[Linderel]'s diary

1040333  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-08-07
Written: (5806 days ago)

>>Thirteen days.

Packed some more of my clothes, most of the remaining ones, into a large suitcase. Have been thinking about which books to take and which to leave. There won't be much time over the weekend because of RopeCon (http://www.ropecon.fi/2008/I18N/118N), but I'll probably start stacking the books on Sunday evening.

1040222  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-08-06
Written: (5807 days ago)
Next in thread: 1040341

>>Beginning countdown. Fourteen days.

In two weeks (two fucking weeks!) I'll pile my stuff in the family car and initiate the moving process. We're leaving on Wednesday, to spend the night at the summer house and then to continue on our way to Oulu on Thursday morning. Parental units will stay for a day or two to help me settle down. Then I'll be on my own.
Feeling anxious on decidedly shortening intervals. Breathe, man, breathe...

Tonight, I'll be packing some of my clothes - as much as I can fit into one bag.

1038823  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-07-26
Written: (5818 days ago)
Next in thread: 1038835, 1038865

28 degrees Celsius in the shadow. Working in the heat is almost as bad as working in the rain... *melts into a puddle*

1038415  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-07-23
Written: (5822 days ago)

I hate hate hate hate hate writer's block that pops up when you least need it.
Trin, you may kick me. Repeatedly. I'll send what I have of the fic in a message, which fortunately is most of it, but I'm afraid the rest will have to wait some more. I'm sorry. ;____; You may give me a penalty. Or something.

I'm being dragged off to grandpa's until Friday. So no Lami on zeh interwebs again for a couple of days. After that, however, I should mostly stay put.

1038128  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-07-20
Written: (5824 days ago)
Next in thread: 1038155

Will be away again tomorrow; first taking care of some shopping and delivering my appliance papers for student support to KELA, then off to Hyvinkää to see Laura who is visiting her mother there. Back some time Tuesday.
Trin: I've almost completely outlined the plot for the soirée now, all I've got to do is write it out. I'll have it posted on Tuesday evening. This be a promise. Srsly. Lagged enough already. Also, I swear I'll have Harry's birthday fic actually on time. I've had an idea for it for a while now. :P

1038095  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-07-20
Written: (5824 days ago)

Update at Coal black wings, should anyone be interested. :P

1038086  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-07-20
Written: (5824 days ago)
Next in thread: 1038087, 1038941

Anyone able to identify this one?

1038072  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-07-20
Written: (5824 days ago)

I hath returned!
...and once again, the effort to catch up with things will have to be remarkable. Sigh. Forums, here I come.

1037682  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-07-17
Written: (5827 days ago)
Next in thread: 1037685

My love to all of you! (Especially le Skurpists.)
Net cafés are zeh best. The place is open tomorrow as well, so I may or may not be here in the afternoon. If not, I'll see you peoples Sunday night.

1036863  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-07-14
Written: (5831 days ago)

I be off now. Back sometime Sunday evening.
Take care, hold the fort! *huggles people*

1036736  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-07-13
Written: (5831 days ago)

Often, I wonder what the heck made me like Jukka in the first place. He's an arrogant bastard who drives me up the wall if I spend too much time with him. But this comment... this, here, reminds me exactly why I love him.


You'll do fine in Oulu. Remember, you got in. Therefore, you were better than a crapload of other people. Also, you'll be on the same lectures with dozens of other troubled introverts (it takes a strange turn of mind to apply for English philology). You should be able to make new friends there.

1036713  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-07-13
Written: (5831 days ago)
Next in thread: 1036715

It's confirmed, now - the results from the Tampere uni entrance exams were published online, and Jukka is among those who were accepted. This means that I will be starting in Oulu alone, since he's made it clear that if he gets to Tampere, he'll take the place. He even has an apartment ready and waiting, inheritance from some relative or another.
I didn't think it would bother me quite this much, since I'd been preparing to be on my own from the start. So, unexpectedly, I find myself feeling just the slightest bit lonely right at the moment.

1036066  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-07-09
Written: (5836 days ago)

Off to my cousin's. I'll be back Friday afternoon at the latest. :3

1036043  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-07-09
Written: (5836 days ago)
Next in thread: 1036086

Waking up to a cramp in your calf is Not Fun.

1035850  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-07-08
Written: (5836 days ago)

Paid the deposit for the apartment. We're visiting Oulu next week while at the summer house (they're reasonably close), so I'll go to the office with my uni acceptance letter and presumably get to sign the contract. The actual move is probably going to happen around mid-August - we'll see. I yet again realised that I'm going to have a ton of things to take care of before that, and it's making me restless. Gnahgnah. Must accomplish stuff this week. Am temporarily quite poor (74€ left) because of the deposit (250€), but as fortune should have it, payday is next Tuesday, so there will be no reason to despair. Have started gathering dishes, and brought a few boxes from the storage. Next I'll start thinking on which books to take with me. Most of them, I suppose...

1035818  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-07-08
Written: (5836 days ago)
Next in thread: 1035918

For Trin, who threw a metaphorical gauntlet at the Poetry Discussion page. Somehow, when I tried simple, I ended up with a haiku. Most probably because there is no room for long flowy words. As for the second one... Eh. It's weird and fractured and dealing with a personal phobia. Possibly not even poem-like enough. I don't know if you'll accept these, but eh, I tried. xD May attempt more later.

Soft fur tickles nose
she giggles, eyes bright, shining
her bed warm and safe


Press the damn button.
Press it.
Walk from one end of the room
to the other.
Shove words out - it's not that hard.
Over before you know it.
Cut the connection,
breathe out. In. Out.
You lie: Next time will be easier.
Sit down.

1035804  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-07-08
Written: (5837 days ago)
Next in thread: 1035805

I has apartment offer from Oulu o_O It'd be a 15m² room in a so-called cell. 200€ for the rent and electricity.
So, today I should call there, as well as my cousin (about going to their place this week), and my employer (about needing next week off, and about quitting halfway through August).
I hate making phone calls. >_<;;

1035501  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-07-06
Written: (5838 days ago)

Gah. Cliffhangers are evil. I'll have to wait till Thursday to see what happens... Must distract self somehow >_<
Oh well, knowing me, I'll be over the initial anxiousness by the morning. As a matter of fact, sleep is sounding a better idea by the minute.
Also, my chair is annoying the heck outta me.

 The logged in version 

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