wow, it's been a while! sorry, diary! *Sigh* i really should have gotten more sleep last night. i'm exhausted and i have a history final exam this afternoon. not a good combo!
Hidalgo is an awesome movie! futons are very fun and comfy. and turtles are huge trouble makers!!! You wouldn't expect it of a turtle, would you? but yes, turtles do cause all kinds of trouble!! my sisters turtle, Torty, decided last night that she was going to hide herself in the deepest darkest corner of the rec-room and make us spend nigh'on half an hour lookin for her little green hide!!! silly toitle!
Yay! I got mods choice today!! Thanks are due to Kairanie, for her initial vision of the character 'Frost', without which, I could not have written the story that everyone likes so much.
okay, today is just really good. It's so happy, i really don't want to write my english paper...but here i go.
i Chir hebin a galu pan!
Weeeeeh!!! I just watched Spirited Away for the first time, and I am now a seriousl fan of Hayao Miyazaki. If you haven't seen any of his movies, go rent one! they're amazing!! and I thought Princess Mononoke was good!
eeeish, I wish I'd seen this earlier!
and my mom says anime isn't art...
never let anyone tell you archery isn't a contact sport...
"If we are told that a die thrown a billion times had never turned up anything but five numbers -1,2,3,4, and 5- could we believe that there is a 6 on one of the faces?..."
- Joseph de Maistre, "Consideration
haaa...mmmm, for the first time in two weeks, I don't feel extremely tired! amazing..yay! and now i really want to draw, but i shouldn't even be on here as I ahve two papers to write, and i really should be working on them...what happened to me scholastic dedication?! It all left! it's gone! I'm just not as dedicated to school as i used to be. How sad.... Latin is still amazing though...we think we've convinced the professor to through a toga party near the last day. That class is the best class EVER, except maybe AP english, physics or gov., those were fun too..hehe. Yes, i AM a geek!
okay, if I can be seriously happy after a day like today, I must have some kind of freakish mental disorder, because today really should have absolutely sucked. got up SO early to register, was totally cheated out of my classes, and then found out later that the term paper I was sure was due next Thursday, was due today, at five. I may by good, but not even I can write a seven page paper in half an hour!! so um,yeah, and I still had a great day!! i don't know what's wrong with me, but hey, i'm not really complaining! I see no problem in being impossible to depress....
pues, la escuala ha me robado de me clase de espanol dosciento y tres, una ves mas. Tengo el credito para la clase, pero, es credito del examen de AP, entonces no me dejaran registrar hasta dos semanas de hoy, y la clase solomente tiene casi tres puestos, y por eso no hay una posibilidad realmente que podre tomar la clase, porque estara lleno. Ojala que tuvieran mas clases, O que acepten credito AP en total el dia que los recibieron.
este verano, quando voy al caribe, no voy a recordar nada de me espanol, por que, aun ahora, no he tomado una clase, ni una conversacion, desde junio pasado.
me gusta esta escuela, pero a veces, me hace enojado, y esto no me gusta.
Quel fara!
*sigh* having never given anythign up for lent, and also realizing that i really need to cut back on art time to do my term papers, i tried to give up drawing for a month. it didn't work. it was 11:30 pm, i was in my room, alone, bored, exhausted, and sick to death of homework having done nothing else all day. and so i read a chapter from HP, and then drew two fan pic, which i really really like!! hehe...*hugs sirius, oogles harry* now all i need are some colored pencils....hmm
eish. i have a serious art addiction...
quel fara!
ooooo....i feel really weak and exhausted!! i spent the last four +hours trying to convince my computer to let me do my English project. i finally did it. it's all printed and beautiful. and i'm so tired now...bleh...w
aaaah, stupid computer!! for some reason it doesn't seem natural to me that a perfectly good publishing program can take 15 minutes to send a document to the printer. 15 minutes!!!! My goodness, what a waste of time! grrrr...
so busy, so much to do...and just barely enough time to do it in.
no amazing quote for today. mind has been say off schedule.
Tenna' talwen
I have a new hero. Alexis de Toqueville. Genius!!! Yes the French are kinda crazy, but every once in a while, by which i mean couple of centuries, they produce a man of inexplicable insight!
"...for there is no more dangerous example than violence exercised for good purposes by people of good will."
- Alexis de Toqueville, "The Old Regime and the Revolution" p. 231
blah! never date your best friend. its just way to wierd! *shivers* bleah! anyway. life is back to normal now. YAY! happiness!
and i have so much homework (two big papers and a project and random latin homework) that I really should just unplug my internet and go do it....but i'm just too lazy. I used to be so scholarly and studious. Hermione all over agian! Now i'm like, "Homework, why would i want to do that?"
anyhoo! God Bless!
Yoda is comming tomorrow! Happines! Sunshine, yay!
Latin is officially the funnest class in existance!!!
"There are no silly questions, only silly people!"
-said today by my Latin prof., Sonia Isaacs
How do you make your boyfriend happy when he lives across the water and you have mountains of homework and other stuff to do then spend three hour of travel time each way and he's so depressed on the phone to talk much?
man, that made me depressed. only a little. fortunately, i don't depress easily. I refuse to not enjoy my life!
dang, i want to hang out with Yoda! why is it that we can be best friends for five years and as soon as I move across the water, now we're dating? this makes no sense to me......
"O man, it is not you who make God, but rather God who makes you. Wait patiently for the hand of you Artist, who makes all things at the proper time. Present him with a heart that is supple and docile, preserve the imprint that this artist has given you, protect in yourself the Water that comes from Him, without with you will harden and lose the trace of His fingers. In preserving the modeling, you will mount up toward perfection, for the art of God will cover what in you is only clay. His hands have fashioned in you your very substance; He will adorn you with gold and silver, inside and out, and the King himself will be captured by your beauty."
- St. Irenaus of Lyons, "Against Heresies", IV, 39,2
I feel like Hermione. I just spent like two hours in a library, a nd came out with seven books! Phew! that was a treasure to carry home. ah, well, my stack of homework isn't getting any smaller, so i'll just toddle off and tackle the mountain of school books and papers.....
another gorgeous day in Seattle! seems we decided to skip spring altogether and went straight to summer! I"m not complaining.
what is it about the sun, that makes us so happy..?
what a gorgeous day. it looks like summer down there in the valley outsid emy window! and it's so warm. I'm wearing shorts and a tank top, in February. it's kinda insane but it feels like 75 degrees out there! it's so nice and warm, the shade actually feels calm and inviting rather than cold, and the sun is like a warm caress.
my room mate and I went down the hill to go shopping and it was so much fun! not like giddy girl shopping, but errands. not a cloud in the sky, and the mountains are out in all their majesty!!!
life certainly has it's moments, doesn't it?
nothing matters right now, it's so amazing. the world is beautiful. I have great friends, a future of wonder, and whatever happens tomorrow, today was peaceful and wonderful.
haaaa....God bless us all.
Lovs to Kairanie and Yoda! and chelle and anya and Chels and becca etc.
Eowyn, daughter of Eomund: 'And would you have your proud folk say of you: "There goes a lord who tamed a wild shieldmaiden of the North! Was there no woman of the race of Numenor to choose?" '
"I would," said Faramir. And he took her in his arms and kissed her under the sunlit sky, and he cared not that they stood high upon the walls in sight of many.
- ROTK p. 944
phew! i think i passed my history midterm. yep, think so. my hand is so sore! i have written for longer, but never as intensely! owie.
Got a new CD last weekend, Switchfoot. So good!
so much latin. I'm begining to regret taking the accelerated class. you have no time to get accustomed to anything before they throw something else at you.
anywy, guess that's about it.
God Bless!