[Linderel]'s diary

941114  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-05-20
Written: (6348 days ago)
Next in thread: 941115, 941116, 941122, 941463

Perfectly aware that this seems really sudden, what with my previous diaries where I've been all "Jukka <3" but I've come to a realisation...

I think I may be a full-fledged lesbian. My boyfriend can no longer turn me on, and I in fact just love him like a brother. This is a huge shock to me too. I feel all messed up. What should I say to him? I can't very well lie.

And to make it even more confusing, I think I may have a crush on one of my fellow crew members... gah.

*goes pound head on wall*

940640  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-05-18
Written: (6350 days ago)
Next in thread: 940652, 940714

I have something I need to sell. A latex sword. Preferably to someone in Finland, but I can send abroad as well. As long as I get rid of it. xP

<img100*0:stuff/miekka1.jpg> <img100*0:stuff/miekka2.jpg>

940580  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-05-18
Written: (6350 days ago)
Next in thread: 940583


National Geographic Fight Science document. Very interesting, very cool. :D

940113  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-05-16
Written: (6352 days ago)

My eyelids are suddenly very heavy. Feel like I could pass out any moment now. Guess it's the combination of the workout I got while doing my job (I'm spamming people now, handing out free newspapers and adverts twice a week) and sauna. Sooo tiiiiired....

The earthworm didn't make it, by the way. :S My brother presumed it had got salt poisoning, as the sand where I found it is apparently very salty... Meh. Well, it's 'buried' on the frontyard now.

On a completely different and slightly random note: I got called a cherub by the older sister this morning. It feels, I don't know, nice and a bit weird at the same time. Heh.

940075  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-05-16
Written: (6352 days ago)

Ganked from t3h Squee. (And just because I'm like that, changed the spelling from American to British and fixed all the errors.)

• What is your age?: 21.
• What annoys you?: Many things.

• Do you know anyone named Billy?: Nope.
• When is your birthday?: November 18th
• Who is your best friend?: Laura

• What's your favourite candy?: If chocolate counts, then that. If it doesn't... uh... I don't actually know. o_O
• When was the last time you cried?: This morning, actually.

• Do you daydream?: Yeah, it happens.
• What's your favourite kind of dog?: Erm, I probably had one once upon a time, but... well, no favourites. xP
• What day of the week is it?: Wednesday.

• How do you like your eggs?: I don't. Like them at all, that is. I can eat them, but I prefer not to.
• Have you ever been in the emergency room?: ... can't remember. Possibly.
• Ever had a pet elephant?: Erm, no. Could be cute, though. Just as long as it was pocket-sized. :P

• Do you use fly swatters?: I rather catch the flies and let them out. But, yeah, sometimes.
• Have you ever used a foghorn?: No. Might be nice... or maybe not, because they're loud and I hate loud noises.
• Is there a fan in your room?: Why yes, I am one. *snicker* Ahem, well. No. Unless you count one of those Chinese hand-held types.

• Do you chew gum?: Very rarely.
• Do you like gummy candies?: Indeed. :3
• Do you like gory movies?: Depends on how gory they are, and what other content they have. So... yes and no.

• How are you?: Cold. Tired. Sore. Stressed out.
• What's your height?: 155 cm.
• What colour is your hair?: Red-ish brown.

• What's your favourite ice cream?: Chocolate. *drool*
• Have you ever ice skated?: Why yes I have. Sometimes I even like it.
• Ever been in an igloo?: No. I'd like to experience that, but then again, it'd be bloody cold. <_<

• What's your favourite Jelly Bean?: Erm. Can't say, haven't eaten... I think... :P
• Do you wear jewelry?: Sometimes. Then there's this particular necklace I wear all the time.
• Who do you want to kill?: No one... Except myself, but that way of thinking does not occur often, and there is no danger of it anyway. <_< >_>
• Have you ever flown a kite?: When I was small, I think.
• Do you think kangaroos are cute?: Quite.

• Are you laid back?: Mostly.
• Lions and/or tigers?: Tigers are a wee bit more to my liking. ;3
• Do you like black liquorice?: Oh yes. *drool*

• Favourite movie as a kid?: Erm... can't remember.
• Ever shopped at Moosejaw?: I've no idea what that is. Bloody Americans. :P
• Favourite store at the mall?: Booooooookssss...

• Do you have a nickname?: Lami/Lin
• What's your favourite number?: 13. :3
• Do you prefer night or day?: Depends. Both have their sides. xD

• What's your one wish?: Just one? That my friends will be happy and safe.
• Are you an only child?: Nope.
• Do you like the colour orange?: Yes, but not to wear.

• What are you most paranoid about?: That people will stop liking me. Or that they're secretly thinking badly about me. *hides*
• Piercings?: If you don't count ears, none.
• Do you know anyone named Penelope?: I don't think I do.

• Are you quick to judge people?: I try not to be, but yes, sometimes I am.
• Do you like Quaker Oats?: ...what?
• Know anyone that makes quilts?: No. But thanks for the idea. ;3

• Do you think you're always right?: Noooot really.
• Do you watch reality TV?: Sometimes, but not any specific program. Whatever happens to be on.
• Reason to cry?: There are many.

• Do you prefer sun or rain?: Both, but usually sun.
• Do you like snow?: Yeeeees. ^_^
• What's your favourite season?: Aaaah, nooo, don't make me pick! Probably summer goes a bit above the others, though.

• What time is it?: 21:38
• What time did you wake up?: Somewhere between 8:00 and 8:30...

• Can you ride a unicycle?: Unfortunately not.
• Do you know anyone with a unibrow?: Omg, no. xD
• How many uncles do you have?: Three. Maybe four. I'm actually not sure if one is alive or not. o_O (Long story.)

• What’s the worst vegetable?: Asparagus!
• Did you ever watch Veggie Tales?: What is that? *tilts head*
• Ever considered being vegan?: I was vegetarian at one point. But vegan? Nooo I could never give up dairy. xD *milk addict*

• What's your worst habit?: Picking at my lips.
• Do you like water rides?: Yahs.
• Ever been inside a windmill?: Erm... erm... possibly. Can't remember.

• Have you ever had an x-ray?: Many many times.
• Ever used a Xerox machine?: I did use some copymachine but I have no idea if it was Xerox or not. :P

• Do you like the colour yellow?: Depends on the shade.
• What year were you born in?: 1986.
• Do you yell when you're angry?: Sometimes.

• Do you believe in the zodiac?: Define 'believing in the zodiac'. :P
• What's your zodiac sign?: Scorpioooo!
• When was the last time you went to the zoo?: Years ago. o_O

940006  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-05-16
Written: (6352 days ago)
Next in thread: 940022, 940070

I tried to save an earthworm that I found, all dried up and dirty, poor thing. It reacted when I poked it, so it was still alive... I took it home and tried to revive it with water, and it seemed to be slightly better after that. So I took a jar, filled it with dirt and a couple of leaves and made sure the soil was moist, then put the worm there. It's been a couple of hours, and upon being prodded it seemed to be more or less responsive, but now I think it was too weak after all. :/
Well, it could have been just old, too... But, well, I'll see tonight if it is alive or not.

Yes, I know it's a bit silly. Nevertheless, I couldn't help myself. I like earthworms. :3

939124  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-05-12
Written: (6356 days ago)
Next in thread: 939390, 939487

Serbia won! \o/
I wasn't actually expecting it. I loved their song, and voted for them, but wow. :D

... I wasn't actually going to vote, but then I had to do something when a friend voted for Ukraine... <_<

938697  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-05-11
Written: (6357 days ago)
Next in thread: 938742

So I watched the Eurovision Song Contest semifinals yesterday. I'm going with a hunch here, since I've never really paid any attention to it before, save for Finland's and Lithuania's performances last year, but I think we had a little bit more rock than usual. All my favourites got to the finals - Hungary, Serbia and Slovenia will all be competing on Saturday.
I'm actually the slightest bit interested in how this turns out. One thing is sure though, there's no way Pakarinen is going to win. If she does, I'll laugh so hard.

Serbia's singer was probably one of the most androgynous people I've seen. I'm liking that.

938502  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-05-10
Written: (6358 days ago)
Next in thread:

A bit of Old English for ye. Nice, aye? xD
Yes, I am loving this book, even though reading it is extremely slow because of these *pokes* excerpts, for one thing.

Wrætlic is þes wealstan; wyrde gebræcon
Burgstede burston; brosnað enta geweorc.
Hrofas sind gehronene, hreorge torras,
Hrimgeat berofen hrim on lime ...

938410  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-05-10
Written: (6358 days ago)
Next in thread: 938416, 938430

Currently trying to comprehend a writing sample from around 1225, with varying success. The influence of Anglo-Saxon is clear to be seen, with words like 'ich', 'habbe' and 'schunche'. Then again, the Old Norse is pretty strong, too. There is a translation provided, but even with that, it's a bit of a challenge to understand such an ancient form of English. I'd type it up here, but first I'd need to find out how to do these letters representing the th sound at that time...
Oh, just for the record, the text is an excerpt from a book called Ancrene Wisse, presented in one of the entrance exam books for English philology, Mastering the Language of Literature by Malcolm Hebron.
Ah! It is written in the West Midland dialect of that time and thus is harder to understand than Chaucer's East Midland dialect that the modern standard English developed from. That's what the book tells me. Anyway...

On a completely another note, spring allergy sucks.

*wanders off to continue reading*

938299  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-05-09
Written: (6359 days ago)

I have come to the conclusion that [A R I] was either very good at bullshitting, or simply delusional. He certainly knew how to sound convincing, even though his claims were highly suspicious, even outrageous, and apparently based much of his arguments on actual facts... After I'm done with the debate wiki, I'll have to take a good look at his 'library'. It is... interesting. And even though most of it is probably pure fantasy, it'll be an entertaining read.
A bit like The Da Vinci Code, actually, except quite a few notches higher. ;3

Yes, I am aware I am digging up old stuff, but what can I say? I am intrigued by many a thing.

938064  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-05-09
Written: (6359 days ago)

I have been reading the comments at Theological Discussions. So far, aside from the parties refusing to give each other credit and being rude to varying degrees, what bugs me the most is the fact that they missed the mark on the definition of agnosticism - and no one realised! To directly quote one of the debaters: "agnostics: believe theres a God, but dont really follow"
As everyone should know, an agnostic person does not believe in a god, but does not outright deny the existence of one, either. An agnostic person is not sure of what to believe, as there is no firm proof one way or another.


Erm, yeah. If that discussion wasn't so old, I probably would have flipped on the wiki itself. Ehehehe...

937154  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-05-06
Written: (6362 days ago)


Remember this? I recently noticed that it bears an uncanny resemblance to what I've always pictured my 'Calann' character as - white hair, chocolate skin, amber eyes - and started wondering whether it was a deliberate, though unconscious, act... Then again, it's probably the other option. Coincidence.
Either way, a bit amusing to tell the truth. I think I shall have to poke the drawing more and make it a proper portrait...

936682  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-05-04
Written: (6364 days ago)
Next in thread: 936683, 936696, 936775

I think a new schedule is in order. For this month, I need to restrict my Internet time for strict breaks and evenings only if I want to get anything done on the reading department. I'll be online, but I won't be present as much as usual. This is unfortunate, but all too necessary.

So... just a heads-up if you for some reason start to wonder why I'm not on so much.

936340  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-05-03
Written: (6365 days ago)

Heehee. I got so used to having to write every single day, I still get the vague feeling I should come up with something or other and pen it down before calling it a night. I guess that's what a challenge like that does to a person.
Well, I still need to finish "Happy House", plus there are many contests to take part in...

935348  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-04-30
Written: (6368 days ago)
Next in thread: 935350, 935360, 935361, 935387, 935392, 935680, 935857

I have succeeded!

Yes, that is correct. Even if I don't write anything more tonight, which, in fact, won't be the case, I'll still have pulled through. My goal was to write something every day of this month, and that I have done. A worthy achievement, if I do say so myself.

Strangely enough, I don't feel like I've done that much. Many days, I did just write a poem or two, but even that is more than nothing. I wonder...

Ah well. Either way, I've triumphed in my challenge, hopefully excelled at some points, and this calls for a reward of some sort. Hmmms. Tonight will be spent dogsitting, but maybe some other day.

The fruits of my labour can be witnessed on these wikis:
keep the doctor away! & apples!
933761  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-04-25
Written: (6373 days ago)

The 30 day contest is voting!


In other news, went to a craft supply store today and had to practice considerable self-restraint to keep from buying just about every type of bead and pearl I saw. So much pretty~
I did get an assortment of beads in shades of blue, 4.90€ for a 100g box. Not bad... especially seeing as I got a small discount with a CityShopper card, dropping the price down to 4.41€. I am quite happily orgasming over it, though I am still drooling after all the other beads I saw. Must go back when I don't have to be so careful with my money anymore... Mmmmm beads. <3
933148  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-04-23
Written: (6375 days ago)

From Jitters. :D


933039  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-04-23
Written: (6375 days ago)

loverapists - check it out. you just may be one of them.

932690  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-04-22
Written: (6376 days ago)
Next in thread: 932691

Holy shit. I so want this book. But... so expensive! ;____;

Have I ever mentioned that Felicitas Vogler has some really fabulous photos? Well, she does. Look: http://www.skinnymag.co.uk/images/stories/Art/art_felicitasvogler01_lewispass.gif


 The logged in version 

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