[Linderel]'s diary

896638  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-01-09
Written: (6479 days ago)

I have no idea how I could forget, especially since I had it in my mind some days ago. Yesterday was the anniversary of my meeting with [nekorin], my dear, beloved big sister. I initially came to know her in a chatroom, but as we discovered we lived in the same town, we thought that meeting in real life would be nice. We met in the small-ish café of Hyvinkää's railway station on the 8th of January, 2002 - and from there began a friendship that I hope will yet last for a very long time to come. She has been an anchor, a last straw, she has saved me. I love her, and can only hope that her own wounds will heal soon. I love her, and even though I sometimes feel I don't appreciate her existence in my life enough, she has had such a big role in it that I could never forget. Sister, this year's songs are for you.

896130  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-01-08
Written: (6481 days ago)

On another note...

Bweeeeeeeee! I'm so proud of Jukka. A publisher has asked him to write an encyclopaedia about roleplaying games after observing his posts on numerous forums and such. *bounce* My boy. <3

896120  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-01-08
Written: (6481 days ago)
Next in thread: 896126

Tired. Irate. Too much stuff to do and too little time to do it. Wahhh.

<insert whiny rant of how work eats all my time and energy>

It's so hard to adapt to an actual rhythm after not doing anything but sitting at home for so many months. <_<;;;

895834  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-01-07
Written: (6481 days ago)
Next in thread: 895835

I'm at my sister's, dogsitting while she's at the wedding of a friend of hers. I'm supposed to cook something for myself and Roosa (the dog), but I have just made a terrible, horrible, earth quaking discovery - there's no garlic! ;_;

... this is a disaster. There's no soy, either, and the blackpeppers are whole, and I don't know what I'm supposed to use to crush them. There's only whitepepper and paprica. Gaaaaah.

895697  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-01-07
Written: (6482 days ago)
Next in thread: 895698

Allergies suck. *twitch* *digs eye out with spoon*

895272  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-01-05
Written: (6483 days ago)
Next in thread: 895803

The Prestige (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0482571/) is made of teh awesome. 100% pure. Go see it. It just rocks my socks. You'll be like o_O :O xD :D :3 and various other expressions. Just go see the damn thing, it's brilliant. Gweeehehehe.

895084  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-01-05
Written: (6483 days ago)
Next in thread: 895093, 895110

This is incredibly selfish and cowardly of me, I know-- but if facing real life means getting separated from my most important people by distance, then I don't want to.
Yah, I'm a bit too dependant.

895064  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-01-05
Written: (6484 days ago)
Next in thread: 895068, 895070, 895568

One of the most annoying things in this world: having a part of a song playing in your head, desperately wanting to know what it is, but googling does not yield a satisfactory result with the keywords you can give it. Argh!

"Until the sun(?) comes crashing down, (something something), that's how long I'll wait for you, that's how long I'll wait for you..."

894355  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-01-03
Written: (6485 days ago)

I have found Pandora. Or, well, not found, because I heard about it ages ago, but only yesterday did I go there, and today begin to explore. It's awesome. Never mind that I don't live in the U.S. :P
It's my saviour during work, because I can't do anything without music. Winamp refuses to function, and listening to the same CDs starts to taste like wood after a while - so, yay for Pandora!
Now if I could only get my own computer fixed or renewed so that I could listen to and watch stuff on it...

893393  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-12-31
Written: (6488 days ago)
Next in thread: 893394, 893400

Happy new year. :3
To everyone, but especially to the speshul people. ^_^ You know who you are, hopefully. *glompifies*

892640  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-12-29
Written: (6490 days ago)
Next in thread: 892645, 892701


'Tis my eye, after going to an eye doctor... <_< The picture is a couple of months old, but that's what my eyes looked like today as well. *went to an eye clinic* There ish something funny in meh eyes, they say, at least in the right one.

892603  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-12-29
Written: (6490 days ago)
Next in thread: 892608

Apparently, there was a story about the accident yesterday in today's newspaper. The person had tried to cross the road while there was a red light, had been hit by a car, and died.
I wish they would have lived, whoever they were. But I kind of knew that they would die when I saw them on the roadside. Something just told me that.
I wonder how it must feel for the driver of the car, or the family of the person who got hit. It must be awful. I have a feeling I shouldn't feel so detached about this, that even if it was a total stranger, it should have a greater impact on me. I don't know.
That was the closest I've ever been to Death, because I've only been in funerals before, and by the time those take place, Death has long since departed with the soul.
I wish s/he has a good life next time around.

892294  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-12-28
Written: (6491 days ago)

Someone was lying on the side of the road. Face down, unmoving, in a position that was just a little unnatural. Girl, boy, I didn't know. Hardly mattered at that point, I thought. There were two or more people standing near, and a car with a broken windshied had been stopped right next to the body. I remembered a commercial I'd seen in the summer, where a little girl's injuries are reversed and she wakes up in the middle of the road with a little gasp. They were advertising tyres. I think. I felt vaguely silly for making that association in a situation as serious as this, but I guess that's the human mind for you.
We drove past the scene, but the image remains.

Unfortunately, this was a true event.

892238  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-12-28
Written: (6492 days ago)

This is what we do on an extended break during work. Horrible doodles on Paint. I could have slept, but no, I chose to draw instead...


891759  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-12-27
Written: (6493 days ago)

I had a nice little mini-sized identity crisis this morning. It was short-lived, but staggeringly strong.
See, we look exactly alike, my mother and I, all the way down to the hairy mole on the cheek. I think she has it on the right side whereas I have it on the left side, but it's still there. We have a similar bodybuild: short and curvy. So when she borrowed my pants, one of my favourite ones may I add, I was kind of uncomfortable seeing just how same we look. It doesn't help that we both currently have short hairstyles. Well, she got hers cut really short, like a hedgehog, and I'm letting mine grow, but still...
It bugs me. This morning I told her to hurry up with getting herself new pants and returning mine, because they are Mine, but I only figured out why I was so upset about it when I was walking to the bus (well, aside from the perpetual 'tired -> cranky and overly sensitive' mode I have going).

Delayed rebellious stage? :P
I don't know. I guess I just felt that my individuality was in danger. I know that trying too hard to be individual just makes you look like one of the masses, but I want something to separate me from my mother. I guess it's partly accountable to the fact that all my life, I've heard how we look like twins or something, how it's so clear that we're related. Know the other, you recognise the other instantly. Of course there's the age factor, but bleh.

I think all of this is just me being silly again.

891524  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-12-26
Written: (6493 days ago)

Damn Seagulls rocks my socks. I can't wait for the gig in February. Uwaahh! <3
Seriously, along with Queen, they are teh best EVAR.

And yes, this is me fangirling. :3

891349  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-12-26
Written: (6493 days ago)
Next in thread: 891414

Here is the awesome Christmas poem written by me and [Teufelsweib]. xD

Kitty and Vorkje
were planning out an evening
with lots of delicious things to eat
a movie or two
and fooling about (the silly things they are)
including, of course, a visit to the sauna

They thought to spend Christmas together,
you see
in a true Elftowner way
frolicking like tipsy elves
giggling themselves silly all day

All of a sudden
in the midst of the fun
they noticed--
tiny little men
were jumping off the balcony!

Such a shock,
an unbelievable sight
as was witnessed by them
it wasn't raining snow
but raining naked men!

as excited as they were
they ran outside
danced between this awkward snow
this was the best christmas they ever had! :P

*curtsies* :P

891098  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-12-25
Written: (6494 days ago)
Next in thread: 891102, 891150

I want to go study to become a cook or a baker, keeping all the artsy stuff rather as hobbies than actual occupations (wouldn't mind earning money with it occasionally, though!), but I also want to go somewhere as an au pair.
Problem is, when to do that, and am I actually capable of it... I know I made an entry about that a while ago, but now I'm thinking about it again. Hrm.

890788  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-12-24
Written: (6495 days ago)

I have just bought myself tickets to the next concert of Damn Seagulls on 17th February, I am reading the first PostSecret book, and I'm going to go see 'The Holiday' at some point, and even if I might end up going alone, it doesn't bother me that much. I feel kinda good. <3


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