[Linderel]'s diary

862355  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-10-11
Written: (6570 days ago)
862112  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-10-10
Written: (6571 days ago)

Now I'm really starting to think I need new parts to my computer. It just freezed in a seemingly random manner again. That's pissing me the hell out. All of it is just guessing, but my main suspect is still the CPU. It's just not about overheating anymore - I think it's seriously busted.

I need someone to tell me the hell is wrong with Hotaru. ._.

861319  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-10-08
Written: (6572 days ago)

Alrighty then. Clearly, I just can't take care of myself. I just dug up this referral, which actually says 'treatment or examination instruction' on it, that says I should get something called Goldmann-fields examined. And the eye doctor, who gave me this paper over two years ago, had checked the box beside 'treatment of illness or examination for possible illness'.

Yaaaaay. Way to go, Lami.

And then there's possible malfunction of the thyroid gland, which should also be looked into. Why haven't I done it earlier? Because I was too damned down to care. And now, when I'll get the appointments, if it was a bit late... that'd be irony for you.

But nah. Probably it'll be fine. I hope.

859826  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-10-04
Written: (6577 days ago)
Next in thread: 859859

One of them bad nights. I already felt a bit weak because of tiredness and this half-cold that just can't decide whether to stay, get worse, or go away. And then I just got into a crying fit, caused myself a nice little headache, and feel like crap and want to go curl up and die somewhere. Preferably warm.


859250  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-10-03
Written: (6578 days ago)
Next in thread: 859300

NaNoWriMo - http://www.nanowrimo.org
The National Novel Writing Month is approaching. Will you take the challenge?

858616  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-10-01
Written: (6579 days ago)

Learning things on GIMP the hard way is actually fun.
"Oops. I should've made the first layer transparent, too. Oh well, noooo worries, I'll just remember it nex time. *extra-careful airbrush strokes*" Though I guess I should have realised right away that if I want to work with layers and move them around, they'd ALL need to be transparent. xP
Ah, nevermind. I control my mouse well enough not to mess it up, and there's always 'undo'.

*blinks at the clock* Whoopsie. Time for sleep.

857305  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-09-27
Written: (6583 days ago)

Err... the hell is up with DeviantArt? No matter where I try to go there, it gives me the 'Verify Your Email Address' thing, even though I've already done that earlier. Gah.

856506  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-09-25
Written: (6586 days ago)

Lessee. She is getting through my defences. She likes spending time with me. Neither of us minds being affectionate with the other.

But I don't dare to say anything about my possible feelings for her, because I don't want to face rejection right now. I mean... sure, it's possible that she might not reject me, but it's just as possible that she will. And besides, I'm afraid of history repeating itself. I guess I'll just wait and see, and maybe someday I'll tell.

Yes, there was no point to this entry. Sue me.

855824  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-09-23
Written: (6588 days ago)
Next in thread: 855991

Great. Just great. My dad got pissed off at mom who dared to make a comment about his alcohol use and went off somewhere. If things get bad enough, they'll break up. Again. And we'll have to move. Again. And life will be that much more difficult.

I don't know what I want them to do. Aside from just fucking deciding already.

855169  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-09-21
Written: (6590 days ago)

Looks like I'll be staying up this coming night. That's going to be sooo fun. <_<

854959  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-09-20
Written: (6590 days ago)

*bashes head against imaginary wall* Been neglecting my duty again... Gahh.

854908  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-09-20
Written: (6591 days ago)
Next in thread: 855179

Ack! I'm running out of glue! *flails in panic* My schedule will be postponed. ;_;
Oh, well. I think I might just make it, regardless. But I will have to hurry even more.

edit: Phew. I'm saved. I found a little tube of glue. I'm not entirely sure if it's enough for the remaining work, but it's something.

854518  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-09-19
Written: (6592 days ago)

When we were together, two years ago, ey used to say I look like an angel. For some reason that memory makes me cry now. Maybe because I don't know if ey'll ever think or say that of me again - if ey'll let me be eir angel once more. And I don't even know whether what I'm beginning to feel for em is real this time around, either.

Aw, shucks. I don't make any sense of anything. Again.

And now I feel like an ass for having even the tiniest flicker of hope. I had a chance once, why should I get another one? Sigh.

854385  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-09-19
Written: (6592 days ago)
Next in thread: 854528

One book down, three more to go. I can do it! *cheers self on* But damn, I'll be staying up late while I'm at it...

854004  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-09-18
Written: (6593 days ago)
Next in thread: 854170, 854399, 855480

Dude. There are zombies in Asia. o_O (Or not, but let's just pretend I noticed the date before posting.)

852267  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-09-13
Written: (6598 days ago)
Next in thread: 852459

Hmm. Mega birthday party (four people with their birthdays around the same date having a joint celebration) coming up. Last year, I made scarves, two of them in under 24 hours, staying up late into the wee hours of the previous night.

This year, I think I'll start a bit earlier. I have a bit over a week. I'm going to bind four books. It'll be quite a task, but since I know what I'm doing, it shouldn't be overly difficult. Hard work ahoy...

852109  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-09-13
Written: (6598 days ago)

My sister just called me, she's in a hospital and she doesn't know herself exactly what's going on, and I'll have to wait at least until tonight before I can hear more from our mutual friend who's there with her right now, and I'm so so so so scared.

edit: Okay, he called me. Apparently I sounded a bit too panicky for comfort on the phone with my sister. It was nothing more than that she finally got sick of waiting and left to get some real help for her problems. No need to panic.

But damn, I got scared.

For a moment there, I thought I was finally going to lose the most precious person in my life.

851933  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-09-12
Written: (6599 days ago)
Next in thread: 851934

I have made a discovery: We had a tripod! *loves upon* This will provide me so many more chances with photography. See, here's the thing. I was trying to take a picture of the moon with a significantly longer exposure (thanks to True and t3h Squee for telling me the correct term :P) than usual, but I couldn't stay completely still, so the pictures turned out shaky. I came back in, griped about this, and then my mom remembered we have a tripod. Lurvely. <3 Then I went back and had a nice little shoot.

And I howled at the moon. :3

Neck hurts, though, from sleeping without a pillow last night. I was over at [nekorin]'s, there was someone else too, and I gave em my pillow. Thus me ending up sleeping without one, although apparently there would have been, had I had enough energy to be bothered to look for it. :P
I hope it will be less dead tomorrow. <_<

851343  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-09-10
Written: (6600 days ago)

I just remembered a rather amusing incident. I was at [NiTessine]'s house, watching The Musketeer from a tape I'd recorded for him. For your information, it's not a very good movie. Definitely one of those 'whisk your brain aside and you might enjoy it' flicks. At one point, he fetched a package of Oltermanni (a type of cheese) from the kitchen to snack on.

It took me a moment, but when I made the connection, I burst out in a fit of giggling. It's one of those things you get when you're tired. It was cheese. And we were watching a corny movie.

*giggles at it still* Cheese. xD
And I had to explain it to him. I guess I just was that tired. :P

851209  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-09-10
Written: (6601 days ago)

make lami a house

What do you mean I'm over-pimping it? <_<
Of course, no one is going to, but hope springs eternal...

850015  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-09-07
Written: (6604 days ago)
Next in thread: 850018, 850033, 850104, 850184, 850572

Okay, big decision here, and while I'm not looking for definitive answers, I could do with some opinions.

Should I apply to be an au pair in either England, Ireland or Spain? I wouldn't hesitate so much were I not socially inept and terribly attached to my close ones.

But it is so very tempting...

 The logged in version 

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