[Beki in Wonderland]'s diary

1071126  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-03-18
Written: (5578 days ago)

Oh dear god, anyone who knows Dom Bowen watch this video! Seriously, i couldn't stop cringing, it's made of fail XD



1071114  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-03-18
Written: (5578 days ago)

Oooooomg i had such an awesome night last night XD I got as trashed as i said i was going to and then some, i was awful XD I don't actually remember much of what happened, but what i do remember was awesome XD We got to Spoons at about 8 and i started on the vodka and red bull's straight away... then Dave appeared, and Nino started talking to me o.O For some reason he was obsessed with the fact that me and Amz are married (yes, we are. Us + drunk + bloodstock + a guy who was ordained = me and Amz deciding to get legally married) and i've never really talked to Nino before so it was a bit odd o.o somehow i have managed to end up being invited over to his on Saturday so i can dread his hair XD good times o.o then we started on the shots, and it all becomes a bit of a blur after this.. I remember going outside for a fag and Amz ran into the Spoons sign outside, and i thought it was hilarious so i did it to.. Then i climbed up on top of one of the traffic lights and started directing the traffic, so i got alot of weird looks XD Amz dragged me down off the traffic light and i ran into the sign again and then we went back inside and had a couple more shots and i kept yelling 'MORE BOOZE!', much to the amusement of everyone around me XD then it REALLY gets fuzzy... Dom walked past the pub and i chased him down the street trying to convince him to come inside for a drink... Then i went back in, did something, drank more, went outside and threw up (lol) uuuh.. I stood up screaming 'im fine now, more booze!' and then started rolling around in the middle of the road... Then i went back in and passed out for a while... Some guy was chatting Amz up so i yelled 'she's married!' at him while i was still semi-unconcious... Then i yelled at Dave to stop talking about gravy o.o Then the pub closed to we went up to the bus shelter and there was a hobo sleeping up there which i found insanely funny because he was snoring really loud... Amz licked the bus shelter alot and drew a smiley face on it, and i ran into one of the shelters really hard and fell right on my arse screaming 'rock and roooooooolll!!!' ...i have a delightful video of the event on my phone XD then me and Amz both tried to do the Cossack dance and failed miserably.. Then we went home, and i passed out in the taxi... Then when we got back to buckley i threw up again and it was red! I don't know whether it was blood or whether i'm just weird but it was insanely funny, and i stood up going 'not feeling to good!' in an irish accent, then started trying to eat a small tree... Then i picked a handful of leaves off a tree and rubbed them all over my face, went into Amz's house, somehow managed to put some pyjamas on and crawl into bed... And now here i am with a classic Beki hangover! Which is nothing but the shakes o.o which i find very odd... Most people feel sick and get headaches, but not me, i just shake like a twat for a couple of days XD

So yeah, good night! Pentre tomorrow and Holly's on Saturday as well XD God im up for a very, very insane week XD


1070914  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-03-17
Written: (5580 days ago)

Wheeee St.Patrick's day tomorrow!! Well... today, technically, since it's 1.45am o.o but yay! I'm 1/8th irish, or something like that, so i'm going out to get completely and utterly trashed out of my brain tomorrow, because i haven't been really properly drunk for absolutely ages and i feel the need to do it again for old times sake. Hooray for the Irish! Must find something green to wear tomorrow....


1070688  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-03-15
Written: (5582 days ago)

Have you ever just been browsing around on the good old interweb, and then had a really violent sneeze and accidentally clicked something that crashed your entire computer? I have, it's not good...

Another thing about sneezing... Have you ever been sitting there, minding your own business, and then suddenly you get a really violent sneeze and sneeze your glasses off your face, then sneeze again and headbutt the laptop screen? I've done that too, also not good. I'm sneezing alot today.

And you know when you have a hairbrush, one of those round ones, and you chew all the little bobbly bits off the bristles so they're really spikey? Have you ever whacked yourself in the arm with one of those? You shouldn't, it really hurts. And now i have a weird pattern of tiny little bleeding holes in my arm, which i will have to explain to my mum without saying 'i thought i'd smack myself in the arm with my hairbrush to see what would happen' because lets face it, that just sounds dumb.
Maybe i could say i was abducted by aliens...

Why am i always the one doing stupid things? =___=;;


1070460  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-03-13
Written: (5584 days ago)

Omaigod guys!!!11one I just read my rant about the anti prom which was about... what 2-3 years ago? And it was so awesome, i remember it, and i miss days like that! =[ Why don't we have fucking mad arse parties like that anymore?! I used to get rat arsed so much, and i fucking loved every minute of it! What happened?!? I never get drunk anymore, nobody ever has good fucking piss ups anymore, why?!?!?! WHERE HAVE ALL THE REAL TEENAGERS GONE?! I don't give a shit if im supposed to be growing up! I don't give a shit if i'm 20 next year and i'm still acting like a 14 year old who just discovered alcohol! i still want to go out and get pissed every now and again and it just doesn't happen anymore =[ My mum asked me something today...

Mum: Where do you want to be in the future??
Me: I dunno
Mum: What are your plans, what are you aiming for?
Me: I'm aiming for the pub!
Mum: *sigh* Don't you want to achieve anything?
Me: Yeah, i want to achieve being able to look back on my life as one big party. I want to lie on my death bed and say 'ok, i didn't get famous, i never had alot of money, i've been stuck in a crap job most of my life... But i've had a fucking laugh and loved every minute of it.'

Is it really that bad that i don't really want to strive for greatness? Not every fucker in the world is going to be rich and successful. As far as i'm concerned as long as i have a laugh then i've lived my life well. Yeah i'm probably not going to make as much money as some of the people i'm in school with who are going for gold, but so what? At the end of the day, look at the world around you. You've got big businessmen, doctors, models and actors and singers, footballers, politicians etc... all these big 'successful' people. Are they happy? Are they fuck! Business-people usually end up devoting all their time to work and fucking themselves over in the end. Doctors have to deal with SO much stress and insanely crap working hours. Models and actors and singers are constantly in the public eye and are always under so much pressure to be the best. Footballers earn millions yeah, but again, public eye, and they get pushed from pillar to post like they're someone elses property, plus all that fucking exercise they have to do that just isn't natural as far as i'm concerned. And politicians, well they're mostly just twats anyway. I don't want to live my life like that! Who are the really happy people in the world? The people who have good mates, an ok-lifestyle, an ok-bank balance, an ok-job and a lot of fucking fun inbetween all the ok-ness. My life view is to just take every day as it is and role with the punches, and not stress myself out too much about how successful i'm going to be or how much money i have. I don't care, neither should the rest of the fucking world! I see people working themselves to death, stressing themselves out, having nervous breakdowns, fuck that! If that's what it takes to be successful then i'd rather be a happy fucking zero thank you very much...Chill out world! As long as you're alive that's what matters right? Fuck everything else, just live your life for yourself and have a good fucking time while you're at it!

Rant over, i'm going to bed now XD


1070459  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-03-13
Written: (5584 days ago)


I bought the boxset off ebay and im so happy :D im gonna be watching it all day tomorrow in school cuz all my lessons are in the morning XP


I love fridays.


1070303  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-03-11
Written: (5585 days ago)

Word association fail:

Pritchard: Gorillas.
Dainton: Silverback.
Pritchard: Guatemala.
Dainton: The jungle.
Pritchard: The water jungle.
All: *silence for a few seconds*
Joyce: Where might the water jungle be Matthew?
Pritchard: I meant rainforest!!!
Joyce: *twats Pritchard over the head with bamboo cane*


Pritchard = my future husband


Feeling better now XD


1070221  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-03-11
Written: (5585 days ago)

You know what i really hate? People who lie. People who lie to try and make life easier for themselves because they don't have the fucking balls to be straight with other people. I'm always straight with people, if i think someone is acting like a twat, i'll tell them. If i just don't like someone, i'll tell them. If i think something bad about someone, i'll tell them about it. And for once it'd be nice if people would be straight with me too. If someone has a problem with me i'd much rather them come up and tell me to my face, rather than starting up a load of bollocks behind my back, lying to me, and getting other people to lie to me as well. If someone came up to me and said "I don't like your attitude" or "I don't like the fact that you smoke" or "I think you drink too much" or anything like that, i'd be like ok, cool, that's your opinion and i can deal with that. But people who lie to me and bullshit behind my back, as well as saying things that aren't even true, can just go to hell as far as i'm concerned. I've had a bitch of a day and i don't see why i should have to deal with pussies who are too scared to say things to my face so they sneak around behind my back and hope i won't notice. Newsflash, i always notice. If someone is saying shit about me then i always find out, every time, because there's always someone who will tell me about it. And now it's just got me in a foul fucking mood which isn't necessary at all. I HATE people doing shit behind my back, and now a bunch of other people have got involved i can see a massive fight kicking off which is also completely unecessary. And yeah, i'm in the mood for a fight now, all because a couple of people had a problem with me but didn't have the balls to tell it to me straight. JESUS. Do people never learn? GAAAAAAAAAH.


Ok, ranting done, back to normal stuff that doesn't involve me kicking someone's head in. I was meant to have an injection today but they couldn't give it to me because apparently i have a temperature and i could be coming down with something o.O good news that XD Got Pentre tomorrow which i'm looking forward to, and yes i'm going to get completely fucking trashed because maybe it'll stop me wanting to smash chairs over people's heads. I tend to get over things faster when i'm drunk. Plus Dom is going which should be extremely amusing :D

I'm cooking dinner for mothers day as well which is probably going to be a disaster because me + cooking = fail. Unless it's cakes. I am the cake master!!! :D Apart from that... Well put it this way, cheese on toast anyone?

I think that's all i had to say. I'm gonna go and beat up the punchbag for a while to realease my need to punch something :D

</more spam>

1070138  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-03-10
Written: (5586 days ago)

Pritchard: Dainton, you just bust my fucking jaw!
Dainton: *laughing*
Pritchard: That's not fucking funny!
Dainton: What kind of pain is that then?
Pritchard: *pause* oh i got a bit of a headache.

XD i love them XD

Lie in tomorrow (Y) back to my tv :D


1069976  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-03-10
Written: (5587 days ago)


I have been SO pissy all day today, and i was getting gradually more and more pissed off as the day went on due to various things...
Which is a shame because i had a well good night last night staying at Amz's, we played Clocktower 3 till like 2am XD Awesome game. We also made a giant cookie o.o

But now after being moody and bad tempered all day i'm suddenly in a really good mood O_O i had my usual takeover of the tv from 10 to whach Jackass and Dirty Sanchez, had some toast, and now i'm suddenly hyper for no reason D; not good when i need to sleep because i have to do a stupid presentation thing tomorrow. And Amz's probably still pissed off so i can see some sparks flying at some point tomorrow, and not the good kind of sparks XD heads will probably roll, but that's life. We were both having a bit of a pissy day today actually o.O fun fun.. Ahahaha it's Dom's birthday tomorrow i just remembered... I was meant to put a happy birthday dom on the end of my presentation... Oh hell i cba now, too much effort.


We found something else out yesterday while playing Clocktower. There's this horrible character called Sledgehammer who follows you around in the first level, and i was proper panicking and getting freaked out. When i panic, i get a really strong welsh accent XD So i'm there like "I can't fucking run, there's a table in the bloody way and he's right fucking there!!" ..But imagine that, my voice, welsh accent, raspy voice from screaming so much/alcohol.. yeah i pretty much sounded like a 40 year old welsh man, it was awesome XD So, if ever you're with me and you think we might be in a life threatening situation, only panic when i become welsh XD
That's my little piece of helpful advice for the day.

I've also lost my phone somewhere.


1069607  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-03-07
Written: (5590 days ago)


I've just been feeling so tired and groggy all day i thought 'right, that's it, i'm doing nothing today.' and i have and it's been fun :D it's amazing how long i can just sit and do absolutely nothing for. 3 hours i've just been sitting here, listening to music and thinking, it's awesome XD and before that i was reading and before that i was simming, that's it! i need to eat now though, im starving o.o


1069393  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-03-06
Written: (5591 days ago)


Gonna buy some jagermeister tomorrow cuz im having a drinking weekend by the bloody sounds of it haaaaaahahahahahaha

dieartty whooooooore...

iv'e been drinking a bit right, and i'm proper mellow... you know when you just get that sort of glaze like you want to go to bed but you cant because everything is just fucking funny... i love drinking its awesome

</more spazZ>

1069392  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-03-06
Written: (5591 days ago)

AAaaaaah right i had a proper good night tonight!! Pentre, as usual, but it was mad fun this week!! evne etheough it always is it was awesome... we made friends with a french guy lololol XD and there was the fittest guy in the universe in there, like proper drop dead omg im going to have a heart attack if i look at him fit lolololol then i came in and watched dirty sanchez and its made me want to do stupid dangerous things :D

Pancho + Skiing = funniest thing ever

Dirty Sanchez make Jackass look like a bunch of pretty boy pussies sometimes XD not that i don't like Jackass, but the sanchez boys are welsh ffs, they own!


1069265  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-03-04
Written: (5592 days ago)

I just made a Phoenix Wright cake :D it has made me very happy XD I'll post a picture in a minute, but right now i have to go and clean my kitchen up, because apparently i can't make a cake without making a humongous mess to go along with it O_O


1069169  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-03-04
Written: (5593 days ago)

Uuuuugh, sixth form is such a big shitfuck of crap!!! BAH! Seriously, if i took nearly a month of for no valid reason, they'd kick my ass out of there without a second thought. I mean seriously, i had a week off because i had the flu, i was genuinely ill, my mum rang in for me and everything, and i got thrown off my english course because of it! But a certain person takes a month off becauase he was 'allegedly' really ill, though he has no descisive evidence to prove that point, and he just gets told to make sure he goes to all his lessons! No warning, no fucking nothing, it pisses me off so much >.< BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH sometimes i feel like walking into miss Franklins office and just saying "Fuck you, you homeless bitch, you can shove your sixth form up your arse good and hard and chew on it for a week for all i care!" =___= but i need the damn qualifications so i can go to college next year and do my damn degree and get the hell out of education... UUUUGH.

On a lighter note... um... i don't think there is one o.O I'm just in a generally bad mood tonight... Pish. I'm having a lie in tomorrow though so i'll probably have cheered up by then. Probably.


1068324  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-02-27
Written: (5598 days ago)

Waaaah, power's going down at 9:00 in my village and they don't know when it's coming back on D; but they said it'll probably be off all day >.< WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITHOUT ELECTRICITY FOR A DAY!!!! =[ Supposedly it's off till about 5... I finish school at 11:15 today, and i'm usually home before 1... WHAT. AM. I. GOING. TO. DO. WITH. MYSELF?!?!?!?!?! I may well just come in and go to bed =___=

I hate the modern age sometimes XD


1067984  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-02-25
Written: (5600 days ago)


"People say they've been panic shopping... Buying lots of bread and water and stuff... That's not panic shopping, that's sensible! Panic shopping is where you run in and go 'Give me a victorian hat stand, a tiger and a satsuma!! NOW!!!'" 

Russell off Mock the Week XD XD *dies*

Love that show.


1067887  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-02-24
Written: (5600 days ago)

O-M-G!!!!! Live action Dragonball Z movie!!! WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME ABOUT THIS!?!?!!??! I just had the biggest nervy spaz EVER when i saw the advert... i was like "OMG REAL GOKU!!!!" and then i fell off the couch.


Pancakes now, toodles :D


1066605  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-02-14
Written: (5611 days ago)

LMAOOOOOOOOO!!! *snort* ...and breathe. Conversation i had with Emily on the phone earlier, talking about the 4th case in the Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney game:

Me: Emily, i can't do it, von Karma is a total bastard!
Emily: Yus, it took me ages to do his case. Go crazy though.
Me: What?
Emily: Go craaaaaazy. Pretend you are von Karma, what would you have done? HAVE A VON KARMA-RAMA!!!
Me: I can't believe you just said that. *dies laughing on the floor*

XD That game has taken over my life X3 i love it so much i'm actually considering re-thinking my entire life and becoming a lawyer XD XD XD I never would, because in britain lawyers have to wear stupid wigs and im pretty sure its nowhere near as exciting as in the game, but still! The fact that i've even thought about it proves how obsessed with this damn game i am...

Von Karmarama... *gigglesnort*

I'm going now O_O


 The logged in version 

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