[Linderel]'s diary

890629  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-12-24
Written: (6496 days ago)
Next in thread: 890653, 890661

Merry Yule, Christmas, whatever you celebrate, and have a very happy new year.

890474  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-12-23
Written: (6496 days ago)
Next in thread: 890494

In case some of you crazy people want to hear me sing, here's a record of the Wolf's Rain theme song.


890350  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-12-23
Written: (6497 days ago)

I managed to make myself depressed for Christmas again. Whopedoo.

But positively thinking, Christmas is, like my birthday and New Year's Eve, a milestone, a sign that I've survived yet another year without losing it completely or getting myself killed. I guess that counts for something.

890201  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-12-22
Written: (6497 days ago)
Next in thread: 890207, 890323

Here are pictures of the self-made jewelry I gave to Lea. Images kindly taken by [xerya], because I forgot to do it before I left to deliver the presents. *bops head*

<img150*0:stuff/bracelet.jpg> <img150*0:stuff/lin-necklace.jpg>

890197  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-12-22
Written: (6497 days ago)

I just wanted to tell you that Les Choristes is a wondefully beautiful film. That is all. As you were.

889754  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-12-21
Written: (6498 days ago)
Next in thread: 889896

I have made a bracelet and a necklace as Christmas presents for Lea. They are teh pretty. I hope she likes them. <3

888061  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-12-16
Written: (6503 days ago)
Next in thread: 888068, 888082, 888166, 888167


My best result, upon which I quit, was 25.116 seconds. I'll admit, that did take a few tries.

Also, wiki faffage: Otaniemi Conspiracy.

886692  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-12-13
Written: (6506 days ago)
Next in thread: 886713, 886937

I have a job. ^_^
Kind of. It will only last for a couple of weeks, depending on how fast I am. It's at my mother's workplace (http://www.taksvarkki.fi/index.php?lang=en), I'm checking and updating a database of schools that have been/are in cooperation with the organisation. It's not much, but I do get paid for it, it is something to do, and the people are nice, plus I got my own room (and a permission to download Putty for use on breaks!) so I'm not complaining. :D

885425  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-12-11
Written: (6508 days ago)
Next in thread: 885427, 885545

Some more about dreams. We had a discussion on them yesterday in Elfchat, but I'm too lazy to copy and paste the logs. Yes, selective laziness, since apparently, I'm not too lazy to write stuff all over again.

I have a feeling I'm beginning to have more and more of these weird-ass dreams that bug me even after I wake up, mainly because I don't forget them in their entirety but have fractions lurking in the shadows of my mind, making me wonder where the hell I get those events. There's too much action, and I don't feel rested at all - though this might have to do with the fact that my rhythm is totally screwed up. I'll have to try and fix it, and soon. I'm too tired...

I have recurring dreams - the basic plot and the events are similar enough that I recognise them as such. Once, my dream self even tried to take control of the situation, and naturally, more weirdness and plot changes occurred. I also have some recurring elements. Walking down railroad tracks that intersect and overlap, having to dodge trains by either jumping to another track or by flattening myself against the rock wall. There are bridges, stations... Then there's just generally walking or traveling by some other means, apparently with no set destination. The environment can be a random road, something that identifies as my old hometown, even though it's different, some garden, anywhere really.
It's curious how, usually, when I dream of something that supposedly happens 'at home' that home bears most resemblance to the apartment in Hyvinkää. I wonder if that's somehow significant.

One, less-pleasant, element is that I often get shot, stabbed, or hit with a number of objects. Killed, basically. In the dream that I told about the other day I had been shoved against the wall, and then the person threatened to hit me with... a potato. No, really. It does sound ridiculous. But he said something about there being something in a potato that made it an excellent object to hit someone with, and I knew that as well - which was why I cowered. And that was really freaky, I tell you.

I think I should write a novel based on the fractions of my dreams that I do remember. Might be interesting. Or not. Maybe short stories, that would save me the difficulty of coming up with a sensible plot to tie all the pieces together.

884619  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-12-09
Written: (6511 days ago)

Had at least one of those disturbing, borderline-nightmare dreams last night. Upon waking up, I found myself in a state of mind that renders me unable to speak. I'll see if I can open up today, or if I'll be quiet all day... And I have the feeling that touch, even virtual, is pretty no-no. Bleh.
Funniest thing is, kind of, that in the dream, I received comfort from a friend from senior secondary, the one I had a crush on last year. Now I miss him. In the way a friend misses another. Hrm. :S

Ah well. Geh.

883371  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-12-06
Written: (6514 days ago)
Next in thread: 883378, 883389

'Tis the Finnish independence day, or as I call it, stubbornness day. Mainly because we Finns are darned stubborn folk, and because it is amusing. Of course, the resemblance between the Finnish equivalents of the two words is far higher, but you can't have everything. And maybe I'd get some foreigners go "wtf" by wishing a happy stubbornness day. You see, the word for 'independence' is 'itsenäisyys' and the one for 'stubbornness' is 'itsepäisyys' - see the fun there?

Anyway. Happy stubbornness day.

881671  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-12-02
Written: (6518 days ago)

Kitten Caboodle Voting. Go see the lubberly kitties! <3

880944  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-11-30
Written: (6519 days ago)
Next in thread: 881006

I am selfish and an attention whore. I do not like this. At all. >:/

880757  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-11-30
Written: (6520 days ago)
Next in thread: 880812, 880832

Oh, woe. This is seriously sad. ;_;

That's... pretty amusing. And scary. One of the comments on it: "Of course it was in his sarcophagus; he was coffin, wasn't he?"
Made me go all *giggle giggle snort* xD

880578  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-11-29
Written: (6520 days ago)
Next in thread: 880736

I am actually sending Christmas cards this year. :O
So if you want one and I haven't asked you about it yet, gimme a nudge and I might send you one. :P

This does not mean that I like Christmas in general. I just... like to give stuff any time of year, and this a perfect excuse. <_<

880453  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-11-29
Written: (6520 days ago)

Secret Santa 2006. 'Nuff said.

879975  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-11-28
Written: (6521 days ago)

Everyone, go donate to Photography Weekly! 'Tis a nice little feature [Firenze] has in her house, and needs some submissions. While you're at it, donate some sky photos for [Ocean Soul]'s sky feature.

879867  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-11-28
Written: (6522 days ago)

18:35:07 [GoneGone]: Linderel, I think I love you (platonic, of course).
20:55:24 [Linderel]: Aye? :P
04:07:55 [GoneGone]: You just keep seemingly pop out of nowhere and help out. Ooh...are you a fairy godmother?

Made my day. :D (In truth, I'm just an ET workaholic.)

879357  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-11-27
Written: (6523 days ago)


This actually got me thinking about my views on life, the universe, and everything. I placed my vote on the second option - scientifical view - but I had to ponder for a while between that and the first - agnostic/mathematical view - option. I mean... I believe in science, mostly, but I do believe in some spiritual things as well. For one thing, I believe in souls and reincarnation. I believe that the planet might have some kind of collective consciousness, something that could be called by the name Gaia. I believe that there might have been magic at some point, and perhaps there still is. It's a comforting thought, somehow. However, I'm not sure about my stand on any superior beings, gods. If there are gods, and there would probably be several, I'm not sure about their part in the universe. Maybe they would just give little pushes, but not actually create anything. Maybe they're only there to look and learn. I don't know.

To tell you the truth, I don't really know what to believe. It's a... disconcerting thought.

878287  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-11-24
Written: (6526 days ago)
Next in thread: 878586

*le sigh* You can still disregard it.

Whatever happened to not having suicidal thoughts? I'd figured I was over them by now, but apparently not. I want to take the easy way out, and guess what pisses me off the most? The fact that I can't, because I made a promise, and the fact that I can't even let a little blood flow, because I made another promise, and I'm incapable of breaking those promises, no matter how much I want to. Damnit.
I'm a fucking coward for having these thoughts. The easy way out? Ha! Whatever happened to the resolve to just keep going...

I guess it's just that I got tired. Again. Well, this won't do. I've got to get my pathetic little ass off the ground and moving. It's not like anyone's going to do it for me.

It'll be just fine.

Now, if I could only believe that myself.

877871  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-11-22
Written: (6527 days ago)
Next in thread: 877872, 877879

zOmfg! I just watched the first three episodes of Heroes, and now I know what people have been all hyped up about. It's bloody brilliant series, and ridiculously addictive to boot. If there's anyone out there who hasn't started watching it, dude, you're missing out on something really amazing. Watch the show. I promise it'll be worth your time.

 The logged in version 

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