[Laureanna]'s diary

218741  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-05-10
Written: (7327 days ago)

grrr...well. at least the commision is gone. it was nice to have one, but the timing was WAY too cramped, and I am not at all satisfied with the outcome. i was so stressed today because of it. but now, it's gone! and the chick was happy with it, so i guess that's okay. anyway, i still have a weekend's worth of homework to do, so i'm going to go take a nap! :D

"First, I would like to make one thing quite clear...I never
explain anything."
~Mary Poppins

213404  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-05-05
Written: (7333 days ago)

well, I have two exams tomorrow, and unless I completely lose my head, I own both of them. So, obviously,I'm not too worried!
 Fundraising for the DR is comming along (yay) almost half way there. my writting has, sadly, taken a total backseat. that and i haven't felt very inspired. I Have felt do many urges to do SO many art pieces and i'm not being able to do them is starting to make me a little sad. I just have too much other stuff to do.  but, oh well. i have other priorities. 

*I get to go the Lake House this weekend! Wheee!*happy dance* wake board, here I come! oh, wait, i'm going to spend half the time working for my grandparents. drat! oh well!

anyhoo, i gues that's it. 

"The artist should not only paint what he sees before him, but also what he sees within him." ~Caspar David Friedrich

212404  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-05-03
Written: (7334 days ago)

I looked out of my window this morning and for a second thought it was *snowing* UP! as it turnes out, it's not snow, but tree fluff, but why it's going UP is still a mystery...

oh, goodness I am so stiff and sore! i spend about thirteen hours this weekend working on a new shed for my parents. it was kinda fun, but i'd just as soon not see another hammer for a very loooong time. sadly, wishes don't come true that easily. drat! on the bright side that means that I now only need another $1000 for the DR trip! yay!

well, Latin calls. Valete!

210031  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-04-30
Written: (7337 days ago)

well, I am now fully in charge of forming the fencing club. My "partner" just informed me *after three weeks of no communication* that he will be "letting me take over." Thanks, buddy!! grrr. Not that I don't want to work with the fencing club, but it's not like i don't have other stuff to do as well. anyway. yeah. so more stress for Bizzy! 
On the bright side, I got my first art commision the other day! yay! that was exciting. wel, i'm off to break my fast. i Chir hebin a galu pan!

206402  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-04-26
Written: (7341 days ago)
Next in thread: 206790

well, I went to the COTN intern training camp last weekend. it was so much fun!-and rather convicting. I realized that this trip is going to require more effort than I was previously wanting to give, and that's not the best attitude towards a time of service. change of heart, now i'm going to be spending lots more time working to raise money and supplies for the trip, and more time just plain getting myself ready mentally! I mean, i'm going to spend two months basically as a servant/teacher/missionary in a third world country, i definately need to realign my overall attitude and outlook on service. eiish!
SO, now i've meet seven of the ten Americans that i will be living with for two months while in the DR. Looks like it's going to be quite a team!
 anyhoo, prayers for the team are always appreciated, and if anyone has any connections to free craft supplies, please let me know! :P

new discovery: it is entirely possible for a blind person to paddle a canoe, a mute person to direct a team, and for a destitute child to break your heart

194921  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-04-14
Written: (7353 days ago)

Crud, i have a spanish exam tomorrow that I SO don't want to study for. I can pass it right? yes? okay! no studying for me!! I feel like i want to say something very profound...but nothing's comming to me. ah, well. on to latin and art history...Adieu!

"..the only problems she could not solve were those with which she was familiar."
  ~ Lily Bart, House of Mirth by Edith Wharton

192640  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-04-12
Written: (7355 days ago)

Who knew playing could be so painful!! I only got up on the wakeboard twice yesterday, and prompty crashed, and now I can't move! oh, life is so wonderfully unfair! anyone out there want to write my papers for me? please? no? *sigh* okay...what about go to Latin class for me? any takers? none there either...drat!
well, i'm off to take over the world...after I take a nap.
i Chir hebin a galu pan!

184933  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-04-03
Written: (7364 days ago)

ha! my grandparents spoil me so much. it's so easy! anyway. yeah, that's about it. lovely sunshine. i'm drawing hamlet and i can't get his face right and its bugging me. oh well. hasta luego!

184128  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-04-02
Written: (7365 days ago)

"Let Greeks be Greeks, and women what they are."
~Anne Bradstreet, "The Prologue"

yes, i know! i stole that quote from Kairanie's diary, but i felt i needed to share it.
today is a wonderful day. for many reasons. not the least of which is that sunshine. 
i Chir hebin a galu pan!

183878  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-04-02
Written: (7365 days ago)

o HO! i got into a sarcasm duel with Yoda over IM last night and it was SO fun!! and it was so very very close! we didn't really pick a winner, cuz we both had to run, but at least he finally dubbed me a "Master of Sarcasm." Which I was very pleased with. 
the only bad thing is that it's so fun, i frequently have to stop myself from using it on others who would not just take it in and dish it back out like Yoda and Chelsea and Kairanie. hooo, dear! 

181818  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-03-31
Written: (7368 days ago)

eeegads! i have so much homework! why oh why!won't they let me in my spanish class? at least art history is interesting and cool! ack. well, seeing as I still ahve homework in tres sujectos tengo que ir y hacer lo. aiya! ya estoy hablando espanol y nadie me comprende. que bueno, bizzy! y en el medio de un oracion tambien. estoy tan bueno, si?  oi ve!

"A good painter has two objectives to paint - man and the intention of his soul."
- Leonardo de Vinci

178419  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-03-26
Written: (7372 days ago)

well, my medieval costum is nearing completion!! yay for Kairanie's most wonderful mother the master seemstress!!! video games are fun. especially multiplayers. :P

"I do not say 'count your blessings,' for they are as numerous as leaves in a forest."
 said by me, just now!

171407  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-03-18
Written: (7380 days ago)

yay, no more tests! togas are very fun, and so it FLUX with eight people! and garlic bread...mmmmm... I"m going home today!! weeeee!!! i'm just a tad excited ;)

anyhoo...um...life it good, i like clouds, and spring, and food, and sleep. *stretch!* okay, GTg. 
Quel Fara!

170526  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-03-17
Written: (7381 days ago)

well, two down, one to go! History final was not as hard as I feared. just as easy as the mid term, with twice the time to do it in! yay! and my english final was positively fun! really, it was great! and i got extra credit to! wOo-HoO! yay for remembering so many English kings and their sons!! fascinating.
so, latin this afternoon, mayb i'll go sleep before then...yeah, sleep is good....
God Bless! Quel Fara!

169581  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-03-16
Written: (7382 days ago)

wow, it's been a while! sorry, diary! *Sigh* i really should have gotten more sleep last night. i'm exhausted and i have a history final exam this afternoon. not a good combo! 
Hidalgo is an awesome movie! futons are very fun and comfy. and turtles are huge trouble makers!!! You wouldn't expect it of a turtle, would you? but yes, turtles do cause all kinds of trouble!! my sisters turtle, Torty, decided last night that she was going to hide herself in the deepest darkest corner of the rec-room and make us spend nigh'on half an hour lookin for her little green hide!!! silly toitle!

162782  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-03-08
Written: (7390 days ago)
Next in thread: 162788

Yay! I got mods choice today!! Thanks are due to Kairanie, for her initial vision of the character 'Frost', without which, I could not have written the story that everyone likes so much. 
okay, today is just really good. It's so happy, i really don't want to write my english paper...but here i go.
i Chir hebin a galu pan!

160249  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-03-06
Written: (7393 days ago)

Weeeeeh!!! I just watched Spirited Away for the first time, and I am now a seriousl fan of Hayao Miyazaki. If you haven't seen any of his movies, go rent one! they're amazing!! and I thought Princess Mononoke was good!
eeeish, I wish I'd seen this earlier!

and my mom says anime isn't art...

160201  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-03-06
Written: (7393 days ago)
Next in thread: 160234

never let anyone tell you archery isn't a contact sport...


159963  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-03-05
Written: (7393 days ago)

"If we are told that a die thrown a billion times had never turned up anything but five numbers -1,2,3,4, and 5- could we believe that there is a 6 on one of the faces?..."
- Joseph de Maistre, "Considerations of France" p. 32

158554  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-03-04
Written: (7394 days ago)

haaa...mmmm, for the first time in two weeks, I don't feel extremely tired! amazing..yay! and now i really want to draw, but i shouldn't even be on here as I ahve two papers to write, and i really should be working on them...what happened to me scholastic dedication?! It all left! it's gone! I'm just not as dedicated to school as i used to be. How sad.... Latin is still amazing though...we think we've convinced the professor to through a toga party near the last day. That class is the best class EVER, except maybe AP english, physics or gov., those were fun too..hehe. Yes, i AM a geek!

 The logged in version 

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