[Beki in Wonderland]'s diary

954181  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-07-01
Written: (6298 days ago)

Lol... I'm finding this quite funny.. Ok, i should explain what im talking about first.. Me and [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] have finally been convinced into going to another LARP (live action role play, sad i know, but its fun!). But the host of said LARP is deliberately making my character a strong one because he knows i wouldn't go if there was a risk of Kara dying (i like her ^__^)(this will make no sense to any non-larpy people XD) So anyway, he's made her capable of hitting doubles unarmed and triples when armed with her spear. She's got 2pts armour, so basically doubles don't affect her.. She has the ability to absorb 1 soul each day (which is handy) and she has a pet ogre that can basically kill anyone in two hits, and will brutally murder anyone who tries to touch Kara. [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]'s character is also hanging with Kara and her ogre, so yeah.. Mine and her characters are pretty much invincible and unstoppable XD But hey, i'm not complaining XD First thing i'm going to do is set Brutus (the ogre) on Matthew's character ^___^ (Alex should know why XD) Ok, nerdyness over, you can leave now ^_^

953947  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-06-30
Written: (6299 days ago)

abmoeisjriowserffheiowf!!!!!!! X3 DOCTOR WHO!!!! ZOMG how good was it?!?!? Not another one 'till Christmas now though =__= how depressing is that?! I have no idea how i'm going to survive without my weekly Doctor Who hit *nerd* 8D~
But.. ARGH!! Damned fecking hormones.. I cried three times.. THREE!!! That is not like me at all.. And the bit that made me cry most?? Well.. I dun wanna ruin it for people who haven't seen it yet... But... Zomg, Jack o_O I didn't see that coming... And for some reason that made me cry XD XD God i have something wrong with me -___-

Aaanyway, enough about my nerdy side for the time being... Work tomorrow, which should be good cuz Michelle said we're riding again X3 I'll be a bit rusty as i haven't ridden since.. When was it... I think it was when i rode Maisie that time some time before we broke up for exam leave.. I'll probaby fall off XD XD I just hope we don't end up with a load of rodeo ponies again (as funny as that was the last time, i nearly broke my wrist so i don't really want it to happen again XD I vaguely remember yelling "WHEEE!!" as Pony Malony desperately tried to throw me off XD) So yeah, work should be good tomorrow after we've done all the usual mucking out of course XD

Now on to today (i'm doing this in a totally random and crap order -__-') Me and [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] went to Ruth's house to make cake! And we (mainly Alex XD) did infact make a very successful blue sponge cake XD But.. I swear to God, i have NEVER EVER laughed as hard as i did when Ruth was telling us about how her and Dan 'wetted the walls'. Me and Alex were choking to death on the floor because we were laughing so hard, and Ruth had no idea why we found it so funny. "You spray it all over the walls. It makes the paint stick better. But you do have to wipe the walls down after, to get rid of all the marks. There was no one else there, we were on our own, standing on the tables and wetting the walls. It really happened! He started off on his own, i came in and gave him a hand, he looked like he needed it." XD XD XD XD Ok, me and Alex are REALLY sick minded, but even to a normal person that sounds wrong, yeah? Ruth was oblivious, and that made it ten times more hilarious. Then she started trying to explain this Never Mind the Buzzcocks episode.. And she made a proper arse of it "NO.. Never mind... BUZZCOCKS.. FARMYARD!!" which once again had me and Alex in stitches... So yeah, good day XD

I'm done now ^___^

953836  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-06-30
Written: (6300 days ago)

Ok, i was in such a weird mood last night.. Seriously.. It was the mood to conquer all weird ass moods o_O

I am aware that i was messaging people randomly with annoying comments about shoes, hair, cats, carpets and other completely random and pointless things that probably made said people want to strangle me with a guitar string. So to those people, i sincerely apologise, and i hope you can forget that i ever messaged you such crap ^____^

I'm also aware that i was ranting on at slightly less random people about nothing in particular and being generally obnoxious, narky, moody and unreasonable. I'm very sorry, it's a stupid thing that i can't control. Don't blame me, blame God for making me female. Ok. That's all. I have to go get a bus now.

953776  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-06-30
Written: (6300 days ago)

I can't believe how sad and pathetic i have got... I'm sitting here, at 4:16 in the morning, listening to the Little Spanish Flea song, eating pie (seriously) and contemplating biking to Gwernaffield to kill [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] (and she will know why XD).

What i should be doing is SLEEPING. Like a normal person. I really can't though, my brain goes into automatic nocturnal mode in the holidays... No matter how tired i am, i CANNOT get to sleep until 4-5 in the morning ¬___¬ It's so crap because then i'm forced to get up at 8 in the morning (as apposed to 2 in the afternoon as it would be if i was in charge) and then i'm tired and cranky all day...

And (boy's prolly won't wanna read it) but time of the month -___- omg, i wish i was a man.. Seriously.. It sucks to be female.. I'm pmsing soooo bad, it's actually quite funny.. Like before, i was just sitting here drawing Theo, when i suddenly got totally furious with the drawing and scribbled all over it so hard that i snapped my pencil in half.. Then i burst into tears because i'd snapped my freaking pencil!!! And now i'm being really narky because i'm annoyed with myself for getting so upset over snapping a pencil >.< GAHHH! God, give me a penis, seriously -___-

And... Back into the current mood of way-too-happy-considering-the-freaking-time... Lube *sniggers* Ok, no one will actually get this yet <_< >_> Areku-chan will get it tomorrow when i show her the comic i just drew (its not hard core yaoi or anything, dont panic o_O) ..It's inspired by Emmie-chan so anyone who knows her even slightly will know how freaking weird it is... Emmie's randomness and Areku's power combined with my PMSing turned into a comic...its one of those comics im going to look at in the morning and think "OH DEAR GOD WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?!? >////<" But oh well...

Just to let you know, i hate Emmie and Areku right now... In the most loving way possible of course ^___^
But Vince and Theo... They want to pull your eyes out =/ You torture them far to much you meanies X3

I'm totally rambling now, i'm gonna shut up and go get some much needed sleep... Night night... Or, as it is 4:25am, morning morning -__-

953653  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-29
Written: (6300 days ago)

Gah, my family are such a bunch of tards, seriously...

Mum: Oooo, did you see the Chronical today? Where is it Mark?
Dad: Half way to Flint by now i should think.. I threw it away..
Mum: ...You are useless.. Well, 2 girls from Northop Hall ((That's where i live btw)) have died!
Me: *suddenly interested* ((Typical British person..)) Really? Who? How?
Mum: One was trampled by her horse, she died because of a blood clot.. And the other one died in a car crash.
Me: ...I haven't heard anything about a car crash in Northop Hall... Where was it?
Mum: On the front page.
Me: -___-'
Dad: ...Must have been a bloody small car then...
Me: How retarded are you mum?
Mum: ...What?... OH right, no, the girl was from Northop Hall, but the car crash was near Birmingham i think...

For some reason i found it really funny. "Where was it?" "On the front page." *shakes head* retarded woman.. Sad about the girls dying though :( everything in the papers seems to be doom and gloom these days *sigh* oh well...
I'm off to watch Pingu now. I haven't watched it since i was a kid but it's freaking WEIRD isn't it? It seemed totally normal to me when i was like 7 XD

953623  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-29
Written: (6300 days ago)

ROFL!! Omg.. Ok.. I doubt that anyone will find this as funny as i did but.. OMG.. I rang Seb earlier (mainly cuz i wanted to test my new phone XD) and everything was going fine until...

Me: Haha, i bet you got in trouble for that o_O
Seb: Yurh, my mum had a right espasmo..
Me: I beg your pardon?
Seb: ...Espasmo...It's the Spanish word for spasm.

...And then i pretty much died.. I seriously nearly suffocated... Apparently his Spanish teacher is bonkers and frequently teaches them random words that they will never need to know.. But are absolutely hilarious XD XD My god... I will never get over this, for some reason 'espasmo' is just the funniest thing ive ever heard XD XD *espasmo* XD XD ok... I'm betting that there are alot of people pulling faces like this o___O and this ¬___¬ right now... Yeah.. Well i find it funny...
Ok, shutting up now...

952402  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-06-26
Written: (6303 days ago)

I think there's something wrong with me tonight XD I keep getting yelled at by my parent for randomly screaming at the top of my voice for no reason. I can't help it, it's a kind of nervous thing... When i'm excited or hyper or tense or whatever, my way of relieving that tension is by screaming XD That's just not very good at 11:20 at night <_< >_> Mum really went balisticissimus the last time when i screamed "GOK WAN!!" at the top of my voice then had a giggling fit (it does actually make sense... just not to you :p) so i'm trying to calm down now X3 X3 and i'm failing XD XD XD Must... upload more music onto my phone *twitches*

952130  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-06-26
Written: (6304 days ago)

Yay, i finally have a new phone X3 It's a good one too, in comparison to my old and crappy one. The dude in the shop must have thought i was technologically retarded XD
Dude: It can store over 1000 photo's and 2 hours of video..
Me: 2 hours?? Why the hell do i need 2 hours of video?
Dude: I dunno, you might wanna record something..
Me: For 2 hours??
Dude: Well, some people do...
Me: Does it have bluetooth??
Dude: o__O ummm, yeah.
Me: YATTA!!!
After that my mum had to deal with the guy because i was ecstatic over the fact that my phone has bluetooth XD XD How lame am i?! Anyway, that's all i have to say really.

951756  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-06-24
Written: (6305 days ago)

Reet! Ok people here we go, my long winded rant about the anti-prom!
First off, go and check out the pics at The Anti-Prom as they will probably explain it better than me XD
Well.. Where to start o_O i guess i should start BEFORE we actually got there, when i got dropped off at [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]'s house.. Both of us were extremely hyper, I had alot of alcohol, and it was obvious we were going to have a very insane night XD We got into our very posh dresses, and within about 10 minutes i had butter all over mine XD Damned bagel! So after we'd had out photo's taken in our dresses, Alex's mum took me her and Josh to Mikes (aka, venue of Anti-Prom!) We got there and changed out of our dresses straight away, to avoid ruining them (anymore than they already were *cough*) then the drinking started XD Me and Alex were onto our third can of cider i think when the band started playing.. By the end of it we were both a bit mellow, so we went into the garden to discover that Josh was wearing a dress XD Umm... Ok, my memory goes a bit fuzzy here.. We were just chilling in the garden for about an hour i think, Mike got stuck in the red box thing, i fell on my ass chasing after Walker, and me and Alex did the rubber chicken dance several times... Then me and Alex wandered to the park for a while... We played in the sand, Alex found a log which she found really funny, and i got stuck on the slide... We were onto the 5th ciders by this point i think... Then it was back to the house and the band were playing again... So we went and watched them and did the 'Numa numa' dance for a while... Cross did a bass solo, and the rest of the band walked out which was really funny XD Then it was dark... And me and Alex wandered to the park again, this time we had rum.. That's a stupid idea from the word go, it was strong. And i vaguely remember Alex's mum saying "You do know this is none diluted? You have to put something in it, like lemonade." and of course we didn't listen and we were drinking it neat like the intelligent pair we are. By this point we'd finished a crate of cider. Needless to say we were both pretty tipsy by this point XD We went for a walk up the road, then on our return we found Josh (the one who isn't Alex's boyfriend) and started talking to him about suits and pole-dancers on his shoes (no i don't know why) Then we went back to the park.. umm.. this is all pretty garbled and probably in the wrong order XD John was there, and Britney, Jamie, Sam.. Umm... Some other people.. Hold on, Chris.. Tara was there i think.. Cross, the other Josh (Alex's boyfriend) Steevo was coming and going.. Rob and Matt were around somewhere.. Poppy was there for a bit.. I can't remember the rest... Me and Alex finished the bottle of rum >.< I didn't realise we drank all of it, that's like the equivilant of a bottle of wine each o_O So yeah, we were pretty drunk.. Alex was worse than me, i'm pretty good at acting sober.. She's not XD We were running round the park, i lost my rum at one point and ran up to Cross screaming "WHY'S THE RUM GONE!!?" To which he replied "shut up, you're drunk." So caring, isn't he? XD I was talking to Jamie for ages, which is weird coz i've never spoken to him before.. We were talking about his hair for some reason, and then he was wearing a top hat (i can't remember who's.. Mine or Alex's..) and doing a robot dance which i found immensely funny. Then i started talking to Sam, again strange since i never speak to him either. We decided that we were friends and i was the emporer of the tea cosy (yeah, i had a tea cosy on my head at this point XD) Then i stole John's Smirnoff and drank most of that.. I'd lost Alex by this point, it's a bit blurry but i think she wandered off with Josh. We went back to the house, where Alex passed round her Russian vodka (which is like 60%) ..me and her drank most of what was left though. Then she found some ginger wine and i found some vodka and we were both drinking and drinking.. She was completely wasted by this point. So out of it, it was hilarious XD I was pretty bad because i don't really remember much after drinking the bottle of vodka i found.. It's sort of coming back in bits.. I remember Alex introducing me to 'Cheese-grater abs' AKA Tom..something... She spent about 20 minutes fondling his stomach, which he took quite well. Then me and her went on the trampoline.. I apparently got off with Tom, which i don't really remember happening, but it doesn't surprise me one bit XD I am, after all, me. Me and Alex decided we were having tampoline sex, and went back on the trampoline, only to find Matt bound and gagged and completely wasted. It was quite possibly the funniest thing i've ever seen in my life XD Umm.. Again, memory's a bit dodgy after this... I remember... Ok i don't remember much after finding Matt on the trampoline.. We went to bed XD Me, Alex and Josh ended up sharing one tiny little bed which was amusing. I was in stitches at the conversation Alex and Josh were having.. It proves how wasted Alex was.
Josh: Alex, look at me..
Alex: Hrrrrmph.. *rolls over* Who are you?
Josh: ..I'm Josh..
Alex: ......Hrrmph..
Josh: Who am i?
Alex: *silence*
Josh: I'm Josh.. Who am i??
Alex: Josh... Josh Josh Josh Josh Josh Josh...
Josh: What am i?
Alex: Josh Josh Josh Josh Josh...
Josh: No, what am i to you?
Alex: ...Josh...
Josh: I'm your boyfriend.
Alex: ..........Boyfriend?
Josh: I love you.
Alex: ......................JOSH! *mutters to self and rolls over*
It was the funniest thing ever, i was just lying there in stitches XD Then in the early hours of the morning the cat came in. And jumped out of the window. Alex went "OMG it jumped out of the window, it's suicidal, that's not right!" not realising that there was a ledge under the window and the cat was perfectly safe XD About 2 hours later we all got up, and me and Alex, as usual, weren't even slightly hungover. Coz we rock like that XD
That's pretty much it! Anti-Prom in a nutshell. A very big, garbled nutshell, but it's there! Alot of that is probably in the wrong order, because my memory was a bit dodgy.. Whatever, it makes vague sense. That is all.

951309  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-06-23
Written: (6306 days ago)

RIGHT!! Long ramble about the anti-prom to come in a later diary entry. For now, since i'm tired and i have work tomorrow, y'all can be satisfied with this. Art pimpage!
Umm.. Non-Avatar fans might not find this as funny as i do... Me being me, i find it hysterical.

950908  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-22
Written: (6308 days ago)
Next in thread: 950909

On another note... My dad is so annoying! He can't stay out of the bloody computer room for more than 5 minutes!!! It's like 'Nuuu, dad i'm trying to record something on my phone and you keep fecking wandering in here! Piss off!' and he just carries on playing with the hairdryer in the cupboard or whatever the hell he's doing... Fecking weirdo..
That is all.

950907  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-22
Written: (6308 days ago)

Wooooo, Shippuden 18 was so hilarious XD XD I'm not sure why i found it so funny... It was just the bit when Gai was trying to get Neji to put his hand in the circle, and Neji was like 'WTF No way.' So Gai spent ages grunting and 'HMMMMM!'-ing at Neji until he agreed to put his hand in. It was so funny XD Well it was to me anyway... I luff Neji <333

In other news, the anti-prom is tonight! I can't wait, it's gonna be so awesome. A bunch of lunatics getting drunk XD As far as i know me and [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] are the only two girls going.. Oh and Laura who is apparently going in a gorilla suit O_O Me and Alex are taking a load of cider and she's taking vodka and im taking some spirit or other, and we're going to sit in the corner with our 'Anti-Social' banner, playing kinky charades and being generally stupid XD Then we will steal everyone's shoes XD Man, it's gonna be such a good party... And if it isn't, then i will be very dissapointed, because Mike's last party was made of WIN and alcoholic weirdness! I have vowed not to gravitate towards any of the guys this time, as i have a tendency to do when i'm drunk, and to just have much drunken fun with Alex X3 And if i do gravitate towards a guy of any kind.. Alex is going to hit me over the head with whatever she happens to have in her hand. Aren't you Alex? XD

So.. Yeah that's pretty much all i wanted to say... I'm off to get my stuff ready now, i have no idea what i need to take -_-' ..Reet... I need dress, top hat, shoes, my new rocks for later, a pair of jeans of some kind (or a skirt which is safer for me. Seriously. All my jeans are so fecking low i can see them falling down and me not noticing and FACE PLANTING INTO THE CONCRETE!!!!) a top of some kind... Some money so i can get the bus home tomorrow and buy a hangover cure from Smwddi or however it's bloody spelt... Alcohol, of course.. My camera so i can make a 'OMGWTFBBQ O RLY??' wiki when i get back.. my phone incase i need to ring my parents.. *looks back over rambly list* yursh i think that's everything.. If not.. Well fuck it i dont care, im a soon-to-be drunk out of my mind teenager, i can improvise <_< >_>

Reet, i'd better go and actually start getting all this stuff ready. My feet are twitching. I think i'm excited ^____^

950638  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-06-21
Written: (6308 days ago)

*cough* I am a diary whore *cough*

In other news, i think i have finally discovered an art style that suits my laziness. I often can't be bothered to really make an effort on a picture when i'm CGing it, because it's SOOO hard to CG stuff with a dodgy roller-ball mouse (getting a tablet soooon i hope *crosses fingers*). So when i discovered it is possible to do a reasonably decent colouring job in all of 15 minutes, i was completely and utterly delighted! All it takes is being able to do a sketch with some reasonable shading and a fair amount of effort made (30-45 minutes is what it takes me to do a decent sketch..) Then you scan it into Photoshop, use my awesome lazy artists cheat of doom, and presto! 15 minutes later you have a pretty nifty looking finished piece! I'm a genius... I may do a tutorial some time... Fellow lazy artists may find it useful XD
That is all.
Message ends.

950632  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-06-21
Written: (6308 days ago)

Ooooh my god, i just had such a laughing fit it's not even funny XD i got so bollocked but it was so freaking worth it XD XD I'll tell you the story...

I was talking to Emily, discussing the very important matter of who is sexier, Dave or Theo (I vote Dave. Emmie-chan votes Theo. What is WRONG with her, seriously?! Theo is a grouchy, stuffy, stuck up git with no social life, a serious attitude problem and a superiority complex. He's a jerk. Whereas Dave is a kind, flirty, funny, hippie-ish, hopelessly romantic daredevil. But, as we all know, Emmie-chan is a stupid splob head. Anyway, this has nothing to do with anything.. Cue close brackets) SO! I was talking to Emmie-chan when i decided that i was thirsty, so i nipped downstairs for a drink. I was pouring my milk when i heard my phone go off in the other room, i knew who it was as i was expecting a call, so i panicked coz i needed to answer my phone. Any normal person would have just put the milk carton down and gone to answer the phone. But not me. No, i just decided to try and rush the milk and make it pour faster. How? I turned the milk carton completely upsidown. With disastrous consequences as you can imagine. The whole 6 pints of milk exploded out onto the counter and the floor. I collapsed in a heap in absolute fits of laughter because i found it so funny. My dog was in there faster than a whippit with a bum full of dynamite and started doing her hoovering duties (bless her). My mum stormed in and the expression on her face was just so priceless i nearly choked to death laughing at her. She just went all wide eyed and red like a wide eyed red toad. By this point i was gigglesnorting and rolling around on the floor (yes, in the milk.) Mutti was absolutely livid and just threw the mop at my head and told me to 'Clean it the hell up you stupid, immature child!!' ..And i yelled "D'YOU WANT SOME OF MY COWJUICE!? THERE'S PLENTY OF IT ON THE FLOOR" and then continued my giggling fit. Mutti stormed back in and started yelling all sorts of profanities at me for about 10 minutes. When she was done, i went "You're bloody obsessed with milk aren't you? No, you can't drive." and she screamed and stormed out of the room. I spent a further 10 minutes laughing hysterically while my dog cleaned up most of the milk. I then mopped the floor, cleaned the surfaces, and returned to the safety of my computer room, still laughing like a loon.
That was quite possibly the funniest thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life. I'm not sure why, but i found it hilarious.

Quoting ASDA Milk commercials while arguing with your parents FTW \m/

950275  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-06-21
Written: (6309 days ago)

Ok, there is something seriously wrong with my brain tonight... I think my dad spiked my rice crispies or something XD Seriously... It's 1:33am and i'm hyper as hell... I watched Loveless again earlier and it has done nothing for my mental stability. Infact, I think it may have pushed me over the edge. Here are a few reasons I think I may be losing my mind:
-I'm finding my stapler WAY too funny. Every time I look at it I get 'Sexy Back' (Justin Timberlake?) in my head... That's just not right...
- I keep yelling oh REALLY?! at absolutely everything, relevant or not.
- I keep typing O RLY for no reason what so ever while talking on msn.
- I used the excuse 'But I have jelly?' earlier to get out of finding a job.
- A picture of Kabuto (from naruto) made me spit jelly all over my computer.
- I was in stitches for half an hour over the fact that i'm eating lemon jelly and drinking hot chocolate (in other words i'm eating two bands -_-)
- Earlier I had the sudden urge to lean over the bath and wash HALF my hair, and leave the other half as it was.

...Fortunately, I can't be losing my mind, or I would be in no frame of mind to be writing this diary entry. I think I'm going to bed now, I feel very light headed.

950194  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-06-20
Written: (6309 days ago)


Hahahahahahahahahahahaha, mustard sandwich XD XD Ok, i found it funny.. It reminds me of [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] XD

949690  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-06-19
Written: (6311 days ago)

BWAHAHAHA!!! I've just finished another giftie for [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]. Oh how i spoil her XD

Yursh... I need to scan it now -_- troublesome troublesome... 4 pages of nonsense to be scanned...

It's a little comic, and it very nearly turned into a BIG comic thanks to my stupid brain actually managing to make a story out of the very strange plot XD Ah well, i'm gonna get a sandwich and then i'll scan and consider colouring it... *lazy*


949191  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-06-17
Written: (6312 days ago)


*ROFL!!* *LMFAOWEOT!!!!* *dies*

...Ok, well i found it funny...

949077  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-06-17
Written: (6313 days ago)

Ok, before i start rambling, chances are this entry is gonna have spoilers in it about The Hills Have Eyes... So if you haven't seen it and you want to see it and you don't want to know what happens (despite the fact that it's painfully obvious right from the start) then don't read any further...

Yeah. So. I stayed up late last night so that i could sit up on my own, in the dark and watch The Hills Have Eyes, which is supposed to be shit scary. On my film ratings list, i will say that it was a 5, and only at the start. Mainly because at the start it was mildly spooky, with a sort of... twisted side that you couldn't explain... But within about 30 minutes everything had been fully explained, the plot was layed out and it had turned into a big, messy gore-fest. Not in the least bit scary. You had all your typical horror movie characters in there too, and a typical horror movie stuck-in-the-middle-of-nowhere-with-a-bunch-of-murderers plot. The way the characters conformed to the typical horror movie basic storyline was laughable. You have the over-confident Dad who reassures everyone that they'll be fine, then wanders off into the night on his own back to the creepy gas station with the scary guy (so obviously he's the first to be brutally murdered.) Then you have the mum who does nothing except offering the opportunity for some mild innuendo and humour... Then of course after her husbands death she goes a bit loopy and ends up getting shot. Then you have the intelligent and sensible daughter who everyone thinks will survive but ends up dying in order to save her baby. Then of course you have the baby, which can be used as bait. And it is. Then you have the 'dumb blonde' character who doesn't really do alot except axe on guy in the face at the end, and her slightly-more-intelligent but already hugely disturbed brother. Finally you have the underdog guy who no one seems to like, who ends up surviving against all odds and cheating death several times in order to save his baby. He also goes a bit crazy. Oh, and of course, you have the two dogs. One pathetic one who gets ripped open right at the start and lets the characters and watchers know that there is a brutal murderer about who eats dogs. Of course, the characters all ignore this assuming that it's a really violent snake -_- (well they dont but that's the impression i got) then there's the second dog, the brave one who kills several mutants to protect his master, and ends up pulling through with the other 4 survivors. The end amused me. The blonde and the slightly-more-intelligent son blow up their camper van in order to kill one of the mutants. Then they say 'Let's get out of here.' Now, where in the name of God are they planning on going?? They're stuck in the middle of the desert, with no food or water, miles away from anywhere, and they plan on going somewhere. Then lo! O'er yonder horizon comes the underdog character, who somehow managed to walk 5 miles across the desert with 3 severed fingers bleeding like hell, several nasty lacerations across his leg, a few smashed-in-the-face wounds, a gaping wound in his forehead, no food or water and while carrying a baby. They're re-united for a family hug, and then the dawning realisation hits them that no matter how many of the effing mutants they've killed, they're STILL stuck in the middle of the desert with no food or water and one severely bleeding man who is likely to get gangrene, a baby who's probably not only hungry but traumatized, a dumb blonde who came through in the end and an only slighlty intelligent teenage boy, and that there is a huge chance that there are more mutants out there, considering the fact that the underdog guy found a whole town of them but they've only killed about 4. *cough* Ok, that last bit didn't happen, but it should have!
And the best bit in the movie for me, was the Voldemort-lookalike in the bowler hat. Who sadly got ripped apart by the vicious dog. Shame.

Ok, so there you have it, the reason i will never ever become a film critic XD I got a bit over excited there, but i needed to yell about the film somewhere, and here seemed like an appropriate place. Yes. If there's anyone who hasn't seen it who has still read this (shame on you) you should watch it just for the hell of it. Hey, it might give you a few laughs when you realise how rubbish the plot actually is.

Now, enough with my picking at horror movies, i have something important to say. But i've forgotten. Bum. Ok, i'll remember later.

948966  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-06-16
Written: (6313 days ago)

Whoop! HOMG how good was Doctor Who?!?! It was... WAOW!!! Man... i am such a freaking nerd... But it was seriously soooo coool!! And those future kind dudes... The ones with the piercings and tattoos... HOW COOL?!! Wow...

Ok, that was pointful... I happen to be in a good mood tonight ^__^ Exams are almost over (1 day left! Feck yes!) and then i'm free for the entire summer!! Nearly 3 effing months! My inspiration has returned and i'm drawing and writing like a maniac.. I finally managed to get myself out of my slump XD The family are a little less annoying, although they still have no grasp on the meaning of privacy and i still think that my dad is spiking my mums coffee with something XD Mutti got The Hitch-hikers guide to the Galaxy and The Hills Have Eyes on DVD... So being a horror movie junkie i'm going to watch the Hills Have Eyes as soon as everyone is in bed... I'm very fussy about how i watch my horror movies. I think the best way is in your PJ's, wrapped up in your duvet sitting right infront of the TV with something to eat, in a COMPLETELY DARK room in the middle of the night and COMPLETELY ALONE!! That just makes it more creepy! And it's the best way to get the full effect of a good horror :p When your on your own, your mind is more likely to play tricks on you. I have a rating system for movies too:

1 - Not even worth turning the lights off for. 
2 - Scooby-Doo scary.
3 - Slightly spooky.
4 - Made me fidget a bit.
5 - Made me feel a little nervous.
6 - Made me hide my face behind a pillow (only once)
7 - Frequent face hiding and or squeaking at the scary bits.
8 - Caused me to scream out loud
9 - Made me scared to go upstairs on my own/scared to sleep.
10 - Had to turn it off coz it was so scary!

I have not yet encountered a 10 movie! How sad XD I only remember 2 movies ever making me scream out loud, one was a really old american one and i screamed as a way of relieving tension more than anything else... And the other was The Ring, during one of the scarier bits, and my dear friend [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] screamed at me, successfully scaring the shit out of me much more than the movie ever did XD I have only experienced a 9 once, and i can't remember what the film was, but i was only about 13 at the time... There was something about it that was just really.. Disturbing, and real. It scared me, and i couldn't sleep for 2 nights straight XD Since then i've only ever encountered 7's and below (apart from the two 8's i mentioned...)
Being a horror movie junkie, the best part of it is being scared to death by the film. So my goal in life is to find one that scares me so much that i can't sleep for a week and i can't even watch the film to the end!

I'm done now o_O

 The logged in version 

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