[Beki in Wonderland]'s diary

962950  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-08-01
Written: (6267 days ago)

Helloooo!!! Must be quick, i've nabbed Dave's computer and i shouldn't really be online <_< >_> Just wanted to write a leetle note to let people know that i'm alive XD Having a good time, going to London tomorrow to go up Canary Wharf which should be cooooool... Anyway, parents grumbling, got to go, talk proprerly when i get back!!! BAI!!!

</holiday ramble>

961679  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-07-28
Written: (6272 days ago)

Oh and Alex, the lyrics are "So Deep That It Didn't Even Bleed And Catch Me Off Guard" you ninny!

But i like your version better.

Much cooler.

I really am going this time. HOLIDAAAAAAAAY!!! *hyper attack*

BAI!! *poses before dashing off*

961678  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-07-28
Written: (6272 days ago)

Well peoples of Elftown, this be it! I'm departing (for a week, don't panic XD XD)

I'm off to the south coast for a week, and we're leaving in about an hour (yeah, at 4 in the morning, my family has issues..) I hope y'all have a good week and aren't too lost without my daily pointless rambles XD I have to go and do some last minute packing and preparing, make a flask of tea for mum for the journey, because i know she'll go full on espasmo without her tea, and then wake up the family. I HAVEN'T SLEPT YET!! I'm freaking tired, so i'm sleeping for the journey. We're stopping at the Little Chef in Wittering to get pancakes for breakfast X3 I'm looking forward to that more than anything XD

My dad was having a go at me before because i have 2 big bags full of stuff and rucksack too ¬___¬ It's not my fault i need alot of stuff!!! My rucksack is my 'hand luggage' as he calls it.. Just my gear for the journey. MP3 player with new playlist as always, a few CD's if i feel like blaring the music SUPER LOUD as we come into Chichester (at like 7 in the morning, we'll be popular XD XD) some food incase i get peckish, a bag and a towel just incase i randomly decide to throw up half way there (i did last time -___-) and some mints, because you can't do a long journey without mints!!!!!!! Yes, you didn't need to know any of that...

I'm going now, really. I need to have a last look for the old phone lest mother dear will murder me with a hacksaw. Byeeee everyone, see you in a week!!!! xxxxxxxxxx


961598  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-07-27
Written: (6272 days ago)



Ok, i just read the latest Naruto manga... Don't read on if you haven't read it yet... Seriously, BIIIG spoiler.

Now. My capablities when it comes to reading Japanese (especially Kanji) are not exactly top notch, but i can just about work out what's going on. If i'm right, which i think i am, TOBI IS THE FOOKING LEADER OF THE AKATSUKI!! I seriously nearly pissed myself when i saw that. Just. OMG. TOBI. If you don't read Naruto, you won't know that Tobi is like THE dorkiest character in the entire series. So when it turns out that he is ABOVE PEIN (Pein being possibly the coolest anime/manga character to ever exist.. Seriously, he has piercings. Many piercings.) it was just like the most hysterical thing i have ever seen in my life. OMG!! I will never get over this!!! I always knew Tobi would end up being uber super special!!! X3 I luff him even more now!!!!

Ok... *breathes* enough ranting about Naruto... On to daily life. All my bags are packed for holidays and i'm ready to go... We dropped the dog and the cat off today and i reaaaaaaally miss them >___< Poor little animals, especially Tessy, Tiggy will be fine he's just a grumpy sod, but Tess looked so depressed when we drove off and left her at my nans >____<

Anyway, i have to entertain my brother now so i'll ramble in here a little more later, right before we leave! toodles!


961230  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-07-27
Written: (6273 days ago)

Bwahahahahahahaha XD Me and Em were just discussing Harry Potter (Which has been featuring far to much in my diary recently 8P oh well).. I find it odd that she absolutely HATES Harry, with a vengeance. Her claim is that it's JK's fault for making all the evil characters hotter. This conversation followed...

Me: Emily, Voldemort isn’t hot.
Emily: …Ok, no, I’ll agree with you there. But Lucius, Snape, Draco.. All about 25 times hotter than Potter.
Me: OMG EMILY! Hotter than Potter! That is so cool! XD
Emily: …I feel a fanfic coming on…
Me: OH NO! Ems, beat down those plot bunnies! Fanfic is teh evil!!!
Emily: I know, but it’s just such a cool name X3 Hotter than Potter… OMG it could be a HP beauty pageant!!!
Me: Emily, no.
Emily: Yes, I have to do it, I can’t resist now. Hotter than Potter is go.
Me: You. Are. Insane.

And i just find that totally and utterly hilarious! To the max! I love my friends X3


961078  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-07-26
Written: (6273 days ago)

WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I am immensly happy today!! Good mood good mood good mood X3 I was doing the chores yesterday, rummaging through the washing basket when i spotted something weird and black with lots of straps and poppers scrumpled up at the bottom.. I pulled it out and lo! It was my criminal damage trench coat!!! Mum was lying when she said she's thrown it away/hidden it and whatever.. She'd just lost it in the washing basket and was making up excuses about it XD So i'm veeeeeery happy because i love that trench coat X3 It's my favourite item of clothing that i own, followed by my pink jeans, my new turquoise Rebellion top, and my puprle jeans (which are nicer than i was expecting!) So.. YAY, the trench coat is back X3 I named it, it's called Trent, after Trent Reznor of course :p Lol, it's so easy to put me in a good mood XD

Aaaanyway, moving away from my wardrobe now... I'm reaaaally excited about going on holiday X3 I've missed everyone down there looooads and its gonna be so great to see them all again!! Yay X3 So today, yes im in a really good mood about everything.. im immensly tired, but that's good! I'm trying to starve myself of sleep so i sleep on the way down.. it's like a 4 hour car journey, which will completely kill me if i dont sleep all the way there. Aaaah i remember last year driving into Chi (aka: Chichester) with Distrubed playing full blast and yelling out the window at chavs XD that was fun.. My dad joined in aswell, which was hilarious XD And i worked out how to use Dave's scary stereo, but forgot to turn the speakers down and nearly deafened the entire street XD And we played chess with shot glasses.. im bad a chess, so naturally i lost badly.. We have barbeques every night and play twister on the beach right down by the sea, so the water sometimes comes and laps over your feet and its reaaaally cold and if you fall in.. yeah, you get wet and cold XD and that's motivation not to lose the game! :p GAAAAAAAAAAAH i can't wait now it's gonna be so much fun X3 X3 I love Dave's house, i can remember every detail of it even though i only spend 7 days a year there.. It's much nicer than my house XD I'm going to pack as soon as im done rambling :p

Noooow, moving on to the slightly supernatural... A weird thing happened today. I was walking my dog with my brother, we were in a field and this huge big black dog came running in and stopped not far infront of us just looking at us. My dog saw it and ran towards it, i saw it, but my brother didn't see it despite the fact that at one point he was looking right at it and it was the size of a shetland pony. It ran off when Tess got near it, so i chased it back out of the field and onto the track, but when i got out there it was gone O__O No dog. And the track (it's like a foot path thing..) stretches in a straight line in both directions, so if it'd run either way we'd still be able to see it. But there was nothing there. It was sooo strange, and my brother got all creeped out because he hadn't seen it. As far as he was concerned i'd gone running off across the field after 1 dog, our own, but i definately saw it. It was really odd O_O i was like 'did i just see a ghost dog?!' so strange... It reminds me of the old dog that always used to appear on the track and he'd walk the whole way along the track with you and then run off as soon as you got to the road. No one knew where he came from or whether he even had an owner, but nearly everyone who'd ever walked down the track had been followed the whole way by him. He got nicknamed Shadow, he was quite the celebrity in Northop Hall for a while XD Gawd, everything's happening at the moment.. Supernatural dogs and the incredibly multiplying cat... Oh, i haven't mentioned that have i? Mrs. Across the Road bought a white cat, really nice cat.. It had one blue eye and one green eye, they called it Frankie (i don't know why).. and they lost it like 3 weeks after they got it. They assumed it would be dead, but yesterday after 4 weeks of it being missing, it came back with an identical cat. Almost exactly the same, with one blue and one green eye and everything! The only difference was that it had a black smudge on its nose. They reckon that the other cat is Frankie's brother, and that he went off looking for him because he didn't want to be away from his brother X3 so cute :p So now they have nearly identical cats called Frankie and Benny, named after that restaurant XD Random or what.. But i thought that was kinda sweet.. 'Adventerous cat wander off and comes back with his brother!' XD Yeah.. Anyway, enough talking about ghost dogs and weird cats, i have to go and pack my stuff now. I need to find a bag for one thing, i dont know where my family hides the bloody things <_< >_> I'll ramble again tomorrow XD

960818  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-07-25
Written: (6274 days ago)

Gaaaaah. Got a phone call today from my cousin, she's pestered and persuaded as best she can but they can't give me a job at River Island =___= which is depressing because i know they had a vacancy... Probably already filled.. Whatever. But, good news! My mum's been looking around Chester for me and she's got me a job in a pretty funky shop. Sooo i'm happy. Well sort of. It's a job, but it means spending every Saturday in Chester WORKING instead of fucking about with my friends =__= that's kind of depressing... Oh well ^___^

Anyway, what else? My mum randomly rang me before to inform me that she's bought me a pair of bright purple jeans.. I was like o___O WHY? Honestly, i'll never understand my mum... What part of her brain saw a pair of bright purple jeans and decided it was a good idea to buy them for me?! Oh well, i can add them to my collection of weirdo clothes along with my bright pink zebra stripe trousers... Parents *shakes head*

That's all i have to say really... I have lots of ironing to do now and i need to do yet another wash *faints* too much washing, i'm drowning in it XD Oh well, toodles!

960692  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-07-25
Written: (6275 days ago)

It's just occured to me that (just incase someone is reading this who hasnt yet read HP7) i should mention that there is a teensy, tiny little biddy spoiler... Not a plot spoiler, just a line from the book which i found immensly funny. That is all.

Weell i just wasted an evening re-reading HP7... It's now 3am XD This time i was practically boring a hole in the book looking for plot holes and mistakes or slip ups. I always do it, every single HP book, i pick the plot apart and then grumble to someone about it. This time the someone was Em. And we both raised eyebrows and made this face o___O at this line::

"Malfoy was screaming and holding Harry so tightly it hurt."

Yes, that's an actual line from the actual book. Page 509, near the bottom if you don't believe me. Noooow, is it just me who thinks that sounds wrong? Of course not, Em does too, but she's barely human so she doesn't count. I suppose this is what late nights do to me XD But to me, it looks wrong. Really. Em agrees, im not alone!!! <_< >_>

Me: Ugh, yeah, to me that just sounded so wrong O_O
Em: I can't believe you didn't notice it the first time round.
Me: I know o_O Think what happened when hundreds of squeely pre-teen girls around the globe read that line!!
Em: ...Lots of fangirls died.
Me: Aye. Poor things.
Em: Maybe JK deliberately slipped that line in there, in order to kill all the Harry X Malfoy fans out there.
Me: That woman is a genius!
Em: She is indeed! 

Yeah, look at us having a mature discussion <_< >_> I've just noticed that Em is Me backwards *dl* makes me sound like some kind of schizo discussing HP7 with my backwards self <_< >_> Well, i do discuss the plot with myself, but in my head XD Looking for plot holes is fun, but i couldn't find any in this one =___= depressing. Very depressing. Aaanyway, enough rambling about HP for now.. What have i done today? Nothing really... Just... Boring stuff, washing, ironing, washing up.. The usual stuff that needs doing when getting ready to go on holiday. Me and my dad have been given the task of emptying the fridge and cupboards of all the food that will go mouldy if we leave it there while we're on holiday. Isn't my family just great? -___-
Yeah, tomorrow i'll be busy. I have to get up early, get the rest of my clothes washed dried and ironed, organise the ones i've already got washed dried and ironed... Ring the cattery because apparently no one else in my house is capable of booking a 1 week holiday for my dear kitty cat.. what else do i need to do? Just generally lots of before-holiday sorting... There are mountains of clothes that need washing, that's the main goal at the moment. Get everything washed and dry so we can pack on thursday. I like to pack several days in advance, my parents like to pack an hour before we leave. Therefore, to save stress, i do the packing. And they can bloody well be happy with it or go away, because i refuse to be put under the stress of "OMG WE'RE LEAVING IN 5 MINUTES AND I CAN'T FIND MY FUCKING JEANS!!! *PANIC PANIC PANIC*" Far too much hassle. So pack 2 days in advance i shall. We're leaving in the small hours of satruday morning. I get awful motion sickness, so im planning on starving myself of sleep on thursday night (aka: all nighter) so i sleep all the way there in the car. It means staying up for 2 nights straight really, but it won't be the first time XD Pfft... Then when we get there i will do the usual tour of the house making sure everything is in order. You have to check for boobie traps, you never know with my uncle Dave =___= Since my BRAND NEW PHONE is now broken, i will not be having any form of contact with anyone for a week. Which will do me good i think. I'm really looking forward to this holiday actually! It should be fun ^___^ It doesn't feel like a year since we were down there last... Time really has flown this year O__O Feels strange that just a year ago i wasn't even thinking about GCSE's. Now they're over and it's all very weird... I'm going to have the entire family down there all going "ZOMG YOU'VE GROWN UP SO MUCH LOOKIT YOUR HAIR OMG YOU'RE TALLER WHAT HAPPENED OMG GCSE'S YOU'RE A BIG GIRL NOW *hyperventilates*" ...Yeah... Last time the saw me i had waist length dark brown hair and wore nothing but black, black and more black. Now i have shortish pink hair and i like to wear bright colours, tartan, bright pink zebra striped trousers and bandanas. Not all at the same time though XD Haha, i have changed alot O___O It's only just occured to me how much i've changed over the last year. A year ago i wouldn't be caught DEAD in pink trousers. I swore against pink, i hated it! Now i love it XD Times change, people change... It's all good. As long as i have my little siamese kitty tied to my jeans at all times!! (he lost an arm, which was very distressing. But now he is unique ^w^ ..He's not a real cat incase you hadn't guessed XD) Anyway, i should really stop rambling like an idiot now XD It's just weird that i'm not going to be able to ramble for a whole week :O when usually i ramble at least 55 million times a day XD Yes. I need bed now, i have an early start tomorrow. Oh foo, i've just remembered i need to re-dye my hair if i don't want inch long blonde roots for holiday >.< bugger bugger... Dammit... Gah... More stuff to remember... Night night all ^__^

960363  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-07-24
Written: (6276 days ago)

Have you ever laughed so hard you were convinced that you would die from suffocation? The kind of laugh where you make that terrifying whooping noise and it takes you a while to realise that it's you, not some tropical bird being stamped on. The kind of laugh where you feel like you're going to pop a blood vessel, and your stomach aches and it gets to the point where you're crying and choking and snorting and rolling around on the floor.

Now have you ever tried to suppress that kind of laugh? Hold it back and refuse to succumb to the ridiculous wally laugh that everyone has in them somewhere. Do you know how BLOODY IMPOSSIBLE THAT IS?! I swear to God my eyeballs just nearly popped out of my skull from trying to prevent that laugh.

What caused this hysteria you ask? The insane and ridiculous fusion of Kingdom Hearts and Dragonball Z. Yeh. Axel and Roxas + FUSION DANCE *boogies accordingly* = Roxel. ROXEL. Why am i the only one who finds that utterly hysterical? Not only that, but KINGDOM BALLS. That is what it is called. Kingdom Balls. I am officially dead. I haven't laughed that hard in such a long time. God bless you Em. You've made my day yet again XD

Just a note: Never EVER try and hold in the wally laugh. It doesn't work, it just gives you a monstrosity of a headache. Just let it go *nods wisely*

I'm done now.


960340  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-07-23
Written: (6276 days ago)

Woooo, chapters 1 and 2 of Switch 24 are DOOOOOOONE!! We've got Kelly (who is like... Shakespeare reincarnate..) to beta them for us, and then we're good! We had a brainstorming session earlier and we've actually decided and confirmed how the story is going to end. We've left it open for a sequel. Whether there will ever be a sequel, i have no idea XD I'm having enough trouble with this one!!! >.< But Em keeps feeding me those plot bunnies and the story just seems to keep coming, so we're on track. No deadline set yet, because i work badly under pressure, and Em is worse. If it's not finished by christmas i'm going to have to kill someone. Seriously. There's two of us working on it, that should cut it down by at least half... But... OMG, WE KNOW HOW IT'S GOING TO END!!! *rofl's* It's becoming an obsession, all we talk about on msn is Switch 24, all im drawing at the moment is Switch 24 characters, all im thinking about is ways of slipping ideas i have into the plot. I have plot bunnies in the brain!!! GAH!! Anyway, i finished chapter 2 so Em is working on 2 while i look over 1 and Kel looks over 1 and 2 for us... 1 is good so far. Infact, it's great. IT'S BRILLIANT!! *hyperventilates* Gotta love Emily's writing style... ANIMAL IMAGERY!!!! *dies from heart failure*

...Ok, i'm going to stop talking about Switch 24 now... I couldn't find my cat before, i was slightly worried as it was raining and the fat bastard usually comes in when its raining... But lo, he was under a hedge, so all is well. I still need to steal him so i can take some photo's as reference for my cat drawings, as i am still practicing. I could do with getting hold of some dog reference photos (handy, i have a dog!) too... So i think im going to go and comandeer the animals for an hour or so and try and get some decent pictures with them... Haha, fat chance of that... Never work with children or animals... Particularly animals... Particularly grumpy 15 year old cats who would much rather be eating or sleeping. Bah. Screw the rules i have money. (haha, Yugioh abridged series quotes FTW <_< >_>) And i actually don't have money. Any money. I hope my gran will give me a few quid for holidays otherwise im going to have problems buying presents for my friends o_O I'll get them something... They can all have a twig from the 200 year old tree in my nans garden XD "THAT'S A PIECE OF HISTORY YOU'RE HOLDING SO DON'T YOU DARE DIS IT OR SNAP IT OR SET FIRE TO IT!!!! ANCIENT TWIGS!!!" ...I feel a little light headed, too much cider. It's true you know, cider really does rot your brain. But it's so good X3 Gotta love the irish. An irish guy at the pub in liverpool said the most amazing thing ever... "If at first you don't succeed, buy another beer." That's my new motto. Yep. Right, off to steal the cat, dog and camera and get some reference photo's! TOODLES!!! IN CAPITAL LETTERS!!!

960215  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-07-23
Written: (6276 days ago)

*sigh* i can tell that i'm getting bored of the holidays. How? I've been drawing like some kind of possessed thing these last few days. Seriously, i've been through an entire pack of paper already, and i'm still going. Drawing is what i do when i'm bored. It's my way of escaping death by boredom. Yurh.
I'm quite pleased with myself actually, because after much effort and blood and tears and ripped up pieces of paper over the last 16 years of my life, out of nowhere i have finally worked out an easy way to draw hands which doesn't make them look deformed. Hands has always been my weak point, i've never been able to draw them, but now i think i'm finally getting somewhere with the bastard things. Why humans can't just have tenticles i'll never know.
Switch 24 is coming along really well, but i didn't realise how bloody good at writing Em is O__O It's a strain trying to keep up with her, i'll say that, but i'm enjoying it and it's giving me something to do so i don't mind ^___^
I've been drawing the three main characters (Switch, Otter and Morgan) obsessively the last few days... Mainly Switch and Otter, because Morgan is a girl and i don't really like drawing girls XD It's odd, because i used to be good at drawing girls, but terrible at drawing boys, now it's kind of the other way round... I've figured out how to get men looking like men as apposed to twisted manly-women, but have lost the ability to draw women who don't look 8 years old and/or anorexic *sigh* can't have them both, it would seem, it's just one or the other XD
I suppose that indicates that i should be practicing drawing women more, since i suck at it so badly.. They just have many in and out bits that for some reason i can no longer draw properly. Men are much easier as far as i'm concerned. Unless they have wings. Like Switch >.< Wings are a bitch to draw. Oh look, yet another thing i need practice on. And cats. I need to practice drawing cats. Gawd in heaven... Right, so, i need to practice drawing hands, women, wings and cats... No scratch that, ALL animals. Except horses. I've got horses down, it's the rest of the bloody animal kingdom that i struggle with. Grrrrr.

So yes, that was a rant about drawing. How fascinated you must be. But really, i have done NOTHING ELSE. Apart from walking the dog and looking after my brother and reading HP7 which for some reason didn't make me cry, although according to all the other people i've talked to it's impossible to read it without crying o__O Feh. Apart from that i've just been drawing obsessively, and thusly have nothing better to talk about than what i need to improve on. Which is pretty much everything in existance. It's taken me 16 years to get to where i am now, and it's going to take another 150 years to get to where i actually want to be *grumbles*

Anyone following the boy fiasco, i don't really want to waste any more diary space talking about those two. It's been sorted out, everyone's friends again, i'm still slightly huffy with a certain sexist noob, but he gets away with it i suppose... Just this once. Next time i'll be smashing panes of glass over his head. Yeah. But, no boyfriend for me, i have decided that it's too much trouble. Unless you keep them in a box or something where they can't get near anyone who might put stupid ideas into their head *grumbles more* I am NEVER going to find someone who doesn't annoy me within the first week am i? Grrr... To me, the ideal boyfriend is someone i can just talk to about everything and anything, who doesn't mind me not always being around him and who is generally fun to be around. Not someone who is just in it for the physical side, and doesn't actually give two pig shits about anything but that *grumbles more!!!* And they have to smell nice. Boys who smell bad are icky. Me and Alex discussed this. We have very high standards now. Pretty much, if it's not Myv, not interested XD XD Oh dear...

I'm in a grumbling mood today... I have alot to grumble about... People are annoying me at the moment, i'm in one of those moods where i just want to stay holed up in my room and refuse to speak to anyone... Not because i'm in a bad mood with anyone, but because i know i will be if i give them the chance to talk to me XD It's fine, hormones again.. girlies will understand... MEN, THINK YOURSELF LUCKY THAT YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS EVERY MONTH!!! Yes, it IS as bad as we say it is, and we DO need lots of sympathy and hugs or we WILL explode in your face and rip off your nose. It's true *nods* Well, the two renegade children currently occupying the house (AKA Ethan and Lewis) want their turn on the computer so i'm off for a while. To draw most probably. Cats. I'm going to find my cat and force him to sit still so i can draw him and/or take photo's of him for reference.

I'm off on a cat hunt!


960200  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-07-23
Written: (6277 days ago)

Me: I've finished Harry Potter now, it's depressing.. I really want to rant about the plot to people!
Emily: Don't rant to me, i haven't finished it!! Although, i already know how it ends.
Me: Do you???
Emily: Yes. The last horcrux is.... DUMBLEDORE'S BEARD!!!!!!!

That made my day XD ..Well i found it funny.. SHUTTUP, IT CHEERED ME UP!!!

960118  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-07-23
Written: (6277 days ago)

Ugh, well i officially feel like total and utter crap now... I slept in 'till 5 in the bloody afternoon, because no one thought to wake me... I've let people down and i feel awful for it =___= Pfft.. I have nothing else to say, i'm going back to my room now...

I finished HP7... It was good, and i was right. That's all i have to say.

959905  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-07-22
Written: (6278 days ago)

Just GAH.
Some complete GIT on msn just completely ruined the ending of the new HP book for me. Just randomly messaged me something about the plot that i REALLY didn't want to find out. Naturally, i swore at him in as many ways i could think of, then blocked him. Grrrrrr. Fortunately i didn't give him breathing space to reveal the whole plot to me, but he told me something that happens and that was enough reason for me to completely blow my top at him. I called him a fascist at least 3 times XD yeeeah, the whole fascist thing.. i can't be bothered explaining it XD I'M FULLY AWARE THAT IT'S AN INSULT THAT MAKES NO SENSE. Don't get trousery about it, it's a Rik thing.

Anyway, moving on to the less interesting side of my life.. So yeah you can all just go now if you don't care about the latest episode of Beki, Nath and Mike. I talked to them both, and apparently they're both being complete dip wads. Mike told Nath about the kissing thing that happened AGES ago, before i was even with Nath. Nath took it completley the wrong way. Mike didn't explain clearly enough, he was just casually chatting, Nath was only hearing what he wanted to hear >.< Mike wasn't speaking to me because i didn't meet him and he was narked about that, not the kissing thing. He wanted to talk to me because of.. Well, something that's happened, But i'm not writing that in here as it is kind of personal. Alex, you were about as wrong as it gets dear XD He took me completely by surprise and i feel really guilty now for blaming him. He was so upset on the phone i was just like 'aaaaaaaaaargh, urge to hug him becoming overwhelming' I haven't quite forgiven Nath for being such a sexist bastard, and not listening properly when someone is talking to him about something completely random... But i'll get over it eventually, i'm not one to hold a grudge.. So at least all that has sorted itself out in the weirdest and most random way possible.

Now on to the larp i should be going to tomorrow. Whether i'll be going or not is questionable. I have no idea what the travelling arrangements are, and to be perfectly honest if the weather is shite i'm not going. I have a sore throat already from getting cold and wet today, and it's going to be worse tomorrow. I'm not spending the day running round in a muddy field getting soaked and filthy, waving around fake swords. Sorry, but i have better things to do with my time this close to going on holiday -_- I know i sound like a grumpy bitch, but it just grates on my nerves when people can't arrange things properly.. Ok, we knew about this one weeks in advance, but we STILL have no idea what the travel arrangements are, what time it starts, how we're getting home.. All i know is that it ends at 7. Wonderful, very bloody helpful >_< And for some reason these larps just don't appeal to me at all... I'm not really sure why, it's just like... When you're a kid and you're invited to a party, but you really REALLY don't want to go... I dunno really... I just feel kind of stupid, like a little kid playing imaginary games *shrugs* my imagination has always manifested itself into drawings and writing... I can't seem to get it out any other way, so i see these people running about waving swords whacking people and yelling 'quad!' and i just think "what a moron.." I can't help it! Maybe i have a natural bully-brain, i dont know! I just can't get myself into the frame of mind where i can believe that any of this is more than a bunch of scripted nonsense and play-fighting with fake swords... When i'm writing or drawing it's different somehow.. I get totally absorbed into whatever person or creature i'm creating, i totally forget myself sometimes.. I guess that's how some of the larpers are with their characters.. They can really believe for a while that they are a dangerous elven fighter, and not a daft-looking teenager in a cheap outfit with fake swords.. *sigh* i have no idea what i'm talking about any more =_= i'm just tired i think... Bah... I really can't be bothered with larp now, but i know i'll get Dan gilt tripping me relentlessly if i miss another one... Am i getting too old for this sort of thing? That's a scary thought... That i would rather be sitting in the house drinking a cup of tea and working on my novel, than out and about acting out demented fight scenes with a bunch of weirdo's... A few years ago that prospect would have thrilled me... Now i just feel ashamed of myself for being so childish, and stupid for acting like it's real... *sigh* that's another thing... I feel so tired all of the time now.. So worn out... So much like just lying down and going to sleep and leaving it at that... And i don't know why, it's not like i'm doing anything... But i'm just always so tired, and i feel kind of... I can't describe it... empty all the time. Like something's gone. The sad thing is i think it's a part of me that's gone. The part that's kept me smiling all these years. Now i just feel so sad all the time. Like crying when i shouldn't be. If i have something to distract me, i'm fine. But when i get the chance to think, or when i'm on my own, i just feel so... Sad and empty and drained... It feels like everything nice has been sucked away and there's just a big, black hole of blackness... The weather agrees with me. It's been raining for weeks. *sigh* i need to stop rambling aimlessly about stupid things that mean nothing to anyone except me... I'm going to bed, i don't want to sleep in tomorrow... Despite the fact that i don't know what time i need to get up *glares at nothing in particular* I still have so much i need to say... I'll rant in my EP diary, finish off.. No more here, it's stupidly long already... That's it now.

959568  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-07-20
Written: (6279 days ago)
Next in thread:

Hahahaha, omg, i just talked to.. omg.. nathan.. *dies from laughter* The conversation went as follows (or something like this.. it was on the phone, just to let you know):

Nath: Why did you do it?
Me: What??...Oh, right, that... I didn't know wood adhesive didn't work on cats.
Nath: ...What? I meant why did you cheat on me!
Me: Oh.. did i?
Nath: Well, yeah according to Mike you did...
Me: Hmmm... funny.. I don't recall... Was i actually awake at the time? Because if not i feel that i can hardly be blamed for my actions.
Nath: Beki, can you please take this seriously?
Beki: What me cheating on you with mister imaginary? Are you deliberately trying to turn my life into an episode of Eastenders?
Nath: Mike said you kissed him last night.
Beki: ..Well if i did i don't remember it. By my memory i was in bed last night and didn't even see Mike. Unless he snuck into my bed in the middle of the night and hypnotized me into kissing him...
Nath: Well.. He said you kissed him. 
Beki: So.. You trust mike, who you only just met over me, yes?
Nath: Well yeah because he's a guy and you're a girl.
Beki: EXCUSE ME?! Are you suggesting that all women are lying cheating bitches?! Well i'm so sorry for being female, you sexist git! Maybe you should just go and screw Mike, since he's so obviously less female than me and far more honest and truthful! Clearly that is the answer! Go on, get, you.. FASCIST BULLY BOY! *hangs up*

..And i found that the funniest thing in all existance! (The fascist bully boy thing was a Rick quote.. go figure i'd slip that in there XD) But really, it was hilarious! So i suppose that i am once again single...

YESS! Now i can boy spot properly in chester tomorrow X3


959439  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-07-20
Written: (6279 days ago)

Meh.. I'm slowly losing my interest in Shippuden at the moment =_= They just seem to be spending lots of time on talking, less time on actually getting anything done.. It's dragging it out in an annoying fashion, and there's two weeks between episodes, and i have no idea why. I know that they can't let the anime catch up with the manga, but to be honest the anime isn't actually getting anywhere at all, so there's not much chance of it catching up with the manga any time soon anyway. Pffft. Two things made it worth watching for me this week. Gaara's leg poking out of Deidara's bird's mouth, and 'the dreaded dementor Sasori!! Watch as he flees from the light!!' as Kelly so amusingly put it. Well it amused me anyway. And even the manga's going a bit 'wtf??' now... Ok, it was always kind of 'wtf' but now it's 'WTF?!?!' ...Deidara, big mouth, BLOWS HIMSELF UP?! It's beginning to make less and less sense and get more and more surreal.. Ok, i know it's about ninja's and talking dogs and people with eyes that can see EEEEEEEVERYTTTTHIIIIIIIIING... But to me there was always a certain amount of realism and seriousness to it.. Which kind of just got lost in the last few chapters, and i'm not sure why.. The giant fat Deidara may have had something to do with it.. I mean after i saw that i couldn't stop laughing, it's becoming a comedy o_O ..I dunno, i think maybe Kishi is slowly losing his marbles... 'Hahaha, let's draw Sasuke and Deidara topless... 2 DEIDARA'S! Hahaha, now let's get Deidara #2 to grow to 50 times his original size, get really fat all of a sudden, then explode. Haha, let's get Sasuke to transform into his blue lipstick-wearing transvestite curse seal form! Oh yah, look at the giant goose legs on his back! Roffle, better than wings any day!!!' ...Yeah, you get my point... It just can't be taken seriously.. Reading that back it sounds like a scene from a really twisted and pervy movie o_O I think Kishi might be on acid or something.. Someone go and help him so we can re-gain the seriousness please -__-

Now, veering away from Naruto.. I don't really have anything else of worth to say, isn't that sad? Chester again tomorrow, which should be great because this time there will be guys (yes yes, i'm slightly guy obsessed at the moment, leave me alone... I'm making up for all the years where i've been stand-offish with guys.. which was... Well i don't.. shut up.) Yeeeees... I was going to attack some of my clothes with the sewing machine today, but mother dearest is insisting on washing everything and leaving me wearing rags. RAGS! Ok, not rags, an old pair of jeans and a scraggy shirt, but COME ON! I still need to go out of the house and that's seriously all i have left! It's like 'Thanks alot mum, i'll just let the whole world know that i'm actually a dirty tramp now, shall i?' *flails* my family is impossible. Me and my mum had a fight over a GLASS yesterday. I kid you not. A glass. She was being IMMENSLY childish over it, and all i wanted was a drink! I went into the kitchen, picked up a blue glass, the only blue one we have left since dad smashed all the others. I was just about to pour my drink in it when mum came in and grabbed it off me and started yelling...
Mum: You can't have that, it's MY glass.
Me: Mum, you're not drinking out of it, there are no other glasses clean, i'm using it.
Mum: No, you're not having it! *clutches glass protectively*
Me: Mum, please give me the glass, i want a drink and House is back on! *leans over mum to try and get the cup*
Mum: NO *hunches over the cup so i can't get to it*
Me: MOTHER! You're being really childish, can i just have that glass!? *grabs at the glass*
Mum: No it's MINE! Stop it you'll break it! *quickly shovels ice into the glass and pours her own disgusting spritzer into it*
Me: That was really mean mum. I'm going to break that glass later. *gets another glass, washes it* You're so childish, you didn't even want a drink, you were just being a dog in the manger.
Mum: Shut up, it's my glass.
My mum is such a 3 year old! And i was really, genuinely angry with her, which makes me laugh now. But my TV programme was on, the only one i watch anymore because i hardly watch TV now, and i just wanted a bloody drink. I got so angry i called mother, which i usually only do when i'm about to lose my temper with her. It was seriously like we'd suddenly swapped roles and i was the mum trying to keep my temper and she was the bratty little child who really didnt want me to use her cup. She's so pathetic with that glass, i swear, she won't let anyone near it. She's hidden it now because i said i was going to break it XD

Anyway, now my brother is bugging me because he wants to go bloody swimming. Honestly, it's NONE BLOODY STOP in this house, and since me and my brother are both out of school now, EVERYONE except me is acting like a bunch of rowdy college students! I feel like the only one left with any sanity, and that's saying something.. Going to do the shopping, taking my brother places, walking the dog, while my dad sits around watching old sitcoms and my mum acts like a moody teenager.. Gott im himmel, i'm living on my bloody own when i grow up... Anyway, must be off now, the bloody swimming pool calls *dies* (i hate swimming, just to let you know)


959343  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-07-20
Written: (6280 days ago)

Ahahaha, i just love the conversations i have with Emily.. she is such a nutcase.. Today we created the character Vyvyan Mc.Dougal (yeeeess, we stole Vyvyan from The Young Ones. It is because Vyvyan Basterd is our hero! XD) He's a Scottish lunatic who wears a kilt and has 'spinny blades of death' coming out of his hands. He should definately have his own movie <_< >_> aaaanyway.. I did want to ramble in here about something, but since it's 3:05am, i'm tired, and i don't really have all that much to ramble about, i'll leave it at that i think...

I will say, GO AND WATCH THE YOUNG ONES. NOW!!! Ok, it's VERY british humour, which is probably why i find it so funny... It's slap-stick, random, surreal, and often seems improvised... That's why i love it! That and the random mindless violence. Gotta love it.


If none of that makes you laugh, don't bother watching the episodes. If you giggled, sniggered, grinned or full on rofl'd at any of that, go and find the episodes now!!! That is all.


959121  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-07-19
Written: (6280 days ago)


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa!! *dies*

*breathes* it's ok, i'm fine... *snerk* I LOVE SCRUBS XD XD This made me lol so much XD

'Guuy loove, betweeeeeeeen twoooo guuuuuuuuys!!!' *dies again*

Pfaaaaaaahahahahaha, i probably shouldn't find it as funny as i do o_O Meh *continues hyperventilating*

That is all.

</short ramble>

958958  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-07-18
Written: (6281 days ago)

It has been decided that Mike and Nathan are now gay lovers. That is all.

XD XD XD XD It's not funny at all <_< >_>

G'night! I'm off to get some sleep because im off at 4am :O toodles!

</very short ramble>

 The logged in version 

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