[Beki in Wonderland]'s diary

922670  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-03-23
Written: (6399 days ago)

Naruto manga chapter 337... page 2 XD XD Fanservice much??? *Hails Kishi* you've done it again you mad.. japanese guy.. who likes to draw awesome people X3 And page 10 O____O That's going about a million steps too far i think XD Kishi is slowly getting more and more perverted...

Anywayz... I'm off school today which is gay... My mum thinks me and my brother have some sort of ear infection, so we're off to the doctors after lunch to have our brains probed or whatever XD It's gay.. i like fridays aswell >_< Then again, i can't hear anything, so i'm not sure how useful i would have been in school anyway XD My reply to everything would have been "WHAT!?!?!?" at about a million decibels <_< >_> bah.

919522  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-03-13
Written: (6409 days ago)

BAH!!! I dyed my hair pink earlier, and it was REALLY COOL!! It was really bright pink, but my mum said it was too bright and made me dye over it with the purple to tone it down.. and it's just gone back to how it was!!! >:(
But i'm getting it cut on thursday and she's putting bright purple streaks in it to compensate, so that's ok XD And it's going multicoloured when we go on exam leave so i dont really care XD

919434  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-03-13
Written: (6409 days ago)
Next in thread: 919521

ARGH! I can't decide what i want to do with my damned hair! I had decided, but i've sort of changed my mind now because i'm having something else done to it when we go on exam leave and i don't want to go completely insane and cut it too short.. or i'll have to wait for it to grow back and it would be troublesome XD ..
I quite like this, but it looks high maintenence:

This is very cool, but also very bright XD I'd get murdered by mrs. flint if i did this, but i might do it some other time:

I like this alot actually.. It's probably what i'm going to do in the end XD (obviously it will be dark red, not gingery o__O):

And finally, this is what i'm doing when we go on exam leave:
Because i'm speshul ^.^

HELP ME PEOPLE!! I don't know what to do with my haaaaaaaaaaaaaaair *whines* suggestions? please? X3

919433  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-03-13
Written: (6409 days ago)

ARGH! I can't decide what i want to do with my damned hair! I had decided, but i've sort of changed my mind now because i'm having something else done to it when we go on exam leave and i don't want to go completely insane and cut it too short.. or i'll have to wait for it to grow back and it would be troublesome XD ..
I quite like this, but it looks high maintenence:

This is very cool, but also very bright XD I'd get murdered by mrs. flint if i did this, but i might do it some other time:

I like this alot actually.. It's probably what i'm going to do in the end XD (obviously it will be dark red, not gingery o__O):

And finally, this is what i'm doing when we go on exam leave:
Because i'm speshul ^.^

HELP ME PEOPLE!! I don't know what to do with my haaaaaaaaaaaaaaair *whines* suggestions? please? X3

919414  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-03-13
Written: (6409 days ago)

Batou owns ALL.

Batou: We’re looking for a guy by the name of Wakabayashi, go get him.
Yakuza guys: *pull out various weapons*
Batou: *whips coat back to reveal huge gun. Blasts Yakuza to smithereens.*
[Batou: 1 Yakuza: 0]

Batou: *Walks over to the door*
Half dead Yakuza guy: *picks up gun and aims at Batou’s back*
Batou: *Turns round and shoots a round into Yakuza guys face*
[Batou: 2 Yakuza: 0]

Wakabayashi: *Throws grenade at Batou*
Batou: You think those are going to have any effect on me? *shoots at Wakabayashi’s feet*
Wakabayashi: *Wets himself* (seriously)
[Batou: 3 Yakuza: 0]

Crab claw guy: *attacks Batou*
Batou: *rips crab claw guy’s arm off*
Crab claw guy: *Falls through floor* (ok, I missed a bit XD)
Batou: *Zaps crab claw guy*
Crab claw guy: *Dies*
[Batou: 4 Yakuza: 0]

…Ok, I just wanted to make a point that Batou totally owns all XD ‘specially the Yakuza :p *Ish obsessed* XD

918915  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-03-12
Written: (6411 days ago)

Rarf, i feel like having a ramble before i go to bed.. Before i start ranting, i have a big favour to yell. ALEX!! I've only just remembered this now and chances are i'll have forgotten it by the time i finish rambling so i'll write it now so i don't forget *breathes* if you read this, which you probably will, could you possibly maybe print off the two pictures in the below diary entry for me? Simply because 1) i need them to show my hairdresser what i want doing to my hair and 2) my printer is broked so i can't pring them off myself >___< I'll pay you? XD
Anyway, now back to my ramble. I was having a squeeing fit before coz Ben from X-Factor has released an album. I want to buy it, coz as far as i'm concerned he should have won. He ish so smexy X3 I was going to say something else now.. Oh yes, i've started watching Black Books again, and i've got totally addicted to it. That's the reason i'm sitting up here at quarter to one rambling in my diary instead of sleeping, so thank you andy for that. However, my mum said i have to be off the computer by 1am. So i intend to get off the computer at 1 and go to my room and draw Ziggy for a while. I think she meant i have to go to bed at 1, but she didn't say that, so morally i win as far as i'm concerned XD
Chester was coooooool! We had alot of fun just the three of us XD I did meet up with my boyfriend in the end, and we stayed with him for all of 4 seconds before we buggered off again. And we were playing eye spy on the bus on the way home, and these chavs were getting all frustrated with us, it was so funny XD
Hmmm, im going to grumble about the fact that i couldnt get my hair done on saturday morning.. stupid hairdresser -__- okay, so it wasnt her fault, but meh. Now i wont have it cut by our none uniform day, which incidentally is on leet day (the date = march 13th = 13/3/07 = 1337 :p) i dont quite understand that because red nose day itself is on friday o___O but we're having our none uniform day on tuesday.. bizarre.. Anywho..
ARGH! Drama exam on Wednesday, omg omg omg *panics* im going to go and commit suicide... ok i would, if i was stupid... but committing suicide over a drama exam would be a bit gay... So i won't, i'll just panic alot until wednesday and drive everyone crazy XD
I'm bored now, i'm going to bed, night all xx

918329  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-03-09
Written: (6413 days ago)

Whee, t3h Beki is having her hair cut tomorrow morning! *squeels* i love Deb and Kay. They've told me to bring some pictures, and they'll fuck about with my hair a bit and see what happens XD They rock! I've decided not to be boring and just go for a normal J-rock mullet.. I'm modelling it more on Kanon's style this time, so going for a more:
Kind of look... Apparently having hair like that takes dedication XD So i shall have to buy alot of spray, gel and straightening serum in chester tomorrow XD Oh dear, i think i'm going to become one of these hair-a-holic people, and be changing my hair every 5 minutes XD So [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] is a piercing-a-holic, and i'm a hair-a-holic.. GREAT! XD

918305  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-03-09
Written: (6413 days ago)

Hmm, t3h Beki is in a good mood tonight ^____^ I stayed after school today to hang out with a few of my friends so i got a later bus home. I had a long talk with my boyfriend, who i'd had a big row with today, and we've come to an understanding. He's going to stop worrying so much (because apparently the reason he went off in a huff was because he was really worried about me, but he knew i hate worryers so he buggered off to avoid an argument) he's going to give me some space if i want it, and not get all stressed if i say i want to spend a day with my friends instead of him. I've agreed to talk to him more so he knows what's going on in my life a bit, and can actually understand why i get upset sometimes. And i just got a really sweet text off him apologising for getting me frustrated today, so he's redeemed himself somewhat in my books.
Also, i had a great time after school with him, Josh and Siobahn. [imperfectionist], who was with us for a while, had a big Temari style cardboard fan. When he had to go home, he gave me the fan and that became the centre of all attention XD Josh tried to set fire to it so i started hitting him with it. Then for no apparent reason we went down to McDonalds and Walker and Josh decided it was a great idea to jump in a hedge. Me and Siobahn did the exhasporated-mature-female thing XD Then we went and sat outside McDonalds and started writing all over the famous cardboard fan. It ended up on the floor and Josh did some 'break dancing' on it o___O Then i had to go up to the bus station to find Ruth, but Josh and Walker ended up ripping the fan in half on the way up, and having a cardboard fan war.. So that slowed us down.. When we eventually got to the bus station we met Lucas who had alcohol.. Then Josh decided to try and fly with the bits of cardboard, and consequently ended up on his ass. Ruth appeared and me and her got on our bus so i could make my merry way home. But i had to take the bits of cardboard apparently. So i'm now stuck with two bits of card that have things like 'wank off siobahn' and 'walker likes to bone quiche. Well i think he does. How does that make you feel?' written all over them, courtesy of Josh. Took a bit to explain that to my mum XD
So all in all, it was fun XD and me, [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] and ruth are having a girly day in chester tomorrow *boogies* lunch at the posh restaurant place, and then off into the city for randomness and cake! ..Probably XD

918006  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-03-08
Written: (6414 days ago)

Hur hur, i'm having another giggly moment right now.. So i thought i'd ramble about it in here XD I decided randomly to watch OHSHC again, coz i haven't watched it for ages and i need to watch to the end of the series.. and the nazi/feminist moment had me in absolute stitches XD XD *dies* ...It's weird, when i first watched it a while ago, i didn't particularly like any of the characters, except Hikaru, Kaoru and Honey-kun.. But now Mori is my absolute ultimate favourite of favouriteness <3 <3 <3 Followed by Hikaru and Kaoru, Tamaki, Kyouya, Honey-kun and of course Haruhi ^____^ I'm also quite proud coz this time around i managed to remember all their names XD
Blah, enough rambling about that now, there was something else i needed to say before i go to bed.. But i can't fecking remember.. Oh well, I'll write it tomorrow when i remember what it is XD

917677  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-03-07
Written: (6415 days ago)

Hmm.. i was just sitting hear, thinking to myself about nothing in particular and munching my cerial, when i thought: isn't scrumptious a stupid word? I mean, it has the word 'Scrum' in it.. Now to me, a scrum is a group of muddy, sweaty men all squished together and groping eachother while pretending to be unaware of what they're doing (i'm talking about rugby of course).. It also has the word 'Rump' in it, which is obviously a butt.. And the words 'crum' and 'rum' both of which are food words so i suppose they fit.. but all in all, scrumtious is a really stupid word. That is all.

917659  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-03-07
Written: (6415 days ago)

YAY! It's finished! And i should probably explain what i'm talking about XD Ok, for the last 3 days i've been working on a video which is.. well, just me and my friends goofing about basically XD It's taken me THREE DAYS and it's only like a minute and a half long XD
It would have taken me longer but when i got home today DISASTER STRUCK!! I dropped my camera and now it's broken ;__; so i couldn't film any new clips, so i had to re-use a few of the old ones at the end of the movie.. so it kinda sucks towards the end, but oh well XD Anywho, here it is: http://youtube.com/watch?v=c3fHEySHj0M

Oh, one more thing
ROFL XD XD *dies laughing*
...Ok, it amused me <_< >_>

916511  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-03-04
Written: (6418 days ago)

Wow, i went to bed at 5:30am last night and managed to get up in the morning today.. Normally if i'd gone to bed that late i wouldn't have gotten up till 3pm..
Pfft, i still feel like absolute shit.. I still can't eat.. I was a very stupid twat last night, and ignored logic and went to get myself a peanut butter jelly sandwich.. I kept it down for all of five minutes -___- So yeah, i'm not planning on eating anything at all today..
In other news.. um.. I have no other news really, but i feel like rambling because i don't especially want to go and walk the dog in the pouring rain when i feel like my face just dropped off and someone poured cillit bang down my gob..
I've started yet another story XD This is getting quite stupid now.. I have about a billion stories on the go, most of which haven't made it past their prologues.. So i've decided to get a list of all the stories i've started and decide which ones are worth carrying on with and which ones can just be left unfinished. Once i've done that i'll get my list of 'stories to be finished' and finish the bastard things one at a time, even if it takes me till i'm 25 XD
Hmmm, i don't think i have anything else of worth to ramble about.. although i doubt anyone is actually bored enough to have read this far XD So i'll talk about some random shit..
I've almost finished re-writing all my english coursework, which is a relief.. I'm doing it all by hand this time, so i feel like my arm's going to drop off and run away screaming 'have mercy!! crazy woman!!' or something like that.. So once i've finished writing this i'm off to finish those..
Umm.. I have revision books now, so i've started revising for my GCSE's >.< I'm not especially nervous or stressed about them, i just find them troublesome.. I have lot's of nice things i could be doing, instead i'm revising. Yay.
Mum's decided that getting Maisie (horse) at this point probably isn't a good idea coz it'll only get in the way of my GCSE's and act as yet another distraction. I have enough distractions as it is XD Jesus, a pencil and a piece of paper is a distraction to me.. So yeah, she's agreed to get me a horse after my GCSE's, when hopefully all our finances will be sorted out too so we'll be able to afford livery closer to home.. That'll be good..
Yeah, i've run out of things to ramble about now, so off to walk the dog and then do my coursework *bleh*
50 points to anyone who was bored enough to read all of this.
You win a prize!
And your prize is..............................

A cat. Haha, owned. 

916440  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-03-04
Written: (6418 days ago)

Hmm, i've just realised that it's 4am o.O I don't feel tired though, weirdly enough.. Prolly coz i've been asleep most of today.. I've caught a bug or something, so i'm not feeling great.. Originally we thought it was food poisening, but my dad has the same thing, so it's most likely some sort of bug.. I haven't really eaten today coz everything i eat i just throw back up again.. not nice.. But what's annoying me now is i really fancy a peanut butter and jam (or peanut butter jelly XD) sandwich.. and i cant eat >_< gay...
Anyway, due to my boredom and the fact that i now can't sleep, i've decided i'm gonna make a few random videos, because i can. I'm downloading music for them and deciding what i'm going to have going on in the vids.. then off i go into the world with my camera to film stuff ^___^ when i get my camera back from [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]'s that is XD i always leave something there..
I think i'm going to try and eat a biscuit now.. i'd be the worst anorexic in the world.. even when i literally can't eat, i still try XD

916031  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-03-03
Written: (6419 days ago)

The quality got fucked in the ass by a brick but hey.. here is me and [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]'s video of our slightly drunken antics

915871  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-03-02
Written: (6420 days ago)

ACK >_< I love Dir en Grey too much X3 My new life ambition is to meet them, they look like such a bunch of nutters!
Who knew Kyo was so afraid of bugs X3 (tbh, it's a big ass bug, i'd be running too XD)

915636  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-03-01
Written: (6421 days ago)

Agga, i feel like rambling :p First five hours of our 10 hour art exam was today :p It was really cool (and you won't hear me saying exams are cool very often XD) Me and [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] went to get coffee an hour before the end and it was just so relaxed and chilled XD Danni, Becky and Alex, the other people on our table, are great and we always end up laughing over something stupid (like Mr. Taylor and his story of the broken nob XD) Becky had me in stitches because there were people next door drilling and she got all frustrated and said "it sounds like a depressed cow!" which i found insanely funny for some reason XD So all in all it was a good exam, and i'm looking forward to tomorrows five hours aswell XD
Ooooh yeah, last night was our Post 16 open evening.. thing.. And i thought i was going to be bored to death, but it turned out to be one big laugh XD I'm too lazy to write about it now, as i need a shower XD So i'll just copy paste the entry i put in my EP diary yesterday <.< >.> *coughlazycough*
I now want to ramble abit about the post 16 open evening i just went to at my school. It was great fun, despite the fact that i thought i'd be bored :p I met Bianca right at the start and we want to take all the same subjects XD then we met Josh, who's also taking all the same subjects as us.. Then we bumped into Toni, who's taking some of the same subjects as us. Then we met Ruth and Danny and Wilson and bogged around together like a bunch of loons ^___^ I ended up getting in a slightly uncomfortable position with Josh, Toni, Wilson and Danny.. there was alot of humping going on XD And then my mum walked round the corner.. It was hilarious XD And now i have Josh's slobbery glove o.O

There we go XD hooray for lazyness! Now, i'm off to have a shower and do some more of my prep work before i go to bed ^__^ night all :p

914244  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-02-25
Written: (6425 days ago)

Meh, i'm bored out of my brains so i feel like having a ramble..
Last night i was in the weirdest mood EVER. Well, it wansn't really weird, it was just.. Giggly? I don't know, but i was finding absolutely EVERYTHING insanely funny, to the point where i nearly threw up laughing. I'm not kidding, i was so hysterical i could barely breathe and it's one of the only times in my life that i've ever cried laughing. And what started this hysteria you ask? The stupidest most simple thing ever. I have an old and crappy version of msn, windows messenger, as for some reason my computer doesn't like normal msn -_- Like normal msn, it makes a noise when someone speaks to you. It was that noise that had me in stitches. That little 'doink doink doink' noise started it. Why? Because in my head it sounded like a french guy with brillo pads stuck in his teeth. Yeah. So that's what started it. Then out of boredom i started watching the yu-gi-oh abridged series. I got to episode three and was practically pissing myself laughing when i happened to read a comment that said 'it was this that inspired the Naruto abridged series. Well done!' or something like that. Now, me being a huge Narutard, i decided to go and check it out. Within 10 minutes of watching, i was literally rolling round on the floor in hysterics, choking because i was laughing so hard. When they called Zabuza 'Mr. Poofy Pajama Pants' i spat water all over my computer and choked again, and after Iruka and Orochimaru sang the 'taking the hobbits to isengard' i stepped over the line between hysteria and insanity. It was all too much for my little brain to cope with. SO! I went to watch Naruto Shippuden 3, and lo, the moment Deidara took his hat off i fell off my chair and onto my ass screaming like a fangirl. My mum then yelled at me so i had to calm down.
Yes, this is the sort of thing that happens daily in my house. Welcome too my life.
And now i'm off to watch the Naruto Abridged Series again ^___^ because i need a laugh as we're back in school tomorrow -_-

912257  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-02-20
Written: (6430 days ago)

GODDAMIT i hate my mum so much! I wish she'd just go and die.
I know im going to feel bad for saying that later on, but right now i really don't care. She is such a BITCH i just can't stand her! I was actually happy when i woke up this morning, which is unusual as im usually incapable of being anything but grumpy until past 12noon. I go downstairs and immediately she starts yelling abuse at me for no good reason, other than that she has alot to do today and that i've been in bed until 9:30. Wooo, how thoughtless of me. So i was in the kitchen getting breakfast and she was just giving me this constant stream of abuse, and i was getting angrier and angrier with her. I was so ready to just turn round and throw a plate at her head, but i managed to just ignore her completely and walk out. So i came upstairs and went on the computer, and within 5 minutes she was upstairs and standing outside the door screaming at me again. This time it was about my GCSE's. She just stood there and yelled and yelled and it got more and more hurtful. I literally had to bite a chunk out of the inside of my cheek to stop myself picking up the freaking printer and throwing it at her head. So i just sat there with a mouthful of blood blocking out everything she was saying. Ok, maybe im totally over reacting, but aren't parents supposed to be supportive of their kids during what is a VERY stressful time? Not stand in the doorway screaming at them things like 'you're a fucking thicko' and 'there's no hope for your future, go and live in a ditch now' and 'I'm so glad i had another child. At least i'll have one to be proud of.' Now i'm sorry if im totally over reacting and probably making a fool out of myself, but im just so angry and upset it's not even funny..
One good thing i can say is i managed to control my temper, which is good because it means im improving. But as far as im concerned it's just made it worse, coz now im sitting here with this big ball of 'grrrrrrrr' and no way of getting rid of it without being violent towards something or someone. Which would just mean going back to square one. I've been told just crying is a good way of getting rid of it.. But i'm not going to give her the satisfaction of having made me cry.
I'm meant to be going into chester today, but i don't think anyone will be taking me, so i might have to steal some money and run and see if i can catch a bus.
Sorry to anyone who was bored enough to read all this.. i know i sound pathetic, but i needed to let it out somewhere, and this seemed like the best place.. i don't especially want to go and rant at my friends and upset anyone or just create a general bad mood for the rest of the day.. so i apologise for my ramblyness ^__^ im fine now XD

 The logged in version 

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