Mozilla Firefox is superior to Internet Explorer
it really is, e-explorer often has e-herpes.
I've been slaving over this website today for at least 5 hours. There's one red button because it's a rollover image menu, as in, when your mouse drifts over it it turns a pretty different colour.
it will be done in a week or so, god this is taking my lifeblood to do, I'm really out of practice for webdesign, I have a headache and I'm dehydrated. I get obsessed with projects...
I'll probably be making my own webpage.
probably calling it: Dil-Universe
In the event of my disappearance, my email is possessed by a few of my friends, so if you're some random net stalker you can maybe get my email from my friends..I know some people watch my house for rants but don't talk to me.
I might leave elftown.
My math prof sucks, and that's probably why I'm going to fail calculus 2.
My chem prof is funny and good at least.