[Beki in Wonderland]'s diary

1069607  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-03-07
Written: (5589 days ago)


I've just been feeling so tired and groggy all day i thought 'right, that's it, i'm doing nothing today.' and i have and it's been fun :D it's amazing how long i can just sit and do absolutely nothing for. 3 hours i've just been sitting here, listening to music and thinking, it's awesome XD and before that i was reading and before that i was simming, that's it! i need to eat now though, im starving o.o


1069393  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-03-06
Written: (5591 days ago)


Gonna buy some jagermeister tomorrow cuz im having a drinking weekend by the bloody sounds of it haaaaaahahahahahaha

dieartty whooooooore...

iv'e been drinking a bit right, and i'm proper mellow... you know when you just get that sort of glaze like you want to go to bed but you cant because everything is just fucking funny... i love drinking its awesome

</more spazZ>

1069392  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-03-06
Written: (5591 days ago)

AAaaaaah right i had a proper good night tonight!! Pentre, as usual, but it was mad fun this week!! evne etheough it always is it was awesome... we made friends with a french guy lololol XD and there was the fittest guy in the universe in there, like proper drop dead omg im going to have a heart attack if i look at him fit lolololol then i came in and watched dirty sanchez and its made me want to do stupid dangerous things :D

Pancho + Skiing = funniest thing ever

Dirty Sanchez make Jackass look like a bunch of pretty boy pussies sometimes XD not that i don't like Jackass, but the sanchez boys are welsh ffs, they own!


1069265  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-03-04
Written: (5592 days ago)

I just made a Phoenix Wright cake :D it has made me very happy XD I'll post a picture in a minute, but right now i have to go and clean my kitchen up, because apparently i can't make a cake without making a humongous mess to go along with it O_O


1069169  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-03-04
Written: (5593 days ago)

Uuuuugh, sixth form is such a big shitfuck of crap!!! BAH! Seriously, if i took nearly a month of for no valid reason, they'd kick my ass out of there without a second thought. I mean seriously, i had a week off because i had the flu, i was genuinely ill, my mum rang in for me and everything, and i got thrown off my english course because of it! But a certain person takes a month off becauase he was 'allegedly' really ill, though he has no descisive evidence to prove that point, and he just gets told to make sure he goes to all his lessons! No warning, no fucking nothing, it pisses me off so much >.< BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH sometimes i feel like walking into miss Franklins office and just saying "Fuck you, you homeless bitch, you can shove your sixth form up your arse good and hard and chew on it for a week for all i care!" =___= but i need the damn qualifications so i can go to college next year and do my damn degree and get the hell out of education... UUUUGH.

On a lighter note... um... i don't think there is one o.O I'm just in a generally bad mood tonight... Pish. I'm having a lie in tomorrow though so i'll probably have cheered up by then. Probably.


1068324  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-02-27
Written: (5598 days ago)

Waaaah, power's going down at 9:00 in my village and they don't know when it's coming back on D; but they said it'll probably be off all day >.< WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITHOUT ELECTRICITY FOR A DAY!!!! =[ Supposedly it's off till about 5... I finish school at 11:15 today, and i'm usually home before 1... WHAT. AM. I. GOING. TO. DO. WITH. MYSELF?!?!?!?!?! I may well just come in and go to bed =___=

I hate the modern age sometimes XD


1067984  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-02-25
Written: (5600 days ago)


"People say they've been panic shopping... Buying lots of bread and water and stuff... That's not panic shopping, that's sensible! Panic shopping is where you run in and go 'Give me a victorian hat stand, a tiger and a satsuma!! NOW!!!'" 

Russell off Mock the Week XD XD *dies*

Love that show.


1067887  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-02-24
Written: (5600 days ago)

O-M-G!!!!! Live action Dragonball Z movie!!! WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME ABOUT THIS!?!?!!??! I just had the biggest nervy spaz EVER when i saw the advert... i was like "OMG REAL GOKU!!!!" and then i fell off the couch.


Pancakes now, toodles :D


1066605  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-02-14
Written: (5610 days ago)

LMAOOOOOOOOO!!! *snort* ...and breathe. Conversation i had with Emily on the phone earlier, talking about the 4th case in the Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney game:

Me: Emily, i can't do it, von Karma is a total bastard!
Emily: Yus, it took me ages to do his case. Go crazy though.
Me: What?
Emily: Go craaaaaazy. Pretend you are von Karma, what would you have done? HAVE A VON KARMA-RAMA!!!
Me: I can't believe you just said that. *dies laughing on the floor*

XD That game has taken over my life X3 i love it so much i'm actually considering re-thinking my entire life and becoming a lawyer XD XD XD I never would, because in britain lawyers have to wear stupid wigs and im pretty sure its nowhere near as exciting as in the game, but still! The fact that i've even thought about it proves how obsessed with this damn game i am...

Von Karmarama... *gigglesnort*

I'm going now O_O


1065933  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-02-08
Written: (5617 days ago)

Snowing again D: It's getting a bit crap now! I like snow when it's fresh, and pretty, and i can go for walks in it. I don't like it when it's sludgy and grey and icky and kids feel the need to throw it at everyone who is moving. Bleeeeh.
Oh weeeeeeelll... Re-dying my hair today. I'm gonna lose the pink because every time i wash it the blue runs into the pink and it's starting to go purple anyway... So i'm gonna shampoo it and condition it a million times to try and fade the colour and then go completely blue all over :D fun fun fun
My college application form arrived yesterday too, so i'm filling that out today and starting to organize a portfolio o.o *nervous* i have no idea what i'm going to do if i don't get into college.. I suppose it's all over after that, so fingers crossed O_O
I've been OBSESSED with the Ace Attourney game (Trials and Tribulations) over the last few days, it's made me want to be a lawyer!!! O_O it's so much fun XD nothing like what it would really be like in a courtroom, but awesome nonetheless. I've nearly completed it now though which is depressing so i'm gonna have to find/download the other three games D:

Uuuuh... Did i have anything else to witter about?? OH YAH. I've been having REALLY weird, twisted, vivid dreams lately O_O The last 3 nights i've had a recurring dream about this cult of demons breaking into an 18 year old guy's house and nailing him down to a board and torturing him. Really freaky stuff XD

That is all.


1065388  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-02-03
Written: (5622 days ago)

Wheeee! It's been snowing loads here and the school is le-closed! YAY! I love the snow X3 i might go for a walk now just because it's all pretty and white and no ones tramped through it all yet XD My brother's really pissed off because his school used to close if one flake of snow fell, but they have a new teacher now and she's said that the school is staying open to all the kids who are within walking distance of it. Which is like 95% of them because it's a village school. HA! So he got bundled off to school half an hour ago looking really depressed XD YUS! I'm going back to bed, i went for a walk last night, it's too much effort to leave my house at the moment XD BED!


1065114  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-01-31
Written: (5625 days ago)

Waaaaa i had a gooood night last night, what i remember of it was good anyway XD I got sooo drunk its unreal, but its not my fault, people kept buying me drinks for doing various things, like pole dancing XD I saw Courtz again (who i used to work with a year ago) so that was awesome! Spent most of the night wandering around with Ruth chatting up random strangers and being chatted up by random strangers XD It was a fuuuuuun night but im uber tired now because i didnt sleep last night at all =/ So yes, off to bed for another couple hours kip. I'll try and remember more of what happened last night and write a proper diary about it, all i know was it was awesome and i wanna do it again next friday XD


1065011  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-01-30
Written: (5625 days ago)

Wheee, going to Rosie's tonight with [Lexi. Short and Sweet!], Shammy, Ruth, Dan, Cross, Amz and Freyah. Should be fuuuuuuuuun. Tbh im not really a club person, too loud and cramped, i'm more a chilled pub person, but it should be fun all the same :D

Be back tomorrow at some time :D


1064786  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-01-29
Written: (5627 days ago)

"And meanwhile, Voldemort's sheep had taken over the world!" PMSL XD

Yeah i really need to go to bed XD


1064772  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-01-29
Written: (5627 days ago)

Maaaagh X3 I'm totally addicted to this DVD boxset thing that i bought completely on a whim off Ebay. I didn't even know what it was but i bought it and i love it X3 It's called 10th kingdom and it's like 3 full length movies, each about 2 and a half hours long. I've watched the first two and i'm really having to restrain myself from watching the third tonight XD It'd be past 3am before i got to bed... BUT IT'S SO GOOD! And it's just got to a really exciting bit and i wanna know what happens to Wolf because he's the best character ever invented!!!!! O___O *fangasm* ...Yes. A wolf in the form of a man. He's funny dammit!!!! ¬___¬  Wolf: "No, no! "Rare" implies dangerously cooked. When I say rare I mean just let it look at the oven in terror, then bring it out to me."  X3 i love him! And the goblins, and the prince, and everyone!!! It's awesome =3 It's like a sort of adult-ish fairy tale.. Well i'd say some of the humour is adultish anyway and there's reference to drugs and sex and one of the trolls cuts himself when his dad dies... But somehow it's all really funny and yet serious at the same time WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! *hooked*

Yeah that's all i really wanted to say o.o reaaaally busy these next couple of days. Got Pentre tomorrow and clubbing for Alex's 18th on Friday then going out with the rents on saturday... I have no idea how i'm going to stretch my last £40 to all this, but i'll manage somehow X3


1064612  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-01-27
Written: (5628 days ago)

Waaaaa X3 You know that warm fuzzly feeling you get when you finish something really important that you've been putting off for ages? Like an A-Level art project for example? Well yeah, i have that X3 I just managed to pull 4 months worth of written coursework out of the air and put it together in a very stylish looking finished project in the space of 3 hours X3 i think i deserve an award for that XD although, managing to do good work on extremely short notice because i procrastinate so much is my speciality :p

Happy now =3 No more mr. T threatening to murder me with a pencil :D


1064290  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-01-25
Written: (5630 days ago)

Blue and pink hair ahoy X3


Dom: Why you pulling a funny face in your picture?
Me: Because i'm awesome.
Dom: *silence*

XD says it all


1064275  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-01-25
Written: (5631 days ago)

I has blue and silver hair :D  

I'll take a picture when i get home X3



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