[Beki in Wonderland]'s diary

988268  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-10-31
Written: (6176 days ago)
Next in thread: 988297


When i say my baby, i mean my computer. Poor old Gandalf (yes i named my computer Gandalf) is getting a bit juddery and crap, so he's being whisked away to get all the wirey stuff replaced and a harddrive upgrade, so i'll be able to play the sims 2 without it taking 40 years for them to flush the toilet (Y) ..But i feel like i'm sending a child into surgery at the moment. Gandalf has been a loyal, if very temperamental computer.. David says there's a small chance that he's a bit outdated and that a better option would be to just buy a new computer. Naturally, me being the sentimental fool that i am, if that happens i intend to have a funeral for Gandalf.

Oh incidentally we came up with a name for the printer, which we never got round too. He's now called Xaldin. So i have Gandalf the computer, Xaldin the printer and Dylan the PS2... I'm so unbelievably sad... I can't decide what i'm going to call my tablet when i get it XD I'm really looking forward to getting a tablet because it means i'll actually be able to do some decent art for a change. YAY!

Anyway, must be off. I have to try and throw together a halloween costume.. Oh i've just had a brilliant idea. Zombie pirate. I'll take my pirate costume, rub cotton wool all over it so it looks like cobwebs, roll in the mud outside for a bit, then paint my face zombie style. Voila, zombie pirate. AND NOT MANY PEOPLE DO THAT, DO THEY?!?! Bah, there are too many vampires, witches and devils at halloween. I'm going to be a zombie pirate. Yes.


988080  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-10-30
Written: (6177 days ago)

Oh by the way:

Xigbar = Xig = The Xig = The Stig.



I knew it all along...
988079  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-10-30
Written: (6177 days ago)

GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! I'm bloody well addicted to Kingdom bloody Hearts >_< I've been playing it for a total of 7 hours today. I'VE ONLY BEEN AWAKE FOR 12 HOURS!! Wtf... I'm becoming such a KH dork.. Omg, i got over my fear of Xaldin today (everyone i've asked has said he's one of the toughest to beat) and went to Beast's castle.. Beating Xal wasn't exactle a piece of piss, but i managed to do it in just one try, which i was quite chuffed with because it took Emily 4 tries on easy, and she's the biggest game freak ever! I was swearing violently at the TV the whole time, and my dad didn't seem to mind XD then my brother came out with something that me and my dad both found hysterical:

Me + Dad: LOL!!!!!!!

I had to pause the game because i was having such a giggling fit XD aaah good times.. I've found something that brings the whole family together.. Kingdom Hearts! I love playing it, my brother loves watching me play it and fighting the dusks (which i let him do because they're piss easy), my mum enjoys watching the scenes inbetween because she's a Disney nut, and my dad enjoys the opportunity to swear loudly and not get told off my mum! We've found a family activity that we can do XD XD XD XD

Lolol... Anyway, enough about videogames... I'm banned from playing KH when my brother isn't there anyway, cuz he doesn't want to miss any of the story... So yeah. Now. I think i'm going to go and do some of my art homework, because i still have alot to do and very little time in which to do it. Ah well, i'm good at doing these kinds of things extremely fast. I have loads of work for Miss Batten but very little for Mr. T <_< >_> he's gonna be peeved.. Oh well, he can get over it..


987836  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-10-30
Written: (6177 days ago)

Argh, i've been playing Kingdom Hearts again all day today XD Lololol, i'm totally addicted to it, i can't help it <_< >_> Omg, in Agrabah.. Me and my brother's train of thought went exactly the same way when we saw one of the types of heartless that were there (we'd been calling the Agrabah heartless 'Terrorists' ...don't ask):

Ethan: Argh! More terrorists!
Me: Real terrorists!
Ethan: Caped terrorists!
Me: Super terrorists!!
Ethan: Pink terrorists!!!
Me and Ethan: .....GAY TERRORISTS!!!! *rofl*

I nearly got myself killed because i was rolling round on the floor laughing instead of paying attention and fighting the 'terrorists' XD XD
Anywhooooooo. Halloween! YAY X3 I wasn't actually in a halloweeny mood at all, but playing KH got me in the mood because i went to Halloween town just for the lulz, and it's got me all halloweeny X3 I may have to carve my pumpkin tonight... Going to Alex's on halloween to go trick or treating.. I don't have a costume =/ gotta try and convince my mum to let me wear my new boots so i can go as a vampire dominatrix type person XD If the worst comes to the worst and i can't find a costume.. I'll go as a pirate! XD I always have a pirate costume available for use :p
What else did i want to talk about? Oh yeah, mum booked the tickets for MPH today, so i'm incredibly hyper about that X3 it's gonna rock soooo much, and apparently you're allowed to sit in the cars in the showroom. So the first thing i'm going to do is seek out an Lamborghini Gallardo commandeer it XD yes. I'm really looking forward to the stunt show too because we get to sit right at the front because dad'll be in his wheelchair! So yay, frontrow seats XD I CAN'T WAIT!!!! I'm so psyched about so many things at the moment! Halloween, MPH, bonfire night, Apocalyptica in december, my birthday, Christmas.. They're all coming up and there's very little time inbetween each awesome thing that's happening XD XD GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!
In other news... I'm fed up of being in a relationship now.. I like the single life. I think o_O I'm not sure.. Bah. It's not unusual for me to be getting fed up of a relationship in the first couple of months. I get bored very quickly. Bah. Well we'll see what happens, i can't be bothered doing anything about it at the moment. If i don't have to see him then it's not a problem <_< >_> a week away from him might be just what i need ^__^ or it might just fuel my need to be single and whorish again <_< >_> erm.. Oh well ^___^
Now.. I should really be doing some more work for art, seeing as i'm not going to get much more time to do anything this holiday.. Bah, i've done a fair bit. More KH now!! It's calling to me!! Schoolwork later, KH now!!! Oh yes, i've got my priorities right <_< >_>


987370  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-10-28
Written: (6179 days ago)
Next in thread: 987374

According to my mother i've become a petrol head ¬____¬ just because i'm overly obsessed with cars at the moment <_< >_> It's because i'm so psyched about going to the MPH car show X3 I totally can't wait, it's gonna be so awesome :p GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!! *runs in a circle* If there's a Noble M15 in the showroom i'm going to demand that they let me sit in it. My life will be complete if they'll let me sit in a Noble X3 Actaully no, sitting in a Lamborghini Gallardo would make my life at the moment. It's my new favourite car.. Sort of.. ARGH!! I'm torn between the Merc SLR, Noble M15, Lamborghini Gallardo or Aston Martin DB9!!!! >____< AND WHY AM I EVEN TALKING ABOUT IT IN HERE?!?! Who actually cares which car i think is the best?! XD XD XD ok, shut up now... I've decided that the Lamborghini is my favourite simply because it's the kind of car that turns you mentally into an 11 year old boy the minute you look at it. It's just that cool. Yeah.


What was i going to say? Ah yes, i need to go on msn at some point tonight so i can discuss the matter of this halloween doodad with Alex... And... That's it for my plans for this evening <_< >_> ..Hairdressers tomorrow.. No idea what i'm going to get... Bah. I don't actually care, as long as it's out of my face. Then i have halloween, chester and MPH to look forward too (Y) this is gonna be a good half term methinks!


987261  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-10-28
Written: (6179 days ago)
Next in thread: 987309

Blaaah. Parents and the boy are out today so i get the house to myself for a few hours. I'm supposed to be cleaning my room, so naturally i'm procrastinating like hell and coming on here to talk about it. Jolly good then. Mum has given me the whole 'we're going to the cinema tonight and if you're room's not done you're not coming' lecture. What she doesn't know is that i wasn't planning on going to the cinema with them anyway XD The new series of Top Gear starts tonight and i'll be damned if i'm missing it for the cinema!!! So yeah, useless threat mum XD

I will go and do my room soon... I have nothing better to do... Well i do... I had a complete nervy spazz last night! I decided that all the unfinished stories and one shots hidden away on my hard drive needed to go. I mean, i'm never going to finish any of them. None of them have a plot, i have no idea where any of them are going, and thanks to Alex and Danny most of them have turned extremely gay in the space of about 2 chapters XD XD SO. I got rid of them all. Every single one. Naturally i couldn't delete them, i'm awfully sentimental about my characters, so i bunged them all into a 'This is what happens when you don't plan the plot' folder, zipped it and tucked it away in a dark corner where i never have to look at it again. So i currently have alot of moody characters sitting on the shelf wishing i was capable of coming up with a decent plot.

BUT LO!!! I actually have. For once in my life, i've come up with a story that has a plot line. Not half a plot line, not a third of a plot line, THE WHOLE THING. It has a beginning, middle and end, and it's actually fairly good if i do say so myself. And it's not just planned in my head. I've planned it on paper. I have notes, i have a vague plotline written over 3 pages, i have character information and backstories to fill in any and all plotholes. I'm on a roll!!! ...Now i just have to start writing the bastard thing <_< >_>
While on the subject of writing... Me and Em decided to scrap Switch 24, which was very upsetting for me as i happened to love the characters! We decided the plot was way too fuzzy and all over the place, and that we were better off just leaving it to rot ;__; RIP S24, you shall be missed XD ...Edit:: S24... does that sound like a type of car to anyone else?? o_O

Ok, enough about all that writing malarky.. Bloody hell that turned into a rant and a half... I do apologise to all those people who have no interest whatsoever in my writing. Which is pretty much everyone XD ...You know what? I had a dream last night that i had a bath in a load of melted white chocolate. Very good for the skin i'm sure <_< >_>


987154  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-10-27
Written: (6180 days ago)
Next in thread: 987160


Xehanort - X = Rent-a-Ho

*dies laughing* XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD

My life is now complete.

Mansex, Bigrax and Rent-a-Ho.

Someone kill me now. I haven't laughed so much in ages, and that is a very very sad thing.

In other news... I've been playing KHII for 5 hours straight. I'm officially addicted.

</very short pointless ramble>

986881  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-10-26
Written: (6181 days ago)

Poll is now up, vote on it even if you don't like cars XD

In other news, I'm going to the MPH car show on November 8th (Y) i'm totally wired about it, it's gonna be so awesome X3 Hosted by Jeremy, James and Hammond of course!! AAAAAARGH!!! I've become bloody car obsessed >___<

...I'm going now, Top Gear is on >___<

986854  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-10-26
Written: (6181 days ago)

Ok... My hair is looking a little less grey now XD Not much though o___O Oh well, if it does end up grey i'll just dye it again XD I'm going to the hairdressers on monday... My original plan was to get a whole new style, since i'll have a whole new colour.. But Em pointed out that if i get my old style and go blonde, i would look like Mello from Death Note XD XD I thought that was awesome, so i'm tempted to get my full fringe cut back in and be a permanent Mello cosplayer XD

Aaaanyway... Enough about my hair... Erm... What was the other thing i wanted to say?? Oh yes, i'm having an argument with James at the moment, about cars. Sad i know. I make a new friend and instantly start arguing about bloody cars of all things. Anyway. The argument goes thusly: Which is a better car, the Noble M15 or the earlier M12. James thinks the M12 is better (boys and their bloody boy racer cars with their big spoilers and loud engines ¬___¬) i perfer the M15. I want people to join my side!!! The M15 is just way more sophisticated looking, and according to reviews drives better! It's just a better car ¬____¬ So if you're a car person and have any idea what i'm talking about, help me out here XD I might change my poll actually.. Yes, i will, i'm going to prove James wrong!!!

Ok, i'm off to play Kingdom Hearts now. Its pretty much all i'll be doing this holiday XD


986776  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-10-26
Written: (6181 days ago)

I'M GOING GREY!!!!!!! FECKING GREY!!!!! WTF?!?!?! Seriously, i've been stripping the colour out of my hair (which is a slow and boring process) and the hair underneath is bloody grey!!! Why?! ...How many times have i dyed my hair?? I was white blonde.. Then i dyed it sort of golden blonde because i was sick of people asking me why i had white hair... Then i went red for no reason.. Then goldy blonde again.. Then chocolate brown... Then i went completely jet black.. Then brown again.. Then purple... Finally bright pink... Now i'm stripping the pink out and the hair underneath is grey! What happened?!? Is this because i've dyed it too much?? XD XD omg, grey hair... Wow...


985914  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-10-23
Written: (6184 days ago)

Omg, i swear i just died and went to heaven. There's a new TV channel thing on Freeview (which is all i have) called Dave, and it has ALL my favourite programmes on from 8 until God only knows when! I was up till 1am last night watching TV XD Top Gear, Red Dwarf, Never Mind the Buzzcocks, QI, Have i got News for You and Whose Line is it Anyway!!!! X3 It's so awesome!!! I have NEVER spent so long sat infront of the TV as i did last night XD 5 hours solid o___O i feel fat and lazy XD

Omg, ok, if you don't watch top gear and have no interest whatsoever in cars or a bunch of guys going on a disaster of a caravan holiday, don't bother reading this bit. But Top Gear tonight was SO EFFING FUNNY XD seriously, me and my dad were in absolute stitches XD They decided to go on a caravan holiday to see what the appeal of it was... and it was quite possibly the funniest thing i've ever seen XD they got cautioned by the police for trying to U-turn on a country road, and Jeremy and Hammond ran away and hid in a bush and let the police have a go at James XD XD When they got to the caravan site James ran over someone elses tent and broke all the poles while trying to park the caravan! Then when they went to bed:

Jeremy: Oh yes, this is brilliant...
James: I like it. It's romantic.
Hammond: Don't say things like that, i'm sleeping in the same bed as you!!!!!

XD XD XD lololol! And then finally Jeremy set fire to the caravan! And while Hammond tried to put it out he set fire to the caravan and tent next to it (coincidentally it was the tent that James broke XD).. They ended up going home with a burnt out caravan XD so funny... Yes, ooh! And the stig drove an F1 car on an inside straight track and it only managed to do 10mph more than a Ford Fiesta saloon!!! WTF!!!!! XD XD ...Yeah, i find it funny even if no one else does <_< >_> i like cars!!!

Ok, enough about cars and lunatic people now... I don't really have anything more interesting to say!!! Story of my life... Get up, grumble, go to school, work, be lazy, lunch, work, town, home, computer, dinner, top gear, homework (lol), other TV programmes until 1am onwards, bed...get up, grumble, go to school, work, be lazy etc etc etc... Basically i'm a very sad individual. Who likes cars, being lazy, eating, watching TV, hanging round in town with friends, and sleeping... Typical student then XD Actually, that's typical for a male student o___O I don't get it, i should definately be a guy XD XD

Bah, i'm done rambling now. Off to watch TV again XD


985547  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-10-22
Written: (6185 days ago)

*sniffles* I miss Alex!

Art lessons just aren't the same without her! I ACTUALLY DID WORK TODAY!!!!! =O It's shocking!! I coloured a squirrel XD Not an actual squirrel, a drawing of a squirrel o__O although now i really want to colour in a squirrel. Lololol...
Me and Amz went up to the shop at dinner and i bought 'Lolly in a Tube' which shortens (kinda obscurely) into Lube XD XD XD rofl!! I found that so funny. We were lubing everything!!!
I'm home early because i have two free lessons last on a monday (Y) yaaay, an extra hour to do bugger all! Actually, no, i'm going to go and do work... I need to wooooork <_< >_> and i owe people drawings and stuff on DA so blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Josh was trying to get on my bus and come over my house, but i wouldn't let him XD I like this hour that i get all to myself, it's peaceful, i don't want him over here being loud and annoying and getting in my way ¬____¬
I had a really bad feeling about today but nothing bad has happened yet, so maybe i was just being paranoid...
The pink is starting to come out of my hair! I see blonde X3
Yeah, that's all i have to say...

Except, you know what is really nice that i just discovered on a whim??? Feta cheese wrapped in a basil leaf! It really is nice! I was just in the kitchen like "what can i put on this feta cheese to make it more interesting?" and i spotted the basil and decided to try it, and it's really nice! w00t, i'm going to be a chef one day <_< >_> Yeah...


985402  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-10-21
Written: (6186 days ago)


and i'm bloody proud of it i'll have you know \m/

1. Smoked. [x]
2. Consumed alcohol. [x]
3. Slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex. [x]
4. Slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex. [x]
5. Kissed someone of the same sex. [x]
6. Had sex. [x]
7. Had someone in your room other than family. [x]
8. Watched porn. [x]
9. Bought porn. []
10. Done drugs. [x] (accidentally!)

1. Taken painkillers. [x]
2. Taken someone else's prescription medicine. [x] (my dad's painkillers <_< >_>)
3. Lied to your parents. [x] (who hasn't??)
4. Lied to a friend. []
5. Been to rehab. []
6. Done something illegal. [x]
7. Cut yourself. [x] (not in the emo way.. there is a story behind it actually, which only Alex knows XD)
8. Hurt someone. [x]
9. Been to a club. []
10. Seen someone die.[] (how does that make you a bad person anyway?!)

1. Missed curfew. [x]
2. Stayed out all night. [x]
3. Eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself. [x]
4. Been to a therapist. [x]
5. Snuck out of the house. [x]
6. Dyed your hair. [x]
7. Received a ticket. []
8. Been in an accident. [x]
9. Wished someone to die. [x]
10. Been to a bar.[x]

1. Been to a wild party. [x]
2. Been to a Mardi Gras parade. [ ]
3. Drank more than four beers in a night. [x] (lol, more than 25 beers in a night would be a more suitable question for me XD)
4. Had a spring break in Florida. []
5. Sniffed anything. [] (...I've snorted pepper, but i don't think that counts XD)
6. Wore black nail polish. [x]
7. Wore arm bands. [x] (wtf?)
8. Wore t-shirts with band names. [x]
9. Listened to rap. [x]
10. Owned a 50 Cent CD. []

1. Dressed Gothic. [x]
2. Dressed prep.[x]
3. Dressed punk. [x]
4. Dressed grunge. [x] (so basically i wear whatever i want, and that makes me a bad person? ¬___¬)
5. Stole something. [x]
6. Been too drunk to remember anything. [x]
7. Blacked out. [x]
8. Fainted. [x] (lol, reapeatedly at bloodstock! I kept fainting then waking up going "oh, hello again grass" XD)
9. Had a crush on a neighbor. []

1. Snuck into someone else's room. [x]
2. Had a crush on your friend. [x]
3. Been to a concert. [x]
4. Dry-humped someone. [x!!!!! lololol] (OMG ROFL!!!! I hump people all the time <_< >_> *hump hump* XD)
5. Been called a slut. [x]
6. Called someone a slut. [x]
7. Installed speakers in your car. []
8. Broken a mirror. [x]
9. Showered at someone of the opposites sex's house. [x]
10. Brushed your teeth with someone elses toothbrush. []

1. Consider/considered Ludacris your favorite rapper. []
2. Seen an R-rated movie in theater. []
3. Cruised the mall. [x]
4. Skipped school. [x]
5. Had surgery. [] (how does that make you a bad person i ask you?!)
6. Had an injury. [x]
7. Gone to court. [] (not my own trial, but i've been... i don't think it counts though)
8. Walked out of a restaurant without paying/tipping. [x] (only once, and it's because i forgot to pay XD)
9. Caught something on fire. [x]
10. Lied about your age. [x]

1. Owned/rented an apartment.[]
2. Broke the law in the police's presence. []
3. Made out with someone who had a gf/bf. [x] (i didn't know he had a gf at the time though..)
4. Got in trouble with the police. [x]
5. Talked to a stranger. [x]
6. Hugged a stranger. [x]
7. Kissed a stranger. [x] (lolol, bloodstock makes me a bad person XD)
8. Rode in the car with a stranger. []
9. Been harassed. [x]
10. Been verbally harassed. [x]

1. Met face-to-face with someone you met online. []
2. Stayed online for 5 hours straight. [x]
3. Talked on the phone for more than 4 hours straight. [x]
4. Watched TV for 5 hours straight. [x]
5. Been to a fair. [x]
6. Been called a bad influence. [x]
7. Drink and drive. [ ]
8. Prank-called someone. [x]
9. Laid on a couch with someone of the opposite sex. [x]
10. Cheated on a test. [x]


-If You Have Less Then 10.. write [I'm a Goody Goody.]
-If You Have More Than 10.. write [I'm still a goody goody.]
-If You Have more Than 20..write [I'm average.]
-If You Have More Than 30..write [I'm a bad kid.]
-If You have more than 40..write [I'm a very bad influence.]
-If You Have more than 50..write [I'm a horrible person.]
985398  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-10-21
Written: (6186 days ago)

Lololol, i'm having another one of those moments. I just downloaded a bunch of Irish drinking songs. Dammit i really need to have an Irish-themed party. Or just learn them all and sing them really loudly at whatever halloween party i end up going too X3 I wish i was more Irish... I mean i have a teensy bit of Irish blood in my veins (which explains my love for alcohol and getting totally smashed) but it's just not enough!!! I WANT TO BE IRISH!!! I think i may go and live in Ireland for a few years... I at least want to pick up the accent x)

The most epic drinking song ever is The Wild Rover. The Dropkick Murphey's did a cover of it and it's just the ultimate song to get completely shitfaced, wankered, smashed, hammered, pissed, intoxicated, plastered, trashed, inebriated, sloshed, tanked, wrecked and utterly drunk to!!! I'm listening to it on repeat at the moment and it's awesome!!! It will be stuck in my head tomorrow though XD

I was discussing this subject with my cousin and he said "Well you develop an Irish accent when you're drunk. That's got to count for something." ...It's true XD and i'm happy now, for no reason <_< >_>

Long live the Irish!!!!

</irish ramble XD>

985235  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-10-21
Written: (6186 days ago)

Doo de doo! Hello :p I'm in a good mood today XD The results of my blood test haven't come back yet, but i'm not too worried to be honest because my throat's not hurting as much as it was (maybe that's because of the painkillers, but shuddup!!)... Now, what was i going to talk about? Ah yeah, Friday night. I went to see Phatfish with Ruth and Lauren. It was so much fun XD We ended up drifting over to these guys at the back and dancing like a bunch of loons. They taught us how to 'Christian mosh' which was the funniest thing in the world in my opinion, and i taught them how to 'Korpiklaani mosh' which was hilarious XD They seemed very surprised when i started listing off all the other bands i listen too XD One of them had a "Don't hassle the hoff" t-shirt on which was amazing XD And OMG the bassist from Phatfish looked like Jesus o___O seriously, he had long hair and a beard and he was up on stage with a white light shining right behind him so it looked like a halo XD It was awesome! We met him after the gig too and took his picture XD

So yeah, Phatfish were awesome. Yesterday i just had a lazy day really... Wandered into town with Ruth for breakfast then met Josh and bogged around a bit... Met mum and dad in Weatherspoons for coffee and brunch (aka cider and... cider XD) then went home and fell asleep until 7 XD lazy lazy day...

And today i'm working on stripping all the colour out of my hair so i can go my natural colour again (i'm naturally blonde, and if i hear a single blonde joke i will murder whoever said it XD). So yeah, basically another lazy day. And we're going to see Stardust at the cinema tonight, which should be good (Y)

Anywho, that's all i have to say! Turrah!


984414  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-10-17
Written: (6190 days ago)

Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Baaaaaaaad daaaaaaaay. Yeah... I woke up this morning and my throat was like.. blaaaah again ¬____¬ Mum decided that i was staying off school to go to the doctors, because this throat infection has been hanging around for over a month now... and apparently that's not normal *shrugs* ...Soo i went to the doctors and i had the crazy one who talks to you with his eyes closed... He said that whatever is wrong it's obviously not bacterial (despite the fact that they said it was bacterial and gave me penicillin for it last time ¬____¬) and that it might be something more serious than what they originally thought... Soooo i had to have a blood test, which was horrible... It didn't hurt or anything, i'm not that bothered about needles really, it was just seeing my blood in the test tube i was like 'wtf, do you really need that much?!' ..He found it really funny -___- twit. Then i had to hang around for a while so he could examine my throat and my ears (wtf.. seriously, i have a THROAT infection, what does that have to do with my ears?!)... Then he decided that there's no point prescribing me anything because he doesn't know what the problem is... And he's cutting my course of penicillin short because apparently it's not doing anything to help ¬____¬ BLAAAAAAAAH. So i have a killer sore throat and nothing to take to make it hurt less... Whatever. I've got some of my dad's weaker painkillers (i shouldn't, but i do XD) and paracetamol and that's going to have to do. Bah.

In other news... I watched a reaaally long film today when i got back from the doctors. It's an old Stephen King one... It was about 5 hours long, i nearly died by the end of it XD it was good though... Not exactly as scary as i think it was meant to be, but still good. Erm... I don't really have anything else to say, since most of what happens to me that's worth talking about happens at school... I'll probably go to school tomorrow, sore throat or not... I hate staying home, it's so boring. There's bugger all to do and i just end up sleeping all day or sitting infront of the TV. That's all i have to say...

</grumpy ramble>

983999  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-10-15
Written: (6192 days ago)

My dad certainly knows how to scare the living shit out of me... I was sitting in the computer room a minute ago, minding my own business, when he barged in...

Dad: Now, i don't want you to panic, but there's a possibility that the boiler has been leaking gas into this room and that you're soon going to die of carbon monoxide poisoning.
Me: Mmhm... *long pause* ...WHAT?!?!?!?!??!
Dad: I said 'Charlotte's on the phone'.
Dad: *walks out LOLing to self*

XD Apparently my parents no longer care about me swearing at them, as i didn't even get a 'mind your language' from my mum. My mum does mind me calling her a fascist... and if i say 'go back to Russia' to her, she gets all flustered... which implies that she's a Russian fascist o___O ...or is deeply offended by Russian fascists XD whatever, i find it amusing...

I never noticed before, but there is a Young Ones reference in KHTSF. Which i find incredibly funny. Yes. You know what else i find funny? I got KHII off Danny today (cuz i have to wait until CHRISTMAS for mine... Santa is a bastard XD) and i haven't played it yet. That is not right. I should be totally hooked on it, yet i'm not o__O I've been to busy playing bloody roar XD I've just realised that Ryoho (dragon) is really cockney XD and i think that is about the funniest thing ever, because he's supposed to be a Japanese monk, and yet he has this really cockney accent XD XD XD lol phail...

ANYWAY. Enough talk about my insane family and games and so on and so forth. I have nothing else useful to say (Y) turrah!


983589  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-10-14
Written: (6193 days ago)

Hmph. I'm in a bad mood with DA today ¬____¬ It appears that they've randomly brought in a new rule that you have to be over 18 to view Deviations with 'mature content'. This would be fine except some of the people i watch put mature content filters on their art. Ladychimera, for example, one of my favourite artists on DA, does KH comics. Because of all the attention she gets, she has to mature content any of the comics that have blood/violence/minor references to sex and so on and so forth... So i can't bloody see them anymore! It's so annoying... And extremely patronizing aswell! It's like DA is saying "If you're not 18, you can't POSSIBLY be mature enough to look at this." Do they honestly think that just because i'm not 18 that i'm not capable of looking at a picture with a bit of blood or nakedness without being severely mentally disturbed? I think we should have a CHOICE as to whether or not we view images with mature content. That way if we look at something with a mature content filter on and are severely mentally disturbed by it, it's our own fault for bloody looking at it!!! (I sound so schizophrenic right now... when i say 'our' i mean the collective community of under 18 people on DA.) I mean really, i'm nearly 17 years old for christs sake. I'm not going to go 'OMG BOOBZ ON A PICTURE!!!' and then sue them, am i? For heavens sake... And all they're doing now is encouraging under 18 people to make clone accounts that are only there so they can view mature images. These accounts won't have any art on them and will just spam up the servers at DA! I swear, they are totally asking for all the hate mail they get, and there will be alot of it... Not from me of course. I'm going to write them a polite email explaining that i think they're a bunch of ageists and that what they're doing is very patronizing to us under 18's who are actually mature enough to not pitch a fit when we see blood, violence, nakedness or (God forbid) a swear word. And if that doesn't work then so help me i'm starting a revolution. You may think i'm overreacting, but i'm just completely sick of people under 18 being treated like children. We are just as mature as any 18 year olds, more so than some, and i think we should be offered freedom of choice. At the moment, DA is acting like a parent. A really annoying parent. So yes, i'm going to write a very condescending email in return to their stupidness. And i'm going to encourage everyone else to do it too.

Anyway. Moving away from that subject i'm actually in a decent mood today. I have to clean my room (again) which is a bit of a bummer, and do some art and psychology work... Which is also a bit of a bummer. But other than that i feel fine and life is actually reasonably good at the moment. I don't really have anything else useful to say, so i'm just going to stop here, as i think my DA rant has taken up enough space as it is XD Toodles!


983291  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-10-12
Written: (6195 days ago)

*sigh* i've been doing alot of ranty grumbling diary entries recently, so i'm not going to spend long ranting and grumbling... I'm so bloody tired though... I haven't been sleeping much the last few weeks so i'm completely exhausted =___= i was really grumpy in school today and at dinner time i was like 'right, need to vent at someone' but there was no one about when i got down there... And when people started appearing i had the distinct impression that no one was in the mood... so i ended up sitting on the bench listening to Stonesour and Bother came on and i just started crying out of nowhere.. I had a rant at Walker and i was fine. I'm not really sure what triggered it to be honest, i think i was just stressed out and tired and at that moment (probably due to the fact that i was sitting on the bench on my own listening to depressing music) i felt kinda.. i dunno, unheard... And i just decided 'fuck it, i've been feeling shit all week, i'm going to cry and i don't care who sees me'. But yes, Walker, Cross, Josh and Shammy all made me laugh, so i felt better XD Much <3 to them :p

Anyway, after my little outburst i didn't feel so much like jumping infront of a bus to see what would happen, but i still felt pretty shit. So i wandered up town with Walker, Matt, Gemma and Mark. We went to the party shop and we were goofing around downstairs for a bit, then we found some guys from the TV thingy outside on the highstreet and they interviewed Matt which was really amusing:

Walker: Awesome, you got on TV mate.
Mark: Yeah, looking like a total gonk with a pen sticking out from behind your ear.
Matt: Shit! *pulls pen out from behind his ear*

I found that really amusing XD Ooooh, 3rd lesson i felt like crap and Rach was really ill, so i took her home and then couldn't be bothered going back for Psychology.. So me and Amz went to tesco and got 'decorate your own' gingerbread men XD that made me feel better, gotta love making gingerbread man porn XD we were feeding this big massive seagull, it was so funny. We got attacked by a flock of them o___O then we saw this bloke in a car who we thought was dead.. turned out he wasn't though XD that was fun.

So all in all i've had a weird day... Bits of it have been really good and bits of it have been total shite... But whatever, i feel better now, i think i just needed to have a cry and rant at someone... And i've done that now so i feel fine ^___^ Josh has invited himself over my house tomorrow but he's going to be dissapointed because Deb just phoned and i think we're going out to dinner with her XD rofl, he's going to walk all the way from Mold to an empty house. Ha, it's his own fault for inviting himself!

Anyway, i'm going to bed now because i'm absolutely shattered. Night all!


982558  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-10-09
Written: (6198 days ago)

Aaah, i've had a good day today XD Despite being in a pretty vile mood due to the fact that i had very little sleep last night. Reg this morning was amusing cuz me and Rach had to write on the walls, and we came up with 'Art and Depart', the act of painting a picture then chucking it out of a window and yelling 'depart!!!' ...This at the time was very funny XD Then first lesson i managed to scare Josh by telling him how i plan on killing him. Apparently the plan was flawless and he's now paranoid ^___^ Good good.
Art was amazingly funny too. [imperfectionist] had to take his work over to Mr. Taylor (who greatly enjoys telling Danny that he's going to fail) and i was playing this DOOOOM music on my phone as he went over XD Danny sat down with Mr. T for about 2 seconds and showed him his work. And this happened:

Mr. T: Have you considered pig farming?
Me Alex and Rach: *die laughing*
Me: I'd quite like to be a pig farmer... I like pigs!
Alex: *in retarded voice* Yeah! I like their leetle feet!!!
Me: o_______O *rofl*

...And for some reason we found that extremely funny. Then me and Al decided that we're going to dress up for his class on Thursday (me as a evil guy with a top hat and pimp cain, and Al as a Russian communist XD) and walk in late playing the DOOM music. Just to confirm the fact that we're the classes psycho cases XD Omg, Kel came up with the best phrase to say to a crazy person: "You're totally batshit." XD i thought that was amazing.
At dinner time i rescued a stuffed kangaroo that had been thrown out of the charity shop! Then i got stuck with an Australian accent for a while XD We couldn't decide what to call the kangaroo either, there was a debate in psychology..

Me: Well, he was called Chouji.. Nice round name.
Kara: I think Jeremy suits him.
Josh: Name him after me!
Kara: No, Jeremy!
Josh: But i want him to be named after me ;_;
Me: How about Chouji Jeremy Josh McInerny?
Kara: Yes!

So that's how we settled his name XD I have no idea if i spelt Josh's last name right o__O It's pronounced mac-an-earnie, which i find hysterical.
What else happened today? I broke up with Josh (the other Josh.. boyfriend Josh).. Well i sort of did o__O it was meant to be joking but it came out sounding serious and he took me seriously.. but then we found out he didn't.. so... i have no idea tbh XD but in my mind i'm single <_< >_> ...And i slapped Cross XD I was in a pretty short-tempered mood anyway.. Then Dominic started pissing me off so i kicked off at him and basically said "If you hate us all and think we're all retards then why do you come down here every dinner time and try and be part of the crowd?!", which i think was a very valid point.. And Cross grabbed me and told me to leave him alone, then started having a go at me about it. Reflex kicked in and i smacked him round the face then stormed off to English Lit XD Alex nearly wet herself laughing, it was great :p

So yeah, eventful day today. Oooh, and i got some rum truffles! Yum yum! That's about all i have to say, so i'm gonna stop rambling on now XD bai!


982343  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-10-08
Written: (6199 days ago)
Next in thread: 982352

Oh yeah, one more thing. To all my friends on here who may read this, thank you all for.. Just existing! And being my friends <333 I love you all! You've all cheered me up when i was down, made me laugh when i was in a bad mood and helped me through the tough times, and i can't thank you enough <3
Why am i doing this?? Well, because i think that every once in a while you need to let your friends know just how much they mean to you! AND I DON'T DO IT NEARLY ENOUGH!! So THANK YOU FRIENDS!!! 


^___^ That's all, i really am going to bed now! Night all! *waves*

</leetle ramble>
 The logged in version 

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