[Linderel]'s diary

1074933  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-04-16
Written: (5653 days ago)
Next in thread: 1074937, 1074948, 1074952

Y'know, the guy I'm in a sort-of relationship with (yeah, we're not entirely established yet - we'll give it this summer and then see where we are and whether it actually works) is a Lehkonen. Heehee. Of the only other strand of Lehkonens in Finland. I am sort of amused. :P

1074708  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-04-14
Written: (5655 days ago)

Word of the Day for April 14th, 2009
1. in a raw or unprepared state; unrefined or natural: crude sugar.
2. lacking in intellectual subtlety, perceptivity, etc.; rudimentary; undeveloped.
3. lacking finish, polish, or completeness: a crude summary.
4. lacking culture, refinement, tact, etc.: crude behavior.
5. undisguised; blunt: a crude answer.
6. Obsolete. unripe; not mature.

1074513  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-04-13
Written: (5656 days ago)

Word of the Day for April 13th, 2009
1. (of a young woman) suitable for marriage, esp. in regard to age or physical development; marriageable.
2. (of a young woman) sexually developed and attractive: the nubile girls in their bikinis.

1074165  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-04-11
Written: (5658 days ago)
Next in thread: 1074167, 1074184, 1074236, 1074406

Ladies and gentlemen, I do believe I am in a relationship.

1073961  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-04-09
Written: (5660 days ago)

Word of the Day for April 9th, 2009
1. to roam or go around in quest of plunder; make a raid for booty: Freebooters were marauding all across the territory.
2. to raid for plunder (often used passively): At the war's end the country had been marauded by returning bands of soldiers.
3. Archaic. the act of marauding.

1073615  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-04-07
Written: (5662 days ago)

Word of the Day for April 7th, 2009
1. a knot, protuberance, or knob.
2. a centering point of component parts.
3. Anatomy. a knotlike mass of tissue: lymph node.
4. Pathology. circumscribed swelling.
5. Botany.
a. a joint in a stem.
b. a part of a stem that normally bears a leaf.

1073605  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-04-07
Written: (5662 days ago)

Blame [Chimes].
-She fled upstairs to start immediately on her long and lively career as an alcoholic. says (00:25):
I wants you to... create a poem... that rhymes (rhyme scheme is your choice) inspired by the wooooord... 'sepulchre'.


Tumble, tumble, trip and moan
stake a claim and pick a bone
down to the chamber she goes
for the curious nightly firefly shows
One of these caskets could be her own
she barely remembers them — or her foes
In this nocturnal world she walks alone
with the moon and the blazing fire
devouring her home, and in its throes
surrenders to pain and sinks in oblivion's mire.

1073447  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-04-06
Written: (5663 days ago)

Word of the Day for April 6th, 2009
a figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole or the whole for a part, the special for the general or the general for the special, as in ten sail for ten ships or a Croesus for a rich man.

1073344  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-04-05
Written: (5664 days ago)

Word of the Day for April 5th, 2009
1. unwarranted; excessive: undue haste.
2. inappropriate; unjustifiable; improper: undue influence.
3. not owed or currently payable.

1073266  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-04-03
Written: (5666 days ago)

Word of the Day for April 3rd, 2009
1. to raise in rank, honor, power, character, quality, etc.; elevate: He was exalted to the position of president.
2. to praise; extol: to exalt someone to the skies.
3. to stimulate, as the imagination: The lyrics of Shakespeare exalted the audience.
4. to intensify, as a color: complementary colors exalt each other.
5. Obsolete. to elate, as with pride or joy.

1073212  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-04-03
Written: (5666 days ago)

I'm supposed to prepare a presentation on metaphor for my Introduction to Literature small group session on Monday, and I was thinking of putting one of my own poems on the handout as an example. Would yous like to help me by providing o(pi)nions on what would be a good one for the purpose? Pretty please - with chocolate on top?

1073161  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-04-03
Written: (5667 days ago)
Next in thread: 1073164

If I don't show up tomorrow, it'll be because I died of shame after failing my English Phonetics exam. Just thought I'd let you know beforehand...

1073156  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-04-02
Written: (5667 days ago)

Word of the Day for April 2nd, 2009
1. controlled by or done according to conscience; scrupulous: a conscientious judge.
2. meticulous; careful; painstaking; particular: conscientious application to the work at hand.

1073088  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-04-02
Written: (5667 days ago)
Next in thread: 1073089
1073031  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-04-01
Written: (5668 days ago)

Word of the Day for April 1st, 2009
1. a deceiver; cheat; fraud.
2. a person who plays tricks.
3. a supernatural figure appearing in various guises and typically engaging in mischievous activities, important in the folklore and mythology of many primitive peoples and usually conceived as a culture hero.

1072896  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-03-31
Written: (5669 days ago)

Word of the Day for March 31st, 2009
1. to scatter here and there or place at intervals among other things: to intersperse flowers among shrubs.
2. to diversify with something placed or scattered at intervals: to intersperse a dull speech with interesting anecdotes.

1072839  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-03-31
Written: (5669 days ago)

- Tableau Vivant (5 years of Elftown!)

I just realised that I totally forgot my 6th Elftown birthday was on February 17th. Oops?

1072731  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-03-30
Written: (5670 days ago)

Word of the Day for March 30th, 2009
1. to give the meaning or intention of; explain; interpret.
2. to deduce by inference or interpretation; infer: He construed her intentions from her gestures.
3. to translate, esp. orally.
4. to analyze the syntax of; to rehearse the applicable grammatical rules of: to construe a sentence.
5. to arrange or combine (words, phrases, etc.) syntactically.

1072586  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-03-29
Written: (5671 days ago)
Next in thread: 1072624

Word of the Day for March 29th, 2009
1. expressed in few words; concise; terse.
2. characterized by conciseness or verbal brevity.
3. compressed into a small area, scope, or compass.
4. Archaic.
a. drawn up, as by a girdle.
b. close-fitting.
c. encircled, as by a girdle.

1072551  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-03-29
Written: (5671 days ago)
Next in thread: 1072588

Stop snowing ffs. >_<
I like winter but I'm in spring mode...

 The logged in version 

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