[Beki in Wonderland]'s diary

911633  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-02-18
Written: (6432 days ago)

My mom is seriously considering buying me this horse:


Isn't she gorgeous? Her name's Maisie and she lives at the farm that i work at. Mum says her and dad will discuss it later *squeel!* i really hope i can get her, she's such a nice mare. And if i can't me and [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] are gonna go halves on mimi and get her as a breaking in and selling on project. I'm all excited now X3

And i've just realised i typed mom instead of mum o.O damned americans infecting my brain XD gotta love them *hugs a random american person* <.< >.> yeah, im fine ^___^'

911383  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-02-17
Written: (6433 days ago)
Next in thread: 911384

Ok, i'm being a diary whore, but this had me in absolute fits for half an hour:
....YES i'm easily amused XD

911380  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-02-17
Written: (6433 days ago)

 Me    Alex
XD ...Ok, it made me laugh XD
Not many people will get this actually.. infact, i think only alex will XD

911334  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-02-17
Written: (6433 days ago)

Naruto Shippuden is out *flails* i totally forgot about it.. thank god for youtube XD
Everyone's so cool! Sai animated *faints* ...They didn't show Neji though, so i grumbled a bit..
BUT OMG DEIDEI!! I seriously screamed when i saw him X3 His voice is just so KAWAII!!! It's perfect *squee!!!* ..I'm gonna have to go and watch it again now X3
Oh, and Sasuke is still a total prat. A slightly cooler prat, but still a prat. I won't forgive his prattyness until he decides that killing Itachi isn't his life ambition. And let's face it, that's not going to happen. Down with Sasuke, long live Itachiiiiiiiii!!!
Weasles own

910107  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-02-14
Written: (6436 days ago)

Hmm, Valentines day wasn't too bad to be honest. I had a good day anyway XD Didn't get any cards or presents, which is good. I only would have eaten them if i'd gotten anything XD My boyfriend wasn't there all day either, which meant i could love everyone for a change XD I had to deal with an upset friend at one point, but someone's always going to get upset on valentines day..
I also went to see Of Mice and Men (the play) tonight at Theatre Clwyd, and that was really good XD Me and [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] were a bit peeved though, coz the guy who was playing Curly looked really cool in his photo, and then he came on and it was like 'huh?!?' lol, but all went well and we had fun so yeaaaaaah.
That's all i have to say i think..
Happy V-Day all ^3^

909631  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-02-13
Written: (6437 days ago)

AWWW!! Every time i watch big fat quiz of the year i just love Noel and Russell more X3
"Farpack was a government agency.."
Russell: "It was a type of butter. It had a man on it what could play the trumpet."


"Ask him any yes or no question you like."
Noel: "Do you like ice cream?"

X3 X3

I love them! <3333333 XD

909191  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-02-12
Written: (6438 days ago)

i think i'm having one of those days today..
Like, i was just walking out of my room and i reached out to turn off my light (i've got a dimmer). I tripped as i was doing so, and as i was falling, i was wondering why the room was going dark. Despite the fact that i'd just reached out to turn the light off and i was aware that i was turning the light off. Duh.

909131  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-02-12
Written: (6438 days ago)

FFS, my family XD It's like living with.. i don't know, but GAH.

Dad: That was my mum on the phone.. she might be coming up to visit again in half term.
Me: Cool.
Mum: Who was that?
Dad: MY MUM. I just told you that 2 seconds ago! Fucking deaf old bat..
Mum: What? Who was that on the phone?
Dad: I just fucking told you!!!
Mum: Well i didn't hear!
Dad: *yelling at the top of his voice* MY!!!!!!!!! MOTHER!!!!!!!!
Dog: *Howls*
Mum: God's sake, no need to shout!
Me: *eats fish, tries to ignore parents*

...That just seems like somthing that would happen on TV.. But it is actually a fairly normal thing to happen in my house >.<

908354  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-02-10
Written: (6440 days ago)

Ok, i'm being a diary whore, but i forgot something..
Watch it.
Bill Bailey = God
That is all.

908349  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-02-10
Written: (6440 days ago)

Ahh, new hair.. I was a little nervous when i sat down in the chair at Deb's today.. Deb has been our families hairdresser for YEARS. She was the one who cut off all my dad's long hair 20 years ago 0__0 So yeah, she's practically part of the family. And because of this, she does whatever she wants with my hair XD She uses me as an experiments dummy.. So today when i went in the hairdressers, i had no idea what i'd be coming out with. Thankfully, i was pleasently surprised. Deb did a great job, as always, and didn't cut in a full fringe XD
*ish happy*
Reet, off to Azerbaijan! xx

908240  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-02-10
Written: (6440 days ago)

It didn't stop snowing for hours last night O__O It was obviously very heavy as it's crushed the big bush in my back garden XD It's all melting now though, you can just hear 'drip drip drip SPLOOSH! drip drip' ...The sploosh is when a big lump falls off a tree or something...i hope it's bloody freezing again tonight, and it snows again. Then they may have to close the school on monday, which would be a bit good, wouldn't it XD I'm having my hair cut today, and i don't want to.. Well, i do but i don't... I want it cut because i'm beginning to look like a hobo.. But i don't especially want to walk all the way to the hairdressers (can't drive, roads too crapped up) *sigh* problems problems.. Can't decide what style i want either XD Debbie wants to cut a full fringe back in, but no. No no no. I do NOT suit fringes, so i refuse to have a full fringe cut in no matter what they say. I'mm off to Azerbaijan now to look for some hair styles :p toodles xx

908052  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-02-09
Written: (6441 days ago)

I'm supposed to be painting Russell Brand for a dear friend of mine.. But i'm having one of those moments where you just go: "*looks at painting*.....*looks some more*....*glares at painting*...Fuck it... *gives up and get's a coffee*" Know what i mean?
So instead, i'm going to finish a gift art i'm doing for another dear friend of mine XD She's not aware that she's getting it yet, so i hope she's pleasantly surprised XD
Then i shall finish Russell when i feel more patient.. His hair is a total bitch you know, and stubble is a total ass when you're CGing realistically.. So yeah, thing i have learned today: 'drawing people is a piece of piss, but drawing them REALISTICALLY if they have poofy hair and stubble is a total pain the rear end.'
Thank you, goodnight :p 

908030  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-02-09
Written: (6441 days ago)

Interesting day today.. School closed at 2:30 again, which in my opinion was pretty crap.. what is the point in closing an hour earlier than normal?
So me, rob and walker went and sat in the drama studio waiting for my bus (they were both going into mold, but apparently they wanted to keep me company o.O) Some little chav girls from like year 8 started calling us goths and throwing hula hoops at us, which i found insanely funny. I made walker eat them XD (the hula hoops) then they started to play a sort of weird 'chicken' like game, to see who could get closest and insult us. So me and rob were in stitches over that. Then we got bored so rob gave me a lift home.. We were going to run round in fields, but decided it was too cold, so he gave me a hat instead o.O strange child..
So all in all, a pretty good (if weird) day XD

907560  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-02-08
Written: (6442 days ago)

Well, it did snow.. but school's still open! What's the point in that? WHAT?! Why bother snowing if the school isn't going to close because of it.. Jeez.. Now we have to go and sit in a FREEZING COLD school and be bored to death, instead of just sitting in a school and being bored to death... bah..

907467  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-02-07
Written: (6443 days ago)

Uuuh, yeah.. Fellow Naruto reading people who have not yet read chapter 341 (it's only out in RAW) do not read on! There are spoilers and me rambling on about Kuzu for no good reason other than that.. wait, i was just going to put a spoiler in the spoiler warning.. that would be stupid.. Bugger it i'm rambling again *shuts up and goes to bed*

zomg, 'Kuzu has hair :O
Ok, that sounds random and crap.. but i wasn't expecting him to have hair XD I don't know why.. But not only does he have hair, it's a kind of schloomfy emo style X3 He's all smexy ^3^
Pity he's dead... Bummed that 'Kuzu and Hidan had to die so soon.. they were made of awesome ;__;
So Kuzu got 'sploded by naruto.. and Hidan got 'sploded by shika.. not very creative is it?? Pfft, i don't think Kuzu is dead.. He's just lying on the floor looking a bit pathetic XD ..His eyes are open.. that makes him alive <_< >_> ..Come on, they can't reveal him to be so *aww* and then kill him, can they!? They? Who the feck is 'they'? XD I mean Kishi of course -_-'
I'm rambling now..
But he CAN'T kill them both off so soon, dammit..
This was meant to be a short diary entry, just pointing out that Kuzu has hair.. then i was going to install the printer AGAIN and see if it wants to print off my essay this time.. -__-
I'm just going to shut up now..
Aah, there are spoilers.. should put some kind of warning.. done, bed now. Night xx

907108  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-02-06
Written: (6444 days ago)


906713  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-02-05
Written: (6445 days ago)

I love Russell and Noel X3
I just watched big fat quiz of the year 06 again... and they have made me love them all over again X3
They are just too sweet for their own good, and i want to huggle them both to death ^3^
That's all..

905694  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-02-02
Written: (6448 days ago)

ROFL XD I just typed loads of stuff in here, then pressed a button and poof it was all gone XD damned school computers that im not used to using <.< >.>
So yeah, im in shcool and i have nothing to do now as i have finished the work im meant to be doing... Blah.
I'm in a pretty bad mood today, coz i missed the bus this morning and then had a huge argument with my mum again, and ended up loosing my temper and pulling off the fridge door (again)... So yeah, that's a bit poo..
Chester tomorrow, which should be amusing to say the least, despite the fact that i have very little money XD
Can't really think of anything else to put here... I could talk about my sims, as they were acting strange last night, but im betting on no one actually wanting to hear about that so i'll leave it.
Talking of sims though, TARA!! I am going to kill her!! I shall explain: Myself and Tara are both pathetic Sims2 fanatics. We play on it obsessively while yelling at eachother down the phone about it. Now, the other night she emailed me a load of hacks that she downloaded from some site that isn't modthesims2.com (the only site i trust). She told me they were just a few new hairstyles and clothes and things. Being the gullible moron i am, i stuck them all in my overpopulated downloads folder and began playing. But lo, what she had sent me were NOT new hairstyles. They were not indeed. One of them was the censor remover, so when the sims get naked for whatever reason, there are no nudity censors. There is also the 'willy wanker chair' which i only discovered when trying to buy a new sofa. I really don't want to know what that does.. There's another one which is a personality hack which makes their aspiritions go haywire. All my male sims want to become pornstars, and all my female ones want 25 babies.. Along with other random things, like the kids wanting to do 'woohoo' and the teenage boys wanting twin babies with their parents/brothers/cousins >.< So all in all a total cock up, and because im really disorganised and just throw things into my downloads folder randomly, i cant find the bastard things to get rid of them >.<
Aaah, what else to ramble about?

905507  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-02-01
Written: (6449 days ago)

Hmm, i'm in a strange mood tonight o.O
I'm partly frustrated, because my parents are in a mood with me.. Simply because i went to Ruth's tonight, which they knew i was doing (i phoned my dad off Cross's phone and everything..).. I told him to pick me up at 7.. Sooo, 7 o'clock came and went, and there was no one there.. At 7:15 i went outside to look for him up the street incase he'd gone to the wrong house.. nope, nothing. So i rang him. Apparently he'd been sitting at the end of the street for half an hour.. WHAT good is that going to do me?! How am i supposed to know he's there?! And now i'm getting the blame, which is annoying...
I found it amusing that my mum rang Cross to find out where i'd gone, as my dad said i'd gone to 'Rhys's' house o.O stupid parents XD
But despite the 'argument', i'm feeling.. what's the word? Sort of content and mellow at the moment, which is a first for me coz there's usually SOMETHING bothering me... But all seems to be going well now... Dad seems to be getting better as he's been told by the hospital that there's no need for him to stay in, he's just going for a few jabs and then he can go home.. Me and mum aren't ARGUING as much, but we do get moody with eachother occasionally.. I'm gradually getting all my schoolwork done, though it's boring, i am actually getting there now.. I've managed to (almost) reach my 2 week anniversary with my boyfriend (which believe me is an acchievment for me..) ..And everyone just seems to be generally getting on with everyone again... But there's something bugging me in the back of my mind and i can't quite figure out what it is.. Like a little niggling in the back of my mind that something bad is going to happen -_-
Yeah, i don't know, maybe i'm just tired..

 The logged in version 

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