[Beki in Wonderland]'s diary

916440  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-03-04
Written: (6418 days ago)

Hmm, i've just realised that it's 4am o.O I don't feel tired though, weirdly enough.. Prolly coz i've been asleep most of today.. I've caught a bug or something, so i'm not feeling great.. Originally we thought it was food poisening, but my dad has the same thing, so it's most likely some sort of bug.. I haven't really eaten today coz everything i eat i just throw back up again.. not nice.. But what's annoying me now is i really fancy a peanut butter and jam (or peanut butter jelly XD) sandwich.. and i cant eat >_< gay...
Anyway, due to my boredom and the fact that i now can't sleep, i've decided i'm gonna make a few random videos, because i can. I'm downloading music for them and deciding what i'm going to have going on in the vids.. then off i go into the world with my camera to film stuff ^___^ when i get my camera back from [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]'s that is XD i always leave something there..
I think i'm going to try and eat a biscuit now.. i'd be the worst anorexic in the world.. even when i literally can't eat, i still try XD

916031  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-03-03
Written: (6420 days ago)

The quality got fucked in the ass by a brick but hey.. here is me and [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]'s video of our slightly drunken antics

915871  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-03-02
Written: (6420 days ago)

ACK >_< I love Dir en Grey too much X3 My new life ambition is to meet them, they look like such a bunch of nutters!
Who knew Kyo was so afraid of bugs X3 (tbh, it's a big ass bug, i'd be running too XD)

915636  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-03-01
Written: (6421 days ago)

Agga, i feel like rambling :p First five hours of our 10 hour art exam was today :p It was really cool (and you won't hear me saying exams are cool very often XD) Me and [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] went to get coffee an hour before the end and it was just so relaxed and chilled XD Danni, Becky and Alex, the other people on our table, are great and we always end up laughing over something stupid (like Mr. Taylor and his story of the broken nob XD) Becky had me in stitches because there were people next door drilling and she got all frustrated and said "it sounds like a depressed cow!" which i found insanely funny for some reason XD So all in all it was a good exam, and i'm looking forward to tomorrows five hours aswell XD
Ooooh yeah, last night was our Post 16 open evening.. thing.. And i thought i was going to be bored to death, but it turned out to be one big laugh XD I'm too lazy to write about it now, as i need a shower XD So i'll just copy paste the entry i put in my EP diary yesterday <.< >.> *coughlazycough*
I now want to ramble abit about the post 16 open evening i just went to at my school. It was great fun, despite the fact that i thought i'd be bored :p I met Bianca right at the start and we want to take all the same subjects XD then we met Josh, who's also taking all the same subjects as us.. Then we bumped into Toni, who's taking some of the same subjects as us. Then we met Ruth and Danny and Wilson and bogged around together like a bunch of loons ^___^ I ended up getting in a slightly uncomfortable position with Josh, Toni, Wilson and Danny.. there was alot of humping going on XD And then my mum walked round the corner.. It was hilarious XD And now i have Josh's slobbery glove o.O

There we go XD hooray for lazyness! Now, i'm off to have a shower and do some more of my prep work before i go to bed ^__^ night all :p

914244  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-02-25
Written: (6425 days ago)

Meh, i'm bored out of my brains so i feel like having a ramble..
Last night i was in the weirdest mood EVER. Well, it wansn't really weird, it was just.. Giggly? I don't know, but i was finding absolutely EVERYTHING insanely funny, to the point where i nearly threw up laughing. I'm not kidding, i was so hysterical i could barely breathe and it's one of the only times in my life that i've ever cried laughing. And what started this hysteria you ask? The stupidest most simple thing ever. I have an old and crappy version of msn, windows messenger, as for some reason my computer doesn't like normal msn -_- Like normal msn, it makes a noise when someone speaks to you. It was that noise that had me in stitches. That little 'doink doink doink' noise started it. Why? Because in my head it sounded like a french guy with brillo pads stuck in his teeth. Yeah. So that's what started it. Then out of boredom i started watching the yu-gi-oh abridged series. I got to episode three and was practically pissing myself laughing when i happened to read a comment that said 'it was this that inspired the Naruto abridged series. Well done!' or something like that. Now, me being a huge Narutard, i decided to go and check it out. Within 10 minutes of watching, i was literally rolling round on the floor in hysterics, choking because i was laughing so hard. When they called Zabuza 'Mr. Poofy Pajama Pants' i spat water all over my computer and choked again, and after Iruka and Orochimaru sang the 'taking the hobbits to isengard' i stepped over the line between hysteria and insanity. It was all too much for my little brain to cope with. SO! I went to watch Naruto Shippuden 3, and lo, the moment Deidara took his hat off i fell off my chair and onto my ass screaming like a fangirl. My mum then yelled at me so i had to calm down.
Yes, this is the sort of thing that happens daily in my house. Welcome too my life.
And now i'm off to watch the Naruto Abridged Series again ^___^ because i need a laugh as we're back in school tomorrow -_-

912257  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-02-20
Written: (6430 days ago)

GODDAMIT i hate my mum so much! I wish she'd just go and die.
I know im going to feel bad for saying that later on, but right now i really don't care. She is such a BITCH i just can't stand her! I was actually happy when i woke up this morning, which is unusual as im usually incapable of being anything but grumpy until past 12noon. I go downstairs and immediately she starts yelling abuse at me for no good reason, other than that she has alot to do today and that i've been in bed until 9:30. Wooo, how thoughtless of me. So i was in the kitchen getting breakfast and she was just giving me this constant stream of abuse, and i was getting angrier and angrier with her. I was so ready to just turn round and throw a plate at her head, but i managed to just ignore her completely and walk out. So i came upstairs and went on the computer, and within 5 minutes she was upstairs and standing outside the door screaming at me again. This time it was about my GCSE's. She just stood there and yelled and yelled and it got more and more hurtful. I literally had to bite a chunk out of the inside of my cheek to stop myself picking up the freaking printer and throwing it at her head. So i just sat there with a mouthful of blood blocking out everything she was saying. Ok, maybe im totally over reacting, but aren't parents supposed to be supportive of their kids during what is a VERY stressful time? Not stand in the doorway screaming at them things like 'you're a fucking thicko' and 'there's no hope for your future, go and live in a ditch now' and 'I'm so glad i had another child. At least i'll have one to be proud of.' Now i'm sorry if im totally over reacting and probably making a fool out of myself, but im just so angry and upset it's not even funny..
One good thing i can say is i managed to control my temper, which is good because it means im improving. But as far as im concerned it's just made it worse, coz now im sitting here with this big ball of 'grrrrrrrr' and no way of getting rid of it without being violent towards something or someone. Which would just mean going back to square one. I've been told just crying is a good way of getting rid of it.. But i'm not going to give her the satisfaction of having made me cry.
I'm meant to be going into chester today, but i don't think anyone will be taking me, so i might have to steal some money and run and see if i can catch a bus.
Sorry to anyone who was bored enough to read all this.. i know i sound pathetic, but i needed to let it out somewhere, and this seemed like the best place.. i don't especially want to go and rant at my friends and upset anyone or just create a general bad mood for the rest of the day.. so i apologise for my ramblyness ^__^ im fine now XD

912212  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-02-20
Written: (6431 days ago)

..Ok! i know it's not really that funny, but it had me in a giggling fit and succesfully cheered me up, so shuddup!

912083  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-02-19
Written: (6431 days ago)

Hmm, i feel a bit better now ^___^
NOW! to the real reason i decided to write in my diary AGAIN XD
After much thought, and many hilarious conversations with my Danna and my dear cousins who are so nice about my personal sense of style, i (or rather they) have decided that i'm a female transvestite. The reason for this? Well, have you noticed that most male transvestites dress really outrageously? They wear things that you hardly EVER see (normal) women wearing on the streets. SO! They have decided that i dress like a really outrageous guy. Nice! I suppose in a way it's true.. When i actually make an effort, i do tend to wear the sort of clothes some drugged up punk guy would wear XD Or a really gay guy, depending on my mood. But yes, that is what i am. A female transvestite.
Thank you danna and cousins, you're all so lovely XD

912058  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-02-19
Written: (6431 days ago)

Put music player on shuffle and use the song title to answer each question.. press skip after you've written the answer!

What does next year have in store for me?
Lost in America (oh great XD Lost in Liverpool last year, Lost in America next year XD)

What's my love life like?
The Enemy (ROFL!! XD)

What do I say when life gets hard?
The Worst is Yet to Come (wow, optimistic XD)

What do I think when I get up in the morning?
Umbrella (ROFL! Yeah, if it's raining i guess XD)

What song will I dance to at my wedding?
Sleeping Beauty (YAY! I adore that song XD)

What do you want as a career?
The Dagger (...Does this mean im gonna be a mass murderer or something?)

Your favourite saying?
What If? (lol! Yeah! XD It works in an odd way)

Your pets name?
Hey Stoopid (LOL! I may well call my next pet this now XD)

Favourite place?
Lost in Hollywood (LOL! I guess that means Hollywood? So i've been lost in america, AND Hollywood XD Wonder if it's referring to the same trip to america?)

Describe your sexlife:
Dawn of a Golden Age (o.O Okaaay then XD.. Aah well, if Dani Filth sings it, it must mean good things XD)

What do you think of your parents?
Cry Little Sister (oh great XD)

What's your Pornstar name?
Rain (cool XD I've just noticed that Dir En Grey have a song called Rain, and a song called Umbrella XD XD.. i find that way too funny XD)

Where would you go on a first date?
The End (the end of where i wonder?)

Drug of choice?
20th Century Boy (ROFL XD)

Describe yourself:
Poison (aaah, couldn't have said it better myself XD)

What is the thing i like doing most:
In the Fire (LOL! I'm no pyro! *cough cough*)

What song best describes my school principle?
Hate Something, Change Something (OMG!! *dies laughing on the floor* that's amazing!)

What is my state of mind like at the moment?
Psycho (Oh great XD But it IS great that it's another Dir en Grey song XD)

How will I die?
3 Little Birds (ROFL!!!!!! I'll be killed by three little birds? OMG!! XD)

912052  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-02-19
Written: (6431 days ago)

Now that's over and done with..
I really do feel like i'm dying.. I'm amazed i managed do drag myself out of bed long enough to get on the computer..
I'm meant to be going to chester tomorrow, so i'm really hoping this is one of those 24 hour things..
Why the fuck am i always ill? I think it's my own fault really..
I haven't been sleeping properly for days.. I've hardly eaten anything since thursday and i've drank even less..Infact i think the most i've eaten was my lunch at work yesterday.. i haven't eaten anything today.. I don't know why really, i just can't (sleep eat or drink that is) I'm making myself ill and i know it, but i really don't know what to do about it..
It's really quite gay.. I'm gonna try and drag myself to chester tomorrow, coz i want to see my friends.. And i think if it's my own fault i'm ill, then i should just try and carry on like normal.. Work again on wednesday, which seems to take my mind off it a bit, which is good.
Further discussions with michelle about my possible future horse will follow *grins*
Mum's being a bitch though.. she says she'll let me go to chester tomorrow because i 'need to get out more' according to my doctor, but i'm not allowed anyone round this week and i'm not allowed to go to anyone's (which is gay as it's half term).. Apparently tomorrow night i need to go to bed early so im not dead for work.. i'm trying to work on her coz Alex was meant to be crashing at mine tomorrow, we need to wear neon eyeshadow and have big hair! >.< i'll try staring at her pathetically when she gets home.. im not having an argument over it.. im not in the mood for yelling and screaming today..
On a slightly less ghey note, i can actually walk! Which is a miracle as i totally fucked up my back (again >.<) yesterday. It's agony if i try to bend over XD But other than that it's just the usual dull ache. YAY! I seriously thought i'd be back on crutches today after how much it was hurting yesterday XD
All that combined, i think it's safe to say im having a pretty shit half term so far -___- ah well, could be worse couldn't it? ^___^ I'm not planning on going emo over it ^3^

On a totally un-related note - 'Take That - Patience' and 'A Perfect Circle - Sleeping beauty' <3 <3 <3 Songs of the moment. I've been listening to them on repeat for days XD

911633  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-02-18
Written: (6432 days ago)

My mom is seriously considering buying me this horse:


Isn't she gorgeous? Her name's Maisie and she lives at the farm that i work at. Mum says her and dad will discuss it later *squeel!* i really hope i can get her, she's such a nice mare. And if i can't me and [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] are gonna go halves on mimi and get her as a breaking in and selling on project. I'm all excited now X3

And i've just realised i typed mom instead of mum o.O damned americans infecting my brain XD gotta love them *hugs a random american person* <.< >.> yeah, im fine ^___^'

911383  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-02-17
Written: (6433 days ago)
Next in thread: 911384

Ok, i'm being a diary whore, but this had me in absolute fits for half an hour:
....YES i'm easily amused XD

911380  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-02-17
Written: (6433 days ago)

 Me    Alex
XD ...Ok, it made me laugh XD
Not many people will get this actually.. infact, i think only alex will XD

911334  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-02-17
Written: (6433 days ago)

Naruto Shippuden is out *flails* i totally forgot about it.. thank god for youtube XD
Everyone's so cool! Sai animated *faints* ...They didn't show Neji though, so i grumbled a bit..
BUT OMG DEIDEI!! I seriously screamed when i saw him X3 His voice is just so KAWAII!!! It's perfect *squee!!!* ..I'm gonna have to go and watch it again now X3
Oh, and Sasuke is still a total prat. A slightly cooler prat, but still a prat. I won't forgive his prattyness until he decides that killing Itachi isn't his life ambition. And let's face it, that's not going to happen. Down with Sasuke, long live Itachiiiiiiiii!!!
Weasles own

910107  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-02-14
Written: (6436 days ago)

Hmm, Valentines day wasn't too bad to be honest. I had a good day anyway XD Didn't get any cards or presents, which is good. I only would have eaten them if i'd gotten anything XD My boyfriend wasn't there all day either, which meant i could love everyone for a change XD I had to deal with an upset friend at one point, but someone's always going to get upset on valentines day..
I also went to see Of Mice and Men (the play) tonight at Theatre Clwyd, and that was really good XD Me and [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] were a bit peeved though, coz the guy who was playing Curly looked really cool in his photo, and then he came on and it was like 'huh?!?' lol, but all went well and we had fun so yeaaaaaah.
That's all i have to say i think..
Happy V-Day all ^3^

909631  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-02-13
Written: (6437 days ago)

AWWW!! Every time i watch big fat quiz of the year i just love Noel and Russell more X3
"Farpack was a government agency.."
Russell: "It was a type of butter. It had a man on it what could play the trumpet."


"Ask him any yes or no question you like."
Noel: "Do you like ice cream?"

X3 X3

I love them! <3333333 XD

909191  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-02-12
Written: (6438 days ago)

i think i'm having one of those days today..
Like, i was just walking out of my room and i reached out to turn off my light (i've got a dimmer). I tripped as i was doing so, and as i was falling, i was wondering why the room was going dark. Despite the fact that i'd just reached out to turn the light off and i was aware that i was turning the light off. Duh.

 The logged in version 

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