[Beki in Wonderland]'s diary

956601  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-07-10
Written: (6290 days ago)

LOL! I am such a nerd, but i found this so funny...

lvl 120 shade: *appers!!!*
Ai: ...Wtf, shade...
Shade: *hits a 1*
Ai: Dat stung bish! *prayer* *hits 14* Yeah, how u like dat slim shadey!!
Other guy: Lol! Go Ai!
Shade: *swings like a noob, hitting 0*
Other girl: Lol, u owning him!!
Shade: *dies pathetically*
Other guy: OMG you only took 1 hit!
Ai: Yah, dats cuz im a fruity noob! We're the ownage clan! *spins out*

ROFL ROFL, oh yeah you know you're a sad fruity noob when you can kill a 120 shade and only take 1 hit *shakes head* gott im himmel im going to die from lameness here, seriously.. But it's too much fun being dorky!!! X3

956420  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-07-09
Written: (6290 days ago)

Grrrrrrr... Just. Grrr. If this headache doesn't go away soon i swear i am going to go insane. I lose track of the days during the holidays, but i've had this headache for around 4-5 days and it's driving me insane. You know there are certain kinds of pain that you can handle? The sort that you can just ignore... Like i can ignore my back pain, or stomach ache.. But i can't ignore headaches.. They just slowly drive me crazy, and this is the most annoying kind.. The kind that is just a nagging pain, not really enough to take any paracetamol for, but there none the less. And it's NONE STOP!!! Like a watered down migrane.. Migranes i can handle, you just take a bunch of painkillers and go to sleep until it goes away, but this... GOTT IM HIMMEL IT'S GOING TO DRIVE ME OVER THE EDGE!!!! *hyperventilates* It's the most maddeningly frustrating thing on gods green earth!!! Who in the name of christ thought it was a good idea for humans to have headaches? Dammit all, give me a stomach ache or a gaping flesh wound, but not this! *headdesk headdesk* I'm going to go and get a bag of frozen peas, stick them on my head, and sulk. Because i hate who ever it was who invented headaches. They are a moron. Yes they are.

956195  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-07-09
Written: (6291 days ago)

Well that was entertaining... for all of 5 minutes... *sigh* ...If a stranger saw me now they'd probably assume that im drunk XD I'm sitting here wearing a devils mask, a russian hat, a mangy sheepskin poncho covered in mud and blood, and geisha style slippers. I have a can of strongbow on my left side, a box of turkish delight on my right, and i'm playing miniture pool on a wonky pool table which is missing a leg and a red ball. So i'm using a malteser instead. There's blue chalk everywhere, several empty glasses and something that looks like a dead rat, which is actually a really dusty sock that i just found under the sofa. Yes. This is how bored i am. I'm ferreting around under the sofa. And writing about it in my diary. What else is under the sofa?? I shall make a list i think..
- A dead rat/dusty sock
- A leopard poster
- A pair of shorts
- A book
- Some marbles
- A rusty samurai sword (still sharp XD)
- A large leather belt
- The horse and pony annual 1975 (LOL)
- A hedgehog teddy
- Robin Hood (the film not the person)
- A small fibre optic christmas tree
- A fourth place Dressage rosette
- A book about pandas
- A Gorrilaz poster
- A metal head poster
- An unopened box of pcoky (SCORE!)
- A bag of sweet wrappers
- £2 (Score!)

So all in all quite a stash under there.. Not entirely sure how it all got there, but there's some pretty nifty stuff hiding under the sofa.. I may have to go and rummage under the other sofa now, see what i can find *potters off to sofa rummage* ...Hmm, nothing under that one... Just fluff... Dad must have beat me too it. Dum de dum... Oooh the sun's starting to come up... Ooooh, this awesome thing happens here when the sun comes up! The sun rises behind my house, and my room is at the front of the house. So looking out of my bedroom window, it's still reasonably dark. But the windows of the houses across the road reflect the sunrise! So it looks like the sun is rising in the houses, the windows glowing all orange but the sky is still dark. So cool. Reeeeaally bored now... Nothing to do... Might draw something... No i don't feel like it, i have no inspiration right now... The sun-rise effect is starting... this is the coolest point, when the windows are glowing faintly green and the sky is still black.. It's so sinister.. Really cool :p We live in such a pretty world, but no one is ever around to appreciate it!! We sleep through the prettiest parts of the day! Sunrise being one of them, and the darkest part of the night when you can't see anything except the stars... Silly humans, the owls have got it right. Oooooh, sunrise a couple of days ago was GORGEOUS. The sky went all pink and orange and there were two huge rainbows going across the sky, one under the other. It was soooo cooooool!! Bah, i'm rambling like some kind of drunken idiot now.. I think i'll go to bed, since it's now nearly 4am.. Blah.. But im not tired >.< GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! *dies*

956184  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-07-09
Written: (6291 days ago)

Hrrm... It's 3am and i just found our mini pool table.. I really want to play pool now for no reason whatsoever, but one of the legs is missing!! The balls are stored in the legs (lol, that sounds so wrong) so some of the balls are missing, so i can't play!!! Tis a sad day... I'm going on a pool table leg hunt now to see if i can uncover the missing leg and play what-time-do-you-call-this pool..

955749  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-07-07
Written: (6292 days ago)

Yay, im in a fairly good mood today ^___^ The rain seems to have finally waved the white flag and pissed off back to Austria or wherever it came from.. So hopefully the weather will stay nice for a few weeks now ^_^ I'm having a generally good day, though im not sure why because i haven't actually done anything yet.. It just feels like a good day...

I've had a killer headache for the last three days though... But that's my own fault because my sleeping patters are all out of whack thanks to RS >.< It's fine though.. I'll either carry on how i am and eventually my body-clock will re-synchronise itself and i'll become nocturnal again xD ..Ooor i'll try and fall back into a normal sleeping routine.. Haha, yeah right, that's impossible.. Seriously, i've tried.. "hrrrm, it's 11 now... I should go to bed... But... RS is calling to me... Caaalling... Oh half an hour wont hurt..." ...5 hours later... "*wired* nyaaaaaa, lobs... must.. get...lobs @_____@" ...So yes, looks like im becoming nocturnal again this summer XD

What else did i want to say? I can't fecking remember now... Bugger it all... Well i'll ramble pointlessly... I had a dream last night that Vince Pabs and Theo were having a threesome on the back of a giant pig O_O i found it so amusing that i'm really tempted to make it canon... Despite the fact that it would ruin the entire story and make the plot completely pointless, it would be funny... But that would be sort of giving in to Areku, which isn't going to happen *pushes Theo towards Kat* this is your girlfriend you trollop... stay away from those two... And the pig... *locks Vince and Pabs in a cupboard* there we go, problem solved...

What on earth am i rambling about?? Kelly has got me talking like a total spazz on RS XD it's so funny... There are a list of things that she has got me saying...
* Espasmo (means spasm, handy word as RS censors pretty much everything)
* Fiddlesticks (they can never censor that XD)
* Nyaaw! You threw off my groove! (say this whenever someone interrupts you in some way)
* Twit/trollop/twonk (words they will never censor)
* Go and die in a ditch. With poo on your head. (wonderful insult that cant be censored XD) 
Along with many other pointless words and phrases... And Dan has got me doing something racist and stupid... Every time one of the briefcase blokes appears i go "It's a jew!"... Oh well... I'll get reported one day and it'll all be good ^___^

I think i'm done rambling now... Off to check EP and get RS wired for the rest of the evening XD

955643  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-07-07
Written: (6293 days ago)

*sigh* Oh dear. A dark and dangerous time is upon us. Beki is addicted to RS again. I have had about 7 hours sleep over 3 days and 3 nights. I'm just ridiculously hooked on it again. It gets me so wired, i don't feel tired at all, it's insane... I could seriously just sit up on it for days on end without sleeping, but i am actually capable of saying "ok, enough's enough, go to bed you noob.." I'm not coming on ET and EP as much, which is unusual for me... Blame RS, seriously... it's my new drug XD XD more addictive than coke, more buzzy than speed, more trippy than 'shrooms. GIVE ME RS ANY DAY!!!!!!!!!!! *hyperventilates* ...[Lexi. Short and Sweet!] will understand me, i do believe we're both hooked... Lobs ftw X3 We've got Dan hooked too, which is fun. I have feather slaves. FEATHER SLAVES!!!!!!!!! Gott im himmel im talking like some drunk middle aged tripping irishman... I'm just going to shut up and go and get my few hours sleep for tonight.. I'll be wired again tomorrow, cuz it's saturday so there'll be no one in all day XD It'll just be RS, eat, RS, drink, RS, eat, RS, CIDER, ET and EP check, RS, DA check, RS, dinner, RS, eat, RS, BED ^_____^ It's the saddest most pathetic thing ever BUT I'M HAVING FUN SO STFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *collapses* ...
I'm definately going to bed this time.
Zomg it's 3:25am already O_O
Last time i looked it was 11pm...
Time flies when you're RSing...
Me and Areku are going to rehab for it ^______^
Well we're not...
But it would be insanely funny if we did...
Shutting up.
Right now.
Night ^___^

955474  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-07-06
Written: (6294 days ago)

You know what? Right now i feel so damned old. Seriously. It's terrifying. I've had a busy day today, up at 8 (OMG!!) took my brother to school, went up to the shop to get some bread and milk, took the dog for a walk (in the rain, bloody british summer time -_-), started clearing out my room, went to the post office to get stamps and post some letters for dad then went round to the church to get the fruit and eggs for this week... And you know why i feel old? Everyone knows me. Seriously.

- The people in the shop know me.
- The lady in the post office knows me and gave me a freaking lolly pop.
- All the old people at the church know me. I ended up sitting down to have a cup of tea with one old woman and talking about 'the good ol' days' when you could safely lie in the middle of the road in Northop Hall without worrying about cars coming.
- Random people in the village say hi to me, and know my name.
- All the bus drivers who do the Northop Hall run know me.
- All my brothers friends parents know me.
- The freaking lollipop lady knows me!

All that makes me feel so damned old... That coupled with the fact that i'm no longer in school, i have 2 jobs (hopefully *crosses fingers*) and people are (scarily) starting to treat me like an adult and not like a rowdy teenager that they want nothing to do with. It's terrifying. I go into the shop and instead of just giving me what i want and getting me out of there fast, they hang around, chat to me about the weather, ask if i'd like to pop round for a cup of tea later (?!?) I've known them my whole life but until now they've pretty much just ignored me... And they're making me feel like a decrepit old woman, dammit!!! Also, i've been on RS and VHR alot recently, and i feel so old on both of them too!!! FFS!!! >.< It's nice but makes me feel sick at the same time... Because now it's hit me that some time soon i'm going to have to think about growing up... I'm not going to be able to be a kid anymore... Run around all day getting filthy in the fields, or sit up all night playing RS and then stay in bed until 3 in the afternoon the next day... I'm going to have to work for a living, look after myself instead of always having my parents to back me up... And scarily it's not that far off anymore... I'm 18 next year and i vowed that i would move out of my parents house before i turn 19, because i dont want to end up like my aunty who's 50 and still living with my nan and not working. It's only recently occured to me how scared of change i am. I'm an adventerous person, i like to do stupid and dangerous things, but when it comes to my life changing and the possiblity that i'll be on my own, it scares the shit out of me. That's the bit i hate most about this whole 'moving out, getting a job, going to uni' thing.. I'm going to be on my own for the most part. That scares me. I hate being on my own, it's my biggest phobia in the world. But eventually i'm going to have to get used to the fact that i can't be a kid forever... *sigh* this has turned into a stupidly long ramble but i need to rant somewhere... Because i don't want to grow up >.< I want to be a kid forever!!! GARGH!!! Oh bum, now the phone's ringing... I'm off then, i'll ramble in a more normal and sense-making way later...

955148  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-07-05
Written: (6295 days ago)

Bah... Frigging hell i hate this 'no sleep' thing... I ALWAYS do this in the holidays, without fail. EVERY SINGLE TIME. I sit up on the computer 'till 5am doing God only knows what, then go to bed, get three hours sleep and get rudely awoken again at 8am by my stupid parents. I'm living on 2-3 hours of sleep a night and it's not good u__u I'm unbearably tired... You know the sort of tired where you feel really sick and feverish? That kind of tired... I just can't seem to stop doing this. I'll go for a week with only 2 hours sleep a night, then all of a sudden all the built up tiredness will hit me at once, like this, and i'll need to crash out for 2 days straight to re-gain some energy. Unfortunately im going out, so i can't actually do that today XD

But it's put me in a foul mood now... So i have coffee... My first coffee in a month, i really hope it doesn't give me a migrane or i might just flip my lid and kill something >.< I lost my temper before when i was out walking the dog... There's a loooong fence that i have to walk along and there's this really annoying alsation that pops its head up over the fence and barks like a maniac. Now i have a headache, and i couldn't be doing with it making a noise that sounded like a million fire engines being chased by ten million ambulances through a war zone, so i turned round and started rattling the fence and barking right back in the stupid dogs face XD No surprises when it ran away with it's tail between it's legs... Silly animal XD The owners of the alsation found it very amusing... Silly old people...

Feh... I have two paper cuts that i didn't have when i went to bed last night <_< >_> One on each thumb. How in the name of all things square do you get a paper cut on each thumb when you're AWAKE, never mind sleeping... Really makes me wonder what i do when i'm asleep o_O Some people sleep walk and sleep talk... WTF do i do, sleep filing? Does this mean that deep down in my heart i am destined to have an office job? Or am i just freaking weird? How i managed to get the paper cuts, however, is not important. What is important is they they are stinging like two short stinging things and it's not funny -_- On the plus side, i just found my apple headband that i thought i'd lost about 8 years ago... Now i can be a ringo child X3

What else did i want to say?? Going to play pool with [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] and Dan today which should be interesting.. As i'm tired, i'm likely to make more of an ass of it than i would if i was wide awake and on caffiene tablets. I need to buy PVA glue in Mold, but i know i'll forget because i'm retarded like that... And i need to check that my RS subscription only went through once this time *headdesk headdesk* I just want to go on holiday now so i can go straight into the bungalo, grab the inflatable boat thing, walk the 2 minutes to the beach and die. Seriously. My mum wonders why i do nothing during our holidays. It's because that's my recouperation time. And i can't spell that. FFS. Bah, i did have something else i wanted to say, but i've forgotten so i'll leave it here... I really want another coffee now, which is bad, because i'll get addicted again ¬___¬ I hate to admit it but my anger management counselling person was right.. When i was drinking coffee i was more bad tempered than i am without it... Tea mellows me considerably, coffee gets me wired, which is never good... I might go and have a cup of tea or some J20.. Gotta stear clear of coffee and alcohol for a while XD Yes... That's definately it this time, i'm going now.

...One last thing, this is more for Alex than anyone else... No one else will really get it anyway XD ...I am totally unconvinced that vinceXtheo would ever work out... You almost had me convinced but... No. Because pabsXvince is so much better X3 Only pabs can make vince uke >:D So there. My new OTP has been born ^3^

954393  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-07-02
Written: (6297 days ago)

Grrrr, my mum is seriously starting to piss me off... I'm hungover, i have a really bad headache and right now i just want to be on my own chilling, and she has burst into the room a total of 6 times now each time yelling at me about something different... I'm bad tempered, especially when i feel like shit, and it's taking alot of self control for me to stay calm and not scream at her to piss off and leave me alone... So far she's come in yelling:
"Have you looked for a job? You should be looking for a job!! Blah blah blah blah!!" which is really beginning to piss me off because she says this at least 55 times a day =__=
"Where are my car keys?!?" HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW, FUCKTARD >:(
"Where have you been all day?!" Um, in Mold like i said.. duh..
"You're not going to sixth form, i wont pay for you to live here for another year, you can go and live on the streets if you want to go to sixth form." Oh, and you're encouraging me to have a good future? Funny, sounds like you're encouraging me to be a tramp..
And the other times she's just been yelling various random shit about getting a job.. it's getting so fucking annoying... I really am just going to hit her one of these days, and i don't want to lose my temper but she's going to push me over the edge eventually -__- she has no idea how much she's making me want to punch a hole in the wall.. Then she goes off complaining about my anger management problems and wonders why i have them in the fucking first place?!? Jesus christ... Calm calm calm calm... Dammit i need a drink... I hate what that stupid woman does to me, she's turning me into something i hate... I'm fine when i'm around my friends, but the minute she starts i turn into a violent, bad tempered alcoholic -__- Fuck it all, i'm getting a migrane now *headdesk headdesk* why can't she just let me have a few weeks to relax and chill after GCSE's then look for a sodding job... It's not as if i don't have 3 months to do so =__= I'm so freaking pissed off now, i'm either going to cry or hit something >.< I wish my mum wasn't such an ass.. I don't care if she's 'got my best interests at heart' and 'she means well' if it makes me feel like getting totally plastered and forgetting that i even exist then it's obviously not a good thing... Goddamit, im going to get some tea, more alcohol isn't going to do me any good right now..

954181  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-07-01
Written: (6298 days ago)

Lol... I'm finding this quite funny.. Ok, i should explain what im talking about first.. Me and [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] have finally been convinced into going to another LARP (live action role play, sad i know, but its fun!). But the host of said LARP is deliberately making my character a strong one because he knows i wouldn't go if there was a risk of Kara dying (i like her ^__^)(this will make no sense to any non-larpy people XD) So anyway, he's made her capable of hitting doubles unarmed and triples when armed with her spear. She's got 2pts armour, so basically doubles don't affect her.. She has the ability to absorb 1 soul each day (which is handy) and she has a pet ogre that can basically kill anyone in two hits, and will brutally murder anyone who tries to touch Kara. [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]'s character is also hanging with Kara and her ogre, so yeah.. Mine and her characters are pretty much invincible and unstoppable XD But hey, i'm not complaining XD First thing i'm going to do is set Brutus (the ogre) on Matthew's character ^___^ (Alex should know why XD) Ok, nerdyness over, you can leave now ^_^

953947  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-06-30
Written: (6299 days ago)

abmoeisjriowserffheiowf!!!!!!! X3 DOCTOR WHO!!!! ZOMG how good was it?!?!? Not another one 'till Christmas now though =__= how depressing is that?! I have no idea how i'm going to survive without my weekly Doctor Who hit *nerd* 8D~
But.. ARGH!! Damned fecking hormones.. I cried three times.. THREE!!! That is not like me at all.. And the bit that made me cry most?? Well.. I dun wanna ruin it for people who haven't seen it yet... But... Zomg, Jack o_O I didn't see that coming... And for some reason that made me cry XD XD God i have something wrong with me -___-

Aaanyway, enough about my nerdy side for the time being... Work tomorrow, which should be good cuz Michelle said we're riding again X3 I'll be a bit rusty as i haven't ridden since.. When was it... I think it was when i rode Maisie that time some time before we broke up for exam leave.. I'll probaby fall off XD XD I just hope we don't end up with a load of rodeo ponies again (as funny as that was the last time, i nearly broke my wrist so i don't really want it to happen again XD I vaguely remember yelling "WHEEE!!" as Pony Malony desperately tried to throw me off XD) So yeah, work should be good tomorrow after we've done all the usual mucking out of course XD

Now on to today (i'm doing this in a totally random and crap order -__-') Me and [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] went to Ruth's house to make cake! And we (mainly Alex XD) did infact make a very successful blue sponge cake XD But.. I swear to God, i have NEVER EVER laughed as hard as i did when Ruth was telling us about how her and Dan 'wetted the walls'. Me and Alex were choking to death on the floor because we were laughing so hard, and Ruth had no idea why we found it so funny. "You spray it all over the walls. It makes the paint stick better. But you do have to wipe the walls down after, to get rid of all the marks. There was no one else there, we were on our own, standing on the tables and wetting the walls. It really happened! He started off on his own, i came in and gave him a hand, he looked like he needed it." XD XD XD XD Ok, me and Alex are REALLY sick minded, but even to a normal person that sounds wrong, yeah? Ruth was oblivious, and that made it ten times more hilarious. Then she started trying to explain this Never Mind the Buzzcocks episode.. And she made a proper arse of it "NO.. Never mind... BUZZCOCKS.. FARMYARD!!" which once again had me and Alex in stitches... So yeah, good day XD

I'm done now ^___^

953836  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-06-30
Written: (6300 days ago)

Ok, i was in such a weird mood last night.. Seriously.. It was the mood to conquer all weird ass moods o_O

I am aware that i was messaging people randomly with annoying comments about shoes, hair, cats, carpets and other completely random and pointless things that probably made said people want to strangle me with a guitar string. So to those people, i sincerely apologise, and i hope you can forget that i ever messaged you such crap ^____^

I'm also aware that i was ranting on at slightly less random people about nothing in particular and being generally obnoxious, narky, moody and unreasonable. I'm very sorry, it's a stupid thing that i can't control. Don't blame me, blame God for making me female. Ok. That's all. I have to go get a bus now.

953776  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-06-30
Written: (6300 days ago)

I can't believe how sad and pathetic i have got... I'm sitting here, at 4:16 in the morning, listening to the Little Spanish Flea song, eating pie (seriously) and contemplating biking to Gwernaffield to kill [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] (and she will know why XD).

What i should be doing is SLEEPING. Like a normal person. I really can't though, my brain goes into automatic nocturnal mode in the holidays... No matter how tired i am, i CANNOT get to sleep until 4-5 in the morning ¬___¬ It's so crap because then i'm forced to get up at 8 in the morning (as apposed to 2 in the afternoon as it would be if i was in charge) and then i'm tired and cranky all day...

And (boy's prolly won't wanna read it) but time of the month -___- omg, i wish i was a man.. Seriously.. It sucks to be female.. I'm pmsing soooo bad, it's actually quite funny.. Like before, i was just sitting here drawing Theo, when i suddenly got totally furious with the drawing and scribbled all over it so hard that i snapped my pencil in half.. Then i burst into tears because i'd snapped my freaking pencil!!! And now i'm being really narky because i'm annoyed with myself for getting so upset over snapping a pencil >.< GAHHH! God, give me a penis, seriously -___-

And... Back into the current mood of way-too-happy-considering-the-freaking-time... Lube *sniggers* Ok, no one will actually get this yet <_< >_> Areku-chan will get it tomorrow when i show her the comic i just drew (its not hard core yaoi or anything, dont panic o_O) ..It's inspired by Emmie-chan so anyone who knows her even slightly will know how freaking weird it is... Emmie's randomness and Areku's power combined with my PMSing turned into a comic...its one of those comics im going to look at in the morning and think "OH DEAR GOD WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?!? >////<" But oh well...

Just to let you know, i hate Emmie and Areku right now... In the most loving way possible of course ^___^
But Vince and Theo... They want to pull your eyes out =/ You torture them far to much you meanies X3

I'm totally rambling now, i'm gonna shut up and go get some much needed sleep... Night night... Or, as it is 4:25am, morning morning -__-

953653  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-29
Written: (6300 days ago)

Gah, my family are such a bunch of tards, seriously...

Mum: Oooo, did you see the Chronical today? Where is it Mark?
Dad: Half way to Flint by now i should think.. I threw it away..
Mum: ...You are useless.. Well, 2 girls from Northop Hall ((That's where i live btw)) have died!
Me: *suddenly interested* ((Typical British person..)) Really? Who? How?
Mum: One was trampled by her horse, she died because of a blood clot.. And the other one died in a car crash.
Me: ...I haven't heard anything about a car crash in Northop Hall... Where was it?
Mum: On the front page.
Me: -___-'
Dad: ...Must have been a bloody small car then...
Me: How retarded are you mum?
Mum: ...What?... OH right, no, the girl was from Northop Hall, but the car crash was near Birmingham i think...

For some reason i found it really funny. "Where was it?" "On the front page." *shakes head* retarded woman.. Sad about the girls dying though :( everything in the papers seems to be doom and gloom these days *sigh* oh well...
I'm off to watch Pingu now. I haven't watched it since i was a kid but it's freaking WEIRD isn't it? It seemed totally normal to me when i was like 7 XD

953623  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-29
Written: (6300 days ago)

ROFL!! Omg.. Ok.. I doubt that anyone will find this as funny as i did but.. OMG.. I rang Seb earlier (mainly cuz i wanted to test my new phone XD) and everything was going fine until...

Me: Haha, i bet you got in trouble for that o_O
Seb: Yurh, my mum had a right espasmo..
Me: I beg your pardon?
Seb: ...Espasmo...It's the Spanish word for spasm.

...And then i pretty much died.. I seriously nearly suffocated... Apparently his Spanish teacher is bonkers and frequently teaches them random words that they will never need to know.. But are absolutely hilarious XD XD My god... I will never get over this, for some reason 'espasmo' is just the funniest thing ive ever heard XD XD *espasmo* XD XD ok... I'm betting that there are alot of people pulling faces like this o___O and this ¬___¬ right now... Yeah.. Well i find it funny...
Ok, shutting up now...

952402  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-06-26
Written: (6303 days ago)

I think there's something wrong with me tonight XD I keep getting yelled at by my parent for randomly screaming at the top of my voice for no reason. I can't help it, it's a kind of nervous thing... When i'm excited or hyper or tense or whatever, my way of relieving that tension is by screaming XD That's just not very good at 11:20 at night <_< >_> Mum really went balisticissimus the last time when i screamed "GOK WAN!!" at the top of my voice then had a giggling fit (it does actually make sense... just not to you :p) so i'm trying to calm down now X3 X3 and i'm failing XD XD XD Must... upload more music onto my phone *twitches*

952130  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-06-26
Written: (6304 days ago)

Yay, i finally have a new phone X3 It's a good one too, in comparison to my old and crappy one. The dude in the shop must have thought i was technologically retarded XD
Dude: It can store over 1000 photo's and 2 hours of video..
Me: 2 hours?? Why the hell do i need 2 hours of video?
Dude: I dunno, you might wanna record something..
Me: For 2 hours??
Dude: Well, some people do...
Me: Does it have bluetooth??
Dude: o__O ummm, yeah.
Me: YATTA!!!
After that my mum had to deal with the guy because i was ecstatic over the fact that my phone has bluetooth XD XD How lame am i?! Anyway, that's all i have to say really.

951756  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-06-24
Written: (6305 days ago)

Reet! Ok people here we go, my long winded rant about the anti-prom!
First off, go and check out the pics at The Anti-Prom as they will probably explain it better than me XD
Well.. Where to start o_O i guess i should start BEFORE we actually got there, when i got dropped off at [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]'s house.. Both of us were extremely hyper, I had alot of alcohol, and it was obvious we were going to have a very insane night XD We got into our very posh dresses, and within about 10 minutes i had butter all over mine XD Damned bagel! So after we'd had out photo's taken in our dresses, Alex's mum took me her and Josh to Mikes (aka, venue of Anti-Prom!) We got there and changed out of our dresses straight away, to avoid ruining them (anymore than they already were *cough*) then the drinking started XD Me and Alex were onto our third can of cider i think when the band started playing.. By the end of it we were both a bit mellow, so we went into the garden to discover that Josh was wearing a dress XD Umm... Ok, my memory goes a bit fuzzy here.. We were just chilling in the garden for about an hour i think, Mike got stuck in the red box thing, i fell on my ass chasing after Walker, and me and Alex did the rubber chicken dance several times... Then me and Alex wandered to the park for a while... We played in the sand, Alex found a log which she found really funny, and i got stuck on the slide... We were onto the 5th ciders by this point i think... Then it was back to the house and the band were playing again... So we went and watched them and did the 'Numa numa' dance for a while... Cross did a bass solo, and the rest of the band walked out which was really funny XD Then it was dark... And me and Alex wandered to the park again, this time we had rum.. That's a stupid idea from the word go, it was strong. And i vaguely remember Alex's mum saying "You do know this is none diluted? You have to put something in it, like lemonade." and of course we didn't listen and we were drinking it neat like the intelligent pair we are. By this point we'd finished a crate of cider. Needless to say we were both pretty tipsy by this point XD We went for a walk up the road, then on our return we found Josh (the one who isn't Alex's boyfriend) and started talking to him about suits and pole-dancers on his shoes (no i don't know why) Then we went back to the park.. umm.. this is all pretty garbled and probably in the wrong order XD John was there, and Britney, Jamie, Sam.. Umm... Some other people.. Hold on, Chris.. Tara was there i think.. Cross, the other Josh (Alex's boyfriend) Steevo was coming and going.. Rob and Matt were around somewhere.. Poppy was there for a bit.. I can't remember the rest... Me and Alex finished the bottle of rum >.< I didn't realise we drank all of it, that's like the equivilant of a bottle of wine each o_O So yeah, we were pretty drunk.. Alex was worse than me, i'm pretty good at acting sober.. She's not XD We were running round the park, i lost my rum at one point and ran up to Cross screaming "WHY'S THE RUM GONE!!?" To which he replied "shut up, you're drunk." So caring, isn't he? XD I was talking to Jamie for ages, which is weird coz i've never spoken to him before.. We were talking about his hair for some reason, and then he was wearing a top hat (i can't remember who's.. Mine or Alex's..) and doing a robot dance which i found immensely funny. Then i started talking to Sam, again strange since i never speak to him either. We decided that we were friends and i was the emporer of the tea cosy (yeah, i had a tea cosy on my head at this point XD) Then i stole John's Smirnoff and drank most of that.. I'd lost Alex by this point, it's a bit blurry but i think she wandered off with Josh. We went back to the house, where Alex passed round her Russian vodka (which is like 60%) ..me and her drank most of what was left though. Then she found some ginger wine and i found some vodka and we were both drinking and drinking.. She was completely wasted by this point. So out of it, it was hilarious XD I was pretty bad because i don't really remember much after drinking the bottle of vodka i found.. It's sort of coming back in bits.. I remember Alex introducing me to 'Cheese-grater abs' AKA Tom..something... She spent about 20 minutes fondling his stomach, which he took quite well. Then me and her went on the trampoline.. I apparently got off with Tom, which i don't really remember happening, but it doesn't surprise me one bit XD I am, after all, me. Me and Alex decided we were having tampoline sex, and went back on the trampoline, only to find Matt bound and gagged and completely wasted. It was quite possibly the funniest thing i've ever seen in my life XD Umm.. Again, memory's a bit dodgy after this... I remember... Ok i don't remember much after finding Matt on the trampoline.. We went to bed XD Me, Alex and Josh ended up sharing one tiny little bed which was amusing. I was in stitches at the conversation Alex and Josh were having.. It proves how wasted Alex was.
Josh: Alex, look at me..
Alex: Hrrrrmph.. *rolls over* Who are you?
Josh: ..I'm Josh..
Alex: ......Hrrmph..
Josh: Who am i?
Alex: *silence*
Josh: I'm Josh.. Who am i??
Alex: Josh... Josh Josh Josh Josh Josh Josh...
Josh: What am i?
Alex: Josh Josh Josh Josh Josh...
Josh: No, what am i to you?
Alex: ...Josh...
Josh: I'm your boyfriend.
Alex: ..........Boyfriend?
Josh: I love you.
Alex: ......................JOSH! *mutters to self and rolls over*
It was the funniest thing ever, i was just lying there in stitches XD Then in the early hours of the morning the cat came in. And jumped out of the window. Alex went "OMG it jumped out of the window, it's suicidal, that's not right!" not realising that there was a ledge under the window and the cat was perfectly safe XD About 2 hours later we all got up, and me and Alex, as usual, weren't even slightly hungover. Coz we rock like that XD
That's pretty much it! Anti-Prom in a nutshell. A very big, garbled nutshell, but it's there! Alot of that is probably in the wrong order, because my memory was a bit dodgy.. Whatever, it makes vague sense. That is all.

951309  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-06-23
Written: (6306 days ago)

RIGHT!! Long ramble about the anti-prom to come in a later diary entry. For now, since i'm tired and i have work tomorrow, y'all can be satisfied with this. Art pimpage!
Umm.. Non-Avatar fans might not find this as funny as i do... Me being me, i find it hysterical.

950908  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-22
Written: (6308 days ago)
Next in thread: 950909

On another note... My dad is so annoying! He can't stay out of the bloody computer room for more than 5 minutes!!! It's like 'Nuuu, dad i'm trying to record something on my phone and you keep fecking wandering in here! Piss off!' and he just carries on playing with the hairdryer in the cupboard or whatever the hell he's doing... Fecking weirdo..
That is all.

 The logged in version 

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