[Linderel]'s diary

1083904  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-06-23
Written: (5585 days ago)

Word of the Day for June 23rd, 2009
1. to glide, move, or proceed easily or nonchalantly: She just sashayed in as if she owned the place.
2. to chassé in dancing.

Also this! *is lame and sappy*

If there is one person, or more, on your friends list who makes your world a better place just because they exist and who you would not have met (in real life or not) without the internet, then post this same sentence in your journal.

1083801  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-06-22
Written: (5586 days ago)

Word of the Day for June 22nd, 2009
1. characterized by shyness and modesty; reserved.
2. affectedly or coyly decorous, sober, or sedate.

1083729  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-06-22
Written: (5586 days ago)
Next in thread: 1083731

I hate it when someone deletes good fanfic. *pout*
Hmm. Wonder if the Wayback Machine would help here...

edit: Goddammit. FF.net has blocked Wayback Machine. WTF IS THIS.

1083654  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-06-21
Written: (5586 days ago)

Word of the Day for June 21st, 2009
1. something added or gained; addition; increase.
2. profit; gain.
3. the act or process of increasing; growth.
4. an amount by which something increases or grows: a weekly increment of $25 in salary.
5. one of a series of regular additions: You may make deposits in increments of $500.
6. Mathematics.
a. the difference between two values of a variable; a change, positive, negative, or zero, in an independent variable.
b. the increase of a function due to an increase in the independent variable.

1083556  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-06-21
Written: (5587 days ago)

Was looking for symbolic meaning of the budgerigar and found this. Might make for fascinating reading for those of you who are interested in dream interpretation.

1083541  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-06-20
Written: (5587 days ago)

Word of the Day for June 20th, 2009
1. free from deceit, cunning, or craftiness; ingenuous: an artless child.
2. not artificial; natural; simple; uncontrived: artless beauty; artless charm.
3. lacking art, knowledge, or skill.
4. poorly made; inartistic; clumsy; crude: an artless translation.

1083452  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-06-19
Written: (5589 days ago)
Next in thread: 1083455

Word of the Day for June 19th, 2009
1. economical in use or expenditure; prudently saving or sparing; not wasteful: a frugal manager.
2. entailing little expense; requiring few resources; meager; scanty: a frugal meal.

1083415  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-06-19
Written: (5589 days ago)

Pick a Prompt 2

Click it! You know you want to!

1083300  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-06-18
Written: (5590 days ago)
Next in thread: 1083301

Word of the Day for June 18th, 2009
1. to continue at once with the next musical section or composition (often used as a musical direction).
2. to perform in the manner of the preceding section (used as a musical direction).
3. to make a transition from one thing to another smoothly and without interruption: The conversation segued from travel anecdotes to food.
4. an uninterrupted transition made between one musical section or composition and another.
5. any smooth, uninterrupted transition from one thing to another.

1083125  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-06-17
Written: (5591 days ago)
Next in thread: 1083203

I has tickets to Norway *does a silly little jig*
In honour of that, we shall return to our schedule of words with a happy one!

Word of the Day for June 17th, 2009
a feeling of happiness, confidence, or well-being sometimes exaggerated in pathological states as mania.

1082251  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-06-11
Written: (5597 days ago)
Next in thread: 1082252, 1082257, 1082259, 1082502

Sorry 'bout the disappearance act, folks. Was away for a few days, and will go away again soon. Tonight, probably. I'll re-surface sometime next week. Enjoy your Lami-free days and remember that you can always text me.

1081118  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-06-02
Written: (5606 days ago)
Next in thread: 1081870

Ow. Combination of throatache and heat is very effectively holding back sleep. Am going to down a painkiller and hope for the best. Gah.

1080937  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-05-31
Written: (5608 days ago)
Next in thread: 1080982

I joined Dark Club over at dA (http://darkclub.deviantart.com) and they want me to pick three of my works for them to submit. Anyone up for helping me with that? Personally, I think I might want to include 'Even Saints Wear Black' and 'Tea and Roses'.

1080359  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-05-26
Written: (5613 days ago)

While looking through files on my old PC, I found a couple of stories that I apparently never finished - one was started in October 2005, the other in February 2006. I found I liked them, and now I'm mourning the fact that I have no bloody idea where I was actually going with either of them. I doubt I can pick them up again after such a long time, either. If I'd done any planning, sure (I have some fanfics that I definitely intend to finish because I more or less know where I want to go), but there's none. Nothing. Nada. Booh.
Anyhow, I thought I'd put them up here in my diary anyhow for your entertainment.


Demon of Light (horribly clichéd title, I know...)

Plunge into the deepening darkness and watch, with subtle impatience fluttering in your chest and making you restless, as the sun lingeringly kisses the ocean with its last rays, blanketing the horizon in magenta and pink and orange. Looking at the sky overhead, you know that the time will come soon. The glowing orb, the sun's sister, is blue tonight, nearly full.

You feel a smile creep on your face, and, closing your eyes, you spread your arms like the wings that were torn from your back only a short while ago. Banished to Earth for your crimes, the ability to fly and communicate with every living being taken away - that was your punishment. How amusing, you think, that both light and dark have the same methods of treating sinners in their ranks.

You really don't mind being here. The planet is beautiful to your eyes, a magnificent masterpiece, shaped by all things inhabiting it. What makes you mournful is the reason and the manner of your arrival.

~ * ~

Had one been deeply religious, one would not have believed that this place was what humans call Hell. No, one wouldn't even need to be religious to be highly sceptical. Admittedly, the landscape was barren, the atmosphere gloomy - but there were no glowing charcoal pits, no flames engulfing pitiful souls. It was not a cave, as one would usually imagine, but a plain stretching out as far as the eye could see, dotted with mostly dried-up skeletons of trees and bushes and framed by steep grey cliffs. The sky overhead was filled with dark clouds, and, if one listened carefully enough, one could hear thunder roaring somewhere in the distance.

At first glance, it would seem that not a soul was present. But once the eyes grew accustomed, it became clear that the place hustled with people and other--- things. Some of them so disgusting to look at that one could not possibly find the words to describe them. Everyone moving about aimlessly, most with hopeless expressions on their faces, some resigned, some determined.

Then, there were the demons. They were varied in appearance, although many of them looked what we usually picture angels to be like.


Rune's Demise

Ashley cursed. Heavily. Repeated it for about ten times before finally attempting to calm down and assess the situation. So, she was without electricity. On peering down from the window, it was quite obvious that the whole block suffered a power outage. This was no problem in itself; she knew that most people could go for days without food or water, and anyone with enough brain for it could find other ways of entertainment while e-books were unavailable. Ashley personally had the remnants of a hidden stock of booze somewhere in her apartment, and she had hoarded old books, magazines and puzzle games from antiquarian bookshops upon moving to the city four years ago.

<i>What really worried her was the net connection. Only a decade ago, it wouldn't have been such a big thing to get cut off from the Internet, even for days at a time. In this day and age, however, it was considered a first-class disaster.

No one lived without the Internet anymore. No one could live without it. Not in places like Rune. It would have been suicide.

Ashley nearly jumped out of her skin when someone knocked loudly on the door. She turned to her computer-- and for a moment, she just stood there, dismayed, staring at a blank black screen. Laughter made its way out of her mouth then, starting from tiny snorts and giggles, escalating to hysterical howling that made her hyperventilate. Of course. No power, no computer, no Internet - no means whatsoever to check who was behind her door, gradually getting very impatient and by now banging on it, shouting words that sounded more like yiddish than anything else to Ashley's ears.

Grasping a stunner gun from her work table, she made her way over and unlocked the numerous bolts. The person pushing their way in, covered in soot head to toe, collapsed to the floor in a heap of frantic, garbling sobs as soon as the entrance had been closed again. All Ashley could do was stare.

Echoes of words spoken barely a year ago rang in her mind, leaving her with only one coherent thought. This couldn't be happening.</i>
1080138  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-05-24
Written: (5614 days ago)
Next in thread: 1080139, 1080146, 1080167, 1080179, 1080211

Call for prompts!
Please leave me a comment containing either a) four to six words b) a title c) a subject or d) a picture. I feel like writing a poem or five, but my muse needs a little push.

1080129  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-05-24
Written: (5615 days ago)

Word of the Day for May 24th, 2009
1. a damaging or derogatory remark or criticism; slander: casting aspersions on a campaign rival.
2. the act of slandering; vilification; defamation; calumniation; derogation: Such vehement aspersions cannot be ignored.
3. the act of sprinkling, as in baptism.
4. Archaic. a shower or spray.

1080100  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-05-24
Written: (5615 days ago)
Next in thread: 1080101, 1080102

Had a strongly bi-curious experience last night.

The family had been celebrating my uncle's 50th birthday at a Japanese restaurant in Helsinki, and later, most of us decided to go to his and his wife's apartment in Kerava. Stayed there for a bit, and then my cousin dearest dragged me off to dance at a club again. I had fun, and I kept eyeing this tall, dark-haired girl. Damn she was hot. Had the moves. I wanted to go dance with her and maybe even dare a snog, but of course I didn't. <_<

1079963  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-05-22
Written: (5617 days ago)
Next in thread: 1079966

Word of the Day for May 22nd, 2009
to confuse or disconcert; upset; frustrate: The speaker was completely discombobulated by the hecklers.

1079854  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-05-21
Written: (5617 days ago)

Word of the Day for May 21st, 2009
1. unusually advanced or mature in development, esp. mental development: a precocious child.
2. prematurely developed, as the mind, faculties, etc.
3. of or pertaining to premature development.
4. Botany.
a. flowering, fruiting, or ripening early, as plants or fruit.
b. bearing blossoms before leaves, as plants.
c. appearing before leaves, as flowers.

1079587  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-05-19
Written: (5620 days ago)

Word of the Day for May 19th, 2009
to give notice to; inform; advise (often fol. by of): to be apprised of the death of an old friend.
See also: apprisal

1079543  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-05-19
Written: (5620 days ago)
Next in thread: 1079544, 1079562, 1079586, 1079810

Cherry blossooooooooms! More people need to watch my photography wiki, btw. I get very camera happy, but I would be happier if I had comments.

<img300*0:stuff/lin-sakura1.jpg> <img300*0:stuff/lin-sakura2.jpg> <img300*0:stuff/lin-sakura3.jpg> <img300*0:stuff/lin-sakura4.jpg> <img300*0:stuff/lin-sakura5.jpg> <img300*0:stuff/lin-sakura6.jpg> <img300*0:stuff/lin-sakura7.jpg> <img300*0:stuff/lin-sakura8.jpg> <img300*0:stuff/lin-sakura9.jpg> <img300*0:stuff/lin-sakura10.jpg> <img300*0:stuff/lin-sakura11.jpg> <img300*0:stuff/lin-sakura12.jpg> <img300*0:stuff/lin-sakura13.jpg>

 The logged in version 

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