Живые, стоим на кладбище. Вдвоем, в черно-белых тонах.
Сливаясь губами влажными, О смерти витаем в мечтах.
Мой бойфренд [6xaz6zax6] сфотографировал это.
I am
incredibly human
so far away
in the back of your mind
a revolutionary
an artist
an addict
an insomniac
ultimately indescribable
more than you could ever imagine
just like anyone else you've ever met
-- It took me too long to realise that I don't take good pictures, because I have the kind of beauty that moves.
-- Just show me a moment that is mine - it's beauty, blinding and unsurpassed...
~Ani Difranco
-- I consider myself one of the biggest challenges anyone can undertake.
~ Me
-- A special kind of beauty exists which is born in language, of language, and for language.
~Gaston Bachelard
-- "El revolucionario verdadero está guiado por grandes sentimientos de amor."
~Ernesto Guevara
-- Love is like Pi: natural, irrational, and very important.
~Lisa Hoffman
-- Love is like crack that laughs at you.
~Savant magazine
-- This world is overflowing with sorrow. Its people are drowning in emptiness and loneliness fills their hearts.
~Ayanami Rei - End of Evangelion
My House is a Safe Zone.
I don't pass judgment on people on the grounds of their beliefs, their sexuality, their ethnicity, their gender, or anything else of that nature. If people believed that they would be accepted as they are, there would be much fewer people in the world trying to be things that they are not.
Before you criticise someone else, make sure you've taken a good, honest look at yourself first. If you really see yourself as you are, there's a good chance you'll second guess your harsh opinions about others.
Elftownworldmap missing.