want me to attack in photoshop feel free to send it to me. I cannot promise that it'll be a work of art, because it IS just practice, but i'll do my best to make it look funky :P


1057469  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-12-04
Written: (5776 days ago)

Waaaaah, i went to a life drawing class today o.O It was proper weird, i walked in and there was just this naked woman all splayed out in the middle of the room... But for some reason it wasn't awkward, i just sat down and started sketching and it was ok really. I got some quite good sketches out of it. Although, i was paying much more attention to the gorgeous guy who was sitting across the room from me =3 blue dreads, hippie hat, piercings, cheekbones.. scruffy in a good way... Ooooh, he was yummy <3 And fortunately for me he was exactly opposite me so i could stare openly and pretend i was just looking at the model XD teehee.

Anyway, doing some extra art work now so i should stop rambling and start working :D


1057297  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-12-03
Written: (5778 days ago)
Next in thread: 1057308

Worrrrrk wasn't too bad. It's actually cheered me up ^_^ But i am now craving toast like nothing else, because i haven't had any for 3 hours. Oh dear.

I noticed something today, something me and Amz have talked about in the past, because the same thing happens to her. I have no idea why this happens, but whenever i notice a guy that i never really payed any attention to before, and think 'oh he's cute', he suddenly seems to realise my existence and want to buy me stuff and take me out. It happened today.

John: I like your hair. Want some chocolate orange?
Me: Uuh... Thanks (i was thinking 'Oooh, he's actually really cute')
John: You doing anything tomorrow night?
Me: Um... I have life drawing class... (in my mind: OMG, screw life drawing!!!)
John: Friday?
Me: Driving lesson...
John: Weekend?
Me: I'm working lates all weekend. (in my mind: God, why do i never have free time when a cute guy wants to buy me drinks?)
John: Are you even interested?
Me: ....In you or your chocolate orange?

Sooo... After i took the piss out of him a bit pretending i was fully booked until new years, we decided we'd go out for a drink on saturday night when i get out of work =3 I don't really mind if we're just going out as friends, or people who live near eachother, or something else, it doesn't matter. It's just nice to have cute-guy company :p  I've had to give him directions to makro so he can pick me up, the wally doesn't know where it is XD It's kinda hard to miss, it's mahoosive!! Moron =3

So no surprises that Carl shot through my life faster than a very fast thing. I don't really mind, i never really saw him as more than a friend in the end. Funny how things turn out isn't it? You can be giddy for someone one minute and the next you're like 'eeeh, no, your sideburns annoy me.' ...... o.O  .....Well that's what i'm like anyway XD Aaah well, it's all fun.

NOW I MUST GO GET TOAST BEFORE I DIE!!! Do i have anything else productive to say? no... No i don't think i do. YAAAAAAAAAY no more rambling ^___^ *is shutting up*


1057235  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-12-03
Written: (5778 days ago)

Finally starting to feel a bit better =/  My throat is still in agony and i can't stop coughing, but i'm going to drag myself to work anyway. It's only 4 hours, i can handle it, and i missed school again today because i was up till 4am coughing last night =/ Ugh, i hate being iiiiiiiiilllllll. If it wasn't for this cough, i'd be fine, the fever has pretty much cleared up now, so has the blocked nose and the headache, but the cough is bloody relentless. My stomach and shoulders are actually hurting because i'm coughing so much. Ugh. It sucks. I just hope i don't cough myself to death in work. Lots of strepsils, lots of tissues, i should be fine. I think.

Aaaanyway, i gotta go and finish sorting out this stupid computer room which is what i'm supposed to have been doing all day. I haven't, you might have guessed o.O but now i'm going to, to prevent the old ones going mental with me. Ta-ta! XD


1057109  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-12-02
Written: (5779 days ago)

I've become addicted to toast O_O It's all i've eaten these last 2 days and i've now watched every Disney 'classic' movie that i own, so i have nothing to do. Seriously, i think Disney movies are the only ones i can watch one after another after another and not get bored of them, i'm such a fantard. I suppose i just love a cheesy fairy tale X3 Yesterday i watched all 3 Alladin's, Tarzan, Hercules, The Lion King, Sleeping Beauty, Pocahontas, Mulan and one of my old Winnie the Pooh tapes (yes, i still have them).. And today i've watched Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast and 101 Dalmatians. I'M OBSESSED. I LOVE DISNEY <3 <3 I don't think i'll ever grow up, i will love all my childish movies forever X3 Ooooh, now i want to watch Peter Pan =3

Enough rambling about Disney now... I need to go and ring work and tell them i'm too busy eating toast to come in today... I mean, i'm too ill to come in today o.O I'm actually feeling alot better, i just can't be bothered to be honest, you know how being ill really takes all the energy out of you? Well that's how i feel. So this is my recovery time now, then it's back to normal as of tomorrow. Yes.

That is all.


1056959  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-12-01
Written: (5780 days ago)

Beki is very very ill =___=;; I knew i shouldn't have gone out at all this weekend, but i'd been invited to two parties, i didn't want to miss either of them! Ryan's was awesome :D I was a bit dead at the start, and all i wanted to do was sleep on the sofa, but after i'd got a bunch of paracetamol and a can of cider down me i started to feel better! In the end i really enjoyed myself, but i'm really feeling the effects now XD I was off my face drunk at Gemma's, stoned into oblivion at Ryan's, and i have the flu on top of that. In other words i feel like i've died of the plague, twice for good measure. So obviously i'm not in school today, and i may not be tomorrow depending on how i feel when i wake up. If i feel this bad i may drag myself to school but there's NO WAY in hell i'm going to work. Absolutely not. I'll work wednesday if i feel like it because it's only 3 hours, and maybe the weekend if i've recovered a bit by then, but no more than that.

Anyway. I like to watch Disney films and curl up in bed with tea and toast when i'm ill, so i'm off to watch Mulan XD toodle pip!


1056731  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-11-29
Written: (5782 days ago)

Gemma's party was gewwwd, would have been better if i wasn't ill but there we go XD I now feel like i'm dying. Cold, cough, headache, aching all over, nausea, the whole works. But i'm still going to Ryan's party, i'm not missing it just because i'm coming down with something very much like flu.
I've had my hair done too :D It's pink o.O and short *tugs at straggly bits* i'm not used to having so little hair, i can barely get it into a ponytail now O_O

That is all.


1056102  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-11-23
Written: (5788 days ago)

Ok, one thing before i go to bed, i AM going to hunt down and punch in the face the next person who spells Halloween as Holloween. You stupid, stupid people *grumpyface*


1055988  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-11-22
Written: (5789 days ago)
Next in thread: 1056022

*grumble* It's time for me to have another ET-diary-rant, because i don't have proper rants anymore and i need to lmao. I'm off to work AGAIN in half an hour so i've gotta be quick but... I was just talking to my dad, and i've noticed something. Why does it seem like the whole world is going down the shitter at the moment? Sure, yes, the economy is terrible, but it seems to be having a knock-on effect on things that don't have anything to do with the economy. Maybe it's just 'that time of year', when everyone gets depressed because it's winter and christmas and no one has any money and hobo numbers have increased tenfold but... I dunno, things just seem to be going really crappily for everyone at the moment. A fair few of my friends have dropped out or been kicked out of sixth form for various reasons, my family is beginning to crumble again under christmas stress, and coupled with the economy problems bringing grief and misery to everyone else in the world i think it's safe to say this is one of the most depressing winters i've ever had. It just seems like all of a sudden everything is changing for the worse, and for once there's not alot i can do about it, because for once it's not my fault that everything is changing. And for some reason that makes me feel worse about the whole thing. Usually when i have a 'depression' moment, it's my own fault and therefore i can fix it. But this time it's not, and i don't have anyone to blame and i don't see what i can do to stop all this madness. I'm on the edge all the time with work because i know Makro is losing money since they decided it was a GREAT idea to spend an absolute fortune on a refit that was, in the end, totally pointless. Less money and less customers means less need for staff. I suppose i dont have as much to worry about as some of the temporary staff, because i'm permanent so they can't just fire me for no reason, but the temps can be layed off just for the hell of it and i feel kinda bad for them because it's not a good time to be getting fired. *sigh* Aaah damn, i dunno, the world's gone to pot and it's only getting worse... Maybe we're bringing about our own demise, as some old biddy said to me the other day, or maybe this is just another learning curve for the human race. Whatever it is, i hope it's over soon, because i don't like having to think about things that don't really concern me.

Sometimes, i wish i was a kid again, when the biggest thing i had to worry about was a grazed knee and cooties... Ho-hum.


1055928  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-11-21
Written: (5789 days ago)
Next in thread: 1055930

I was meant to be doing something constructive today, since it's my day off and all, but i just ended up sleeping till noon and then moping about all day complaining about my sore throat and headache and the fact that i have to work tomorrow at piss take o'clock in the morning. PFAH!

To rid myself of this feeling of crapness i have once again immersed myself into the world of Fandom Hearts (the land where all Kingdom Hearts uberfangirls go to squeal and make tea and whatever else they do). I haven't really been that obsessed with KH for about a year, but i've recently got back into it and it's like WAAAAAAAAAAA all of a sudden, because i can now draw better than i could back then, and can therefore draw Orgy XIII properly without them looking like deformed monkeys on heroin! So that has made me happy..

In other news.. Erm... I have none. My costume-thing for Gemma's party has arrived, so i'm going to look like a loon on loon tablets come the 28th lmaooooo. Me and Amz are going as a pair of gimps. No, really, we are. Fun fun.

I've decided i'm going to get completely smashed that night aswell, because i haven't been properly drunk in ages and i am in desperate need of some drunken antics, even if they end in me throwing up in a hedge. ALCOHOL AHOY!!!

Then it's my 18th, and then Christmas, good God... Not looking forward to that at all, i hate Christmas, it's so depressing. Yay, woo, presents that you'll never use or even see again after Boxing Day, old people in your house eating all your food, and having to deal with the humiliation of your parents getting drunk. DO.NOT.WANT. No, i'm spending Christmas in the pub wallowing in yuletide misery. Well, no, i'll be wallowing in beer, but same thing.

Wow, i'm in a very grumpy, british mood tonight :D I shall go back over to EP and see if that bint has replied to me, just so i can yell at someone. I don't think i've said anything about this have i? No, well, some girl picked a fight with me on EP because apparently i'm too much of a 'conformist' (when she was the biggest scene kid i've ever seen in my life lmao) and she is now losing this fight miserably because she failed to notice one very important thing. I am, in fact, British, and i am therefore extremely stubborn and extremely good at arguing. I love it. It's what we brits do. Well, we stereotypical brits anyway. We argue alot, drink alot of tea, and complain about everything. That's me lol :D ...And when i'm in a grumpy brit mood as Em likes to call them, i like to argue with ignorant people-who-aren't-british.

So off i go ^__^

*LOL tea time*


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