[beautiful _ darkness]'s diary

760082  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-03-08
Written: (6661 days ago)

report of american history enjoy

In 1692 from June to September nineteen men and women were convicted of witchcraft
and hung. One man was pressed by a large rock till he died. Many stayed in a
jail cell for months in till trail and hanging.

There is no answer to the questions that could be asked. Like why did it happen? Was it
simple teenage boredom or the war close to Salem, economic conditions, congregational strife,
and even personal jealousy? It could be a number of simple things but only you can decide what it
truly was.

In 1688 Samuel Parris was invited by John Putman one of Salem's Village elders, he was
invited to preach in the village church. A year later in 1689 the final negotiations over salary,
inflation adjustments, and free wood, Parris accepted the job as the Village Minster. Parris and his
family Elizabeth his wife, his six-year-old daughter Betty, niece Abigail Williams, and his Indian
slave Tituba moved that same year to Salem Village.

In the winter of 1692 Parris' daughter Betty became strangely ill. She dashed about, dove
under furniture, contorted in pain, and complained of fever. Her symptoms may have come from a
number of things or a combination of stress, asthma, guilt, child abuse, epilepsy, and delusional
psychosis but there were other theories. Some of these theories changed because of a book that
was written about a Irish woman that was suspected of witchcraft, written by Cotton Mather. In
the book Cotton wrote how the afflicted people would act, Betty's behaviors were much like the
ones written in the book.

Soon Betty's playmates began to get sick eleven-year-old Ann Putman, seventeen-year-old
Mercy Lewis, and Mary Walcott. William Griggs examined the children; Griggs tried a secret
remedy on the children that failed. After the failure of his secret remedy Griggs suggested that the
cause of their sickness may be supernatural. What made this seem likely was the fact that talk of
witches targeting the children was.

Mary Sibley, a neighbor proposed a spell of sort to counter "the witches". Sibley told
Tituba Parris' Indian slave to bake rye cake with the urine of the afflicted victim and feed the cake
to a dog (Dogs were believed to be used by witches as agents to carry out their devilish
commands.) Tituba was suspected as a witch. Tituba was suspected of witchcraft because she
would tell the girls tales of omens, voodoo, and witchcraft from her native folklore.

Not to soon after Tituba was the main suspect the number of childeren sick grew to
seven.These girls would fall in frozen postures, and complained of a biting and pinching feeling.
To find the witch became a obession within this little once quiet village of Salem.

On Febuary 29th there was a arrest arrant released with permission to arrest Tiuba, Betty
Parris, and Abigail Williams.With this the Witchhunt began. Ann Putman and Mercy Lewis
reported seeing witches flying in the winter mist.

Tituba, Sarah Good, and Sarah Osborn were the first three to be accused of witchcraft.
Good was not of highclass or even middle class she was a beggar and stayed wherever someone
would let her.Osborn had not attended church in over a year and was very old. The sick childeren
described being attacked by the three women. When in the presence of one of the suspects they
would fall to the ground in contortions. Other villagers reported stories of foood going bad and
deformities after vists of the suspects. The supspects were asked many queastions by the

Sarah Good's four-year-old daughter Dorcas Good was accusedof being a witch and was
the first Child to become accused of witchcraft. Dorcas was arrested, she was kept in jail for eight
months,watched her mother get carried off to the gallows.

The accused began to see admitting it as a way of avoiding the gallows. The jails became
quickly full and on the brink of chaos. A new court was created by Governor Phips to just hear
witch craft cases; this court was called the "court of oyer and terminer". Chief Justice, and most
influential member of the court, was a gung-ho witch hunter named William Stoughton. Mather
urged Stoughton and the other judges to credit confessions and admit "spectral evidence"
(testimony by afflicted persons that they had been visited by a suspect's specter). Ministers were
looked to for guidance by the judges, who were generally without legal training, on matters
pertaining to witchcraft. Mather's advice was heeded. the judges also decided to allow the
so-called "touching test" (defendants were asked to touch afflicted persons to see if their touch, as
was generally assumed of the touch of witches, would stop their contortions) and examination of
the bodies of accused for evidence of "witches' marks" (moles or the like upon which a witch's
familiar might suck)Evidence that would be excluded from modern courtrooms-- hearsay, gossip,
stories, unsupported assertions, surmises-- was also generally admitted. Many protections that
modern defendants take for granted were lacking in Salem: accused witches had no legal counsel,
could not have witnesses testify under oath on their behalf, and had no formal avenues of appeal.
Defendants could, however, speak for themselves, produce evidence, and cross-examine their
accusers. The degree to which defendants in Salem were able to take advantage of their modest
protections varied considerably, depending on their own acuteness and their influence in the

The first accused witch to be brought to trial was Bridget Bishop. Almost sixty years old,
owner of a tavern where patrons could drink cider ale and play shuffleboard (even on the
Sabbath), critical of her neighbors, and reluctant to pay her her bills, Bishop was a likely candidate
for an accusation of witchcraft.As the summer of 1692 warmed, the pace of trials picked up. Not
all defendants were as disreputable as Bridget Bishop. Rebecca Nurse was a pious, respected
woman whose specter, according to Ann Putnam, Jr. and Abagail Williams, attacked them in mid
March of 1692. People who scoffed at accusations of witchcraft risked becoming targets of
accusations themselves. One man who was openly critical of the trials paid for his skepticism with
his life.

By early autumn of 1692, Salem's lust for blood was ebbing. Doubts were developing as
to how so many respectable people could be guilty. Reverend John Hale said, " It cannot be
imagined that in a place of so much knowledge, so many in so small compass of land should
abominably leap into the Devil's lap at once."

 By the time the witchhunt ended, nineteen convicted witches were executed, at least four
accused witches had died in prison, and one man, Giles Corey, had been pressed to death. About
one to two hundred other persons were arrested and imprisoned on witchcraft charges. Two dogs
were executed as suspected accomplices of witches.

 A period of atonement began in the colony. Samuel Sewall, one of the judges, issued a
public confession of guilt and an apology. Several jurors came forward to say that they were
"sadly deluded and mistaken" in their judgments. Reverend Samuel Parris conceded errors of
judgment, but mostly shifted blame to others. Parris was replaced as minister of Salem village by
Thomas Green, who devoted his career to putting his torn congregation back together. Governor
Phips blamed the entire affair on William Stoughton. Stoughton, clearly more to blame than
anyone for the tragic episode, refused to apologize or explain himself. He criticized Phips for
interfering just when he was about to "clear the land" of witches. Stoughton became the next
governor of Massachusetts.

   The witches disappeared, but witchhunting in America did not. Each generation must learn the
lessons of history or risk repeating its mistakes. Salem should warn us to think hard about how to
best safeguard and improve our system of justice.

754453  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-02-25
Written: (6671 days ago)

Is it bad I cry?no never. Is it bad that I cant forgive someone I want to? I dont know. Was I meant to do somthing about it more then just sit back and watch my life fly by? I dont know. What could I of done? I dont know. Can you turn lovers to friends? I wish I knew. Can I forgive myself? no. Can I forgive them? probally not. Can I surive this? I wish I knew. So last night I cryed alot this morning I wrote a pome not so good but o well

I thought I forgave
forgiving isnt as easy as that
Maybe Ill never forgive
My tears flowed from betrayal
What can I do now
Maybe it was my fault for being so blind
you couldnt have loved me
Your just a wonderful liear
What am I suppose to do
forgiveing you easyily
just because you lie
tell me what I want to hear
that dont mean Im gonna forgive
Ill never trust you
I was to fragile
Now Im...

754012  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-02-24
Written: (6672 days ago)

ok I come home and get on I click on "view messages" there is one just one that sticks out more then the rest because all it says is QUEER just like that I like on it and then click to get into thier house to see if Ive ever messaged them and if there would be a good reason for them to be angry or somthing to do this to me and I hadnt. So I report it to the gaurds and Ill leave it to them to deal with but it is really upsetting most of all since I was having a good day and that just kinda bums me to see so much hate geared to me just because I love females.

751617  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-02-21
Written: (6676 days ago)

Play with me hun...
Im your little toy
Play with my thoughts
Play with my feelings
Put them how you want them
Form them as you want
Play with them till you get bored
Then go find another
Make them what you want
Till they brake
Now back to me you toy
Your toy that hasnt broke
Lets see how long till I Brake
751608  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-02-21
Written: (6676 days ago)

Its pretty bad when you cant even walk you are so close to crying?... you have to lean against the wall just walk... you wont bother to start talking cause youll know what happens cause it always happens in scilence anyway

742731  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-02-02
Written: (6695 days ago)

I just noticed that many of my relationships end because I have a depression problem... I dont get it

736959  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-01-22
Written: (6705 days ago)
734534  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-01-18
Written: (6709 days ago)

Im sorry if Im rude or somthing or depressing today. I did not have a good night last night. Some of you may have heard about it already some may not have. Thank you very much monkey for being there when I needed you.

725571  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-01-02
Written: (6726 days ago)
Next in thread: 725572, 725629

Now this is the reason why I should not get even slightly bored
common words that are in et names and how many memebers have them in thier name some of the et members are probaly count more then once
420-57 member(s)
xxx-58 member(s)
goth-52 member(s)
death-93 member(s)
dead-72 member(s)
sad-22 member(s)
suicide-16 member(s)
blood-88 member(s)
dark-201 member(s)
murder-14 member(s)
killer-54 member(s)
night-115 member(s)
razorblade-10 member(s)
broke-57 member(s)
bleed-20 member(s)
black-128 member(s)
fire-91 member(s)
blade-38 member(s)
bad-43 member(s)
cry-29 member(s)
wrist-6 member(s)
cyber-14 member(s)
freak-68 member(s)
slave-5 member(s)
sex-191 member(s)
gay-12 member(s)
love-203 member(s)
angel-201 member(s)
devil-73 member(s)
666-81 member(s)
999-10 member(s)
hate-31 member(s)
perfect-12 member(s)
drug-7 member(s)
deamon-3 member(s)
forgot-8 member(s)
knight-18 member(s)
vampire-47 member(s)
soul-81 member(s)
empty-5 member(s)
lost-52 member(s)
juggal-24 member(s)
hot-148 member(s)
sexy-145 member(s)
beaut-57 member(s)
pain-25 member(s)
bullet-10 member(s)
stab-3 member(s)
hang-18 member(s)
sweet-82 member(s)
straight jacket-2 member(s)
trouble-5 member(s)
kitty-46 member(s)
wicked-10 member(s)
psyhco-4 member(s)
dragon-120 member(s)
god-75 member(s)
slut-3 member(s)
whore-8 member(s)
teen-22 member(s)
baby-143 member(s)
crazy-54 member(s)
anime-7 member(s)
lesbian-5 member(s)
skull-7 member(s)
child-64 member(s)
elf-140 member(s)
leo-21 member(s)
aquarius-1 member(s)
Libra-0 member(s)
Gemini-2 member(s)
cancer-2 member(s)
scorpio-0 member(s)
pisces-0 member(s)
virgo-0 member(s)
taurus-0 member(s)
capricorn-0 member(s)
aries-1 member(s)
sagittarius-0 member(s)
♥-57 member(s)
☆-4 member(s)
virgin-5 member(s)
~ -201 member(s)
ass-111 member(s)
party-14 member(s)

716433  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-12-16
Written: (6742 days ago)

Why cant I do this why cant I even read what she writes nor look in the mirror without crying? I make myself sick with headaches stomaches and what ever achesI have by thinking about what ive lost. I know I lost it but even if I could get it back after losing it I dont think Id want it back just for the sake of protecting myself. My hands shake I can barely stand up or write my school notes. I hide my face beyond my dark hair so no one can see my eyes that tell so much of the soul. Some days Ive made myself so depressed I start to puck I do not let my mom know about this I fear that I would make her worry to much with that. Each breath I take is just abit harder. I got a single little cut done by a sadden artist on my wrist I lie and say its a cat scratch I use to never lie about it now look at me. I can barely take not hurting myself for the simple fact that it was my fix for everything and it did seem to help now it just torments my mind beyond my power. I go threw my days nothing changes Im turning into a robot doing the same thing everyday I do no like that. I get high more often and I always told myself Id never do that but now look at me. I want to ask for help but I dont know what I want to ask for help for. I know that if I ask for the wrong kind of help Im gonna be gone for so long but then everyone might forget me then.
~~~~ My Broken Little Pieces ~~~~

706079  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-11-28
Written: (6761 days ago)

My last words may be I loved you till the end, They may be I hate You,I deserved better, I will be the only one to know you or anyone else may never know only I but by then Ill be long gone to the place after death
Im sorry to who ever acctually even gave a shit about me
  ~~Memory quickly forgotten~~

704764  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-11-25
Written: (6763 days ago)

I breath in and think what should I do. Are my tears simply wasted on people who dont even care im crying. Are my screams for help only will land on deaf ears. My hair covering a face so use to smiling.Being touched burns my skin.So much wondering unsure if Im lost or dying.Told I need to just live knowing there is more then that that thier experiences are so much different from mine. them never have been hurt so they dont understand. Thinking to myself what have i do to deserve this. Ive always been a nice person and I say my opion like a good friend should I lie when i know itll make them feel better if they are so low there is no where to go after that. So tried I dont have the engry to even sleep. what was I suppose to say when my heart hurts from not knowing what is going on.

701243  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-11-19
Written: (6769 days ago)

Im sorry about this i dont know if you'll read this i dont think anyone will thats ok cause its really only to myself
to many thoughts of cutting makes my hands go to my wallet to find an old friends that is my razor blades still sharp like always might as well forget what i have told people cause sharp pain upon my wrist releases the tension inside

698088  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-11-13
Written: (6775 days ago)

There is so much going on in my life now and all I want to do is scream stop but its as if my vocal cords have been ripped out of thoart. So no words come out of my mouth that needs and wants to speak so much. Im so lost mentally in what I should and what I shouldnt do whats right, whats wrong. I fear as if I do not know the words that needd to be spoken to people I dearly care about and I know they need to hear them. Am I trully just a silly silly 15 yearold girl losing her place once again in the world. Losing the footing she went threw so much to gain once more. Trust lost for unknown reasons. Suicide talking from those closest and not knowning of what to say. Feeling bad for pain caused but yet uncaused by myself. No more sharp things moving deeply across my wrist for making sure Im still alive. Knowing what I live threw, the love I feel for the people closest to me wishing I just could be there how I should be. Knowing Im wishing for impossibltys to form. Will praying to a god I dont even believe in, to cause the impossible to happen. Would it get me threw somthin that may be so diffcult to get threw. About when I use to pray to him so many times a day asking and pleading him for good to come. Laying in my bed tears upon face sting dark eyes. beating my hands trying to make them break just trying to break my body in hopes that all things would stop being as they are. Praying for death to come to a face stained with tears. Will any of that help me get through these things that have come in to my life so unexpected. Should I go back to sharp blades and tears or should i put my hair up my back straight and proud as thou I was acctually strong and try to get threw it.

695107  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-11-08
Written: (6780 days ago)

Okie dokie I dont know if any of you will be reading this and Im sorry. I am now grounded because of my little brother he said I was beating on him when I didnt even touch him. My mother wants to send me to fostercare because I guess Im just not wanted anymore. Maybe I'll end up in another state where people will really acctually care about me. Im really not a bad person, and it hurts so much not to be wanted by my own mother.
She said that I could just go live somewhere else if that meant at a friends house, familys house (my family dont want me either), or on the streets where its cold. I did leave for an hour but I couldnt find a place to a stay so I decided to go to my house sneak in and sleep somewhere warm. Im grounded till they figure out what to do with me so Im only gonna be able to come on when at school or parents arent home.
I thought of killing myself many a time but I knew I have to stay alive. Im still needed on this earth I just dont think Im needed anymore here in My town in montana.
Chris I dont have your letter mailed and I dont when Ill be able to get it mailed. Im gonna write you everyday or try to atleast.
Love you all,
Autumn (beautiful _ darkness)

693170  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-11-05
Written: (6784 days ago)

this song reminds me of chris mostly the first 4 lines

I know a girl
She puts the color inside of my world
but she's just like a maze
Where all of the walls all continually change

And I've done all I can
To stand on her steps with my heart in my hands
Now I'm starting to see
Maybe it’s got nothing to do with me

Fathers, be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers
So mothers, be good to your daughters too

Ooh, you see that skin?
It's the same she's been standing in
Since the day she saw him walking away
Now she's left
cleaning up the mess he made

So fathers, be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers
So mothers, be good to your daughters too

Boys, you can break
You find out how much they can take
Boys will be strong
And boys soldier on
But boys would be gone without warmth from
A woman's good, good heart

On behalf of every man
looking out for every girl
You are the god and the weight of her world

So fathers, be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers
So mothers be good to your daughters, too

687212  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-10-25
Written: (6795 days ago)

OK well im deiciding to cut my hair short but im not sure what kinda short hiarstyle i want anyone go give me suggestions at short hair cuts

680493  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-10-12
Written: (6808 days ago)
Next in thread: 685314

I say one word or do one simple thing and everything goes wrong
Im sick of this im sick of life there is no point ive been trying so hard and things a finally working out and no one can see it
Im sorry Im not good enough anymore for anyone

676264  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-10-04
Written: (6815 days ago)

Because of you tonight tears fill my eyes
Like a rain storm
I don’t blame you for my tears
No I blame no one for that
You told me things I never wanted to hear
I thank you for the truth
But did the truth
Have to hurt this hard
I thought I was strong without my walls
Now I know
They are the only thing holding me up
Am I cursed to knowing a truth?
A truth not wanting to know
Were you worth the tears?
That cried me to sleep
For some many months
You talked about a death
Not really wanted
I tried so hard to stop you
Then I realized
How dead you were to me already

 The logged in version 

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