[ИллюзиИ]'s diary

457568  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-12-28
Written: (7096 days ago)

somehow, I believe these entries are becoming more and more scarce....

Yet again, I can't sleep....I managed 30 glorious minutes, but I'm still horridly drained. Grr...I think I would lob off my left arm if it meant some real rest...lol, even if it was shock/bloodloss induced....

....I think I'll go watch some more Brazil....


419783  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-11-20
Written: (7133 days ago)

Lets see...This is my public (in a very buried-under-the-masses-of-more-popular-websites sort of way) cry against things that anger me in vicious, ass-wrenching ways....

Fuck walmart employees who think it's some kind of display of boldness and authority to sit around and leave me hanging for an hour over a god damned price check. Customer service DOES NOT mean "lets all stand around and make everyone wait for a half hour at a time, and see if they still have a smile on their face afterwards." (and to further quote one of those bitchass popular websites) "If I could moser you, I would eat nothing but bran cereal for three days first." There's probably a reason you're making substandard cash a year. I don't feel like dealing with your compensation for your incompetence. Being a bitch doesn't make up for your stupidity.

Fuck political bullshit. I'm tired of seeing mindless losers on TV asking, and answering questions about stuff that won't matter a year from now. If it's going to bog down my gorey TV shows, and mindless absorption of commercials, and advertisements, it better be something a whole hell of a lot more memorable than a group of whiny fucking under-informed press morons throwing further misthought-out questions at any political leader as if it were vital information. It better be important...I don't want to be reminded of the stupid masses that are allowed to be broadcast over television for all to see. If it's on every local channel, it better be because a fucking bomb is going to fall on my house.

Fuck that wasp trapped between the blinds and the window pane. Just give up and die already!

Fuck child protection programs used to filter porn sites and bad words out of the websites your children view. I wish parents would just let go, and help speed up the world wide decadence in morality. I promise, it's going to get YOUR kids too, no matter what you do. Your puny efforts at preserving your childrens' innocence is futile and really, really annoying. They're going to learn about cocaine, anal sex, and bad words despite your best efforts....unless your best efforts happen to be locking them up in a sound-proof, people-proof bubble for the rest of their childhood. The children are fucked. Get over it.

Fuck you, US Airways for costing one of my only close human contacts 200 extra quid for your mistake.

Fuck weird, clingy, fake people who have nothing better to do with their lives than work extra-special hard to impress people they probably won't know for more than 12 hours. You're the reason I've been staying in...A LOT.

Fuck you, tasha's friend from the burn-out party on Marks. You're a bitch...even MORE so than I am. I wish someone would anally rape you with an aluminum baseball bat. Someone needs to shut you up.. I'm tired of hearing about your "mad" connections, and you're dumbass brother and his "mad" cash. I wish you would fall off a cliff, or become permanently incapacitated. Burdens like you should not be allowed to wander freely in public places. I hope you never reproduce.

Fuck you, spam whores. NO! I don't want to enhance my sexual pleasure by enlarging my penis with your million-dollar wonder pill. I'm penis free, and happy that way. I don't need your disturbing, money-grubbing e-mails. Besides, even the thought of such intercourse makes me want to vomit lately. Stop clogging my inbox.

Fuck popular wannabe-underground websites. I'm sick of goth websites that pretend to be anti-mainstream. You're no more original than Avril Levigne. Rotten dot com (*) was original, all you following mimics aren't. Everything with remote public appeal goes mainstream, therefore you can't be popular and anti-mainstream at the same time. Just kill that trend already!

And finally...

Fuck all "sk8er" chicks and dudes, and anyone else who wears something as silly and disgustingly adolescent as an "anarchy" symbol. What are you people trying to say? Teenaged rebellion is one thing, but being a total moron is something else entirely (trust me, I know from experience). Fuck you harder than everyone else put together.

bah, fuck it...

"Fuck everyone else too."

I think I'll go eat some cookies now...


413435  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-11-15
Written: (7139 days ago)

Well.....it's a million o'clock and I can't get to sleep.

hehe, "The diary is sad and empty" says elftown...Maybe my finally writing in it is a rebellious act. ITS NOT SAD AND EMPTY, I TELL YOU!!!

Ok, enough of that...

In the meantime, I'll search for FWD questionaires and fill them out here...


 The logged in version 

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