Appearance, Reality and Theory
God does not play dice,
Apparently so Einstein said.
But with Heisenberg and his uncertainty,
Perhaps it was someone else instead.
Now according to Quantum theory,
The observer affects the observed.
Electrons waiting on your eyes to glance,
The pattern emerging with such elegance.
But with Bell and his non-locality,
The observer is everywhere,
With no such thing as distance,separ
The subject exalted, no time to care.
And ponder the Hermetic tablet,
In emerald green , As above, so Below
Reality mirrored through the Maya of ages
Such gnosis, glamour does he bestow.
So consider the Non-local universe,
Such vast oceans on non-space, non-time
As the observer thinks over on his next move,
Knowing all, within sublime.
"I am he that WAS that IS and ever shall BE"