[Linderel]'s diary

1125231  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2010-10-26
Written: (5094 days ago)

Stolen from everyone else and converted to British spelling because I'm anal that way.

Section 1: Basic Information

Gender: Female, I suppose.

Hair colour: At the moment, chestnut with a bit of dirty blonde root beginning to show.

Eye colour: Blue/grey/green. Sometimes I think there's a bit of yellow lurking somewhere in there.

Height: 155 cm or thereabouts.

Location: Helsinki. Yay for half-term break!

Approximate weight: Somewhere around 59 kg, methinks. I need to lose a few kilos. <_<

Age: Not yet 24.

Birthplace: Hyvinkää.

Scars: A few. Mostly on my legs.

Astrological sign: Scorpio. Alternately, Fire Tiger.

Dominant hand: Right one. I have better balance on the left, though.

Dominant brain: Um. Right again?

Major/career: English Philology! :D I'm hoping to become a translator. Or an editor. Or a librarian. Preferably all of these.

Race: Irrelevant. Also blindingly obvious.

Glasses: Yes. Contact lenses on special occasions.

Braces: Once upon a time.

Piercings: Nay. Earrings don't count.

Section 2: Preferences

Favourite colour: Azure!

Favourite letter: Possibly L.

Favourite ice cream flavour: Mmm, that's a hard one. It could be chocolate. It could be toffee. It could also be lemon.

Favourite food: Sushi, Chinese, chicken...

Favourite drink: Tea.

Favourite "drug": None.

Favourite number: 42.

Favourite sport: Soccer, salibandy, badminton. Not actually interested in watching, though. Unless there is a friend to be cheered on. Usually there isn't.

Favourite subject: English! Music, arts and history are also close to my heart.

Favourite month: April, May and September, maybe?

Favourite song: Don't really have one.

Favourite book: See above.

Favourite season: All of them! Although if pushed I would say it's a toss-up between spring and autumn.

Favourite TV show: Uurm. I dunno, Firefly maybe? Again, I don't have just one favourite.

Favourite cartoon/anime character: More blankness.

Favourite series: Sir Edward Burne-Jones' paintings.

Favourite word: See the Elftionary. *shameless plug*

Favourite argument: The ones that backfire.

Favourite paradox/oxymoron: The one all procrastinators encounter.

Section 3: Serious Issues

What are your views on...

1. Liberalism? Does not concern me.

2. The existence of God? S/He may or may not exist. I am rather sceptical.

3. Jesus Christ? Was a real person, but I don't really buy the 'son of God' thing. Dude would technically be a zombie.

4. Abortion? I am pro-choice.

5. Global warming? It's real. It's also a natural phenomenon. I just think that we've sped it up.

6. Humanity? Hmm. It happens. Occasionally.

7. Vegetarianism? I applaud those who have the dedication. I'm a lapsed vegetarian, myself.

8. Animal abuse? No.

9. Capital punishment? I'm actually not sure anymore.

10. Evolution? Did happen, although sometimes it really doesn't seem like we got very far.

11. Extraterrestrial beings? Somewhere out there is life, I'm sure. I just don't think they would bother with all that elaborate abduction crap even if they ever came for a visit.

12. Heaven? If there is one, I'm not so sure I'll get there. I reserve judgment until the question is relevant.

13. Hell? Is on Earth already. But if there is a fiery inferno of some kind, that's probably where I'm headed.

14. Purgatory? That's a Catholic thing, right? Well, anyway, it's just as likely as Heaven and Hell, which means that I don't really have an opinion.

15. Ghosts? Not likely.

16. Serial Killers? Seriously fucked up.

17. Marriage? Equal for everyone! Aside from that, I don't much care.

18. Smoking? Keep the smoke away from me, thanks. You're welcome to ruin your own lungs if you really want to. Although I'm known to give some friends the Death Glare.

19. Drinking? Alright in moderation. Drunk people distress me.

20. Child abuse? Has a bit of a hair-trigger these days, I suppose. It can also be a fine and/or blurry line between necessary discipline and abuse.

1125218  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2010-10-26
Written: (5094 days ago)
Next in thread: 1125221, 1125264

I have a beautiful new tattoo. ^_^ Some of you already know what I took and where, but for those who don't: it's a note key with a little bird sitting on it, located on my hip. Pictures will be forthcoming once it heals (and because I'm impatient, maybe even before that).

edit: Here we go. The area is a bit swollen and the photo isn't very good, but it's sharp enough.

1125120  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2010-10-24
Written: (5096 days ago)

Jukka has a French girlfriend :P
I can admit to being the teensiest bit jealous, but mostly I'm just awwwing at it. Probably because it's a smaller shock the second time around and (more importantly) because I am quite infatuated with Jussi. I do worry about what will happen after her exchange year ends - will he be alone again? :/

1124938  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2010-10-20
Written: (5100 days ago)
Next in thread: 1124940, 1124962
1124736  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2010-10-16
Written: (5104 days ago)
Next in thread: 1124746

Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but it feels like the only times my period could be called anything even resembling regular are when I'm dating. If this actually is so, I'd like to have a word with my body.


1123794  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2010-09-30
Written: (5120 days ago)
Next in thread: 1124120

Sorry for being MIA so much again lately. The only reason I can give you is that time runs away when I'm with the boi. :)

1123260  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2010-09-21
Written: (5129 days ago)

There was a kiss. :)
Or, well, more a very soft pressing-together-of-lips but that still counts. I'm smiling non-stop again.

1123112  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2010-09-18
Written: (5132 days ago)

My conversations with Miss Curls get very... interesting sometimes. :P

13:18:55 <suhmu> now an image of a bunch of you making out with each other in my closet is stuck in my head
13:19:05 <Lami> Oh dear god xD
13:19:18 <Lami> That's so gross xD
13:19:44 <suhmu> :p
13:19:52 <suhmu> yeeees... gross...
13:20:01 <suhmu> I'll draw a picture and make a fortune

1122965  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2010-09-15
Written: (5135 days ago)
Next in thread: 1122979

So out of the blue, while we're sitting in a lecture, Miss Curls asks me to write an erotic poem. I go "wha, I don't do that kind of stuff" but make an attempt anyway. Here's the result.

the clock on the nightstand
is ticking the stars away
glimmering between the curtains
on your muted skin
the moon smiles and knows
every breath caught in my throat


touch by touch
caressed over gentle curves
each minute is spent
letting my fingers meet
every contour of you

1122911  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2010-09-14
Written: (5136 days ago)
Next in thread: 1122917

Observation: I felt thinner, prettier and overall more satisfied with my body when I had been to a morning walk on most of the mornings last week, even though logically there couldn't have been any real effect yet. Now when I haven't had time/energy for it these past couple of days I already feel uncomfortable in my skin again.
The psyche is a funny thing.

1122757  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2010-09-11
Written: (5139 days ago)
Next in thread: 1122775, 1122809
1122717  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2010-09-10
Written: (5140 days ago)

She was a quiet one. Always had been, and probably always would be. She often went unnoticed, being as quiet as she was, but she never minded. She could happily occupy herself with books and when she bothered with the world, she preferred the observer's position above any other. She rarely felt that she had something to give and when she did, she gave to those few who acknowledged her existence. Her life was simple enough. She was content.

This changed, of course, as things do. The year when her body decided that it was done morphing into expected yet unrecognisable shapes she came to a troubling realisation: she now wished to be noticed, if by no one else then by the apothecarist's son. That same year, her mother's health had begun to fail and it fell to her to fetch the myriads of medicines prescribed. Nothing seemed to help. She had to return time and again, and more often than not she would see the young man while running her errand. He was pleasant in all possible meanings of the word and, burned with shame as she was by the thought, she came to enjoy her meetings with him - even if he tended to look right through her. For him, she was not there, or at least no more of consequence than a lone moth that had strayed into the shop.

She tried to engage him in conversation but could not quite figure out how. She had never really tried before. There had been no point as she had not had anything to offer. But now a spark had lit, somewhere inside, and she wished to share it. She hoped, if she made herself audible, that he would see her. She tried and tried until she could only taste dust, and the last time she did she thought she felt a wingtip brush her lip.

She thought her lungs and throat were full of caterpillars. They must have been, for she could never speak a word past the butterflies in her mouth. By the end of summer, the apothecarist's son was betrothed, and she fell back to her silence. Soon after, her mother finally faded away.

The girl became a ghost.

One day in early autumn when the sun still had warmth enough to send through golden-red leaves and birds twittered among themselves, preparing to fly to warmer climates, she found a new path splitting the forest near her house.

For a small moment, she stared at it, hesitating. There was something different. Then she looked back and felt that spark flare one last time. She took a step and knew exactly where she was going.

The walk was long, but she never stumbled or faltered. Late in the evening she came to a clearing, like any other clearing in any other forest. The grey-white rock, placed roughly in the middle, looked inviting. She did not question it.

Sitting down on that rock, gathering her tattered clothes about her figure, she waited for the sun to set. As the last rays hit her eyes, blinding her, she opened her mouth and curved her back. Her bony fingers shook.

A cloud of blue and brown butterflies fluttered up to the trees and fell into dust.

1122655  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2010-09-09
Written: (5141 days ago)

I'll probably be going on a date this weekend. :)

1122445  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2010-09-06
Written: (5144 days ago)
Next in thread: 1122457

Huh. I've spent so much of my life looking down at the ground that it feels almost unnatural to hold my head up straight while walking. Avoidant personality ftw! (Although this does enable me to notice more bug action.)

1122351  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2010-09-04
Written: (5146 days ago)

Spent the last couple of hours at the botanical garden. Encountered a rabbit, a squirrel, many (sneaky little bugger) birds and a few dragonflies, most of which were HUGE. Wingspan-longer-than-my-hand huge. Also quite loud - one of them startled me when it started making noise right next to where I was standing. It was so cool. :3


1122292  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2010-09-03
Written: (5147 days ago)
Next in thread: 1122303, 1122309, 1122311

You think you're just going on a quick grocery run. Nab the stuff you need, pay the clerk, come back. Except that I was ambushed by the hair product shelf and now I'm thinking about dyeing my hair again. Hummmm. Now to just decide on the colour.

(No, Jitter, I am not doing black. I don't want to look like one of the undead on a daily basis. xD)

1122221  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2010-09-02
Written: (5148 days ago)
Next in thread: 1122247


woodsmoke curls between us
obscuring vision but I still know
you are not perfect
and I was never beautiful

yet what is here
lighted by the glowing embers
passes slowly into night
and twines, warm, around my heart

1121705  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2010-08-24
Written: (5157 days ago)
Next in thread: 1121711, 1121720

D'awwwwwwwwwwwww! *squeak*

1121612  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2010-08-22
Written: (5159 days ago)
Next in thread: 1121624

No, I have no idea. It just happened.

Assembly Line

Please deposit your clothes on
the assembly line
           h  e  r  e

prepare for

take care
to pick up your watch at the other end

check your smile in the mirror provided




1121603  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2010-08-22
Written: (5159 days ago)

A week left, then I'm heading back north to Oulu.
Starting to fray around the edges. Too much stuff. D:

 The logged in version 

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