[Beki in Wonderland]'s diary

1065933  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-02-08
Written: (5617 days ago)

Snowing again D: It's getting a bit crap now! I like snow when it's fresh, and pretty, and i can go for walks in it. I don't like it when it's sludgy and grey and icky and kids feel the need to throw it at everyone who is moving. Bleeeeh.
Oh weeeeeeelll... Re-dying my hair today. I'm gonna lose the pink because every time i wash it the blue runs into the pink and it's starting to go purple anyway... So i'm gonna shampoo it and condition it a million times to try and fade the colour and then go completely blue all over :D fun fun fun
My college application form arrived yesterday too, so i'm filling that out today and starting to organize a portfolio o.o *nervous* i have no idea what i'm going to do if i don't get into college.. I suppose it's all over after that, so fingers crossed O_O
I've been OBSESSED with the Ace Attourney game (Trials and Tribulations) over the last few days, it's made me want to be a lawyer!!! O_O it's so much fun XD nothing like what it would really be like in a courtroom, but awesome nonetheless. I've nearly completed it now though which is depressing so i'm gonna have to find/download the other three games D:

Uuuuh... Did i have anything else to witter about?? OH YAH. I've been having REALLY weird, twisted, vivid dreams lately O_O The last 3 nights i've had a recurring dream about this cult of demons breaking into an 18 year old guy's house and nailing him down to a board and torturing him. Really freaky stuff XD

That is all.


1065388  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-02-03
Written: (5622 days ago)

Wheeee! It's been snowing loads here and the school is le-closed! YAY! I love the snow X3 i might go for a walk now just because it's all pretty and white and no ones tramped through it all yet XD My brother's really pissed off because his school used to close if one flake of snow fell, but they have a new teacher now and she's said that the school is staying open to all the kids who are within walking distance of it. Which is like 95% of them because it's a village school. HA! So he got bundled off to school half an hour ago looking really depressed XD YUS! I'm going back to bed, i went for a walk last night, it's too much effort to leave my house at the moment XD BED!


1065114  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-01-31
Written: (5625 days ago)

Waaaaa i had a gooood night last night, what i remember of it was good anyway XD I got sooo drunk its unreal, but its not my fault, people kept buying me drinks for doing various things, like pole dancing XD I saw Courtz again (who i used to work with a year ago) so that was awesome! Spent most of the night wandering around with Ruth chatting up random strangers and being chatted up by random strangers XD It was a fuuuuuun night but im uber tired now because i didnt sleep last night at all =/ So yes, off to bed for another couple hours kip. I'll try and remember more of what happened last night and write a proper diary about it, all i know was it was awesome and i wanna do it again next friday XD


1065011  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-01-30
Written: (5625 days ago)

Wheee, going to Rosie's tonight with [Lexi. Short and Sweet!], Shammy, Ruth, Dan, Cross, Amz and Freyah. Should be fuuuuuuuuun. Tbh im not really a club person, too loud and cramped, i'm more a chilled pub person, but it should be fun all the same :D

Be back tomorrow at some time :D


1064786  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-01-29
Written: (5627 days ago)

"And meanwhile, Voldemort's sheep had taken over the world!" PMSL XD

Yeah i really need to go to bed XD


1064772  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-01-29
Written: (5627 days ago)

Maaaagh X3 I'm totally addicted to this DVD boxset thing that i bought completely on a whim off Ebay. I didn't even know what it was but i bought it and i love it X3 It's called 10th kingdom and it's like 3 full length movies, each about 2 and a half hours long. I've watched the first two and i'm really having to restrain myself from watching the third tonight XD It'd be past 3am before i got to bed... BUT IT'S SO GOOD! And it's just got to a really exciting bit and i wanna know what happens to Wolf because he's the best character ever invented!!!!! O___O *fangasm* ...Yes. A wolf in the form of a man. He's funny dammit!!!! ¬___¬  Wolf: "No, no! "Rare" implies dangerously cooked. When I say rare I mean just let it look at the oven in terror, then bring it out to me."  X3 i love him! And the goblins, and the prince, and everyone!!! It's awesome =3 It's like a sort of adult-ish fairy tale.. Well i'd say some of the humour is adultish anyway and there's reference to drugs and sex and one of the trolls cuts himself when his dad dies... But somehow it's all really funny and yet serious at the same time WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! *hooked*

Yeah that's all i really wanted to say o.o reaaaally busy these next couple of days. Got Pentre tomorrow and clubbing for Alex's 18th on Friday then going out with the rents on saturday... I have no idea how i'm going to stretch my last £40 to all this, but i'll manage somehow X3


1064612  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-01-27
Written: (5628 days ago)

Waaaaa X3 You know that warm fuzzly feeling you get when you finish something really important that you've been putting off for ages? Like an A-Level art project for example? Well yeah, i have that X3 I just managed to pull 4 months worth of written coursework out of the air and put it together in a very stylish looking finished project in the space of 3 hours X3 i think i deserve an award for that XD although, managing to do good work on extremely short notice because i procrastinate so much is my speciality :p

Happy now =3 No more mr. T threatening to murder me with a pencil :D


1064290  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-01-25
Written: (5630 days ago)

Blue and pink hair ahoy X3


Dom: Why you pulling a funny face in your picture?
Me: Because i'm awesome.
Dom: *silence*

XD says it all


1064275  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-01-25
Written: (5631 days ago)

I has blue and silver hair :D  

I'll take a picture when i get home X3



1063836  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-01-21
Written: (5634 days ago)
Next in thread: 1064251

Aaaaaah, well that's it! The end of an era, tonight was my last night at Makro! I can't believe how upset i was, they bought me a white gold locket and big massive tub of sweets, and i was literally fighting not to cry as everyone said goodbye. As i walked out Photograph by Nickleback came on, i don't know whether someone did it on purpose but i was like 'NOOOO, TURN IT OFF!' XD i just burst into tears the minute i got into my car and i'm still crying now, listening to that song ;___; I will never forget all the amazing people i met in there, and i will DEFINATELY be seeing them all again, no matter what! I won't miss the place but i will definately miss the people, they're all legends <3

"It's time to say it, time to say it...

Goodbye, goodbye."

;____; <3


1063067  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-01-16
Written: (5639 days ago)

*sneaks into Atay's house*



Go to urbandictionary.com and type in your answers to the following questions.
Post the first definition it gives you.


The hottest awesomeset girl in the world.
I love Beki.
(Lolwhut?! That makes me sound so conceited thoooooooough >.< stupid people writing stupid definitions in dictionary thingies... blah)

2)Your age?

The age where an American can:
1. Legally buy pornography
2. Legally buy cigarettes
3. Legally gamble in Indian Casinos
4. Legally be concidered an adult
5. Be tried as an adult in a court of law
6. Be drafted for a war they don't believe in
... but still cannot buy alcohol.
(Haha, gutted for Americans, i can buy alcohol now that i'm 18 XD british laws own)

3)One of your friends?

Little known slang word from mid eastern Ireland It means "Damn nice Rack"
(lmfao how appropriate XD people who know Amz will know why XD)

4)What should you be doing?

The act of shoving everything in a closet and calling it decent.
(hahahaha, true story)

5)Favorite color?

Extremely potent marijuana, specifically marijuana buds that have a purple hue to them. Also accompanied by a fragant, usually fruity smell and mad perma-grin.
("IT'S PERMA-CLOWN!!!" ....someone better know what that's from or i'm going to die from my own lameness XD)


There was no definition for it XD So i'll give one. It's a place with a big white church that i never go to anymore.

7)Birth month?

The month in which the hottest women are born.
(*snort* this is making me sound so big headed, but i swear this is what the damn dictionary is saying! CURSE YOU DICTIONARY!!!)

8)Last person you talked to?

The parent that takes the most shit. Sure, if you had a shitty father, then go ahead and bitch, but not all of us did. Some of us had great fathers, who really loved us, and weren't assholes. Honestly, if you could see how much damage a mother could do to one's self esteem, you wouldn't even place so much blame on "dear old dad"
(haha XD)

9)One of your nicknames?

Bek is a nickname for Becky which is a nickname for Rebecca which is a nickname for Parker's mom from tiverton, ri

(And someone is a bit of a dicktard. What kind of definition is that?!?)

Fun fun fun :D


1062771  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-01-14
Written: (5642 days ago)

Waaaaaaa, been watching Ghost Hunt NONESTOP!!! Fooking epic anime, i love it <3 with a capital... <   .....yeah.

Work today was hilarious.

Nic: it says admin.
Mark: no, that says admiw... admiwee.
Nic: *lol*
Mark: you want me to laminate the admiwee?
Nic: *giggling fit*
Me: *trying not to laugh*
Mark: Sexwee. Can you laminate sexwee?
Me: *snort*
Mark: It could be like a souvenier. There's a pube, and some cum, and a cheesy tonail there.
Me and Nic: *lmao*
Nic: you're disgusting.
Mark: lamniated cheesey tonails, laminaaaaate.
Me: *breathes, calms down*
Mark: *steps backwards, falls over a box and crashes straight into the filing cabinet*
Me and Nic: *ROFL* (seriously, she fell to the floor!)

I should point out at this point that Mark is my boss and Nic is my supervisor. I'm proper gonna miss Makro XD


1062574  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-01-12
Written: (5644 days ago)
Next in thread: 1062681

Aaaaah, i was just reading some of my old moods and i have no idea what i was talking about in half of them XD How my brain works, i don't know... Why am i talking like Yoda? Fucknut i am.

Previous moods that made me lol:

"Nic has put a fish out" <<what?
"I'm going to trolley you into a ditch in a minute" << ORLY?
"Oooooh dear, i put the caterpilla in my bag!" << I think this was Amz XD
"ARRRGH *spazz* I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING!" << No, i have no idea what was happening that i couldn't believe.
"*Ommmm* inner peace, inner peace... *ommmm*" <<Hippie much?? XD
"My left retina has committed suicide :D" << Of course it has
"I feel like i've swallowed a walrus..." <<And we all know what that feels like :|

Just got back from a job interview, it went well, i think. So yeah, waiting for the verdict and currently buzzing on adrenaline so it's all good.

I nearly accidentally killed myself last night XD See, i have this unicorn mirror right? It's shaped, would you believe it, like a unicorn. Anyway, it was on the floor by my bed propped up on something, and i leant over to grab something and sliced my wrist open on the bloody horn! Right across the vein, proper down the road not across the street style, or whatever it is! I ran downstairs like 'mum, mum, the unicorn mirror tried to kill me look! It wants me to be emo and slit my wrist!" and my mum just tutted at me and gave me a plaster. So now i have a very dodgy looking cut on my wrist and everyone thinks i've tried to top myself O_O oh well XD


1062387  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-01-11
Written: (5645 days ago)
Next in thread: 1062410

Oh one more thing. Me and Amz and Toni were talking about Heath Ledger's last film (i don't know anything about it, Toni was telling me, i thought Batman was his last one but apparently he was in the middle of filming another one when he died).. anyway, apprently Johnny Depp is taking his place in the role, and that spawned this conversation between me and Amz, which i thought was funny, if a bit morbid.

Me: Awww, so Heath's only gonna be in half of it.. It won't be the same without him!
Amz: Yeah, but.. Johnny Depp!
Me: But, but... But Heath Ledger!
Amz: Johnny Depp is better looking though.
Me: Truuuue... and now it's both of them in one film! ...Johnny Depp AND Heath Ledger...
*Long pause*
Me + Amz: Making out!
All at our table: *ROFL*

We said it in EXACT unison, and we seem to do that all the time, it just goes to show how our minds work in a very similar way XD

And yes, RIP Heath and all that, i'm not trying to insult the dead or anything, but seriously, if he was still alive, it would be hot. Yes.


1062385  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-01-11
Written: (5645 days ago)

Well it's scary descision making time again. I've already made the scary descision but its still making me nervous now. I've found an art course at a college, and i've decided to pack in sixth form after this year because it obviously isn't working for me. To be honest, i think i need a change. I've been at that school for nearly 7 years, and 8 is just a little too much for me to bear. So i'm packing off to college to do a 1 year art and design course and i'll see where i go from there. I'm putting together a portfolio now for the interview, which won't be happening for months lmao but i'm excited now, so it's all go. The thing that caught my eye the most is that they want work that was created on your own, not for a school project or any kind of school work. If anyone can do that, it's me. I have hundreds of drawings around my house, tens of sketchbooks filled with doodles and drawings, my hard drive is littered with photomanips and photography and digital art. I have enough for 20 portfolios! XD So yayay, i'm excited about finally taking the leap and leaving my old friends and life behind to go to college and start anew. New job, new school, new me. Or that's what i'm hoping for anyway. Here's to the future, let's hope it goes well XD


1061720  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-01-06
Written: (5650 days ago)

Well, that's it, i'm dead! I am going to throw myself off a building. My computer is having a midlife crisis and my printer seems to have had some kind of mental breakdown and can't figure out what paper is. It keeps trying to pull bits of itself into the printy bit instead of bits of paper. I'm about to join the computer and the printer in their midlife crisisy breakdowns. I will pray to the God of electrical appliances for some assistance, since everything with a plug in my house seems to have broken. Thank god for wireless xbox controllers or i'd probably be dealing with some kind of mini electro rebellion and i wouldn't even be able to take my stress out on the xbox. Although the xbox itself has a plug so it's probably plotting against me to. I don't know what i'm talking about now. Oh look at that, in the time it's taken me to rant about the electrical appliances my printer has managed to fix itself, and despite the fact that it claims to have no ink, it's managed to print off 20 photos for me, apparently dragging the colour from the air around it because there's no ink left in the cartridges.

The God of electrical appliances saved the day.


1061719  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-01-06
Written: (5650 days ago)

Taking a day off school to finish work today XD i'm such a naughty girl O_O i decided to have a lie in as well. Until 1pm. Lol. Then i realised i have work at 5, so i'm panicking now because i have like 3 hours to do an entire art project. So in other news, i'll be dead by tomorrow. Why are printers so slow when you need them to be really fast dammit?! If i run out of ink now, i'm killing myself.

That is all.


1061376  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-01-03
Written: (5653 days ago)

Meeeeh. Makro is losing money, aye, so a bunch of us have been given our 4 weeks notice. I'm one of that bunch. To be fair, i've lost my job there twice now, that's pretty awesome XD Maybe i'll be able to get it back again this time, because last time it turned out it was a misunderstanding... And if not, then oh well, this time i'm not going to let it get to me. People get fired, that's life, this time i know it was nothing to do with me, it's just Makro being poor XD Soooo, yeah spending today job hunting, tomorrow doing school work, and monday trying to figure out whether i'm supposed to be in school or not :D fun fun


1060272  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-12-26
Written: (5661 days ago)
Next in thread: 1060394

Aaah, i had a lovely christmas, i hope everyone else did and that you all got what you wanted! My mum REALLY went all out this year because for the first time in 18 years she wasn't cooking the christmas dinner, so for some reason that meant she had to spend a fortune on me and my brother XD We'll be living off bread and cheese until next christmas but i'm so glad she did, it was wonderful. My brother woke up at 4am! I refused to get up that early, but i was forced out of bed at 8 because no one else could wait any longer o.o my family are all such children XD We went to my uncles new house for christmas dinner and his house is gorgeous! It's bloody huge, like a big old farmhouse, it's beautiful. I saw my little cousin Jesse for the first time since last christmas too, and he's grown so much, i fell in love with him XD He's 2, i think o.O He has big brown baby-dear eyes, he's so cute! He learned everyone's names while we were there, but decided that my name was Glasses and followed me round yelling 'CAR!' so i would push him in his new car toy, it was so cute X3 No one had any fights, which is unusual for my family, and my great aunt Ann cooked the most delicious christmas dinner ever! I ate way too much but i was happy X3 It was a relly lovely christmas, much better than i was expecting it to be!

Now, back to Fable X3


1059908  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-12-23
Written: (5664 days ago)

Wheeeeeee, bought my Xbox360 yesterday and have been playing Fable II almost none-stop since then. At least, i was, until i accidentally completely destroyed it last night lmao XD (fable, not the Xbox, i'd be distraught if i'd destroyed that XD) i didn't mean to, i just forgot to put the tabs across it and because the console was vertical when i nudged it the game fell out of the tray thingy while i was in the middle of a game and started getting churned up inside XD I took it out and it had a nice big attractive scratch all the way around it and it's now unreadable, but i don't really care because i think ahead and i know what a dolt i am, so i bought two copies of the game just in case XD So it's all good. I will stick the trashed game on my wall and label it 'First Xbox 360 game i trashed, within hours of owning it'. I fail so much. But yes, FAAABLEEEEEE!! It's awesome X3 I love games with no real story where you can just fuck about and do your own thing lmao XD


 The logged in version 

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