[Linderel]'s diary

1065652  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-02-05
Written: (5724 days ago)
Next in thread: 1065653

25 thingy. Blame [Chimes], who tagged me, and [Jitter], whose example inspired me to post this here as well.

01. I tend to fill these memes in a random order even though I'm usually pretty obsessive. Everything needs to be alphabetised, for example. The order may be reversed as long as it's sequential.
02. I'd like to learn every language known to man, but I could satisfy myself with mastering seven, mother tongue included.
03. I'm very affectionate and craving of physical touch. I just happen to be picky in granting the 'privilege'.
04. I think hormones are the devil.
05. I'm insecure. Because I'm insecure, I suffer bouts of envy and jealousy.
06. Related to the previous: I take a superior attitude when someone thinks they're a good writer but isn't on my level. This is just inside my head, but I still hate it about myself.
07. I procrastinate too much.
08. Said procrastination is a habit I keep trying to kick, but apathy makes it a bit hard.
09. I'm a crybaby, and anyone who actually knows me can testify to that.
10. I used to get along better with teachers and other adults than my peers.
11. Saving money is hard. I don't know how people do it.
12. There are four tattoos adorning my skin, and more will be coming. They are an expression of my self.
13. My taste in music is rather wide. I'll try listening to anything you hand me, though I do have my reservations about certain genres.
14. I love my sisters more than anything or anyone else in the world.
15. I think I'm easily forgettable.
16. My memory is full of holes. I couldn't even tell you what happened in my life last year. Thus, the image I have of my days in pre-school and comprehensive school is vague at best, and I keep wondering whether everything wasn't my own fault after all.
17. I'm pants at drawing, but I still like doing it in the hopes that I'll slowly improve. I especially love water colours.
18. I'll never be good enough at anything I do.
19. My sleep is restless; I keep waking up. Last night was worse than most.
20. I've now learned again that not getting to my first choice of school isn't an entirely bad thing. Yes, I'm still lonely, and I miss my friends in the south, but I never would've met the people here otherwise.
21. Sometimes, I want a pet so badly that it's almost a physical ache.
22. On a lighter note, it takes very little to amuse me.
23. I used to have no trouble performing in front of a class. I want that back.
24. I'd like to run a small bookshop café in my retirement days - or even earlier, if my plans of teaching fall through. Preferably somewhere in central Europe, perhaps France.
25. I'll be hitting the gym shortly after posting this note.

1065590  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-02-04
Written: (5724 days ago)

Jack FUCKING Twist!

Brokeback Mountain <3

1065552  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-02-04
Written: (5724 days ago)
Next in thread: 1065560, 1065576

American History X is a brilliant movie... and so sad. ;_;

1065471  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-02-03
Written: (5725 days ago)

I started a blog in Finnish o_O

1064857  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-01-29
Written: (5730 days ago)

Weirdness. Don't really like it. Yay for accidental rhyme.

Carry home fragile flowers of light
these ephemeral dreams you conjure
forgetting what forces there lay

Steps nearing the ancestral land
that glimmer weakens and finally dies
as everything turns to white sand

Even ancient legacies die with folly
last scion become the prodigal son
mere lord over wasteland plains

Edit: I figured out why I don't like this piece. It feels empty, devoid of emotion. It's just lines. The first two I'm fond of and will probably re-use later, but the rest? Meh.

1064700  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-01-28
Written: (5732 days ago)

Hee. We chatted a bit. At the lockers. About Ian and how he's more demanding than the other teachers, but in a positive way. Ramble ramble. Point is, we finally talked, however briefly. *is kinda sorta happy* :3

1064553  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-01-27
Written: (5732 days ago)
Next in thread: 1064560
1064544  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-01-27
Written: (5733 days ago)
1064532  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-01-27
Written: (5733 days ago)
Next in thread: 1064543

Hahaha. I have a gas mask xD

1064484  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-01-26
Written: (5733 days ago)

Thank you goes to [Chimes] for the prompt words of key, rainbow, presence, drift and anomaly.

Pull the treasure from your pocket
watch her spirit crumble with the walls
as what was kept under lock and key
shoots forward and never stops

In pained silence she will drift
strain for your presence or any sign
of the legendary rainbow bridge
but you with your mischievous smile
were always an anomaly to her

1064404  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-01-26
Written: (5734 days ago)

Damn Seagulls' new album arrived in the mail! *bounce bounce bounce* Along with the badge I ordered, plus a promotional sticker. Am contemplating sticking it on a piece of paper and putting it up at the uni. Probably will. Heee. I'm on the track to missing both of my lectures today (hooray for apathy days) but this makes me a little bit happier about things. :3

Still feel bad, mind you. *sigh* This wasn't supposed to happen anymore...

1064336  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-01-25
Written: (5734 days ago)

One hundred days among the seas
sailing towards the unknown
without sun, without warmth
only the wind and the rain
and a hope to move mountains

Tides turn and seasons fly
one thousand days among the seas
yet the stars still go unseen
and the gales grow ever stronger
muting all else

—and as for hope?
Gone, like my heart.

1064212  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-01-24
Written: (5735 days ago)

Yar. He just accepted my friendship request on Facebook today and now it's confirmed. He's married.

Oh well. Doesn't mean I can't still use him as eye candy. And I actually am interested in knowing him as a person. Humm.

Today's poem, then.

Childhood bane
source of shame
and so many doubts
tears even still unshed

yet somehow
nostalgia, I know
I love the sights, the lights
the highs and lows of Hyvinkää

1064044  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-01-23
Written: (5737 days ago)

Going home, leaving lappy here. See ya sometime on Sunday evening, probably.

edit: Couldn't stay entirely away after all :P On my mom's computer at the moment, though I'll be going off to watch some CSI and Grey's Anatomy very soon.

1063978  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-01-22
Written: (5737 days ago)
Next in thread: 1063984

Monometer today. Blame [Triola]. :P

quill in
tight grasp
she is
so softly

1063840  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-01-21
Written: (5738 days ago)

Red of heart, of soul, of hand
her reality is this impassioned act
this prison that she cannot stand
a glass shell that could not be cracked

Captive, shamed and on display
yet her fire-tipped wings burn
even as they begin to fray
and a bitter hatred, churn

All those lies have left her helpless
stranded, with shreds of dignity
hanging about in fragile threads
but she does not want their pity

Weakened yet still not broken
she'll smile till everything blurs
and tear his own heart wide open
as thanks for twisting hers

1063675  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-01-21
Written: (5739 days ago)
Next in thread: 1063676, 1063705

I just realised - even though I occasionally moan about the annoying sides to my job as a Daily Poem Boss, and how the position keeps me from submitting my own work, I'll probably not even take any trainees under my wing any time soon. I actually like being in charge, and, despite everything, I really do love the job. I'm afraid I'm a permanent fixture there. Perhaps time will change things, as it so often does. For now, though: I am the mistress. Har har har. It just means I'm going to have to figure out other ways to get people to read my poetry.

1063659  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-01-20
Written: (5739 days ago)

*wibble* You can listen to the whole album on MySpace now. Bwihihihihi. Lami's a happy kitten! And so pre-ordering it. Bweeeeeee.

1063631  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-01-20
Written: (5739 days ago)

Oh, yeah, I forgot to squeal (how bad of me!) but Damn Seagulls published another single from their new album. http://www.myspace.com/damnseagulls
Just a few days and the whole album is out! *bounce bounce*

1063591  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-01-20
Written: (5739 days ago)

Baa? <_<

Sink down with the wearied winter sun
another day’s toil complete — but at what price
Why don’t you simply break and run?
Out far in the horizon something shines
strive, yearn, hope and scream — it cannot be reached
darling, you must read between the lines
there’s no prince charming and never once was one

 The logged in version 

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