[Linderel]'s diary

1119284  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2010-07-10
Written: (5202 days ago)

Word of the Day for July 10th, 2010
1. implied, rather than expressly stated: implicit agreement.
2. unquestioning or unreserved; absolute: implicit trust; implicit obedience; implicit confidence.
3. potentially contained (usually fol. by in ): to bring out the drama implicit in the occasion.
4. Mathematics. (of a function) having the dependent variable not explicitly expressed in terms of the independent variables, as x² + y² = 1. Compare explicit (def. 5).
5. Obsolete. entangled.

1119281  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2010-07-10
Written: (5202 days ago)
Next in thread: 1119282, 1119285

I just realised that I have a crapton of images I could submit as reference. Ho, boy. *starts gathering*

1119235  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2010-07-09
Written: (5203 days ago)

And she returneth again.

Word of the Day for July 9th, 2010
1. doubtful; marked by or occasioning doubt: a dubious reply.
2. of doubtful quality or propriety; questionable: a dubious compliment; a dubious transaction.
3. of uncertain outcome: in dubious battle.
4. wavering or hesitating in opinion; inclined to doubt.

1118949  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2010-07-03
Written: (5209 days ago)

Helsinki Pride 2010 is, for me, now over. I only attended the opening on Monday, a picnic on Wednesday and today's parade, but it was awesome. I spent pretty much all of today with Miss Curls, which makes Lami a happy kitten. Not so happy is the sunburn and stuffs, but I'll live.

1118741  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2010-06-29
Written: (5213 days ago)
Next in thread: 1118744, 1118747

Why must relationships be so difficult?

Don't answer that. I know why. Nyaaaaaargh. People. *sigh* Carry on, nothing to see here, I'll just be over there in that corner tugging my hair out.

1118607  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2010-06-27
Written: (5215 days ago)
1118587  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2010-06-26
Written: (5216 days ago)
Next in thread: 1118591, 1118711

Halp halp, should I offer the photo currently in my art slot as a print on RedBubble?

1118538  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2010-06-25
Written: (5217 days ago)
Next in thread: 1118548, 1118579

I'll probably do this challenge on deviantArt. Might post the letters here as well.

Write a letter a day.

day 1 — your best friend
day 2 — your crush
day 3 — your parents
day 4 — your sibling (or closest relative)
day 5 — your dreams
day 6 — a stranger
day 7 — your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
day 8 — your favorite internet friend
day 9 — someone you wish you could meet
day 10 — someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
day 11 — a deceased person you wish you could talk to
day 12 — the person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
day 13 — someone you wish could forgive you
day 14 — someone you’ve drifted away from
day 15 — the person you miss the most
day 16 — someone that’s not in your state/country
day 17 — someone from your childhood
day 18 — the person that you wish you could be
day 19 — someone that pesters your mind—good or bad
day 20 — the one that broke your heart the hardest
day 21 — someone you judged by their first impression
day 22 — someone you want to give a second chance to
day 23 — the last person you kissed
day 24 — the person that gave you your favorite memory
day 25 — the person you know that is going through the worst of times
day 26 — the last person you made a pinky promise to
day 27 — the friendliest person you knew for only one day
day 28 — someone that changed your life
day 29 — the person that you want to tell everything to, but too afraid to
day 30 — your reflection in the mirror

1118466  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2010-06-23
Written: (5219 days ago)
Next in thread: 1118480, 1118508, 1118714

She came out (of the closet) to her parents. She apparently intends to return to uni in the autumn. And she says she's trying to quit smoking.

But I can't have too much hope. Not while I'm still not fully sure of my own feelings. And not while I know what I do about her current stance on relationships.

1118462  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2010-06-23
Written: (5219 days ago)

Decided to make a wiki for pictures and explanations of the lamitattoos.

1118406  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2010-06-22
Written: (5220 days ago)
1117878  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2010-06-12
Written: (5230 days ago)
Next in thread: 1118090

I find myself listless, bored and rather too numb for comfort. Hmm.

1117251  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2010-05-29
Written: (5244 days ago)

Those of you who read Neal Stephenson's books might well enjoy this link.

1116367  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2010-05-14
Written: (5259 days ago)

Everything is so simple when it's just you and the night and the music. I wish it could stay that way.

1116178  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2010-05-11
Written: (5262 days ago)
Next in thread: 1116180

Okay, I've calmed down now :D
And it's not such a bad thing, really. People move on, and we are not exempt from this. Our friendship won't be quite the same, but that doesn't mean it has to be somehow lesser than before. I hope the new girl is better suited for him than I was. I hope it works out between them. Who knows, maybe I can even make friends with her.

I guess that would be weird. But you know what? I don't care. I love him, and if he's going to be with someone, I want to know her, and support them both as much as I can. And slap either one of 'em around, should that prove necessary.

Well, of course they should be open to this line of thinking for it to be possible, but we're all adults. There shouldn't be a problem. I'll just smother that "jealous ex" part of myself and pose no danger for them. Yay.

It'll be alright.

1116173  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2010-05-11
Written: (5262 days ago)

I've had my suspicions for awhile now, but they have just been confirmed. Jukka has a new girlfriend.

I'm... I... No matter who I'm interested in now I still loved... love... him. Even though I was the one who made the decision that we can never be a couple. I still love him in a way, and am very attached to him. And as long as both of us were not in a relationship, there was an easy affection there that I'm really going to miss. Naturally, now that he managed to break his track record and actually catch a girl, there are going to be some serious limitations on the displays of that affection. And I... fuck. And of course, the prick that he is, he never said outright that he is with someone. Which, y'know, would've been nice because our relationship hasn't exactly been conventional, post break-up. But now that it's all out in the clear I've wished him luck and all that jazz.

One of these days, I'm actually going to mean it.

It's been something like two and a half years since we broke up, but I'd still wondered sometimes whether he wasn't the love of my life. I know we're ultimately incompatible but, gods, I loved the man. And this... this just made a tiny little crack in my heart and it's probably going to take me a while to figure this out and I'm not really sure how I'm going to hold up at his birthday party next week. But it'll work out.

At the moment I'm just trying not to cry anymore.

1116120  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2010-05-10
Written: (5263 days ago)
1115830  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2010-05-05
Written: (5268 days ago)
Next in thread: 1115831, 1115839

Dese dings be for sale.

1115803  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2010-05-05
Written: (5269 days ago)

Just finished my term paper for the spring term part of Introduction to Literature in English. Wrote it all today, and it's probably crap, but at least it's done. It's on Thomas Hardy's "The Darkling Thrush". Lovely poem. Yous should read it.

 The logged in version 

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