[Linderel]'s diary

1054222  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-11-09
Written: (5965 days ago)

Tea and Roses <- story for the 'Paradise' theme!

1054148  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-11-08
Written: (5966 days ago)

If you're able to breathe safety
stability, take it in like air--
large gulps, as if starved
for the sensation
(for peace from clamouring voices)
if you are able--

Take no note of
the scars and scratches--
mere illusions
(illusions, stains in your eyes)
get the silence you need
in familiar arms

and spare no thought
(not a single one)
to the reality that awaits--
cold, lonely, so far away
If you're at the end of your rope
search for the ground under your feet.

1053689  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-11-05
Written: (5969 days ago)
Next in thread: 1053693

I has villanelle. Comment plz.

Within the lights

Come, now, do not be coy
as the dance, the pulse grows
take refuge in this joy

Do you see that frail boy
who all his burden throws?
Come, now, do not be coy

Who would this haven destroy?
As mortality slows
take refuge in this joy

No denial to alloy
where your heart tonight goes
come, now, do not be coy
take refuge in this joy

1052792  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-10-30
Written: (5975 days ago)
Next in thread: 1052955

New single from Damn Seagulls is out! Go listen. :3
http://www.damnseagulls.com - just click on the 'we make records not websites'.
Someone fails, probably me. I can't seem to actually download the song, which is very sad indeed.

1052468  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-10-28
Written: (5977 days ago)
Next in thread: 1052598, 1052623, 1052625

It's official, I'm an art model now. o_o
The first session was today. The class consists of a handful of mostly middle-aged people. I kept my clothes on, but next time I'll be nekkid.
I. Um. Hope my arm will have healed sufficiently by then.

1052386  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-10-28
Written: (5977 days ago)
Next in thread: 1052405

I... got a self-reminder message. A quote. By St. Clement of Alexandra.
"If you do not hope, you will not find what is beyond your hopes."

This is all well and good, but I've never scheduled any messages. Upon checking, I saw that there are more scheduled at irregular intervals. One for November. Two for both December and January, respectively. And I am going wtf.

No, yeah, it's a nice surprise, but I got slightly freaked out xD Thanks. If I focus on them enough, they may actually help me.
I have my suspicions as to the guilty responsible party. :P

1050868  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-10-19
Written: (5986 days ago)
Next in thread: 1051218

Trin left D:
But, well, we had fun. Ate lots of ice cream and candy and foxberry muffins. And went camera-happy in town. It was a good weekend. :3

Tomorrow I'm going hoooooome. For a whole week. It'll do good for me. <3

1050472  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-10-16
Written: (5989 days ago)

"Keep smiling," says Ian. Pretty much out of nowhere, but it means a lot that he'd care.

Well. Trin will be here in about five hours.

1050311  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-10-15
Written: (5990 days ago)


Think of five names, spontaneously



1. How did you meet #3?
Right here! I don't remember the particulars, but we probably started chatting on wikis and forums. Then I signed up to take Maria Magdelena - although I don't remember whether that was before or after we added each other on MSN. At some point she proposed a relation, we started talking even more, and what do you know... she's my beloved little sister now. <3

2. What would you do if #2 and #5 were going out?
Be quite shocked, and pinch myself because surely it would have to be a dream.

3. How long have you known #2?
About three years. We'd been on the same channel (for Finnish nanoers) for a while, a month or two maybe, but I only really became aware of him when he was recruiting people to go with him to see the fourth Potter film.
A month later, we were a couple. <_<

4. How do you know #5?
Again, from here. And again, I'm blanking on the details. We do have 98 pages' worth of messages since July 2006, and the first one suggests we'd known for some time before that as well...

5. What would you do if #4 confessed they loved you?
But she does love me!
Ha. That's what you get for posing ambiguous questions. But no, really, I'd be quite surprised, since last I checked she only plays for one team.

6. A fact about #1.
She's diabetic and tends to scare me half to death. :3
Oh, and she likes groping my cleavage. I'll never get her to stop, so I've just resigned myself to restricting her from doing it in public.

7. Who is #2 going out with?
No one, as far as I know.

8. What does #5 do for a living?
Sheeeee's working in a bakery? Yeah? <_<

9. Would you live with #3?
This was in the plans at some point, as a matter of fact. :P

There is no ten! :O

11. What do you like about #1?
Quite a lot. How she takes care of me, how she's gentle with those she cares about, her sense of humour (most of the time), her ability to spin stories on the spot... I also envy her for being so... open. >_<

12. What would you do if #2 died?
Angst. And cry. And curse. And call him a bastard.

13. Do you miss #1?
You have no idea.

14. What is your opinion of #3?
Lovely <3
She's cute, lively, crazy, beautiful, thoughtful, considerate, sensitive... shall I go on?

15. Would you ever go out with #1?
If she weren't my de facto older sister... yeah, sure :D

17. Ever get really personal with #1?
Depends on the definition.

18. Have you ever slept over at #5's house?
Nuh-uh. I hope to, one day. ;3

19.Do you think number #4 is attractive?
I'd do her. :P

20. What do you like about #2?
Uhm... His intelligence, sense of humour (most of the time), geekiness, trivia-infested brain, how he can be so gentle with me even if he's really a prick. The random noises he makes. Oh, and then there's the dimples.

21. What would you do if #1 died?
Contemplate going right after her.

22. Are you dating #2?
Used to. First he broke up with me after five months. Then there was a ten-month interval during which we were simply good friends and I was finding it hard to get over him. Then when I was finally starting to recover, we started again. Dated for another five months, and then I left him and decided that while he might have been something like the love of my life, we shouldn't ever be a couple.

23. Name one quality of #5?
Hilarious. :P

1050162  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-10-14
Written: (5991 days ago)
Next in thread: 1050297, 1050316

Ever heard of the film 2:37?

Neither had I. Saw it about a month ago, was intrigued, and today finally rented. Get it and watch it.

1049952  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-10-13
Written: (5992 days ago)
Next in thread: 1049958, 1049975

I am a decent writer. Good, even.
I need to be better.

*inferiority complex*

1049461  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-10-10
Written: (5995 days ago)

More Japanese music! Mika's fault again.

1049415  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-10-10
Written: (5995 days ago)
Next in thread: 1049416, 1049424, 1049446, 1049633

Wtf one of my nude stock photos was reported? WTF?

Your deviation, listed below, has been made temporarily unavailable from deviantART due to it containing nudity or a model of questionable age, and therefore we require a Model Release Form

Uh, well, I'm pretty darn sure I marked it as containing nudity so... Questionable age? Wtf? >_<
*sigh* Apparently I look a bit too young... And some douchebag didn't get that I was modeling myself. For chrissakes... *goes bitch to Help Desk*

1049239  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-10-09
Written: (5996 days ago)

If you're at all open to music in Japanese, check out Shiina Ringo. Mika (the friend from the previous entry) played some of her songs for me and now I'm quite hooked.
YouTube link for the lazy:

1049192  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-10-09
Written: (5996 days ago)
Next in thread: 1049210, 1049214, 1049240

Failed the phonetics exam. >_<
Which is... just... pathetic. I mean, even with guesswork, it should still be pretty hard to get enough answers wrong - it was a true/false type of exam, fifty claims... and... uuuungh.
This is not good for my mental state. I've been unsteady enough lately without this sort of thing. Then again, the unsteadiness is probably what caused me to fail... No energy to study means bigger chance of flunking.
I just hope I'll pass the Finnish structures exam of this morning. If not, I... gah.
And then there's that Writing Skills course. Oh, gods, the Writing Skills. If my first essay was bad, the second one was worse, and I turned it in a day too late. Maybe it'll get better if I could just find some focus somewhere... maybe...

Please can I just die? Or disappear. Either works for me.
Of course, what I really need is a good long cuddle. I was momentarily comforted by going to see a... sort-of friend. Had a bit of a cry, listened to music, drank tea. Just chatted. And I hugged him before I left (to finish the darn essay), the memory of which kept me going until around the time I saw Mikko. Mood started going downwards from there, and then there were the exam results and. Yeah. Even Pronunciation class didn't cheer me up, and usually classes with Ian are the high points of my day.

So. I.
Need to get over how pretty Mikko is. The crush is detrimental to my mental health. (Hmm, repetition there. Interesting.)
Have to find out when I can re-take the phonetics exam and actually study for it.
Should try to shape up a bit in Writing Skills.
Need a friend I can be open with. Now my hunger for affection and the separation anxiety is just killing me. I hope the aforementioned person won't mind a Lami-shaped clingy thing in his life.

Uh. Yeah.
Uni is lovely, but my mood swings are worse now than what they have been in the last year or two, and my studies suffer for it.

1048804  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-10-07
Written: (5998 days ago)
Next in thread: 1048811, 1048865

I has a T-shirt design, lol. It's terribly cheesy, but maybe - just maybe - someone will like it enough to buy one. :P

1048734  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-10-07
Written: (5999 days ago)
Next in thread: 1048793

This is supposed to be a good piece? This?
I think I must crash them back down to earth. Structure, description, dialogue, everything is second-rate. I'll just have to be a little less harsh when I actually comment...
Contains lesbian erotica, do not view if (for some peculiar reason) icked by it.

1048533  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-10-05
Written: (6000 days ago)
Next in thread: 1048536

Drank two mugs of coffee today (okay, yesterday), which I almost never do. Might not be good for my stomach. Then I got a nosebleed for the third time in as many days, and of course I couldn't help swallowing some of that. Not a happy camper yo.
No villanelle this weekend. No making sense of PayPal, either. Well, this week, maybe?

Oh, and I'm supposed to write a 900-word essay on Scummy Man for Writing Skills by Tuesday morning, and I haven't even watched the damn thing yet. Anyone seen it? I'm interested in hearing people's views.

1048415  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-10-05
Written: (6001 days ago)
Next in thread: 1048457

PayPal is making my head ache.
That might also have something to do with the fact that it's five in the morning, but let's not bother ourselves with details. Instead... I think I'll just go to bed and try to make some sense out of PP later. <_<

1048401  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-10-04
Written: (6001 days ago)

Some things I just hate about dA.
It's goddamn heavy. Takes forever to load anything. Sometimes, it doesn't show me the contents of a gallery.
Oh, and it eats submissions! You submit them, everything's fine, but they're not there! And if you want to upload them again you'll have to use another name because dA'll say you have a submission by that name already. Hate hate hate hate.


 The logged in version 

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