[Beki in Wonderland]'s diary

974210  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-09-08
Written: (6229 days ago)

Woooo, good day today! I went shopping with my mum in Chester, which never happens so it was nice! We went to Swanky's for brunch, and because i hadn't had breakfast i was starving! So i had a club sandwich and about a million cups of tea XD Then we went to this new shop called Octopus, which is amazing! It's full of crap that you'll never need but just HAVE to buy XD (Areku, we so need to go there next weekend!!!!!!123) I got a really awesome japanese belt and purse to match, and a purple car bag which is just awesome. I'm not allowed any of them until my birthday though, which sucks! I might be able to weasle the bag by saying i don't have any better ones (which is technically true XD).. Then we wandered around some clothes shops and ended up in New Look where mum bought me a new top for no reason. Then Debenhams where i saw these awesome boots for £55 (which was actually a reasonable price considering that they're designer) and decided i was having those. But it's yet another birthday gift (booo!) so i can't have them yet... THEN it was on to the art store where i got £50 worth of art supplies for my AS art projects XD I got a full set of acrylic brushes with a funky brush holder thing, a set of detail brushes, a set of Chinese ink brushes, a pack of pencils, a new set of acrylics, a new set of oil pastels, a canvas pad, an A3 sketch pad, a pastels pad and a new pencil case XD Mr. Taylor will probably wet himself when i go into the class with all my gear.. I feel like a proper art student XD We wandered about a bit more, went for more tea at Swanky's then came home.. Oh no, we went to Broughton and i handed in my CV at New Look and got some Sushi and Bohemian Raspberry ice cream from Tesco... So all in all a good day! XD

I'm tiiiired now though, we've been in Chester from 10 this morning! It's now nearly 4.. I'm shattered! And i still have work to do for art, psychology AND english lit =___= God help those poor people who are taking more than 3 subjects XD So i'm wandering off to do some work on my two art thingies, then i'll probably do Psych and English tomorrow unless i still have some time left this evening... *sigh* I'm in a bad mood with my brother because the little git has scribbled all over my Asda job application form, so i have to go back and get another one which is really annoying... Other than that i've had a good day today! I must rush off like a spazz now though, i've still got so much to do today, it's unreal XD BAI!!


974079  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-09-07
Written: (6230 days ago)

Wooooo, i haven't written in here in a while.. well, a few days.. but that's a while to me XD Aaah.. Where to start? Well, the last thing i wrote about apart from my failure at drawing was [imperfectionist]'s party.. Which was really good! I kinda failed at the no-alcohol rule, but i didn't have much so it's ok.. We slept at [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]'s house, which was the funniest thing ever cuz it was me, Areku and Danny all squished into one little bed.. We went to bed at about 3am but didn't get to sleep until 5 because me and Areku were both tickling Danny and then Areku kept lunging across the bed at me and screaming "SURPRISE BUTTSEX!!!" (kinda inside joke thing.. although it's funny to everyone XD) ..so yeah, sleepless night.. I helped Areku paint her skirting board the next day ^__^

BUT. All that was AGES ago.. Fo SRSLY! It feels like yonks ago... 6th form started on Wednesday! If you're american, 6th form is kinda like a.. mini-college attached to a high school.. that's the best way of discribing it i think XD but anyway.. I'm taking Enlish Lit, Psychology and Art and Design (i'm supposed to be doing resit maths, but i don't know what happened to that XD) and i'm REALLY enjoying it! I get 2 free lessons a day, which is great because i have extra working time if i need it, and it's also a good time to just chill. I love my lessons and my teachers and all the people i'm with in my lessons, and i've made a bunch of new friends! So yeah, all my fears about being in a form with people i didn't like, or not knowing anyone in my classes, or hating my teachers.. They were all stupid and i got really lucky with my form, my classes and my teachers! YAY! Yes, 6th form is kinda ALOT tougher than year 11 though.. but in some ways it's far more relaxed.. I don't feel like i've constantly got someone looming over my shoulder, and i'm more in control of what i'm doing.. and in a way that's motivation for me to work harder! I've just finished a long rant about short term memory and how memory can be altered for Psychology, and i've been doing a bunch of extra work too. Yes, EXTRA, as in we weren't told to do it. And no, i'm not on drugs of any kind. I'm just feeling much more positive about my work now XD I absolutely LOVE psychology, it's such an interesting subject! GAAAAH X3 i feel like such a bloody student o.O Me and [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] have been going for daily coffee's on our lunch break, it's all just so.. studenty! XD but i love it, and i wouldn't go back to being in year 11 if you payed me a million quid to do so. 6th form FTW!

What else did i have to say? That's it i think... I'm going to go and do a little bit on my art AO1 then go to bed i think.. i have to get up early tomorrow to go to Chester with Mutti and get art supplies, fix my phone and hand in my job application at Asda (YES! I get to wear a bright green shirt if i get the job XD XD) ...So.. Yeah, that's all i have to say! BAI!


972114  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-08-31
Written: (6237 days ago)


My ability at drawing wolves = PHAIL!!!!

I totally can't draw wolves XD Not even to prove a point!!! *sigh* ..Something new that i need to practice on ¬____¬ bum.

972092  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-08-31
Written: (6237 days ago)



That's all i have to say. Obviously my brain can't decide whether i'm ill or not. Either that or the antibiotics i'm taking are miracle pills. Whatever, i feel much better today. I can talk almost normally, my throat isn't hurting half as much and i can swallow with little trouble. So on the health side of things i'm feeling good ^__^

On the art side of things... I'm also feeling good! I'm out of my slump, which is great i suppose... But all i seem to be able to draw is these bizarre wolf/dog/guinea pig creatures that i came up with a few nights ago... They're invading my brain with their weirdness, trotting around in there making their own story up! Since i do quite enjoy drawing them, and the style in which i colour them takes little time and even less effort, i'm tempted to turn their story into a sort of comic thing... Just to get them out of my head for a while XD however, with 6th form starting next Wednesday, as well as me hopefully starting work at New Look in Broughton.. I doubt there's going to be much time for weird wolf/dog/guinea pig hybrids... Unless i can some how manipulate them into my A Level art project <_< >_> XD

Yep. What else? Party tomorrow at Danny's! Then sleeping at Alex's. I have been given strict orders not to drink ANY alcohol, because i'm on penicillin... Apparently alcohol + all the drugs i'm on at the moment = Kidney failure and death. So not good XD So no alcohol, little to no dairy stuff, no kissing (damn that rule), no running frantically up and down stairs, no screaming or shouting, no salty foods and not too much food in general... and i should be fine! Dammit, all those rules go against my normal daily lifestyle! Except maybe the running up and down stairs bit XD Bum. Can't wait for this throat thing to clear up so i can get on with being a teenager XD

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway... Far too many A's there. Whatever. I think that's all i had to say... I need to go and have a shower now as my hair is beginning to resemble a birds nest that's just been ravaged by a pack of hungry wolves. Yes. Toodle flip!


971886  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-08-30
Written: (6238 days ago)


My throat has completely died again, and i thought it was starting to get better ¬___¬ Once again i can't eat and swallowing is extremely painful. The swelling of my glands is so bad that it's causing a head-splitting-in-half ear ache, which is horrible >_< Went to the doctors AGAIN today.. Saw a different doctor this time, a slightly more sane one (my normal doctor is totally off his rocker. He sits there with his eyes closed grinning like a loon most of the time). She said she's not sure if it's glandular fever becaaaause it got better for a while, then got worse again o_O Sooo, apparently there's a possibility that i have a bacterial infection. Hoorah. I've been given a course of scary-strong antibiotics, which have some nasty side effects, but they do the job of making my life easier. So, my throat doesn't hurt as much and it's slowly getting better, BUT i do have an issue where i nearly faint if i do anything too strenuous.. Bah. I discovered that earlier when i ran up the stairs and nearly passed out when i got to the top. It's actually quite amusing. So i have to take it easy and keep taking all the damned pills and tablets and nasty fecking things that fizz in water and stuff... UGH, i also had a throat swab today, which was a nasty experience. The results of that come through on Monday, so hopefully i'll know what's wrong by then. If all goes well and it IS a bacterial infection, i'll have another 10 days on the antibiotics and it should be all cleared up! If it's not bacterial.. Then i have to go back to the doctors AGAIN for a blood test to check for glandular fever or anything else that it might be... So yeah, i've had a just FABULOUS day in bed today, feeling like i'm dying. But whatever, i know it's gonna get better eventually so i'm just learning to deal with it XD You know what though? My mother is cruel. Too cruel. They were all having smoked salmon for tea, one of my absolute favourite meals. Due to my inability to swallow anything like that, i was having bread and dip ¬___¬ how depressing. AND mum bought home a load of Bueno's from work, which i can't eat. CRUEL I TELL YOU!!!!

Ok, moving away from my boring old throat infection or whatever it is... Umm... I have nothing else useful to say. BAAAAAH!!!! I hate being under house arrest like this, there's nothing to do! Grrr... I'm going to draw stuff.. That's pretty much all i can do at the moment *grumbles*

Oh bloody buggering hell, now i've got the 'Always look on the bright side of life' song stuck in my head. NOT HELPING BRAIN >_< XD aaaand, this is the point where i go into a hysterical giggling fit. I'll just shut up then. Bai!!


970884  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-08-27
Written: (6241 days ago)

I'm in a good mood... GOOD MOOD I TELL YOU!! *shakes fist*

I feel like drawing stuff!!!! What shall i draw? I'm having a bit of a no-brainer today, i can't think of anything to draw.. I will create a new and random species! Then draw lots of that... No that's boring i do it all the time... Nuuuu >___< ...Anyone gots any ideas on what i should draw, do let me know XD I may do a few gift arts for my friends, since i luff them all so much... Meh... I don't know... IDEAS!! Come on, i can't do everything around here! Quickly quickly! *snaps fingers* XD

Aaaah... I'm going to go find my WIP's folder and finish some colouring.. God knows i've been neglecting that folder for long enough XD ART TIME!!!!!!!!!!111ONE11!!!


970583  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-08-26
Written: (6242 days ago)

You know what, it's time for a rant. I've been browsing around houses on EP, and i am getting so sick to bloody death of these people who have 'Music=Life' plastered all over their pages. Now i can put up with the emo photo's, the attention whores, the camera whores, the fakes and phonies and plastics and posers, but this 'OMG music is my life and i would die without it!!!!!!!!!!!11one1!' is so annoying! Music is NOT your life, you do not listen to music 24 hours a day 7 days a week, and even if you did that does NOT mean that you would die without it! Music is great, don't get me wrong, i love it! I go to gigs, i go to festivals, i appreciate good music, but dear God i think i'm human enough to be able to survive without it! If the person is, say, in a band and music is actually what puts the food on their table, then that's fine. But most of these people don't even play an instrument! They just sit alone in their rooms and listen to music and then complain that they have no friends. Well i have a solution to that. Stop trying to be emo and depressed because it's fashionable, and GO OUTSIDE (you know, that place that doesn't have a ROOF) and make some friends and have a laugh! Because at the end of the day, music is great but you can't beat having a bunch of good friends to bum around with! 90% of the time the people who have 'Music is my life and my world' on their pages are self pitying pre-teens with no social life. And usually female (not to be sexist, but they are). They're the kind that cover their page in photo's of themselves and say that they're ugly under EVERY LAST ONE. Grrr, sometimes i just feel like messaging them and saying 'Yes you are.' but i know that would be cruel. Instead i will growl internally and tell them to grow up. Ok, yeah, now i'll have loads of people going 'OMG you can effing talk! You're only 16!' ..Yeah i am, and yeah i'm still an immature little bitch, but i have done so much growing in the last 2 or 3 years (no, i'm not referring to my height) you wouldn't believe it. I USED TO BE one one of those little attention whores. I used to paint my eyes and my wardrobe black and call myself a Goth and say that dark music was my life. Fuck that now. Yeah, i still love my Cradle of Filth and Satyricon, none of that has changed, but i have! That's not the only music i listen to, for one thing! And i now love pink. But whatever... I just sometimes feel like telling these pathetic little girls to open their eyes and see that life isn't all that tough at all! Dear God, you're only a kid for a little while, stop moping and make the most of it while you can! Cuz believe me, it isn't going to last long! I'm starting to realise that now, planning out my life choices, considering colleges and jobs and 6th form. Things are changing for me and it's made me realise that i'm not really that much of a kid anymore.. At heart i am, but every day i'm slowly joining the adult side of the community. God forbid, that's all the world needs, me to be accepted as an adult XD But.. i'm straying off topic... I really feel like screaming to these people that they should try and think about something other than being fashionably depressed, and make the most of their youthfulness (thank you Gai XD) while they still have it!!!!!! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!

I'm going to stop now before i start getting angry and ranting like a loon! It's over, you can now return to your daily lives! :p Bai! <333


969954  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-08-24
Written: (6244 days ago)

My mum just said to me that i have no talent as an artist and i should re-think what to do as a career...

I can't do anything else, art is all i'm good at...

Thanks alot mum, now i really have no idea what to do with myself in the future...

Tesco here i come, i guess...

Jesus, she could've at least told me that years ago before i set my mind on being a bloody graphic designer...


969862  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-08-24
Written: (6244 days ago)

Hrrmph.. Well i just got my GCSE results aaand they were pretty much what i expected. It was still quite a blow though.. I had a little cry and my dad didn't help. He hasn't even seen them and he's ranting around the house yelling about how i've fucked my life up. *shrugs* i'm pretty much used to that sort of behavior now. I had to laugh when i read my results though, because by some miracle i managed to pass German XD i got a B and everything.. That really amused me, since i failed art! XD Ok, it's not really funny, but i know it's my own fault so i don't see any reason in being depressed about it. Right now, what i want to think about is doing A levels and this time doing a bloody good job of it, not fucking about and deliberately trying to destroy my own life, just for the laughs. So basically, i failed all the subjects im supposed to be good at, and somehow managed to pass all the ones im bad at. Why does my brain make so little sense. I didn't get any F's or E's thank god, B's and C's and a few D's.. Whatever.. It's not good but it's not terrible. It's enough to get me into sixth form and that's all i need. I've changed my plan a little now. Since i managed to pass German on minimal effort and lots of procrastination, i have decided that maybe i'm better at languages than i first thought, so i'm going to take German (OMG it's a sign of the apocalypse, Beki's taking A-Level german O__O) Psychology (BECAUSE I FUCKING PASSED SCIENCE LIKE I SAID I WOULD! BOOYAH!) Art (If they'll let me <_<) and English Literature (because i love English!) ..So that's my plan. German, Psychology, Art (or media maybe) and English. I'm also considering taking a short course in Japanese with a tutour, which would last a year and would come in handy when i go to Japan for my gap year.. Hrrmph.. So despite bad-ish results, i have my plans, i have my eyes open for the first time in 2 years, and i'm ready to fix everything that i've managed to break. I'm good. Now i just have to convince my parents that this is a good idea *grimace* They're both adamant that i'm not going to 6th form. They're trying to get me to enroll in deeside college and resit my GCSE's. But i don't want that. I've got the grades i need to do A-Levels, now i just want to get to school and prove that i can! I just need to sit my mum down and try and have a mature conversation with her. Maybe i'll write her a letter XD A letter can't lose it's temper and start yelling *grins* yes. That's what i'll do. I'll write her a long letter explaining all the stuff. There's been alot of stuff. Now there is no stuff, and i'm ready for another shot at life. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! I'm in a stupidly good mood considering the circumstances. And my sore throat has pretty much cleared up out of absolutely nowhere, which is a nice surprise XD Ok it still hurts, but whatever i can deal with it! I'm shutting up now! BAI!


969641  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-08-23
Written: (6245 days ago)

OMG! I remember what i was going to say... Yesterday while i was groaning and being ill in my bed, one of the paramedics from BOA rang XD XD They wanted to check that me and Alex were ok and that we made it home safe! I found it the funniest thing ever that they rang XD It was so sweet though X3 Bless their little cotton socks! Awww X3 That made my year, that did! Anyway, that's all i have to say XD

969640  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-08-23
Written: (6245 days ago)

Mood: <img:44166_1164145184.gif><img:44166_1164145048.gif>

Weeeeell.. I'm very annoyed today =___= due to the fact that all my friends will be getting their GCSE results today.. And i can't because i'm forbidden from leaving the house >___< Mutti has rang the school and they're going to mail my results, but i don't know when i'm going to get them.. So in other words, everyone else will be celebrating/mourning their results, and i'll still be gnawing my fingers off waiting for mine *grumbles* it's a good thing im not actually all that nervous about them XD My thoughts on the matter are.. I know i've done badly. How do i know this? Well... I screwed up the last 2 years of high school really badly. I know i did, and i know it's my fault and that i'm the only one who can be blamed for it. I'm willing to accept that. I also know that i didn't work as hard as i could have for my GCSE's. Infact, i did the absolute minimum. Therefore i'm expecting D's and C's in everything and i've geared myself up for the worst case scenario. At the end of the day, it's just another lesson for me to learn from. If i get bad results, it'll be a kick in the head for me and it'll make me want to work harder for my A levels so i do actually get some fairly decent grades. If, by some miracle, i manage to get good results then.. I guess it'll be a sort of confidence boost. Like "look what you can do without working. Imagine what you could do if you put your mind to it." So either way something good is going to come out of it. I know i'm going to get an earful from my mum no matter what results i get, because she won't be satisfied with anything lower than an A =___= It's lucky i don't cave in under pressure or i'd be a nervous wreck by now. Honestly, she's threatened to throw me out of the house if i have a single C. That's overreacting i think. Whatever. What's done is done, i can't change them now. I just hope they show up tomorrow, at least that will be one less thing for me to worry about.

Now, moving away from the subject of my exams... I'm over the worst of this glandular fever i think ^__^ I can actually speak now and swallowing isn't as painful as it was. It still feels like i've swallowed a crate of very pissed off scorpions, but it's not as bad as it was yesterday. Come on immune system! Fight like you've never fought before! XD Oooh, i ate some fish yesterday! Ok, that doesn't sound like much, but i was very pleased XD I've lost so much weight.. What with eating next to nothing at BOA then coming back and having glandular fever and thusly not being able to eat... I've lost a stone already... I have an issue where if i stop eating, my weight drops really fast. I'm 8 stone now, and i'm trying to eat a bit more because if anything that's a little underweight for someone of my height <_< >_> I want to get it to at least 8 and a half and then i'll be satisfied XD

Anyway, enough about my weight, it's not a particularly interesting topic and not one i really want to spend ages rambling about... What else did i want to talk about? There was something else... OMG my arm is beginning to sieze up, maybe i'm typing too fast o_O XD Aaaah, i can't think of anything else of worth to say now, so i think i'm going to go and walk my dog.. I need some fresh air, i've been confined to the house for days, i'm beginning to look like a starved vampire XD Toodles!


969451  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-08-22
Written: (6246 days ago)

Mood: <img:44166_1164145184.gif><img:44166_1164145272.gif>

I just got back from the doctors. I have glandular fever. Glandular fucking fever. I can't speak, which is hell for someone as talkative as me. I can't eat, which is even more hell as i happen to love eating. I'm not allowed alcohol (i like how that was the first thing the doctor pointed out) dairy products or any solid food for a week. A WEEK!!! Ok, alcohol i can just about live without.. Dairy products, same story (the Milk Maid is temporarily going into hybernation).. But no solid food?!?! That's just so cruel!! Why do you do it to me, God?! Well i know full well why i've got this fooking thing. I'm blaming Bloodstock, large amounts of alcohol and too many guys. Glandular fever is also known as the kissing disease. Oh joy, now i have to put up with weeks of my parents taunting me because i have the fooking kissing disease >___< I really REALLY want to eat something.. I refuse to live off fruit juice and soup for the next week. I might have a boil in the bag fish thingy... Fish is squishy, it won't do too much damage, right? Grrrrrrrr. I need to find out who is responsible for giving me this, and i need to kill them. Yes. I'm going to eat some ham, no solid foods be damned. Pfffft.


969160  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-08-21
Written: (6247 days ago)
Next in thread: 969476

Nuuuu >___< Bloodstock has killed me! DEAD!!! Dear God... I feel like shit today... No, worse than that, i feel like a big splat of cow shit that's been cooking on asparagus in the desert for a week!!! YES! I have the worlds worst sore throat, seriously... I can't speak at all, it's agony to swallow and if i cough or even clear my throat i get a mouthful of blood! Hoorah! I'm also shaking from head to foot, aching all over and my back is almost as bad as it was when i first hurt it >___< This is like the belated hangover from hell!!! GAH!! And to top all that off, i'm missing everyone from BOA ;__; I know it's stupid, since i only knew them for 4 days, but they were all so cool and i really just want to go back and live there >__< So basically today i'm on a real downer... Soooo, if i snap at anyone in messages or if im bitchy or anything i apologise in advance... Grrrr...

Aaanyway... I don't really have anything useful to say now... I found my old gameboy, the ones that they don't even make anymore, and i'm playing pokemon XD The damn thing is practically an antique now XD Gaaaaah, i'm having another shivering fit, i can't type properly now XD It's taking me about a million attempts to type each fecking word.. I'm just going to stop talking now..


968910  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-08-20
Written: (6248 days ago)

Roite, i shall now attempt to talk about Bloodstock in a slightly sane and un-drunk manner. I apologise for any spelling mistakes, insane rambling, pirate phrases and general stupidity in advance, because i'm pretty sure all of the above will happen at some point due to the fact that i think there's a possibility that i'm still slightly drunk. I must also point out that due to the fact that i was drunk for 90% of the festival, i don't remember everything and what i do remember will be in the wrong order. I have just decided to divide this into days, just to make it easier.

Day One

NOW, where to begin? Well.. We arrived alright, sane and sober and looking for somewhere to pitch our tent. After much struggling, yelling and frustration we managed to get the bastard thing up and tent-shaped (if a bit lop-sided) and we were indeed happy. Then the alcohol came out and we went on our mission to conquer the campsite, find our way around and make friends with everyone. We first discovered the toilets. They were rank on the first day, and i don't even want to begin describing what they were like by sunday morning XD Aaaanyway, after finding the toilets we had to re-find our tent, which is harder than you might think XD After re-finding it we started on the friend making. We made friends with... Oh shit, now i've got to try and remember all their names XD Frankie, Rory, Fred, Ross, the other two who were with Fred and Ross, and the other guy who was with Frankie and Rory XD Yeah. We started drinking and dancing to Korpiklaani with those guys, and it was good. Stuff gets a wee bit fuzzy after this.. We went to see a band, i can't for the life of me remember who it was though XD Oh God, my memory gets even worse after this because this was the point i got off the beer and cider and got on to the Jagermeister and JD... Aye, i believe this was the point i met Pete.. Because he was the one who was buying me all the Jagermeister and JD XD he apparently spent over £40 on me getting me alcohol and doughnuts o_O that was rather nice of him XD i wandered around getting pissed with him and then met the wonderful Commodore and his girlfriend the Wench (or Ruth). They gave me more doughnuts and i nicked the Commodore's fucking awesome hat. We then re-found Alex and went wandering off around the campsite until we found a gazebo and sat under it. More beer was found, and i was convinced that i could smell blueberry muffins and asked every single person i met if they had any XD Um... we went to bed... Alex wandered off again after about 2 minutes, so i buggered off aswell and met a guy who i think was called Phil, who gave me 10 Jager shooters and told me to be a happy little boozer.. So i drank them all in about 3 seconds and ran off XD I met some Irish people who had rum and vodka and decided that i was their new friend o_O I drank ALOT of rum and don't remember much after that except crawling over to the Shauns (a bunch of guys who we met because they kept yelling Merry Christmas at us.. I'll explain later) and insisting that i was sober despite the fact that i couldn't stand. Lazy Shaun then helped me back to my tent, which was very nice of him, and i crashed. I woke up an hour later to discover that there was a stranger sleeping in our porch o_O Alex punched him in the face when he tried to crawl back in to the tent and i nearly stood on his face when i got out of the tent to go and piss. He'd gone when i came back so feck it, i don't know who the hell he was.. But this is day 2!

Day Two

ROITE! This bit is going to be considerably shorter than Day One, due to the fact that i remember very little of it.. woke up, started drinking straight away and then had one of the most trippy experiences of my life. We went to see Fred and co, and found them sitting outside their tents, drinking out of tea cups, eating scones and listening to Mozart. It was quite possibly the funniest thing i've ever seen (or it was at the time).. After that.. what happened after that? OH YES!! We went to watch bands! Wolf, who were awesome as far as i remeber.. but the highlight of the day was Korpiklaani! My god i'm in love with that band. I yelled at the frontman to get me a beer, and he fucking did and all!! He went backstage and got me a beer, which he threw at me XD This girl then decided to try and fight me for it, and we ended up ripping it in half. I completely shredded my fingers and we had to go to the paramedics. I smeared blood on my face war-paint style and i was giggling like a maniac. The scene went as follows (well, this is close to what happened.. we must remember that i was pissed off my face at this point):

Paramedic: You'll have to come in, you're covered in blood.
Me: No i'm not, give me a plaster.
Paremedic: Look, just come in so we can clean you up and give you plasters.
Me: Fine.. *grumbling walks in to the paramedics van-thing*
Paramedic: ...Your hands are shredded, what did you do?
Me: I had a fight with a beer can! *brandishes half a beer can*
Paramedic: ...You need stitches in this finger, it's really deep.
Me: No, no, it's fine, give me a plaster so i can go and get plastered! *laughs insanely at bad pun*
Paramedic: Shut up and sit still so i can put stitches in your finger. *pulls out massive scissors*
Me: SHIT! *closes eyes* tell me when you're done..
Paramedic: Done, you can go now.
Me: YAY! *falls out of paramedics van and wanders off with Alex*

..So yeah, i got myself stitches and 18 pretty nasty slice wounds all over my hands. BUT IT WAS SO FUCKING WORTH IT!!! I don't remember much after that.. It got dark, we went to some random guys camp-site.. Umm.. Someone gave me three tabs of E which i thought were smints XD XD I took them and i was naturally pretty fucked for the rest of the night. We went to a pirate party where i met Mr. Wiggles and became his wench. He ended up having to take me to the paramedics van (again) because i was so fucked up from the E.. Me and Alex both went to the medics van and the guys in there were so nice! Me and Wiggles sat out in the back and i spent half an hour trying to explain that wench is different from girlfriend. Then the paramedics decided to convince Alex that she was on a heroin trip by asking me loads of stuff about her family and then reeling it off to her like they knew everything about her. I was pissing myself laughing, it was so funny. Then we pretended that i'd fallen out of a van and had 26 stitches up my leg, which Alex believed XD We then went back to the pirate party, but Wiggles ended up having to take Alex back to the medics van because she was so fucked. I slept in Wiggle's tent that night, and to be fair to him he was very sweet and looked after me instead of taking the opportunity to rape me XD Then what happened? Fuck a monkey, i don't even remember... Ah yes, day 3 began! XD

Day Three

Well.. i woke up at 7 and discovered that my top had come off at some point during the night.. At the time i was still drunk so didn't care, so i got out of the tent and wandered off to the toilets in just my bra. I thought about going to pick Alex up from the medics, but decided that she'd still be asleep. I think i went back to Wiggles' tent via the Shauns. Have i explained about the Shauns yet? Well i'll do it anyway.. They were a bunch of guys who were completely drunk. If you were their friend you were a Shaun, if not you were a Steve. Everyone had their own special Shaun name. There was Drunk Shaun, Lazy Shaun, Sleeping Shaun, Ginger Shaun... I was Purple Shaun and Alex was Pink Shaun (due to the colours of our furry hats XD) Aaaanyway, i visited the Shauns and got some beer off Drunk Shaun, then headed back to Wiggles' tent. I got up again at 8 and i remember Wiggles saying "Don't become a stranger now.." which i found hysterical at the time. I put on a jacket and said i'd be back for my top once i'd found Alex. I found Alex litter picking and decided to join in for the hell of it. After 2 hours of that.. Well i'd got my top back, so i apparently went back to Wiggles' tent at some point... But me and Alex got backstage! We went for brunch (which was curry) with our new friends, the 'Picker Lickers'! After brunch and coffee, we got dinner tickets and told to come backstage again at 5 to have dinner with Rise to Addiction!!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT?! So we returned to the pirate camp for about 2 minutes so i could get my hat and bandana, and then we met Metal Al who was awesome! He had trashed a bunch of tents around ours and we stopped him from trashing ours then wandered off again. Everything after this is a bit blurry, despite the fact that we were staying sober this day.. Umm... We watched a few bands, then wandered back stage again to use the toilets. They were nice toilets, with carpets and real flushers and a flower and everything!!! Then some guy thought we were in/with one of the bands XD Aaah man that was funny.. some guy let me and Alex up on the stage, which was awesome! Ummm... Some stuff happened o_O We got free ice cream because we begged XD then we went for a cup of tea with our paramedic friends, who i love to bits! They were so awesome, all of them! The most unprofessional paramedics i've ever met, but awesome all the same! Gaaaah, i can't remember what happened next.. we found some guys who were covering potatoes in squirty cream and chucking them about, so me and Alex got some and from that came the greatest quote of Bloodstock "Y'arr! We be taking our creamy potatoes elsewhere!" xD xD xD funniest thing ever!! Then we went back to our camp and re-found metal al, who was trashing his own tent XD Not sure what happened, but Xavier ended up wearing the tent and running blindly at a bunch of people, which was insanely funny XD Another amazing quote came from this..

Al: where's my tent?
Xavier: It's fucked..
Al: Well, un fuck it for me!!

XD Quite possibly the funniest thing i've ever heard. Gawd i've been attempting to finish this for hours now XD i keep getting distracted.. Basically, in a nutshell, what happened after this was: We went to see Arch Enemy (who kicked butt. Angela Gossow is a legend, she be hardcore! If i was male, i'd go after her XD) and In Flames (who kicked even more butt!! I caught a load of their picks in my bra! \m/) Between Arch Enemy and In Flames some of the funniest things ever said were said. The Milk Maid (AKA - me in super hero form) got a few new powers, Aerubics and rubics were created, there was talk of wine and boats and much innuendo about Rubiks cubes. Alex fell over several times, which was hilarious, and then we got killed during In Flames. THEN we went to a party and got drunk again, even though we vowed to stay sober. Then we got into a mob.. Or maybe the mob came first.. I can't remember, but we went on a march around the campsite and burnt a bin. Then we met Metal Al again and me and Alex got married.. THEN we went back to the pirates camp and i ended up sleeping in Wiggles' tent AGAIN. Alex got up when the sun came up, went back to our tent, imagined packing it up and put all our clothes in a puddle (so fucking funny XD).

Day Four

We woke up in Wiggles' tent, and had a total downer where i was very upset because we were going home. Then, after recovering from my bout of depression, me and Alex both went into a state of utter hysteria and spent half an hour trying to motivate ourselves to get out of Wiggles' tent and go and get our stuff packed. We couldn't stop laughing and it was extremely funny. We discovered that Wiggles was actually called James, and then finally left his tent and went to get our stuff packed. To cut a long story a little shorter, we packed our stuff and went home!

And that ladies and gentlemen be Bloodstock Open Air, the best festival ever created by anyone! I've probably missed alot, but i feel this rant is long enough as it is XD That be all! I'm now going to kill my mother because she's already yelling at me about this and that. BAI!!!

</extremely long ramble>

968887  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-08-20
Written: (6248 days ago)


I'll rant about bloodstock later btw, then y'all will understand who Metal Al is XD

966927  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-08-15
Written: (6254 days ago)

Nyaaah T___T I just had to write a really sad scene in my story >___< i got all teared up and now i'm like 'Nuuuu, i don't want him to die anymore!!!' ...buuut, it's part of the plot and i can't just bring him back to life because i like him XD He will live on in my mind... Who is he? Well, you'll have to read it. And no one is reading it until it's finished. So ha. Bah. Stupid characters that i get too attached to *headdesk headdesk*
</short ramble>

966812  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-08-14
Written: (6254 days ago)

ABSATHIOEWJFAIOWMFRIOAHTA. MRGFEOAISCPEOWAGPKRTMAESCREACR. JFEWOIAMCEIWATHNRAMCEWKLAG. *composes self* BLOODSTOCK ON THURSDAY!!! I can't freaking wait, it's gonna be so great. Mum has stopped spazzing since i've pretty much finished my room, so she's going to buy us alcohol and food and pick us up after the insanity. I love festivals. LOVE. Yeah. I've been listening to In Flames on repeat all day, and i love them more than i did when i saw them live last year. AND I'LL BE SEEING THEM AGAIN ON FRIDAY!!! FUCKING YES!!! I hope i actually die in the pit, that would be the best way to go.. Death by moshing to In Flames. Perfect. Yeeeah... No i actually do want to live to see the end of BOA. Then i'll be quite happy to die in my sleep when i get home XD Maaaaaaan, i'm so hyped now it's unbelievable. I have 3 custom T's to last me for the three days XD One says 'ATTENTION DUELISTS!!! MY HAIR IS ASSAULTING YOU!!!' (most people won't get this) one says 'Everyone shut up and pay attention to me' (It's a Rik Mayall quote <333) and the last one says 'Everyone should have something to believe in. I believe i'll have another beer.' So yeeeeah, gonna be good with my t-shirts and my noodles XD XD Seriously nearly pissing myself from excitement, it's going to be even more amazing than Download. I'm determined to make it so. To prove that metal beats emo any day. YEAH!

Aaanyway, moving away from my insane ranting about Bloodstock... I had the most odd dream last night... I was in the cinema, and for some reason i was with the Bratz, and we were having a dance off by the pop-corn counter. I fell over and sprained my ankle or something and we were all like 'oh fuck it, let's go and get back on the bus.' so we walked outside and there were loads of army guys marching about and these massive armoured buses. (please take note that i was convinced that this was actually happening.)I was with Tom Fury (a guy from my school) and we were talking about fighter jets (a topic which i know nothing about) and walking to the bus. He was on a different bus from me so i got on mine and found Alex. We went to a department store and we were looking for corned beef when we bumped into this guy with white blonde hair and red eyes. We started talking to him and he told us he was the spawn of Sasuke and Ino, and me and Alex ran away from him and ran out of the store and back on to the bus. Then it just all blurred away and re-blurred somewhere else, and i was in the middle of a desert. It took me a while to realise i was a bird. Itachi and Kisame (yeah, sad i know) were walking through the desert, and for some reason Kisame couldn't mention the word hungry to Itachi. Itachi's stomach growled really loud and Kisame went "are you hung-" and Itachi glared at him. Then he went "are you starv-" glare "Are you raveno-" glare "...Are you fami-" glare. ".....Are you served with radishes?" and then it all faded away again (yeah, Kisame asked Itachi if he was served with radishes. I don't get it either.) and i was standing with my OC Akayuu on a big cliff that was over complete blackness. I was ranting about not knowing where i'm going with the plot of my story, and how the big black abyss below us symbolised the plot and it's lack of sense. Akayuu just stood there and then went 'you know the solution.' and pushed me off the cliff! I was falling and falling and falling and then.. no i didn't wake up, i landed on a giant pig. THEN i woke up. Sooo... Anyone want to analyse THAT dream?! XD XD My brain comes up with some weird shit when i'm asleep XD Anyone out there who has normal dreams want to trade minds with me for a while?? XD

Anyway.. I think that's all i have to say.. Yeah, nothing else useful to add, i'm off now to finish my room ^__^ toodles!


966671  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-08-13
Written: (6255 days ago)

Hoorah, i have finally managed to reply to all my messages XD Took me a while, but i got there, and i'm not going to let them pile up like that again (haha, 2 weeks and it'll be exactly the same <_< >_>)

Aaanyway. Last night there was a meteor shower! I thought i was going bonkers to be honest because i didn't know there was one.. So when i saw the first meteor i was like 'ah, shooting star! Make a wish X3' ..But after the 10th i was starting to think i was seeing things XD Then i thought the world might be coming to an end, then i got all hyped up and i was looking for a huge comet XD When i'd established that it was just a meteor shower and that the world wasn't coming to an end, i went to bed XD But it was very pretty, i only wish i could have got some photo's. Alas, my camera is too crap XD

I've just been talking to my cousin and i'm soooo freaking jealous of him. He's getting two dogs, but not only that, he's getting two SALUKI'S. I absolutely LOVE Saluki's, they're my favourite dog breed (alongside siberian Huskies) so i am currently greeeen with jealousy because i want one >_< unfortunately my garden is too small, as is my house, to have such a big and energetic dog XD But.. GAH! i'm getting one as soon as i have a garden of reasonable size!!!! Stupid cousin... He said he was going to get a pair of greyhounds but then his girlfriend spied a Saluki online somewhere and demanded that they get a pair of them instead. DAMN THAT STUPID WOMAN SHOULD HAVE KEPT HER MOUTH SHUT!!! *breathes* I wouldn't be so jealous if it were just greyhounds, but Saluki's *whimpers* i will have to dognap them, it's my only option XD

Anyway, enough about dogs. Umm.. Did i have anything else i wanted to mention? No i don't think i did... Well in that case i'll bid y'all fairwell!


966137  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-08-12
Written: (6257 days ago)

Nyeeeh, changed my mind, i'm too tired to go through 21 messages.. it's 3:20am i should've been in bed hours ago.. and i shouldn't be on my diary yattering away about how i can't be bothered replying to my messages. So here are generic replies to all the possible messages i can think of that might be in my inbox:
- Hi ^_^
- I'm fine thanks, yourself?
- I don't know, the sky?
- Why thank you ^_^
- *hugs*
- *huggleglompsmoosh* ^3^
- Really?
- Oh dear...
- O RLY?!
- No Alex, Theo and Vince are not having children.

...hopefully that should satisfy the people who have messaged me... this is pointless! POINTLESS! i could've replied to half my messages in the time it's taken me to write all this, but i can't keep my eyes open anymore and my conscience is having a war with Vince.. Coscience tells me not to ignore messages, something important might be going on... Vince tells me not to worry about it and go to bed and reply to them at a sensible hour... Vince just killed my conscience, i'm going to bed before i fall asleep at the keyboard... i'll do messages tomorrow *headdesk* bloody procrastinator..

966135  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-08-12
Written: (6257 days ago)

Wheeeee, i'm on a drawing spree at the moment, or as i once called it a 'drawing fernando' (don't ask). It has recently occured to me that my style when it comes to drawing humans is slowly drifting away from anime and manga style.. I no longer draw people with big googly eyes and compacted heads and ridiculously pointed chins.. i suppose i'm just looking at alot of art, absorbing different styles and mingling them together to make a style all my own X3 Many people's art has influenced me.. Emily, i have borrowed and adapted her style of drawing ears XD.. Rynnay, i have learned LOADS from her about facial expressions and the correct way to draw faces... Demi and Jack from Sheezy have taught me how to get human proprtions right XD and Jack has also helped me with hands which i usually have many problems with! My style is basically a mixture of the styles of every single artist i know, combined with a bit of Beki she-bam, then splurged out of a cat's nose and onto the paper and there you go BEKI-STYLE! So yeah, i like my new style and i'm sticking with it ^_^

Other than that, i've filled in a few more plot holes on the unnamed story with Vince, Theo, Kat, Davey and Pabs..And [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] is trying to convince me to make Zekkou canon, which is impossible as he is the son of two males and is just a random sort of omake character that will never exist in the story. And even if somehow it was possible, Vince is 12 years older than Theo and Zekkou is currently 17.. That means in order for it to happen, Vince and Theo would have had to.. spawn.. Zekky when Vince was 18 and Theo was 6.. Thus making Vince a pedo whatever way you look at it.. So yeah, not gonna happen. Plus, Theo and Vince didn't even MEET until Theo was 15, so unless Vince and Theo managed to breed from opposite ends of the galaxy, it's impossible. THERE! I win.
Anyway, enough of that i have a bed to be sleeping in and a collection of messages that i've been ignoring to reply too.. Sorry if anyone's messaged me and i haven't replied despite being online.. I LOVE YOU REALLY! I'm just in a really arty mood tonight so i've been neglecting my messages.. and now i feel bad.. *hugs to all the neglected people* sorry! *pootles off to read neglected messages*


 The logged in version 

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