[stuffAEAmade]'s diary

1068260  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-02-26
Written: (5574 days ago)

What a day. Last I heard 3 people had been hauled away in ambulances after slipping on ice and breaking something. Hopefully I won't become one of them when I go back for art class. I've nearly fallen on my ass a dozen times already.

1068145  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-02-26
Written: (5575 days ago)

I enrolled myself in a 2-day figure drawing workshop this weekend. Live model, semi nude. Should be enlightening.

1068012  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-02-25
Written: (5576 days ago)

Ho hum. I may wind up completely rewriting the middle part of chapter 2. The first part is good, I rather like the last bit but it can change as well. There's just so much crap going on in the middle...

I need to make some flowcharts and figure out exactly what's motivating the characters...


1067646  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-02-23
Written: (5578 days ago)


last 8 pages of the chapter :)
have a look and let me know what you think.

I've got month to get chapter 2 prepped and ready to draw.

1067243  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-02-19
Written: (5582 days ago)
Next in thread: 1067279

Oi. I think I need one of those icy-hot things for my wrist. Hopefully I'm not giving myself a carpal tunnel.

And more pencil grips. Another bag of pencil grips.

1066933  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-02-16
Written: (5584 days ago)

Chapter one will be finished next weekend :)

1066069  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-02-09
Written: (5591 days ago)

I need to find my discipline. I seem to have lost it sometime after graduating high school.

Blargh, I've been borderline ill for the past week and a half. I wonder if it's a mild case of flu or food poisoning. Unpleasant, whatever it is.

1062687  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-01-13
Written: (5619 days ago)

pilgrim_chap1c 8 more pages. just 8 to go in this chapter :)
crit and feedback is always welcome.

also, pilgrim tone mock-up

1061654  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-01-05
Written: (5626 days ago)

Hey you! You have an opinion, right?

pilgrim tone mock-up

oh yeah, the next batch of pages should be done next weekend. :)

1059808  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-12-22
Written: (5640 days ago)

son of a gun, I've been tagged. I'm supposed to write like, 16 things about myself.

1) I like comic books. A lot.

2) I also like video games. They are the bane of my comic's existence.

3) I'm the oldest unwed female on my dad's side of the family. Even my cousin who's 2 years younger is married now.

4) I own my own car, and it's not a heap of junk (yay!)

5) I'm a cat person (have 5), but I also have a cocker spaniel and a bunny.

6) I hate pineapple.

7) I have scoliosis, so I really have to watch my posture to avoid back pain.

8) I currently work for the government.

9) I draw and write with my left hand, but I can do most other things with either.

10) I'm a very boring person.

11) I don't like shopping for clothes and stuff like that, but you have to drag me out of a book store.

12) I played the French horn and mellophone in middle/high school. Marching was awesome.

13) I like to climb around on large rocks. And trees.

14) I'm the oldest child. I have a younger brother and sister.

15) I often watch PBS kids shows.

16) My hayfever and dust allergies seem to get worse every year.

I tag nobody, 'cuz I'm a spoil sport. :|

1059547  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-12-20
Written: (5642 days ago)

Ok, now they're just trying to mess with my head. ):I


1059079  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-12-17
Written: (5646 days ago)

Good grief, I can't believe they didn't postpone finals on Monday. There was a huge blizzard Sunday, and half the roads weren't cleared yet. I got stuck in a snow drift, but luckily was almost through and just had to clear/stomp down the snow in front of the tires. But it was 40F BELOW ZERO. The rotunda was freezing. >.<

The temperature has finally made it up to -13F. It's supposed to be 20F on Thursday. Heat wave!

1058640  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-12-13
Written: (5649 days ago)
Next in thread: 1058652, 1059088, 1059642


It's really funny how bad my comic gets downvoted in the Gaia art arena because it isn't Naruto or shiny-desu animu style. :P

OH OH! I should put up a page with Gareth in it and see what kind of ratings THAT gets! >:D

1058345  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-12-11
Written: (5652 days ago)

The rest of the photos for the work project arrive the week before finals and winter break. Go figure. There must be a good 600-700 in that box too. I've got to get my workspace cleaned so I can actually see the desk/table before I can get to sorting those. :U

At least this time we aren't going anywhere. Seeing relatives last year was nice, but took up half the break and I can never relax on vacations or sleep in the car. Staying home is much better for R&R.

make a nice overall "cover" illustration for Pilgrim
finish sketching chapter 1, get a good chunk inked
start working on redoing/expanding chapter 0
start working on the designs and such for chapter 2
draw something with markers

the idea is to have the new chap0 finished at about the same time chap1 does on a weekly update schedule. Then jump full steam ahead into chapter 2. Sounds easy in theory. In practice, should still work out.

Anyway. Back to schoolwork. >:I

737 photos. Apparently cost over $11,000. $15 a pop or something ridiculous like that. Ah, government contracts :B

1057061  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-12-02
Written: (5661 days ago)

Yeesh. I'm having the most ridiculous time trying to get some feedback and constructive criticism on pilgrim_comic. =/
I mean, I have my own mental list of things to work on, but it'd be nice to get some thoughtful outside opinions too. :I
Well, I got one crit that made 2 good points about the focus of panels and the distinction between characters and background, but I would like some moar!

Also. I studied very hard and got a 88 on my organic chemistry exam. Personal best right there, especially since I got a 60 on the last one >.>

minesweeper is addicting *_*

1056068  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-11-23
Written: (5669 days ago)


Pages 11-20 are finally finished. Feedback and constructive crits are welcome. :)
1055821  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-11-21
Written: (5672 days ago)

Anybody who is also on Gaia want a "Fairy Wings"? I picked it up on the marketplace for under the sell-back price, but it's just not something I'd dress my avatar up in. So, for at least 20,000 gold (or item/s equivalent), it's yours. :)

1054927  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-11-14
Written: (5679 days ago)
Next in thread: 1054980

Today I went to the funeral of one of my high school buddies. She and her father were found dead in their home early Sunday morning, from carbon monoxide poisoning. She turned 21 just 5 days before she died.

Carbon monoxide is a tasteless, odorless, colorless, yet highly toxic gas. It is often present in the exhaust of furnaces and heaters. It is the leading cause of fatal poisonings in the United States. Early effects of CO poisoning often resemble symptoms of the flu.

Please make sure that your homes, and the homes of you friends and family are equipped with carbon monoxide detectors, and have your furnaces inspected regularly.

1053931  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-11-07
Written: (5686 days ago)

Woohoo! blizzard! Come on, snow day!

It was 70 frickin degrees on Tuesday, too. xP

Ha! Blizzard warning until 12PM Saturday, I-90 is closed from Mitchell to the Wyoming border (~275 miles), and a State of Emergency for the entire state.
The Black Hills and surrounding area has 2-4 FEET of snow, and windy! Got a 78 mph gust in Rapid City, 20 foot snow drifts in some places. And it's wet heavy snow, the sort we aren't supposed to see until April.

4-6 inches of snow alone won't make them cancel classes, but if it stays windy and I-29 is closed they really won't have a choice, I think.

Back to homework and studying, though. Just in case.

Over 200 cars stranded on I-90, some people they haven't been able to reach for over 24 hours, the entire western part of the state in essentially shut down. Because the snow is so heavy it's taking out power lines, but they won't be able to get things fixed until they get the roads open, and they can't do that until the wind dies down. :(

...I'm not excited anymore. I hope this won't cause any deaths.

1053796  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-11-06
Written: (5687 days ago)

Oh, Gaia. :P

1053606  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-11-05
Written: (5688 days ago)

It's interesting, McCain is projected to win my state, but so far all of the populated areas are going for Obama.
Our democratic Senator and Representative (both incumbents) are projected to and most likely will win.

Actually, it seems to be within 10% through most of the plains states. I wonder what the actual voter turnout will be.

 The logged in version 

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