[Beki in Wonderland]'s diary

929279  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-04-12
Written: (6379 days ago)

Wheee, i just watched the first half of Attila the Hun.. And OMG it's so amazing!! I love it, i can't wait for the next half, whenever that is... The guy who played Attila is just.. gorgeous! Long curly black hair and KYAAA! He's just hot.. And Ceaser (dunno how to spell it <_<>_>) OMG Ceaser!! He was the sweetest, funniest little thing! He just reminded me of a younger Dylan Moran! He seemed completely drunk the whole time and had no idea what was going on, it was adorable X3 And the servent guy who tried to poison Attila and the guy who's name i can't remember, but ended up poisoning himself by accident.. it was hilarious!! AND THE DUDE!! Omg, the dude, who worshiped Attilas brother... He had a mono-brow and a little whispy ginger beard, he was awesome XD Ack, i love it, i need to go and draw Attila now, as i am slightly obsessed X3

Edit:: Ok, just a point, this is a drawing i found on DA of Attila (the Attila from the TV movie i was just rambling about): http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs12/i/2006/260/5/8/Attila_the_Hun___WIP_by_EuroFoxx.jpg  ....Look at that and tell me he's not hot. Do it. Kudos to the artist for capturing him so well ^__^ *wishes she had a Tardis so she could go back and see if Attila really looked like that XD* ..He probably didnt.. He was probably really big and muscly, with a fat head, a bushy beard and... he probably smelled bad too...

929183  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-04-11
Written: (6380 days ago)

Just got back from Ikea XD I love it there, even if i just go with my mum and my brother i always have a good time.. This time i bumped into this emo guy called Adam who i recognised.. i later discovered that he's the gay guy that i met on holiday last year XD he was really funny, running around with a frog pajama bag on his head X3 We were sampling all the beds and shouting really loud "i think the springs are too squeaky on this one, dear, the neighbors might complain!" it was so much fun! Then we were flinging these plastic frisbee things around and playing 'Beyblades' with them, which was great fun ^__^ I found a bit of chalk and wrote "i am the walrus" on every single chalk bored in the childrens section, and then got stuck in one of the tiny little chairs that you can close so they look like eggs XD [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] will know which ones im talking about i think!
After a while of running about being a dork with Adam, i spotted this REALLY hot Japanese-looking store attendant.. Me and Adam were hiding behind the sofas to look at him, he was gorgeous! Then I dared Adam to go and ask him which beds had the least squeaky springs, but he wouldn't so i did XD He found it really funny and we started talking, so Adam sidled up when he saw that i hadn't been eaten, and spent the whole time blushing and being really shy (bless!) The Japanese-looking guy had Japanese parents, but was born in Ipswich, which i found really funny for some reason XD He was called Nathan and i left with his number ;p (i'm only planning on being his friend mind you, as i am infact taken)
Me and Adam then nearly got chucked out for playing around on the flat escalators, so we went running around the bit where there's loads of stuff in boxes with those flat trolly things, being loud and generally causing havok! Then mum decided she'd had enough shopping for one day, so dragged me off to get coffee and go home.. But i grabbed Adam's number on the way out, so i made two new friends!
Ikea is a wonderful place XD

928421  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-04-09
Written: (6382 days ago)

Grrr, boyfriend really annoying me again... He keeps texting me asking if i want to go and stay in mold in a tent with him bianca and josh.. actually, no, i have better things to do with my life than getting drunk and squashing up in a two man tent with four people -__- I have revision to do and a room to clean if i actually want to live to see next weekend. So call me a goody goody, i dont care. GAH! I'm putting a list of reasons im not going into mold, to confirm (for my own benefit more than anyone elses) that i'm not just being stupid and i am making the right choice.. Reasons i'm not going into mold:
1) My mum won't let me. She went absolutely apeshit last time i went in because she hates Walker (boyfriend) and Bianca with a vengence and doesn't like me spending time with them.
2) I have revision i need to do, which in my opinion is slightly more important than seeing my boyfriend who i saw on Friday anyway. Jeez, it's not like i've been away for 6 weeks is it?! (If this seems stupid.. sorry, i'm the independant type, i don't feel the need to see my boyfriend every day of the week.)
3) I need to clean my room if i don't want my mum to go in there on friday and chuck all my possessions in a skip, which she's said she will do and i know she will.
4) My mum wouldn't let me go into mold now anyway. She's banned me from going there until we go back to school or unless i'm with Alex who she says she can trust to make sure i get in no trouble (feel honored Al XD)
5) If i go into mold against my mum's will, i will have no home to go back to. She's already said that if i do what Bianca is doing and just leave home for the holidays, she will kick me out for good. With my mum, that is not an empty threat. I said this to my boyfriend, and i was so pissed off with the answer he gave me >__<
Boyfriend: "Stay out in mold tonight with me, pleease??"
Me: "I really can't, my mum will go apeshit and kick me out of the house again.. i know you've all been kicked out, but my mum won't let me come back if i go.."
Boyfriend: "Don't worry about it, there's a shelter near here anyway, it's only £6 a night and you get a meal too."
WELL THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I'm sorry, but i'd rather have a HOUSE to live in and a FAMILY than live in some stinking homeless shelter with a bunch of tramps who have nowhere better to go!!! Him and Bianca and Josh had been nagging me for over an hour and it's a miracle i didn't loose my temper with him and punch him in the face.. I did storm off without saying goodbye, but that's just because i was really pissed off and slightly upset... It sounds silly, but it really upsets me that he can't just accept 'no' as 'no' and leave it at that.. I said no, not "No, but if you nag me enough i might change my mind.".. I am not the sort of person to give in to nagging, it just pisses me off.. And if he can't understand that no means no then.. grrr.. just grr... I actually went back to Gemma's and cried because he'd got me so frustrated.. I've been stressed about it since friday because i think i really upset him by saying no and then just storming off.. So i'm now ranting in here because it's always been good for me to vent in here.. i do feel better now, sorry for rambling on and probably making no sense, i needed to get that off my chest XD
I'm off now, gotta do some more Japanese vocab before i start on maths revision *sigh* work work XD

928413  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-04-09
Written: (6382 days ago)

The 10 names of moi!

Rebecca (Beki)

2. YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (first three letters of your name, plus izzle)
Rebizzle in da house, yo! XD

3. YOUR “FLY Guy/Girl” NAME: (first initial of first name, first three of your last)
R-Jo (I've dropped the H coz it would have been silent and pointless anyway XD)

4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (fav color and fav animal)
Purple Horse (Lol, this amuses me XD)

5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, Street you live on):
Lily White (since i don't have a middle name i used the name i was going to be given, but my parents chose beki instead -_-)

6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name, first 3 letters of mom’s maiden name):
Johrejon (ROFL XD)

7. SUPERHERO NAME: (2nd favorite color, favorite drink):
Black Rum (Sounds like a bloody race horse <_< >_>)

8. YOUR IRAQI NAME: (2nd letter of your first name, 3rd letter of your last name, any letter of your middle name, 2nd letter of your moms maiden name, 3rd letter of your dad’s middle name, 1st letter of a sibling’s first name, last letter of your moms middle name):
Ehlolem (my mum doesn't have a middle name so i used my dads instead for the last bit)

9. YOUR STRIPPER NAME: (the name of your favorite perfume/cologne/body spray) Charlie Red (because it happens to be the body spray that's in my bag atm.. it's not actually my favourite, i dont have a favourite XD)

10. YOUR WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother & father’s middle name)
William XD (my mum doesn't have a middle name, so i'm just using my dads.. so id be william XD)

928402  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-04-09
Written: (6382 days ago)

Um, my Turkish isn't exactly up to scratch, but merhaba is a form of greeting isn't it? Like hi or hello? If not, some random stranger is sending me random Turkish words! XD Oh well, i replied with Hello anyway, so if it doesn't mean hi then i'm going to be getting a look something like this o___O from some random Turkish person XD </ramble>

927921  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-04-08
Written: (6383 days ago)

*sigh* teh beki ish happy! I'm finally fulfilling one of my life dreams and learning Japanese! *sings* I'm learning japanese, i think im learning japanese i really think so! do do do do do doo dooooo!.... Ok, that's not funny at all xD Oh well.. i'm having a great time and it's SUCH a nice language to learn.. The pronunciation is alot easier than i was expecting... Though some of the words are rediculously long XD There's no complicated muddling of the verbs, it's all just very simple and cool. Watashi wa ringo desu = I am an apple XD Ok, it's not funny at all, but i found it stupidly funny XD I've been sitting here for the last 4 hours going through Japanese vocabulary that my 'tutor' has sent me.. i found it insanely amusing that he taught me "My name is Beki, this is a book!" I mean, how helpful is that gonna be? Running around in Tokyo going "MY NAME IS BEKI AND THIS IS A BOOK!! A BOOOOOOK!!!" Oh god... i really need sleep now, it's nearly 4am... I have Japanese greetings and phrases going round and round in my head... And i'm becoming obsessed with the word 'ringo' coz it's pronounced really nicely... ringo... ringo... RINGO!! Breathe, stop being obsessive over apples... right, i'm going to bed...
Smoke me a kipper, i'll be back for breakfast xx

927717  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-04-07
Written: (6384 days ago)

I just had haggis for the first time in my life... and i have to admit i was pleasently surprised. Despite how disgusting i thought it was gonna be, it's actually really really nice :p Dinner time was really funny though thanks to my dad... We all sat down and started eating our haggis quite happily..
Dad: You know what's in haggis?
Me, Mum + Brother: *ignore him and carry on eating*
Dad: *poking haggis* Pigs heart..
Brother: *stops eating*
Dad: Pigs liver...
Mum: *stops eating*
Dad: Pigs lungs...
Mum + brother: *push plates far away from them*
Dad: Oatmeal, of all things... And probably a bunch of intestines and stuff.. All smushed together and wrapped in sheep's stomach..
Mum + Brother: *look disgusted, look at me like i just ate the dog*
Me: *still eating* What??
Dad: *laughs and carries on eating*

It amused me no end XD My mum and my brother were both nearly sick, and i just carried on eating despite knowing what was in it... I don't really care to be honest.. if it tastes nice, why stop eating it just coz it's got a load of gross stuff in it? XD Aah, long live the Scottish..

927620  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-04-07
Written: (6384 days ago)

Hmph.. I felt like crap yesterday, and i'm not sure why... I was fine in the morning, then i went to Mold to see [Pinup_princess] and her boyfriend Terry... Just after i got there i started to feel a bit ill, and it got worse as the day went on... We met up with a bunch of people, Walker, Josh, Kal, Bianca, Gem (the other one XD) and her boyfriend who's name i can't even remember XD, Pierce and i think that was it <_< >_> *bad memory day* and after a few doughnuts and some play fighting with B i started to feel better XD Then i fell out of a tree/bush type thing.. I got in there fine, but i couldn't figure out how to get out again XD So i ended up on my ass.. But all in all it was a fun day, apart from the fact that i felt like shit again towards the end of it, and when my mum picked me up she started having a massive go at me because apparently i'd been drinking and smoking all day and i was a discgrace to the family =__= So when i got home at about 6, i just went upstairs to bed XD I slept till about 11pm, got up, had an ice cream, did some drawing and went back to bed at 1.. Then i didn't get up till 12:30 today XD So i've had around 16 and a half hours sleep XD And i feel better for it..
I was gonna go into chester today and get my hair done and my snakebites coz Walker's said he'll pay for one of them so i can get them both done at the same time.. But my dad's really ill and my mum's out so i have to babysit the sprog =__= Oh well, i can do some revision while im at it, so far this holiday i've only managed to pretend to revise <_< >_> Ramble over..
Smoke me a kipper, i'll be back for breakfast xx

927146  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-04-05
Written: (6385 days ago)

Kya! X3 AnCafe are one of my new favourite bands XD They are so sweet! Lookit:
They all have such cute little giggles XD And Bou gets slapped alot, bless him X3 And ROFL at Miku's weird voice donald duck thing.. I haven't a clue what he's saying, but it's so odd XD and it makes Kanon giggle like a school girl, which is possibly one of the cutest things i've ever seen in my life X3
AnCafe = Cutest band on the planet. Ever.

927033  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-04-05
Written: (6386 days ago)

Aaah, i just realised that Azerbaijan is in the list of locations XD That really amused me for reasons probably only Alex and Ruth will understand.. Azerbaijan *snort*..
Anyway, had a good day today.. Work was really chilled out and we didn't do much.. The usual mucking out and stuff in the morning, but we were pretty much finished by two, so we spent the rest of the day beautifying Finnigan (who is a horse).. I made his mane all schloompfy, and Alex was attacking him with the curry comb which he enjoyed immensly XD Bless him, he's such a nice horse... He kept trying to steal my phone and unzip my jacket, he's so sweet X3
I got home and realised i'd run off with Alex's wages XD But no worries, she'll get them back on tuesday *nods* Then i couldn't be bothered doing anything so i went to sleep on the sofa for a while.. Then we had this awesome spaghetti, which was huge! I was drinking my drink through it XD Then i went back to sleep on the sofa, woke up because my cousin texted me, and came on here ^___^ So i've had a lazy day XD

Aaah, i forgot to mention a while ago, my auntie Julie has had a baby X3 so i have a new cousin! He's a little boy called Jesse, and i have yet to meet him, but i've seen pictures and he's.. Well, he looks like a baby i suppose XD Pink and stuff... i don't really like babies, but hey, if i can influence him to be cool i think i can put up with him XD Chris and Julie are bringing him over on easter sunday so i'll get to meet him then.. And my slightly mentally unhinged grandparents are coming too, so it should be amusing XD
That's all i have to say, i'm off for a sandwich now ^__^

925954  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-04-02
Written: (6389 days ago)
Next in thread: 926022

Ok, firstly, i'm sorry to anyone i upset or annoyed last night. I know i was being snappy and irrational, and probably making very little sense. Sorry.
Secondly, thank you to the people who helped me out. You know who you are. Who knew a total stranger could change your life like that? Weird..
Thirdly.. no that's it i think... I'll just apologise for being so irrational last night, i wasn't thinking straight at all.

925749  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-04-01
Written: (6389 days ago)

I have never felt like killing myself more than i do right at this moment.. I just don't see the point in life anymore.. It all seems like we're struggling away to achieve something, despite the fact that we don't know what that something is.. What's the point in staying alive when all i do is hurt and cry and then hide it away. I'm sick of hiding it. I hate feeling like i have no one. I hate standing in a crowd of people and feeling alone. I hate looking at my family and wondering how long its going to last. I hate looking at my dad and knowing that he's given up. I hate looking at my dad and knowing he's going to die soon. I hate looking at my mum and knowing there's nothing i can do now. I hate looking at my little brother and knowing that soon enough he'll have to go through what i'm going through. I hate watching my friendships, relationships and family fall apart at the seams. I hate not having anything to believe in. I hate not having anything to live for. I hate it. I hate it. I HATE IT!! And most of all... I hate the fact that most of it is my fault. How can i live with myself? I'm a coward that's how... Too scared to speak... To scared to do anything about it... FUCKING COWARD!! I can't take it anymore... I'm just... I can't, it's driving me insane... Crying isn't enough anymore, i just don't know what to do... I'm just so tempted to run away and never come back... But i can't... i'm done running away from my problems, my life... I need to do something about it, not run from it... Oh fuck it, fuck everything, i give up, i can't be bothered. It's just not worth it anymore. I hurt to many people. Night all xxx

925369  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-03-31
Written: (6391 days ago)

Grrrrr, why is my brain so fickle and all over the place >___< i have serious issues.. i wish my stupid brain would just drop out of my stupid head and go and corrupt someone else.. then i could have a normal, none fickly brain thank you very much *fumes* Bloody hell... I'm going to bed now, i need to chill...

924086  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-03-27
Written: (6395 days ago)

*sigh* my boyfriend is so fecking hopeless.. right at this moment in time i want to force him to be a waiter and then chuck plates at him (don't ask)... He doesn't understand anything.. at all >__< I think [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] might have a small idea what i'm talking about XD ..A while ago i had an 'argument' with le boyfriend, who is nameless today apparently XD, and with alex's help i basically told him he needed to back off a bit because he was being way to clingy and stuff.. we also let him know that if he wants to know why im upset or moody sometimes, he has to ASK. Talking to me shouldn't be that difficult after 2 months =__= And now, he's just taken what we said and taken it to extremes.. i haven't spoken to him in 4 days, my total time spent with him in the last 4 days has probably been about 5 minutes and he's just backed off a stupid amount.. i honestly don't even know if we're going out anymore, it's so annoying... Maybe i sound like a total hypocrite here.. i'm not sure if i'm doing a 'back off' 'come back' thing and over reacting, but it just seems like everything we've said to him has gone in one ear, been garbled up in his brain and then come jet propelling out of the other side >___< Boys are so troublesome.. aaand i've just realised i'm not going to see him tomorrow, thursday or friday or probably the rest of the easter holidays either XD i can see this going the same way as Steevo did.. oh well, not my problem.. Ok, rant over, i'm fine now XD WHY, for once, can't i get a normal boyfriend? One who doesn't beat me up/get jealous of all my male and female friends/want to see me every five seconds/ignore me completely or any of the other stupid things they do >___< i attract morons...
Now back to sanity... apart from above problem, i've been having a pretty good week so far XD it's the last week of term so everything is pretty chilled and relaxed... No real effort being put in during any of our lessons, that kind of thing.. i can see tomorrow being a bit gay as i don't really have any lessons i especially enjoy, except art which is always great fun. Like today we started talking about how we always get pakistani doctors, who say 'very very' alot XD And then for the rest of the day we were sticking 'very very' in every sentence we said XD Becky came out with the most amazing thing ever too XD Something like this:
Mr. Taylor: ...and all your units are due in on the fourth of May..
Becky: That's Star Wars day...
Olivia: Really, is it actual Star Wars day?
Becky: Yeah!
Mr. Taylor:.....Right, so i've just been told that May the fourth is Star Wars day... Anyway-
Becky: May the fourth be with you.
Whole table: *die laughing*
Rest of class: *WTF*
Mr. Taylor: *rolls eyes*
Aaah, i dont think i'll ever forget my art lessons.. some of the funniest experiences of my life have happened in that art room XD

923426  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-03-25
Written: (6397 days ago)

Beki has once again taken a pointless personality test..

Warmth ||||||||| 22%
Intellect |||||||||||| 34%
Emotional Stability ||||||||| 22%
Aggressiveness ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Liveliness ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Dutifulness ||||||||| 26%
Social Assertiveness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Sensitivity ||||||||| 30%
Paranoia ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Abstractness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Introversion |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Anxiety ||||||||||||||| 46%
Openmindedness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86%
Independence |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Perfectionism |||||| 18%
Tension ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%

Ok, so according to the table that appeared with my results, this means i am: Cold, selfish, instinctive, unstable, irritable, moody, controlling, tough, wild, fun loving, untraditional, rebellious, uninhibited, bold, wary, suspicious, strange, imaginative, private, confident, self assured, curious, exploratory, a loner who craves solitude, disorganized, messy, stressed and unsatisfied... Is it just me or does that sound like some kind of insane person?? I hope i'm not like that XD

923046  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-03-24
Written: (6398 days ago)

Gwah, i feel the need for a ramble.. I went into chester with my mum and my brother today, because my dad needs a 'time out' and my brother needed some ear stuff and i needed to do something at the halifax that i dont understand and get some more co-codamol XD I got a manga from the library.. i didnt even know they had mangas in the library XD Then i wandered around to find things to sew to my boring old t-shirts.. i found some really cute tokyo kitty buttons X3 so i'm going to sew lots of stuff to a t-shirt and be a n00b XD just because i can <_< >_> Gah, i had something else i needed to ramble about too and i've forgotten... oh well.. i'll remember at some point *wanders off*

923045  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-03-24
Written: (6398 days ago)

Nyahahaha, Sasuke bashing FTW \o/ http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/51517862/?qo=2&qh=special%3Apopular
None-Naruto obsessed people won't get this.. in fact anyone who hasn't read up to the most recent chapter of the manga won't get this... Sorry XD

 The logged in version 

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