[Beki in Wonderland]'s diary

948966  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-06-16
Written: (6313 days ago)

Whoop! HOMG how good was Doctor Who?!?! It was... WAOW!!! Man... i am such a freaking nerd... But it was seriously soooo coool!! And those future kind dudes... The ones with the piercings and tattoos... HOW COOL?!! Wow...

Ok, that was pointful... I happen to be in a good mood tonight ^__^ Exams are almost over (1 day left! Feck yes!) and then i'm free for the entire summer!! Nearly 3 effing months! My inspiration has returned and i'm drawing and writing like a maniac.. I finally managed to get myself out of my slump XD The family are a little less annoying, although they still have no grasp on the meaning of privacy and i still think that my dad is spiking my mums coffee with something XD Mutti got The Hitch-hikers guide to the Galaxy and The Hills Have Eyes on DVD... So being a horror movie junkie i'm going to watch the Hills Have Eyes as soon as everyone is in bed... I'm very fussy about how i watch my horror movies. I think the best way is in your PJ's, wrapped up in your duvet sitting right infront of the TV with something to eat, in a COMPLETELY DARK room in the middle of the night and COMPLETELY ALONE!! That just makes it more creepy! And it's the best way to get the full effect of a good horror :p When your on your own, your mind is more likely to play tricks on you. I have a rating system for movies too:

1 - Not even worth turning the lights off for. 
2 - Scooby-Doo scary.
3 - Slightly spooky.
4 - Made me fidget a bit.
5 - Made me feel a little nervous.
6 - Made me hide my face behind a pillow (only once)
7 - Frequent face hiding and or squeaking at the scary bits.
8 - Caused me to scream out loud
9 - Made me scared to go upstairs on my own/scared to sleep.
10 - Had to turn it off coz it was so scary!

I have not yet encountered a 10 movie! How sad XD I only remember 2 movies ever making me scream out loud, one was a really old american one and i screamed as a way of relieving tension more than anything else... And the other was The Ring, during one of the scarier bits, and my dear friend [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] screamed at me, successfully scaring the shit out of me much more than the movie ever did XD I have only experienced a 9 once, and i can't remember what the film was, but i was only about 13 at the time... There was something about it that was just really.. Disturbing, and real. It scared me, and i couldn't sleep for 2 nights straight XD Since then i've only ever encountered 7's and below (apart from the two 8's i mentioned...)
Being a horror movie junkie, the best part of it is being scared to death by the film. So my goal in life is to find one that scares me so much that i can't sleep for a week and i can't even watch the film to the end!

I'm done now o_O

948571  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-15
Written: (6315 days ago)

Bah, i have to wait another week for Shippuden.. That's just stoopid -___-

Aaaaanyway. What did i want to ramble about? I've forgotten... Feck it.

Exams are almost over though! YAY!!! I've only got one more day of exams left... I WILL BE FREE FOREVER AFTER MONDAY!!! I have Drama and Welsh and that's it. Forever. No more GCSE's. I can't fucking wait!!! And then summer begins. I can be hippie-ish EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK! It's gonna be amazing! Me and [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] are going for a week long 'tramble' around, just acting like a pair of hobos which will be immensly funny.

Bah, i have to go and pick up the fruit and veg now -_- i'll ramble more later :p

947446  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-06-11
Written: (6318 days ago)

*Sigh* do you ever feel like just punching something and not stopping until it's broken and dead on the floor and your knuckles are bleeding and cracked? ...Well, i do, frequently at the moment... It's mainly my mum "Get a Job, revise more, get off that computer, stop talking to your friends, stop going out after school, work harder, do more chores, go to bed on time, look after your appearance more, make friends with some nice people for once!" ..I have an idea mum, why don't you STFU and let me live my own life for once? My response to all the crap she gives me every day? "I have a job, and i love it even if i dont get payed much, its all i need. I revise enough. I can't revise any more than i do because my brain wont let me. It shuts down and i just cant focus. I'll stay on the computer if i want to, im studying as well as talking, so STFU. I NEED my friends. NEED them, like a bad habit. I go out after school because it's my chill out time. Take that away from me and i'll be the most hellish, evil daughter you could ever wish for. Maybe i don't want to work hard? Maybe i'm quite happy living a layed back, hippie-ish lifestyle. Has that thought ever occured to you? I do the chores im given. If im not told to do something, i wont do it. If i dont feel like doing it, i wont do it. I'm a lazy bitch, get over it. I DO go to bed on time. I go to bed when i'm tired. That, in my oppinion, is when i need sleep. I don't care what i look like. It makes no difference to me, i can look ok or look like a scruffy hobo it really doesnt matter. And i'll make friends with the people that i like, not the people that you approve of. Discussion over."
Yeah, so i'm a selfish, moody, bitchy, bad tempered, un-motivated, hopeless, useless, un-organised, patronising, abhorrent, nasty little teenager. GET OVER IT. I like being like this, i wouldn't be me if i wasn't like this. *sigh* i suppose this is just exam stress getting to me, but at the moment all i want is to go and lie in a field somewhere and sleep for days.. relax, and forget that im actually part of anything.. i just want to exist and not have to worry about anything or anyone else.. GARGH! Why can't life be more simple?! Why can't it just be, live how you want and don't let anyone get in your way?? Why do we always have to have more of everything? More money, more clothes, more shoes, more makeup, more STUFF!!! WHY is everyone so fucking absorbed in what they want?! All the stuff they can't have?! I'd be quite happy living in a little shack in the mountains, seriously! I don't see what the big deal is about always having more stuff! Sure, it's nice to spend money and have cool things, but i could do without them! So why stress over them?! I am not the type of person to stress over getting something i dont need, and no one seems to understand that!!!

Gah, im probably makng no sense now so im going to shut up. Night all.

947130  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-06-10
Written: (6320 days ago)


Dad: Who's this picture of??
Me: What picture?
Dad: The one that was on top of the printer..
Me: Which one? -_-'
Dad: The one with the bloke with the milk..
Me: Oh that's Teruki.. Why?
Dad: I accidentally glued my elbow to Teruki's pants...
Me: *ROFL*

Ok, i found it funny <_< >_>

947121  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-06-10
Written: (6320 days ago)

YES!!!! FECKING SCANNER IS FIXED!!!! X3 I finally have a scanner and a printer that WORKS!!!! This one is not called Gandalf like all my other ones have been, because whenever i called them Gandalf they broke XD So me and my brother had a... discussion...

Me: What shall we call it??
Ethan: Gandalf again?
Me: Naah, it always goes crap if it's called Gandalf...
Ethan: ...Hmmm... Zetsu?
Me: I don't want my printer named after a homosexual plant..
Mum: I beg your pardon?!
Me: Nothing mum...
Ethan: What about... Inu Yasha?
Me: No, he's a tard...
Ethan: ...Kisame?
Me: ...Why?
Ethan: ...Because he's a shark?
Me: ...No relevance at all to anything printer-like... IT'S GOOD! Kisame it is!
Ethan: Mum we need champagne!
Mum: What for??
Ethan: So we can smash the bottle on the printer..
Me: Ethan that's ships...

XD And so our printer was christened Kisame (after Kisame off Naruto, obviously) so yeah! XD I don't really have anything else to say... toodle flip!

946937  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-06-09
Written: (6321 days ago)

HOMG! Last night was soooo frigging awesome X3 Just.. WAOW! I left the house a bit late coz i got distracted by msn XD Mum had gone for an early night, which is good because i don't think she'd have let me out.. My dad didn't care XD I wandered off at 9:45 and found Mike by the track waiting for me. We bogged down the track to this little clearing place in the woods where there's a mud slide and a rope swing and a little stream. It's gorgeous! Originally i thought we'd only have a little gas stove, but they'd gotten a proper camp fire going and rolled some logs in to sit on so it was all campy and summery X3 There was only one other girl there, Tasha, and she was so nice! Then there was Mike, David, Sam, James, two guys who's names i've forgotten and Josh who had the guitar X3 They were all older than me, 17, 18 and 19... Tasha was the youngest apart from me and she'd just turned 17, but that didn't matter coz everyone was sooo nice! We had cider (Blackthorn!!!! Which is my favourite X3) and a crate of J2O's to drink, and a bunch of marshmallows and cocktail sausages to eat XD It was really nice and chilled. We sat round the fire toasting marshmallows and Josh was playing the guitar and we were all singing, it was so hippie-ish! Then me Tasha and James went on the mud slide and i got FILTHY! I got stuck on the rope swing because it was higher than i thought XD Then at about 1am everyone started to disperse and only me Mike and Sam were left. Sam lives in Northop so he had to bugger off on his funky pink bike XD and Mike said he had to be home by 2am so he walked me home. My parents were in bed when i got in, so i pottered upstairs and collapsed on my fouton XD

I woke up at 8 this morning! Which proves that spending a night out in the fresh air helps you sleep well... or something XD Mum decided that we were going out for a pub lunch then going into chester, so i was like 'wtf?' but i decided to go anyway. Went to the pub and i had steak and blue cheese and salad, which was REALLY nice, but i felt really fat afterwards XD I drank a pint of cider too so i felt really mellow and chilled. On the way into Chester we were talking about music and i was amazed to discover that my dad knows ALL the words to 'They're Coming to Take me Away!' so he was singing that really loudly and drunkenly all the way to Chester which was highly amusing XD When we got to Chester we went to PC World and got me a new scanner X3 so i'll be able to put new art up! Then we went to the Library and i got The Hills Have Eyes on DVD. Mum then decided that she was bored of shopping so we came home, and me and my brother went to walk my dawg round the fields which was nice coz the grass is REALLY long now so it's great fun to play in (yeah i'm mature and adult <_< >_>) Then i came home and had a fruit cocktail!

I'm going out again to meet Mike tonight, not for a Hippie party this time, just to hang out until 11 (my curfew -_-) with some more people that i don't know from Ewloe. It's gonna be cool i think X3 Aaah... So, thus far my weekend has been awesome, and i don't want it to end! Cuz when it does, it's back to exams -_- BUT! Only a week left and summer will REALLY begin! I can't effing wait! I can smell the BBQ already! XD

946725  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-08
Written: (6321 days ago)

Wheee!!! Omg, i've had such a nice day! XD This morning i woke up early for once, got told i had to get the late bus so i could take my brother to school, and went back to bed XD I then actually got the late bus and bogged into Mold where i met [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] Josh and Toni. Me and Alex went to Ruths to do history revision, and ended up watching Fried Green Tomotoes, which is an amazing film! Then we went to do our history exam.. which wasn't too bad, but it could have gone better =/ Feh, i got so bored at the end that i just made some shit up, drew a picture of Oiril (my rat anthro) on the back of my exam paper and spent the last 10 minutes smoothing out a bit of blue foil that i found in my pencil case XD Good exam XD

So... After the exam i went back to Ruth's and watched the end of Fried Green Tomatoes... Then Ruth had to go to Young People's, so i went to meet Alex ([Lexi. Short and Sweet!]), Josh, Walker, Mark and Danny ([imperfectionist]) at Tesco. Danny went to get his hair cut and mark went home, so me Josh Alex and Walker went to sit in the hedge! There's this really comfortable hedge in Tesco carpark, great for sitting in XD We went for a wander up to Spavens so that Alex could get a cream soda float, and i grabbed a 9 plastic spoons that were all different colours XD

After Walker picked up his job application from Maccies i had to walk home, which i thought was going to be very boring... But it was infact, awesome! I walked for about half an hour then i spotted a little path that went into the woods. Inspired by Idgy i yelled "TOWANDER!!" at the top of my voice and ran off into the woods XD i wandered about for a while and then came out into this biiiig field that wasn't near any roads or anything and it was really peaceful. So i just lay down and watched the clouds and it was so summery and hippie-ish! Then my dad rang me asking where i was so i had to head off across the fields to get home XD After much fence hopping and cow avoiding i managed to get back into my village... Then, due to the fact that i was daydreaming and paying no attention to where i was going, i collided with the long haired boy who just moved into our village and made him drop his bread XD I started talking to him and discovered that he's called Mike and he was in the year above me in primary school! His parents divorced when he was in year 6 and he went to live with his dad in Connahs Quay. His dad started getting funny with him recently so he moved back to live with his Mum in Northop Hall! Wheeee, so i've known him for years without realising it XD Anyway i told him that i'd decided that i was camping out tonight, which i am because it's a really nice evening. He said that sounded like a cool idea and could he join me XD He rang a bunch of people who i don't even know and they decided that they were having a hippie-ish evening out in the woods behind the track, and i'm invited XD We're meeting in the clearing in the woods tonight at 9:30! I can't wait, it's gonna be soooo cool and summery X3 Just 10 of us sitting round a campfire (or gas stove.. whatever XD) with a guitar and some cider and a bag of marshmallows and just chilling! IT'S SO SUMMERY!!! It makes me want to run round in a bikini XD *squeebles* this is gonna be so awesome! YAY! X3

So basically after exams i'm planning on spending most of the summer outdoors camping and wandering and what not. Summer is gonna be soooo good this year X3 ROLL ON SUMMER HOLIDAYS!!!

946270  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-06-07
Written: (6323 days ago)

Stole this off [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]... It's all bollocks, just to let you know XD

What is my stereotype??


Whats Your Stereotype?
•[] You go/have gone tanning.
•[x] You own an iPod/mp3 player. (You don't really have to be high class.. Nearly everyone owns one now...)
•[x] You love Starbucks. (It's just coffee o_O what's high class about that???)
•[x] You have been called a brat. (Um, hello, i'm a teenager!)
•[] You have tons of shoes.
•[] You hate buying things that are on sale.
•[] You have a laptop. (Not necissarily a high class thing..)
•[x] You love shopping. (EVERYONE loves to shop! You just have to love what you're shopping for.. if that makes sense XD)
•[] Black is one of your favorite colors.
•[] You wear chains. (Goths don't actually wear chains, that's more metallers...)
•[x] you like heavy metal. (true Goths like romantic goth music and classical actually... And Bauhaus, mustn't forget them..)
•[] you've shopped at hot topic (Soho's is the only goth-ish shop in britain... Hot Topic isn't really goth though =/)
•[x] You have worn black lipstick. (Again, not really Goth.. More punkish/psycho/j-rocker)
•[x] You have/had/or wanted piercings. (Definately more punk than Goth..)
•[] You own a pair of Tripp pants (Punk...)
•[X] u have at least one unnaturally colored haired friend. (Punk! And anyone could have an unnaturally colored haired friend...)
•[] You can skateboard. (That's... More skater than punk...)
•[x] You like plaid.
•[x] You have/love Converse. (That's more emo/scene than punk...)
•[] You hate mtv.
•[x] You have/had/wanted blue, pink, red, purple, or green hair.
•[X] You love mohawks
•[X] You LOVE Music.
•[X] Hate people who pretend to be something they are not
Punk is dying!! It is being suffocated by this new fad! Bands such as Greenday and Fall Out Boy who claim to be 'punk' are taking over. In the words of a TRUE PUNK "They're not punk, they're plonk." - Quote Johnny Rotten
•[X] You are depressed sometimes. (Everyone gets depressed sometimes it's part of living!)
•[x] You have dark colored thick-rimmed glasses. (Ever heard of being short/long sighted! I'm short sighted and NEED to wear glasses, and i look better in thick rimmed ones. Doesn't make me emo. Makes me blind.)
•[] You cry easily. (...Whatever.)
•[] You like emo music
•[x] You've kept a journal/diary. (Uhh... How does that make you emo?)
•[x] You have written a sad poem. (Hahaha, that makes you a poet, not emo! Do you think Edgar Allan Poe was emo???)
•[x] you have dyed your hair (...There are very few people alive today who HAVEN'T dyed their hair...)
•[] You're sad when you're drunk (That's called a mid-life crisis, not emo..)
•[] You like rap
•[x] have said "Fo Sho, Fo Shizzle, Fo Sheezy, etc."
•[] You have worn/wanted a grill.
•[] You have had a freestyling contest.
•[] You have worn your shoes with the tongue flipped out.
•[] You've said the N word to a black person and didnt get punched
•[] you know most of the lines from Boyz N Da Hood
•[] You own a huge gold chain with a giant gold pendant
•[x] You like loud music.
•[x] You love/like the Ninja Turtles.
•[X] You have slip-on shoes.
•[] You like Norma Jean.
•[x] People have called you a freak and meant it lovingly
•[x] You love to "hardcore" dance
•[x] Your hair has been dyed more than one color.
•[x] You wear jeans a lot. (So do cowboys...)
•[] You LOVE/like The OC.
•[] You had/have/want a tiny/small sized dog. (My gran has a tiny dog, i don't think she's a prep -_-)
•[] Your usual outfits consist of pink. (I love wearing pink! I used to hate it, but not anymore! And that doesn't make me a prep, it's a colour ffs...)
•[] u like buying shoes A LOT.
•[] you shop at Hollister.AE,and/or Abercrombie
•[] Getting your nails done is a fun thing.
•[x] You have big sunglasses (I have big eyes.. i need big sunnies... that's my excuse anyway...)
•[x] You can't go anywhere without your hair perfect. (My hair looks like a dead badger if i don't style it properly XD)
•[] You watch the Superbowl.
•[] You own track shoes or cleats other sports related shoes.
•[] You own jerseys.
•[] You have/ had a special shelf for trophies and awards.
•[] Your garage/shed consists of sports equipment.
•[x] You belong/belonged to a team.
•[] You have a specific number preferred for your jersey.
•[] You practice a sport at least 3 times a week
•[x] You like putting little bows in your hair (That doesn't really make you scene...)
•[x] You have mini-skirts. (Umm.. What's scene about that? Mini skirts have been around for decades, way longer than 'the scene')
•[x] You have parted your hair to the side. (FFS, my mother parts her hair on the side! It doesn't make you scene, it's just a different way of styling hair!)
•[] You think polka-dots are way cute.
•[x] You have done a peace sign while you pose for a picture. (That's anime fangirl, not scene.. The scene kids just stole it off us because we're cooler.)
•[] You've been called scene before.
•[x] You have dyed you hair a bright neon color (Nothing scene about that. Punks did that first!)
•[x] You wear/wore long, colorful socks with your skirts (PUNKS DID IT FIRST!!!! Scene kids are wannabe punks and they fail at it.)
•[x] Gone four wheeling.
•[x] Went hunting.
•[] Own a four/three-wheeler or dirt bike...ect.
•[x] Like to go fishing.
•[] Eat beef jerky
•[] Ever said GIT-R-DONE.
•[] Listened to the song Redneck Woman.
•[] Know who Bocephus is.
•[x] You wear band shirts alot.
•[x] If people down talk metal you down talk their favorite music.
•[x] You like bands like As I Lay Dying, Lamb Of God, and All That Remains.
•[] You HATE emos.
•[x] You love Black Sabbath.
•[x] You have gone to Ozzfest.
•[x] You like to headbang.
•[x] You don't like rap.
•[x] You have a taste for classic rock as well.

•The 1 that you have the most X's under will be your title!!•
Repost this as "whats ur stereotype?"


Ok, i'm sorry, but so much of that was crap i couldn't stop laughing. Me and [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] have decided to remake this stupid thing, only our version will be GOOD. And the points will actually match the fecking stereotype -___-


946143  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-06-06
Written: (6323 days ago)

Hrmph... It feels like i haven't been on here in ages, but it's actually only been like 2 days >_< Exams are making the days seem longer... Haha, my last rant was cut short by people looming over my shoulder and reading what i was writing.. which i hate.. 'People' was actually only Bianca, but i still hate people reading over my shoulder... Anyway, yes, we're in the middle of exams and i'm so unbelievably chilled and relaxed about them it's not even funny. We've spent the last 5 years being told how important and life changing these exams are, so you'd think that i'd be a little nervous, or worried. Nothing. Just totally chilled, which is so strange for me coz i'm such a stress head normally. For some reason i've just decided that if i fail, i fail, and i'll have to deal with that. I can't change the fact that the last two years i went through a rebellious stage, gave up on school work and concentrated on doing fuck all. Technically i should be a straight A student, but i've let myself slip and now i'm likely to just get C's in everything... It's a pass, and that's all that matters to me. Funny though how it's not bothering me at all... I would have expected to be really upset knowing that i've pretty much let myself and everyone else down, but it doesn't bother me o_O I don't feel like i've let myself down, so i don't see why i should worry XD I dunno, i think i should just become a hippy... I have the hippy attitude to everything, so why not?

Hmm... Looking forward to a lazy summer holidays. I can't wait to just spend weeks lying in my garden drinking rum and eating ice (Alex understands XD) I'm going on holiday nto south England to see my family which will be cool. We always have fun down there X3 We're staying in my uncle Dave's bungalo, which is like 2 minutes away from the beach, it's soooo cool! Last year we just spent the whole holiday lazing around in the house, on the beach, and at my Nan's playing with her ducks. That's the life XD I might be going to stay in Ellesmere Port for a week with Nathie, which will be uber cool coz i'll get to meet his parents who are apparently bonkers XD Haha, meeting the parents already.. AND HOORAH AND WOO! Mutti has decided to pay for me to have my hair in a PROPER JROCK STYLE! Ready to go and see Dir en Grey. Seriously, it's gonna be like:
*squeels and dies* I'll look like Kaoru! *faints*... It won't be that big and poofy all the time though... Only when i'm feeling J-rockery :p First i need to get hold of some sort of uber strong hair spray XD

Speeking of J-Rockers and their awesome hair, I'M GOING TO SEE DIR EN GREY!!!!! They're doing a UK tour and i don't bleeding care if i'm dead and headless, i WILL go and see them no matter what. I'm determined. I really have an unbearable urge to take a pie and throw it at Kyo, but i think i might be killed by a mob of screaming Kyo fangirlies. Pfeh. But. AAAAAARGH, DIR EN GREY!!!! *dies in a big puddle of fangirl gloop* I can't remember what bought the subject of Dir en Grey up again.. OH yes i can, i was talking to [Pinup_princess] about gigs on the phone earlier, and i was moaning coz i've never seen any Jrock bands live, and then i remembered about Dir en Grey and decided on the spot that i'm going... And then we were talking about something else when Cathedral came on the TV. And this was the point where i got to brag, coz i've met Lee Dorrian, got his autograph, kissed him and me and [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] got our fore heads signed by Cathedral's drummer XD Ahh, good times... Why am i even talking about this, it has no relevance to anything at all...

ANYWAY! i have 2 exams tomorrow, which is slightly crap... But they're German and English Lang so i should be able to do them half asleep anyway... Even so, i think i should probably stop talking and go to bed... Yes, that's what i'll do. I have SO MUCH to ramble about, but it can wait i think XD Sleepy time now, rambly time tomorrow X3

945257  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-06-04
Written: (6326 days ago)

Ahhh, time for a ramble methinks... I'm sitting in Mold library... on a computer, obviously... I've got my Maths exam today, and i would be having a nervy spaz right now but for some reason it's not bothering me anymore. My excuse for everything now is that i fail at life, and apparently that goes down well with my parents o_O

944926  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-06-03
Written: (6327 days ago)

Uh oh, i promised myself i wouldn't join any more forums or start any more RP's until after the exams... I can keep a promise to anyone... unless it's myself >_< I've gone an joined another new forum and already got myself into a big argument XD I'm good... Yeah...

944870  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-06-02
Written: (6327 days ago)

Hmm... My ear seems to be oozing blood o_O i blame that dodgy pirate earring i was wearing yesterday... Anyway, my long rant for the day is coming up, so prepare yourselves! Haraha.

Well, where to start? Chester and the pirate day yesterday i suppose is a good place! It was a beyond marvy and very piraty day XD The bus journey was possibly the most drunken thing ever... It was just 50 minutes of madness XD We sang drunken, piratey songs (when i was four, i ate my door, the day i went to sea, i jumped aboard a pirate ship etc etc) spent a while attacking Josh for suggesting that the bus wasn't a pirate ship (which it was, it was the Jolly Norman), we waved our big pirate flag out the back window and waved our swords and yelled Y'ARR at passing cars ^__^ So all in all very drunk, piraty and childish. Just like normal then. When we got to Chester it was SO UNBELIEVABLY HOT! I mean come on, this is britain! But, we're pirates! So we dealt with it as any good pirate would. We went to Coffee Republic and bought a bueno shake and a packet of oreos. BUT! and this is the piraty part, we conned them out of some money because they thought we were eating out, but we were eating in XD And that knocked about a quarter off the price. Oh yes, we're well on our way to becoming pirates XD XD There was a dude with an accordian playing piraty music outside, which got me in a pirate mood. So we went to clairs and bought goody bags XB because we're retarded. THEN we went and splashed all our money in the Disney Shop on Pirates 3 gear. I got an I Love Jack bag, and some undies which say 'At Worlds End' on the bum, which i find way too funny XD Then we finally went to the cinema, and when we got in there the (very professional) guys at the popcorn and drinks bit decided to steal me and [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]'s swords and have a fight with them. They were fascinated by the fact that my sword lights up and makes noises (official PotC merc, hur hur) and one of the guys offered me free popcorn in exchange for the sword XD I said no and we went to watch the film... Well, after me and Josh had a violent swordfight which involved me tripping over the seats and nearly falling down the stairs several times XD There were only about 9 people in the cinema, so me and Alex could laugh insanely at all the bits we found funny, which was the whole film XD So all in all it was a good day out X3 (even if i did feel very bus-sick on the way home -_- I'm not for these buses, that run on wheels! I like me ship! Y'arr! XD) When i got home i pottered around a bit, still dressed like a pirate, and then went to lie down in the garden. I fell asleep. And in my sleep i rolled into a lot of mud, and woke up lying under the hedge in the 'grotto' (no idea how i got there, it's on the other side of the garden o_O). My dear Mutti woke me throwing a bucket of water over me, which made me feel very piraty indeed since i was still in my pirate gear and it sort of mimicked how Jack and Will woke Gibbs up in the first movie, except there were no pigs involved XD XD

Anyway, that brings us on to today! Mutti took the Boy to Liverpool and i didn't want to go (one time getting lost there was quite enough) so i stayed home to revise... But i took the dog for a walk and somehow managed to be out for 4 hours o_O i got back and Vati hadn't even noticed that i'd gone XD Mutti was back by that point and she was going ballisticisimus because she didn't think i could possibly have walked the dog for 4 hours, therefor i must have been kidnapped -_- i came home slightly dazed and wondering where the day went XD Then i had an interesting conversation with Mutti over the dinner table, as she was trying to convince me to do this stupid modelling thing tomorrow...

Mutti: You have a good chance of winning you know.
Me: No. They're all going to be plastics and much prettier than me anyway.
Mutti: All the girls at work have said you should do it.
Me: Mutti, they're all old. And even if by some miracle i managed to win, i don't really want to be known as someone who can't do anything except pose for a camera.
Mutti: You're just being stupid. She should do it shouldn't she Mark?
Vati: Shush, eating.
Mutti: Oh that's good, support your daughter in what she wants to do why don't you.
Me: In what YOU want me to do, Mutti.
Mutti: You'd get to go to London if you won.
Me: I don't care, i don't want to go, it's all smokey and smoggy anyway.
Mutti: But you could take Alex.
Vati: Oh what and she's going to inhale all the smog and make it ok is she?
Me and Ethan: *laughing asses off*
Vati: Alex the smog inhaler. Do you have a smog problem? Alex is your girl! She'll keep your air crystal clear for a fea of £50 an hour and a bottle of rum for her efforts!
Me and Ethan: *Literally rolling on the floor laughing*
Mutti: Mark you're really not helping.
Vati: I think you need a smog inhaler. The smog is making you cranky.
Me and Ethan: *Dying, can't control laughter*
Mutti: *sulks*

So yeah, that's pretty much what conversations are like in my house... It amused me anyway XD [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] the smog inhaler XD XD Oh dear... Anyway, i'm off now... Oh one more thing... Actually i'd better not mention it, some people might find it offensive. Although i found it hysterical, and i don't agree with racism... Meh, i don't care, i don't want loads of people yelling at me for being racist, so i just won't say it! I'm off to watch Sleepy Hollow (AGAIN!!!!)

944321  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-05-31
Written: (6329 days ago)

Argh, damned perverts!! >.< His name was about 50 miles long so i shortened them to make it less confusing...

Him: *adds me* hi.
Me: Hi hi
Him: How're you?
Me: Alright, thanks. You?
Him: Yeah im good.
Him: Got cam?
Me: No.
Him: Kinky pics?
Me: *blocks him*

Fooking hell, can't people add me to msn just to TALK?! Or is msn another word for 'pervert congregation zone, come here to get your nudie pics' >_< >_< bloody idiots...

944307  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-05-31
Written: (6329 days ago)

Wheeee!! Totally hyper now X3 Can't wait for the pirate doody in Chester tomorrow, it's gonna be vair vair funny and beyond marvy. My pirate costume now consists of (from bottom to top XD):

* Mutti's awesome brown pirate style boots.
* My leather trousers
* Mutti's rediculous hairy sash... thing...
* Mutti's top mit big floompfy sleeves
* Mutti's bit fat brown leather belt
* Mutti's thinner black leather belt
* Ethan's (official) PotC sword
* Mutti's black headband thing
* Mutti's long velvety is coat (which makes me look like Bootstrap Bill XD)

Now, is it just me that thinks its funny that ALL the clothes, except the leather trousers, are the Loon Leaders? She mentioned this, and my response was "Not my fault you dress like a pirate." And she went off in a huff XD

Tomorrow is gonna be beyond marvy \m/


944185  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-05-31
Written: (6329 days ago)

Y'arr! I'm pirate obsessed now... I've been walking round the house dressed as a pirate for hours. Mutti nearly had a nervy spazz coz i nearly took her eye out with my sword XD Me and my brother, out of boredom, created a pirate family with a bit of a bakcground story... I like them, they're cool, so i'm writing them into an actual story at some point! It will be a short, spoofy comedy type thing because i've had enough of being serious when i write XD
The pirate family in all their glory can be found here The Scarr Siblings drop by and pay them a visit if you wish XD You might recognise one of them <_< >_> That's all i have to say...

944132  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-05-31
Written: (6330 days ago)

So i did end up watching Big Brother last night... Dear God, it's all women! Why have they done that?? WHY?! And why those aweful twins?! I could seriously kill some of the people who've gone into that house... Some of them (the nutters) are incredibly cool, but there's a few girls who are in love with themselves... Get them out, leave the nutters in i say! Although, leaving the girly-girly-sick-bucket girls in will cause an amazing amount of conflict... Very clever Big Brother... BUT WHERE ARE ALL THE MEN?!?!

Hmm... What else did i want to talk about?? I was totally hyper yesterday, i couldn't get to sleep until about 5am.. So naturally when mum called me at 8 this morning asking if i wanted to go to the Crocky Trail (it's like this big adventure trail where you get wet and muddy) the conversation was as follows.
Mutti: Reb?? (that's what my parents call me *cringe*
Me: ............*rolls over*............*Goes back to sleep*
Mutti: OI!!!!!!!!!!
Me: WHAT!? Why are you waking me up mum!!! I'm not done sleeping yet!!!
Mutti: Get up!
Me: Why?? Is it an emergency? Are you on fire???
Mutti: No, stop being stupid, we're going to the Crocky Trail.
Me: Are we. Well i'm not, it's raining and i'm tired.
Mutti: You lazy git...
Me: You have fun getting wet and muddy in the rain with two whining little boys then...
Mutti: *loons off*
So Mutti and Ethan and Cameron dissapeared off to the Crocky Trail leaving me warm and snuggly in my bed. Then the Father of the Loons came up and started painting the bathroom door, which was REALLY annoying because it was going *bang bang bang bang*. I think he was doing it on purpose, so i yelled "Decorate more quietly, you loon!" at him through the hole in my wall (which conveniently goes straight through into the bathroom.) He just laughed at me and told me to get up, so i had no choice but to drag myself out of bed and go and lie on the fouton and play Animal Crossing for a few hours. Then i went to get food, did some revision, and slobbed around a bit...

And then! Out of the blue i got a text from [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] (it wasn't really out of the blue, it was out of my phone...) reminding me that we're going to Chester tomorrow dressed as pirates to go and see Pirates 3 (again). Naturally i had to go and prepare my pirate costume, which was easy enough since i prepared it a week ago. I'm wearing a white shirt (which with Mutti's permission will be powdered with brown eyeshadow to look dirtyer) with a huge brown leather belt and a smaller black one going over my shoulder (don't know why, but Jack Sparrow has one and i'm basing my costume on him XD) I'm wearing my black leather trousers because they look cool and feminise the outfit a bit, the Loon Leader's very piratey looking brown leather boots which have massive wide tops (like pirate boots), and i have a black headbandy thing on my head (duh) and a raggly cloth round my waist (again, because Jack has) and a few rings on. To top the whole outfit off i have my brothers POTC sword, that makes swooshing sound effects when you swing it around wildly. So tomorrow i'm either going to get stared at by alot of people, or arrested for accidentally knocking out old ladies while demonstrating how to swoosh the sword wildly. Mutti has some beyond marvy stage make-up, which is for doing bruises and.. dirt. God knows why. Oh Vati just told me it's because they went to a pirate party in the 80's. Gott im Himmel, it's from the 80's! I'd probably be safer smearing myself with real dirt... Oh well, i want to really grubbify myself and look vair vair piratey, and then go into some rather fancy shops and annoy all the stuck up people by wandering around drunkenly and yelling piratey things at the top of my voice. Yes, i'm likely to get arrested tomorrow. No, i don't care, as long as i get to see Pirates 3 again before i get arrested.

I'll tell you what, i'm not putting any major spoilers in, but this is a teeny tiny one so if you're not interested don't read. It doesn't give away any plot, it's just the two bits in the film that i found hilarious. One bit was Jack's entrance. It was just his nose, taking up the entire screen. Me and my brother were in fits of laughter and everyone else was shushing us, but i didn't care, it was amazingly funny. The second bit was when Davey Jones is standing in the bucket of sea water so that he can come on land. It's quite a serious scene, but i kid you not when i say i fell out of my seat laughing when i saw Davey standing in that bucket... It was one of those things that i just find WAY to funny, and i was laughing absolutely hysterically. You know the kind of laugh where you really should stop, but you can't? That's what i was doing. I stopped after about 5 minutes, but then my evil little brother leaned over and went "Bucket." in a really pervy voice and that started me off again. Me and my bro even invented a song for it last night, because we both still find it hilarious. We were doing this in every interval on BB8.
Ethan: OH, the captain likes his bucket!
Me: As much as he likes the rolling tide!
Ethan: He stands inside his bucket! 
Me: And image of strength and hope and pride!
Me+Ethan: OH yo-ho-ho, OH yo-ho-ho, The captain likes his bucket! OH Yo-ho-ho, OH Yo-ho-ho, The captain likes his bucket! (and then we repeated this bit until the Loon Leader started throwing pillows at us)
It was a wonderful song XD A great one for pissing off Father of the Loons and Loon Leader too...

So... Now i'm sitting here, singing The Captain Likes His Bucket at the top of my voice, dressed as a pirate and, get this, drinking rum. I'm pining for the ocean now... I WANT TO BE A PIRATE!!! >_< OMG one thing we're going to HAVE to do tomorrow is go on the pedalo boats... I am the Pedalo Pirate, and i couldn't call myself that unless i went on the Pedalo! And i want to stand up and yell "I AM THE PEDALO PIRATE!!!!" and wave a skull and crossbones flag around manically... Oh yes, i'm going to have fun tomorrow... And if i can't go on the pedalo's, i'll buy a very cheap inflatable boat and sit in that. It will be almost as good.

Anyway, i'm going to stop talking now and go for a walk (dressed as a pirate) so as to terrorise my old neighbors. Toodle flip!

943950  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-05-31
Written: (6330 days ago)

Mutti just had a nervy spaz at me coz i ate all her boudoir fingers o__O I laughed at her... She stormed in all shouty and trousery and yelled "Did you eat all my boudoir fingers??" could you take that seriously? It cracked me up anyway... I just got an image in my head of the queen yelling at one of her corgis "Did you eat all my boudoir fingers?!" ...I just can't take any sentence with the word 'boudoir' in it seriously... Mutti didn't even wait for an answer, she just picked up a wrapper off the floor (which incidentally WASN'T belonging to the boudoir fingers), waved it at me, tutted, and looned off... Insane... Completely insane...

Boudoir *snigger*


943777  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-05-30
Written: (6330 days ago)

WARNING: Coming up is a very long and pointless ramble about ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! If you're a lazy person, or easily annoyed by weirdos, just don't read it. I don't want any lynchings <_< >_>

Ahh, poo, i'm being a diary whore again, but i've been cooped up for 24 hours.. not my fault...
Some guy on EP just messaged me telling me he 'admired my profile' and he said "You may message me on <insert email addy>" ...Well, that really amused me for some reason. That i MAY message him now, i have his consent *salutes*... Ok, i don't want this to turn into a long ramble, people will come to my door with pitchforks and torches and demand to see me so they can lynch me for being so rambly... and then my dad will go all grumpy and trousery and start ranting about 'kids these days' and we dont want that... Ahem...
Grrr... I can't find my stupid history revision book thing... How in the name of pantyhose can i have lost it, its about 5 million pages long, it's enormous! It's like trying to loose an elephant on fat tablets >_< but still, i have managed to loose it and i've turned my room upsidown and inside out looking for it but all i managed to find was the toothbrush that i took to Download.
...It has noodles in between the bristles... Lovely...

Ack, i'm in a really good mood now for no reason! I feel like going out on the roof and screaming at Mrs. Across the road that i'm in a good mood! I would, but she already thinks i'm a loon, i wouldn't want to make matters worse.. I feel all happy and cheerful and la-di-da, and i want to have a long ramble in here but i know it will do no good as i have nothing to ramble about (although i'm pretty sure i could find something). What is wrong with me today?? Oooh, i bet i know what it is... i haven't eaten anything for 24 hours and the first thing i eat is marshmallow fluff... That is a one way ticket to hyperland, no wonder i feel so light headed and jelloid... I think i might go and have a sandwich and cup of tea... I may take my dog for a walk when the sun starts to go down and the sky goes all pretty and orangey red.. I'll take my camera and take lots of pictures, i'm in a picture taking mood...

OOH! Mum just came in and had a ramble at me... She was apologising for doing all the things that i mentioned in the below entry... She said she was out of order and she didn't realise how caged in i was feeling.. She said she wants me to start talking to her a bit more, so she knows how i'm feeling and isn't left in the dark. So i apologised and she apologised and then she gave me some Chinese paint brushes and a new sketch book. (yess, no more drawing on cheap paper \m/ >.< \m/) Then she did a very strange thing.. She went all teary eyed and said "Don't grow up too fast... I feel like i'm losing my daughter already." Then patted me on the head (very annoying) and walked out singing like a loon o_O My family is indeed barmy as two barmy things on barmy tablets.

Ahh, but i feel much better now... Very peaceful and Buddah-ish. Yersh. I'm not sure what 'Buddah-ish' is, but it's my cousins word for being totally relaxed and at peace with the world. Which at the moment, i am. So all is well in loon land, and i think my mum has gone a bit bonkers as she's decided to go on a baking spree. Again. Honestly, we'll have no flour left in the house at this rate. I think i might go and make some scones, to get with the baking vibe <_< >_>

Considering i had nothing to talk about i've managed to say alot haven't i?? Dear me... Yes. I'm going to make scones, walk my dog, then i think i will ring Rachel (an old friend from primary school who i lost touch with last year). I feel the need to get back in touch with old friends. We've known eachother too long (11 years) to just drift apart like two short drifting things.

I hope everyone else is doing ok... If not, or if anyone has anything they need to talk about (random strangers included) feel free to message me as for once i may be able to be helpful, since i am in such a tranquil and spaced out mood (is this what hippies feel like??)

Lol, my mother is such a loon... She just came up and we had this weird conversation:
Mum: Well i've popped all the popcorn and made some angel delight.
Me: That's wonderful mother, you must feel as if you've achieved something.
Mum: Now don't start being cheeky again.
Me: Sorry dearest loon leader. Why have you popped and angel delighted??
Mum: Big brother eight is on tonight.
Me: ....Point?
Mum: Aren't you watching it?
Me: Mother if i wanted to watch a bunch of loons being bitchy and loony in a house for a few weeks, i'd rig cameras up around our own house.
Mum: You're so bloody cheeky...

And then she looned off laughing like a maniac o_O It's so odd, one minute my family can be all frosty and hating eachother, and the next we're all acting like a bunch of hippies during festival season. Odd.

Dear me, this really has turned into a long pointless ramble about nothing. I shall put a warning at the top to warn people about the ramblyness so they don't feel inclined to read it. That way i can avoid any lynchings.

That really is it now. Promise.

 The logged in version 

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