[*Phoenix*]'s diary

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Written about Sunday 2006-08-13
Written: (6526 days ago)

this is a poem i found and i liked and tought was very true. i am against anthing that makes anyone better or worse than someone. even if it's in school or when i'm shopping IT IS STILL WRONG!!!!!

A white man yells to a black man. "Hey colored boy! You're blockin my view."
The black man turned around and stood up. He then said:
"When I was born I was black,"
"When I grew up I was black,"
"When I'm sick I'm black,"
"When I go in the sun I'm black,"
"When I'm cold I'm black,"
"When I die I'll be black"
"But you sir..."
"When you're born you're pink,"
"When you grow up you're white,"
"When you're sick, you're green,"
"When you go in the sun you turn red,"
"When you're cold you turn blue,"
"And when you die you turn purple."
"And you have the nerve to call me colored?"
The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away...
Post this in your house if you are against raciasim

this is some more stuff i found that would be good for more people to see.

A girl and guy were speeding, on a motorcycle, over 90 mph on the road..
Girl: Slow down. I’m scared.
Guy: No, this is fun.
Girl: No, it’s not. Please, it’s too scary!
Guy: Then tell me you love me.
Girl: Fine, I love you. Slow down!
Guy: Now give me a BIG hug.
*Girl hugs him*
Guy: Can you take my helmet off & put it on yourself? It’s bugging me.
(In the paper the next day)
A motorcycle crashed into a building because of break failure. Two people were on it, butonly one survived. The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his
breaks broke, but he didn’t want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved
him & felt her hug one last time, then had her wear his helmet so that she would live even
though it meant that he would die.
.*..If you love someone this much put this on your site..*..

[One night a guy & a girl were driving home from the movies. The boy sensed there was something wrong because of the painful silence they shared between them that night. The girl then asked the boy to pull over because she wanted to talk. She told him that her feelings had changed & that it was time to move on. A silent tear slid down his cheek as he slowly reached into his pocket & passed her a folded note. At that moment, a drunk driver was speeding down that very same street. He swerved right into the drivers seat, killing the boy. Miraculously, the girl survived. Remembering the note, she pulled it out & read it. "Without your love, I would die."]

Guy Facts:
-When a guy calls u
he wants to be with you
-When a guy is quiet,
He's listening to you...
-When a guy is not arguing,
He realizes he's wrong
-When a guy says, "I'm fine," after a few minutes,
he means it
-When a guy stares at you,
he thinks you're the most beautiful thing in the world
-When you're laying your head on a guy's chest
he has the world
-When a guy calls you everyday
he is in love
-When a (good) guy say he loves you
he means it
-When a guy says he can't live without you
he's with you till your done
-When a guy says, "I miss you,"
he misses you more than you could have ever missed him or anything else

-Girl facts:
-When a girl is quiet,
millions of things are running through her mind.
-When a girl is not arguing,
she is thinking deeply.
-When a girl looks at you with eyes full of questions,
she is wondering how long you will be around.
-When a girl answers, "I'm fine," after a few seconds,
she is not at all fine.
-When a girl stares at you,
she is wondering why you are so wonderful.
-When a girl lays on your chest,
she is wishing for you to be hers forever.
-When a girl calls you everyday,
she is seeking for your attention.
-When a girl wants to see you everyday,
she wants to be pampered.
-When an honest girl says, "Ill love you forever,"
she means it.
-When a girl says that she can't live without you,
she has made up her mind that you are her future.
-When a girl says, "I miss you,"
no one in this world can miss you more than that

 The logged in version 

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