[Linderel]'s diary

933148  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-04-23
Written: (6375 days ago)

From Jitters. :D


933039  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-04-23
Written: (6375 days ago)

loverapists - check it out. you just may be one of them.

932690  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-04-22
Written: (6376 days ago)
Next in thread: 932691

Holy shit. I so want this book. But... so expensive! ;____;

Have I ever mentioned that Felicitas Vogler has some really fabulous photos? Well, she does. Look: http://www.skinnymag.co.uk/images/stories/Art/art_felicitasvogler01_lewispass.gif


932355  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-04-21
Written: (6377 days ago)
Next in thread: 932356, 932357, 932363

Argh. Am having second thoughts about the trip. I still want to go, but the prospect of being all alone in Europe is a very scary one. Not to mention that it burns money. Lots of it.
Would you hate me if I didn't go for the massive trip I planned and instead just visited a couple of countries? ._.
Like Netherlands and Wales.

I probably will go, because I really really want to, but in case I change my plans I want to know whether I'll be lynched. :3

932030  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-04-20
Written: (6378 days ago)
Next in thread: 932032, 932063

Fuck iiiiiit.

I am a bloody bumbling eejit. Just informing you.
So, I had that entrance exam. I started off by being late a few minutes since I'd foolishly trusted the route planner, which I know is stupid and more often than not unreliable. They were doing the group interviews with a tight schedule in groups of three, which meant that I had to be put into the next group. Okay. Not a good first impression. And of course, it was as bad as they usually go, but I think I kind of made a low point there... At one point, they asked for three adjectives that I'd describe myself with. So I go ahead and stutter them out. Creative, shy, adaptable.

Who the hell says 'shy' in that kind of situation?! I must have a death wish. Oh, wait, I do. Sometimes. Never mind then. But really, how stupid can I get...

The actual test part was okay, though they had a really ridiculous essay question. 'Me as a student of Restaurant School Perho'. Durr... Right. Bullshit time!

Gah! *headdesks* Someone please shoot me now.

Or maybe I'll just go to bed and hope that Roosa doesn't destroy the apartment. *is at [nekorin]'s*

931773  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-04-19
Written: (6379 days ago)
Next in thread: 931776, 931811

I've gone through the material for the entrance exam the school sent me, am going to make a quick revision in the morning and hope I don't fuck it up entirely. To be honest, though, what I'm more worried about is the group interview. Why? Because I get all locked up in interviews, that's why, especially in group ones.

In plain terms: I am possibly fucked.

On another note, some idle pondering about names... Everyone around here knows me as Linderel, or any abbreviation there of. Some know me as Lami, which is possibly the closest to my skin and therefore something I don't want to put in the name slot to be seen by everyone and their cousin. It's special. It's like my true name. So I guess Linderel is my second most favourite, seeing as I feel it fits me better than Calann, which used to be my name a couple of years back.
Thing is, I'm still Calann at WritersCo and have no intention of changing. Does this mean that Calann is my writer persona? Or am I just reading too much into stuff that is, in the long run, more or less inconsequential and pretty much a question of habit, of being used to something?
Then there's the fact that over at Elfpack, I'm Lami-chan. Am I comfortable having that name there because I'm never on? Maybe so... but then, that wouldn't explain why my nickname on IRC is Lamichu, which, if another theory is correct, would indicate that people I talk with there get to see the unmasked version. Or maybe that's what the suffixes are for. A thinner layering, but layering nonetheless.

Or maybe I'm just having way too much time on my hands, which I really shouldn't, and this is all bullshit. <_<

It's probably the last option.

931492  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-04-18
Written: (6380 days ago)

New contest: Shower singers! Although you should already know about it, because if you're watching my house, you should also be watching keep the doctor away! :P
Anyways. Have a look-see.

Very very very very tired. I'll eat a bit, watch an episode or two of 24, and then crash to bed. I r teh bone-deep ded tired. *curls up on floor and passes out*

931361  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-04-18
Written: (6380 days ago)

Went to donate blood today. Well, attempted to, more like. My hemoglobine, which I was most worried about, was high enough, and that got my hopes all up. But then it turns out my growth hormone treatment earlier in life may pose an impediment. So, they made me fill up this form so they can find out just what I've been treated with and decide whether or not I'm legible as a donor. In the meantime... meh.

Due to being tired and stressed out, this annoys me more than it probably should. I have an entrance exam on Friday, I should read up on some material the school sent me, and I'm beginning to panic. Guess a couple of times if I'm up for that task...

930737  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-04-16
Written: (6382 days ago)
Next in thread: 930757, 930891

This is really, really amusing. The way it's written is fantastic. If you don't laugh with tears in your eyes before you're done reading, there is something seriously wrong with you. :3

930445  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-04-15
Written: (6383 days ago)

[someelf] made me this using my poem. <3

929659  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-04-13
Written: (6385 days ago)
Next in thread: 929704, 929708

I had a dream about old schoolmates last night. It's been happening a lot lately, to tell you the truth. I don't know why, and it's slightly disturbing.
Last night's dream was... err... Someone was on Elftown and had found me. I'm actually not sure if it was anyone I knew, but apparently they knew me. At some point we moved from Elftown to 'real life'.
Erm. I don't know.

It's kinda creepy. If someone actually was on ET, I really hope they wouldn't find me. Or realise who I am. Or remember me. Erm.

Yeah, apparently I'm not quite over it yet. The prospect of meeting people from my past still spooks me. <_<

Gaah. *is shot and is ded*

929265  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-04-11
Written: (6387 days ago)
Next in thread: 929290, 929352, 929412

Note to self: Never feature poems that have dead author links.

929128  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-04-11
Written: (6387 days ago)
Next in thread: 929132, 929145

Waah, I just ended 25 relations. xD
So many people who either have left Elftown or I just have never actually spoken to... *remembers the time when you didn't have to actually get a message from someone to suggest a relation* xP I feel old. ._.

929031  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-04-11
Written: (6387 days ago)
Next in thread: 929032, 929053

Where is [Elegy - gone]? ;_;

928124  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-04-08
Written: (6390 days ago)

Portfolio Contest is beginning its second round in two weeks. Sign up!

927443  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-04-06
Written: (6392 days ago)
Next in thread: 927503, 927609


Yes, I have just seen the movie 300. It was a fabulous, epic, utterly awesome film, and if you haven't seen it yet, you must go watch it as soon as you can.
And even if you have seen it... heck, go see it again. It's definitely worth it. *wibble*


927265  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-04-06
Written: (6392 days ago)
Next in thread: 927266, 927320, 927328, 927634

A moment ago, I asked my mother a question you might expect to hear from the mouth of a five-year-old, maybe a ten-year-old... but definitely not from a twenty-year-old.

"Can I keep it as a pet?"

It was a spider. :P

926986  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-04-05
Written: (6393 days ago)

Random happy diary note:

My shirt smells like Jukka, just a bit but still enough. Purrrr. <3

 The logged in version 

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