[Linderel]'s diary

1092817  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-09-01
Written: (5515 days ago)

It's a beautiful day for starting preparations for the new term. I've now marked in my calendar the dates and times for those classes I'll be taking for sure, and am going to try and talk with some of my teachers about my missing credentials later this week. Tomorrow, if possible. Also going to buy a sports pass for both terms - I intend to start going to the gym, hopefully a tad more regularly than I did in the spring. And then there's a newly opened stack of post-its for daily/weekly to-do lists. This week, aside from the already mentioned items, I'm supposed to do laundry, clean up my room and get another, bigger cactus to replace the ivy I let die last year. Then, if I have time and inspiration, I'll perhaps write a bit and play with Photoshop CS on one of the school computers. I still have those photomanip ideas, see.

Yeah. As homesick as I am inevitably going to be, it's good to get back to studying.

1092364  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-08-28
Written: (5519 days ago)

In other news, yay for signing up on courses... finally! I'll have to discuss some courses with their respective teachers because I might lack the credentials from previous ones, but at least I've signed up for those that I need to repeat all of. Plus the Pronunciation course for this term.

...that was horrible English. I'm going back to bed. <_<

1092325  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-08-27
Written: (5519 days ago)

Screw everything to hell.

No, don't ask; don't comment anything. Let's just say that the world is not making a whole lot of sense right now, and neither am I. And we'll leave it at that.

1092127  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-08-26
Written: (5521 days ago)
Next in thread: 1092132

Playing with my dad's old Asahi Pentax this week. It's lovely :D

1092117  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-08-26
Written: (5521 days ago)

Anyone who still hasn't, please vote!

Birdie Poll

Puppy Poll

1091826  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-08-24
Written: (5523 days ago)

New poetry! Amg!

What is your rush, starlight child?
Stop and gaze up into the sky
your true heart-home
swallow the bitter words swelling on your tongue
and let yourself soar--
there, naught but a speck
on the dark velvet of night
revel in the joy of knowing
where you will always belong
the brightest star of them all.


Swaying in the heat of a summer breeze
the flower stands, unknowing
unaffected by the surrounding world
yet its petals a bright red
of spilled blood, a vivid reminder
that even the softest, sweetest things
like the silken touch of a flower's tips
are never as pure as they seem


New story, too! Shocking, I know. :D
The Silent Cove

1091414  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-08-20
Written: (5526 days ago)
Next in thread: 1091417, 1091447

Oh yeah, I forgot to brag.

10 Days of Photography - Linderel (4)

1091409  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-08-20
Written: (5526 days ago)
Next in thread: 1091431

I have tiny metallic dragonfly-shaped bead thingies. I kid you not.
They're going to bracelets, I think.

1091207  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-08-19
Written: (5528 days ago)

I'm feeling rather creative again. No promises, but you might be able to expect a few stories and maybe even a photomanip or two in the near future and not be terribly disappointed.

Oh, also, for all those who haven't yet:

participate in the Bird Contest!

1091029  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-08-18
Written: (5529 days ago)

Sometimes I feel like I don't really have a personality of my own and instead am busy trying to fit into other people's moulds. It's like I want so badly to be liked, and remain liked, by others that I have no backbone. I feel empty. Who am I, really?

1090993  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-08-18
Written: (5529 days ago)
Next in thread: 1091014

I now own this t-shirt. =^___^=

1090690  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-08-16
Written: (5531 days ago)
Next in thread: 1090729


1090587  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-08-15
Written: (5531 days ago)
Next in thread: 1090589, 1090673

*hath returneth* Will have photos up at some point.

1089865  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-08-10
Written: (5537 days ago)
Next in thread: 1089866, 1089874, 1090134

Off to Norway now. Behave, have fun, and don't miss me too much. :) I'll be back on Sunday.

1089824  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-08-09
Written: (5537 days ago)
1089812  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-08-09
Written: (5537 days ago)
Next in thread: 1089815, 1089838, 1089839

6 hrs 55 mins until my plane leaves. Holy shite. *flailage*

Saw a dragonfly today. It kindly stayed put long enough for me to whip out my camera and take a couple of photos. <URL:stuff/sudenkorento.jpg>

1089680  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-08-08
Written: (5539 days ago)
Next in thread: 1089758
1089663  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-08-08
Written: (5539 days ago)
Next in thread: 1089664, 1089684

I despise me.

1089575  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-08-07
Written: (5540 days ago)
Next in thread: 1089577, 1089579
1089569  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-08-07
Written: (5540 days ago)
Next in thread: 1089641

Le [Skydancer] questionnaire.

1. Optimist or Pessimist, is the glass nearly empty or half full of a nice wine or mead?
I can be very cynical, but I suppose I'm an optimist at heart. Mead, please.

2. Grass or concrete, do you prefer the natural world or the urban one?
I love nature, but I just don't see myself living in a rural area. Still, I'll take both.

3. Fashion madness or skin cult? Do you spend money like crazy on the latest fashions and clothes or are you more comfortable in your own skin and clothes are just something you wear when you need to?
Does it really have to be one or the other? No, I certainly do not run after fashion. I wear what I want when I want to wear it. Sometimes that happens to be as little as possible.

4. Fantasy or common reality? Are you more immersed in your own, or others fantasy worlds to the point that they color your life choices and actions or are you caught up in the shared illusion of the "real world" with all its mania of jobs, family, wars and the media?
Real life is real, no matter how much I whine about it. It's only wise to be aware of the goings-on in the world. However, I greatly enjoy daydreams. That is to say: both.

5. Spiritual, Religious, Agnostic, Alternative, None of the above.
I suppose I am mostly agnostic, although spiritual matters fascinate me.

6. Creative madness or fan girl/boy? That is to say, artist/performer or fan/follower?
Both, please. And I am certainly not ashamed to say it.

7. Spicy or homestyle? You like your life and foods hot and spicy or prefer the comfort of homemade meals and sincere cuddles.
Trin's answer suits me, so: Homestyle, with the occasional spicy element.

8. Hopeless romantic or pragmatic partner?
A mixture, perhaps?

9. Animal companions or beer and sports casts?
Beer, ew. Sports are only interesting when you play yourself or you're cheering for a friend. Give me a kitten any day and watch me die of allergies.

10. A hike in the forest or a night out at the club?
Depends on my mood.

11. Polygamy, Monogamy, Open, Exclusive, Shared, Alternative, Traditional?
Isn't this question at least partly redundant? Anyway... I can understand and support polyamory, but I'm not yet sure about myself. Right now my answer would be 'single' or 'friends with benefits'.

12. Silk Sheets or Comfy Quilts?
On any ordinary day, comfy quilts. But I'm certainly not opposed to the luxury of silk sheets.

13. Wood and Candles or Metals and Glass?
Again, I keep Trin's answer: Both have their uses... depends on what for.

14. The touch of sun through the clouds or the drama of the storm?
If there have to be clouds, I'll take the storm. Unless this is some convoluted psychological question, in which case I'll take the sunrays.

15. Sweets or Sours?
Both, although I think sweets would weigh more on the scale.

16. A chance to meet a friend you know from online or a chance to meet a celebrity?
Psssch, silly question. Online friend!

17. Lord of the Rings or the Last Unicorn, The Labyrinth or The Dark Crystal?
Um. Let me get back to you on this.

18. Muppets or Anime?
I've never cared much for Muppets.

19. Paint, Ink, Pencils or Photoshop, tablet and Painter?
Water colours.

20. In front of the Lens or behind the Camera?
More behind, but I don't mind being in front, either.

21. You have one thing you may do that will be the pinnacle of your life. It is?
That remains to be seen.

1089557  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-08-07
Written: (5540 days ago)
Next in thread: 1089559

I find myself wanting to write a webcomic script. But to do that, I would need someone to do the artses. So... Trin? Vorkje? Jitter? Emu? Someone?

 The logged in version 

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