[Linderel]'s diary

945797  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-06-05
Written: (6331 days ago)
Next in thread: 945798, 945836

<random>You know what's one of the really nice things (and redeeming qualities to his bastardness) about Jukka? He lets me bite him. :3</random>

945721  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-06-05
Written: (6332 days ago)

I'm tired and can't be bothered to reply everyone one by one... So I'd like to say thank you to everyone who wished me luck today! ^____^
The exam went pretty well, I think... But I shall know the results sometime in July.

One down, two more to go. Then it's freeeeeedoooooooom!

Too many updates. Will catch up tomorrow, maybe.

And because I used a different kind of train coming back, the cost of the trip was 90.80€ in all. I weep.

945401  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-06-04
Written: (6333 days ago)
Next in thread: 945417, 945440, 945583, 945616, 945648

First exam tomorrow. Since it's in Jyväskylä, I'll have to get up at 5:30 so as to catch the train. Just for the record, a one-way ticket costs 42,80€. *le dead* My bank account will be a very sad one after this trip. Ah, well, payday on the 15th...

But, I digress. The sole purpose of this entry is to say:


Thank you for your time. Carry on. ^_^

945256  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-06-04
Written: (6333 days ago)
Next in thread: 945267

Argh. Worried. My sister is again not getting any money, even though she should, and to top that, the very organisation that should be giving her something to live on is taking away from her the funds she got from the Social Insurance Institution. This means she won't be able to pay her rent (due on Wednesday), pay her bills, or even buy food!
This thing has been going on for a year, back and forth, back and forth, and due to her depression, she doesn't really have the energy to fight back - and the person who has been taking care of the situation with her and for her is currently abroad somewhere and coming back on Friday. And since he cannot be reached, he can't explain all the details so that someone could step in for him...
I'm afraid for her, worried about her, and I want to go be there with her. Make her bread, buy her some long-lasting food. But you know, I need to read. As selfish as it makes me feel, I need to read, because my first exam is tomorrow, and I have no time for anything else. In fact I should be reading right now instead of typing this entry.

*sigh* Gotta love the system.

944528  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-01
Written: (6336 days ago)
Next in thread: 944710

No one cares about the drawing *emo* ;_______;

Snatched from [Teufelsweib].

Rule #1:
If you open this you GOTTA take it.

Rule # 2:
You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone
messages you and asks

Rule #3:
Only answer True or False

Q: Kissed someone on your top friends ? True
Q: Been arrested? False
Q: Kissed someone you didn't like? True
Q: You like someone? True
Q: Held a snake? False
Q: Been suspended from school? False
Q: Been fired from a job? False
Q: Sang karaoke? False
Q: Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? True
Q: Laughed until you started crying? True
Q: Caught a snowflake on your tongue? True
Q: Kissed in the rain? True
Q: Sang in the shower? True
Q: Sat on a roof top? False
Q: Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? False
Q: Broken a bone? False
Q: Shaved your head? False
Q: Played a prank on someone? True
Q: Had/have a gym membership? False
Q: Made a girlfriend/boyfriend cry? True
Q: Shot a gun? True
Q: Donated Blood? False
Q: Had your heart broken? True
Q: Broken someone's heart? True

944523  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-01
Written: (6336 days ago)
Next in thread: 944529

I has drawn a self-portrait :o
It actually more or less looks like me xD Of course, I used a reference, but still. I'm kind of impressed. I will hopefully poke at it and make it a proper one. You know, with colour and everything.


944492  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-01
Written: (6336 days ago)

I challenge you to read Yvonne Vera's novel 'Butterfly Burning' and make sense of it. Especially the ending. Really.

944194  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-05-31
Written: (6337 days ago)
Next in thread: 944197

Just for the sake of procrastination. After this I'll be nose in the book, I promise. :P

I'm 64% shy.

[x] You don't like public speaking.
[x] You find it hard to talk to strangers.
[x] You don't like to look people in the eye.
[ ] You hate using public restrooms.
[ ] You don't like to go shopping alone.

[x] Being introduced to new people makes you nervous.
[x] When you're in a group of people, it's difficult to think of what to say
[ ] You have a lot of trouble talking to the opposite sex
[x] You hate to be teased
[x] You hate answering the door (unless I know it's someone I know)

[x] You can't stand people watching you.
[ ] One on one conversations make you nervous.
[x] You don't like to ask people for help.
[ ] You hate to read out loud
[ ] You don't like asking questions.

[ ] You dread ordering food at restaurants.
[x] You are uncomfortable at parties, unless you know everyone well.
[ ] You don't like to talk, because you're afraid of being embarrassed by what you say.
[x] You wish you were more outgoing.
[x]You hate being in the center of any room

[x] You don't know how to react to compliments.
[x] You don't like crowds.
[x] You prefer reading, writing or listening to music than being around too many people.
[ ] You blush easily.
[x] You spend a lot of time in your room.

Add all the x's and multiply by 4 then put "I'm _% shy".

944072  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-05-31
Written: (6337 days ago)
Next in thread: 944075


In other news, I'm currently reading the book for my ethnology entrance exam. So far, I have concluded that the trade is just weird. Seriously. An article about men's underwear and its erotic associations? Got one. Symbology of bread? Researched.

I kind of get it, but then again not really. This field is going way over my head...

943840  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-05-30
Written: (6338 days ago)
Next in thread: 943849, 943935

I am having yet another period of, not baby fever, but kitten fever. Seriously. One can often find me lamenting the fact that I cannot take any pets that have fur or feathers, and especially the fact that cats belong to that group. Then once in a while I come across cute kitty images and get properly wistful.
Solution? I need to find a kitten that I can sort-of adopt. I'd be its aunt or something. I could meet it, but I wouldn't be the one keeping it. That's my substitute for every other animal, too. I am currently an auntie of two (most annoying) dogs and two rats (that I can't touch without getting spots).

I needs me a kitten. Stuffed toys are no longer enough. Why? Because I want something fuzzy and cute and warm to love.

...yeah, I know. Silly. That doesn't stop me from wanting it, though. Le sigh.

943454  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-05-29
Written: (6339 days ago)
Next in thread: 943456, 943560

[tight pants hurt]


943431  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-05-29
Written: (6339 days ago)

It is officially summer.

Today, for the first time this year, the temperature went above 25 degrees. It is hot. The humidity makes it even more difficult to bear. A warm wind, floating snow-like pollen, offers no respite. Both my window and the door to the balcony are open, but this makes little difference. Velvet trousers were definitely a mistake that needs to be rectified. Summer dress ahoy!

In other words, ladies and gentlemen, it's too damn hot to be waxing poetic - or reading for entrance exams, for that matter, but it needs to be done. Woe is me.

943186  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-05-28
Written: (6340 days ago)
Next in thread: 943187, 943207

If you ever think I'm becoming too bitchy (mainly on the DP), just slap me. I shouldn't let my frustrations reflect as snarkiness in my notifications to innocent patrons. As you can see if you take a look, I just managed to chase a new patron away... Yay. <_<

(And if you feel I wrote this entry just for retribution, to hear someone say 'nah, it's okay, you weren't too snappish'... then you're absolutely right. I'm no saint. In fact, everyone should probably just ignore this and I should still feel guilty.)

942878  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-05-27
Written: (6341 days ago)

Yesterday, I was at a joint birthday party of some friends from the anime club I'm part of. It was fun, I had my fair share of Asian-style food followed by various desserts and, for once, didn't get even a fledgling of a panic attack. Even so, I had to leave at some point, beginning to feel quite tired. My feet were aching, and I was supposed to stay the night at a friend's place, but decided I wanted to sleep in my own bed after all and thus, to walk home.

That was when I found a thin black leather collar in my coat pocket. Of the studded variety. I blinked, confused, checked again that it indeed was my coat that I was wearing, and backtracked to the livingroom of the apartment where the party was still going on. Nobody confessed, so... I still have it. I've no idea why it was in there. Someone probably mislaid it, putting it in the pocket of the wrong coat. Ah, well. I'll see if I can find its proper owner, and if not... I guess I'll keep it.

Walking home, couldn't help but notice that it was a misty night out. Between where I live and where I was, there's this bridge, and upon arriving on it, a strange exhilaration flowed into me. I couldn't see the lights of town on the opposing shores, I couldn't even see the water more than a few metres forward, and it was absolutely beautiful. Warm, calm, only a slight breath of wind. This tempted me to abandon the road in favour of the forest trail that circles the island (yes, technically it's an island I live on... kinda), and I gave in to the urge. I love trailing off from the road, actually. It has this sense of adventure, even in my own neighbourhood if it's at night.

Moments later, though, I figured this was not such a wise idea for someone who thrives on a dark, twisted imagination. Fascination quickly turns into fright, shadows become threatening, the path seemingly longer than ever. Not if you're with someone, but whilst alone...

Well, I'm here, obviously, still in one piece, so it's just a problem of getting too creeped out by things not so familiar. Kind of when we were at our summerhouse one particular Christmas and I was taking a walk. I swear, the forest on the side of the road turned a notch or two more threatening after I sang to keep myself company. Eerie.

Point? All of this merely further proves what a silly little creature I am. I hope that I'm at least a bit entertaining.

Also... thunder <3<3<3

942602  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-05-25
Written: (6343 days ago)
Next in thread: 942790, 942892

YARRRRR! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 (x times infinity)

I have just been to watch Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. And what do I have to say? EPIC.
It is darker than the previous parts, though it still does have scenes that make you roll in your seat and giggle like mad, but more importantly - oh, the epic.
Swords, love, storms, wits, GODDAMN BRILLIANT CAST. But that last one, naturally, everyone knew already. <incoherent babbling here>
I'd love to plunge into the details, but alas, spoilers are evil, they are satan-spawn, and I shall have nothing to do with spoiling anyone unless they are willing.

So let me just say this.


941441  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-05-21
Written: (6347 days ago)

My first ever attempt at a sonnet. Metre probably is more than a bit funky, and the last two lines don't rhyme at all... but I kinda like it. :3

Come hither. See; it is a lovely day
to sit in shade, enjoy the gentle breeze;
in thy sweet-lipped melodies to drown, sway
that bliss I would my constant ache appease

Honeyed whispers my pleading lips to balm;
thy graceful steps a sight mine eyes to bless.
I yearn: Embrace thy lithe body, so warm
This evening I will have no more, no less

thou beauteous bird of mine, my dearest
Calliope queen of hearts, of their breaking
My words they flow though naught will quench my thirst
I covet thy smiles they leave me shaking

A flower, born of desire, each petal
by one thy tender skin will caress, touch.

941313  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-05-21
Written: (6347 days ago)
Next in thread: 941345

The conversation between Allison, Squee, and myself. We are insane. Yes.


20/05/2007 20:18:27 Tourette's | .: added LAMI!
20/05/2007 20:18:31 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: WHOOT!
20/05/2007 20:18:33 Tourette's | .: I added lami =3
20/05/2007 20:18:36 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: LAMIIIII
20/05/2007 20:18:49 Tourette's | .: LAMMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20/05/2007 20:19:22 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: Wtf is up aaaaye!
20/05/2007 20:19:47 Tourette's | .: ...lami? *poke*
20/05/2007 20:19:56 Tourette's | .: lami shall start the game! :-O
20/05/2007 20:19:57 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: I will slap her lmao
20/05/2007 20:20:01 Tourette's | .: lami.. truth or dare?? :P:P
20/05/2007 20:20:17 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: lami is a voyeur! *cough*
20/05/2007 20:20:41 Lamizombie: Omwtf xD
20/05/2007 20:20:50 Tourette's | .: ou est lami?
20/05/2007 20:20:53 Tourette's | .: WHEE!
20/05/2007 20:20:54 Tourette's | .: lamiii!
20/05/2007 20:20:59 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: Where art thou lami!!!
20/05/2007 20:21:15 Tourette's | .: there she is, bitch!
20/05/2007 20:21:22 Tourette's | .: Lamizombie zegt: Omwtf xD
20/05/2007 20:21:25 Tourette's | .: she is on convo
20/05/2007 20:21:27 Tourette's | .: OMFG!
20/05/2007 20:21:31 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: answer the question!!!!
20/05/2007 20:21:35 Tourette's | .: GAY SMILEY... that I didn't knew I had..!!
20/05/2007 20:21:38 Tourette's | .: oh yah =3
20/05/2007 20:21:48 Tourette's | .: truth or daaaare XP
20/05/2007 20:21:53 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: yeeeaaahhhh
20/05/2007 20:21:58 Lamizombie: Truuuuuth
20/05/2007 20:22:06 Tourette's | .: :-O!
20/05/2007 20:22:09 Tourette's | .: =D
20/05/2007 20:22:12 Tourette's | .: uuhh...uuuhhh...
20/05/2007 20:22:16 Tourette's | .: *pokes squee*
20/05/2007 20:22:16 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: xD
20/05/2007 20:22:20 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: whaaaaaat?????
20/05/2007 20:22:32 Tourette's | .: question! :P
20/05/2007 20:22:39 Tourette's | .:okaay, I'll get question
20/05/2007 20:22:40 Tourette's | .: lami? =3
20/05/2007 20:22:54 Lamizombie : All ears. :P
20/05/2007 20:22:56 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: what me???
20/05/2007 20:23:05 Lamizombie: Or eyes <_<
20/05/2007 20:23:17 Tourette's | .: about that whip of yourss.. (A) (shuddafuck up squee!)
20/05/2007 20:23:22 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: .....
20/05/2007 20:23:29 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: Wtf!!!
20/05/2007 20:23:49 Lamizombie: *cough* Yes? :P
20/05/2007 20:23:49 Tourette's | .: ever had the intention of using it in a sexual oder kinkeh way as the picture suggests??? :P:P
20/05/2007 20:23:58 Tourette's | .: (yes squee, my eyes have seen things that your eyes didn't :P)
20/05/2007 20:24:09 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: i want to seeee!
20/05/2007 20:24:15 Lamizombie: Maaaaaaybe.
20/05/2007 20:24:28 Tourette's | .: HEYA! that ain't answer! :P
20/05/2007 20:24:33 Lamizombie: xD
20/05/2007 20:24:41 Tourette's | .: come ooonnn..!!! :P:P
20/05/2007 20:24:53 Lamizombie: Well, I've probably played with the thought a time or two... or three... or four... :P
20/05/2007 20:24:55 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: wtf was the question lmaoooo
20/05/2007 20:25:16 Tourette's | .: XD!!!! bweeeehehehehhehehehehee
20/05/2007 20:25:49 Tourette's | .: the question was if lami ever wanted to use the whip she's in a picture with in a sexual or kinky way, dumbass :P pay attention! :P
20/05/2007 20:25:53 Lamizombie: Squee, behold xD: http://elftown.lysator.liu.se/img/photo/4731_1126277208.jpg
20/05/2007 20:26:25 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: *crawls into lami's lap* *puppy eyes*
20/05/2007 20:26:39 Tourette's | .: >_>;;;
20/05/2007 20:26:44 Tourette's | .: ok, who's next?
20/05/2007 20:26:51 Tourette's | .: now lami can ask, I suppose
20/05/2007 20:26:52 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: lmao
20/05/2007 20:27:51 Lamizombie: Who do I ask? :P
20/05/2007 20:27:59 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: Anyone you want :PPP
20/05/2007 20:28:03 Tourette's | .: you can choose XD
20/05/2007 20:28:05 Tourette's | .: yah! :-O
20/05/2007 20:28:18 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: Like obviously!! XD
20/05/2007 20:28:29 Tourette's | .: dhuuuuuh...!:P
20/05/2007 20:28:35 Lamizombie: Okay then... Vorkje!
20/05/2007 20:28:42 Lamizombie : Truth or dare? :P
20/05/2007 20:28:46 Tourette's | .: EEP! *dies instantly*
20/05/2007 20:28:50 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: lmaoooo!
20/05/2007 20:28:54 Tourette's | .: uhhh... uuuuuuuhhh... truth? :P
20/05/2007 20:29:16 Lamizombie: (I don't recall if I've ever played before, so forgive me if I'm rusty xP)
20/05/2007 20:29:18 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: wuss :P
20/05/2007 20:29:26 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: it's okay lami xP
20/05/2007 20:29:34 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: imagine trying to play spin the bottle LMAO
20/05/2007 20:29:39 Tourette's | .: blood pressure aye, not my fault if I die now and then :P
20/05/2007 20:29:45 Tourette's | .: XD!!!!!!!!
20/05/2007 20:29:53 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: fucking slaaaaaag lmao
20/05/2007 20:30:17 Lamizombie: Okay then... Which celebrity would you bang any time any where? :P
20/05/2007 20:30:36 Tourette's | .: omg..!!!!! XD
20/05/2007 20:30:38 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: om nice question :D
20/05/2007 20:30:53 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: squeevork would bang anyone anywhere .... o.O
20/05/2007 20:30:57 Tourette's | .: do I have to chooose??? :P:P
20/05/2007 20:31:01 Tourette's | .: XD!!!!
20/05/2007 20:31:23 Lamizombie: Uh-huh :P
20/05/2007 20:31:24 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: *giggle*
20/05/2007 20:31:35 Tourette's | .: ralph fiennes...! if I have to choose :P
20/05/2007 20:31:39 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: yeh babeh :P
20/05/2007 20:31:45 Tourette's | .: raawr :P
20/05/2007 20:32:05 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: as long as you don't touch snape :P
20/05/2007 20:32:33 Tourette's | .: yeah suuure XP
20/05/2007 20:32:35 Tourette's | .: now my turn! :P
20/05/2007 20:32:54 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: mean it squeevork xDDD
20/05/2007 20:33:02 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: i will keel you if you do lmaooo
20/05/2007 20:33:19 Tourette's | .: squeeee?????? :P:P (I won't, Ralph is enough for me! else I'll have gangbang with ralph and his brother XP)
20/05/2007 20:33:23 Tourette's | .: joseph fiennes <3
20/05/2007 20:33:29 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: ...he has a brother??
20/05/2007 20:33:37 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: Jason Isaacs is mine too :P
20/05/2007 20:33:39 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: And yeeeees?
20/05/2007 20:33:58 Tourette's | .: truth or dare! :P
20/05/2007 20:34:04 I want Snape's BABIES!!: DARE!
20/05/2007 20:34:12 Lamizombie: Shakespeare in Love!
20/05/2007 20:34:20 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: never seen it...
20/05/2007 20:34:23 Tourette's | .: YAH!
20/05/2007 20:34:32 Tourette's | .: oohhh.. dare... uhh..uhhh..
20/05/2007 20:34:38 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: something on et :P
20/05/2007 20:34:56 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: or on here...in the mood thing or something lmao
20/05/2007 20:34:59 Tourette's | .: ohh...!! good one! XD
20/05/2007 20:35:03 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: ...?
20/05/2007 20:35:20 Tourette's | .: uuhhh... write in the crew forum "I want to have Squeevork's babbies"
20/05/2007 20:35:22 Tourette's | .: bies*
20/05/2007 20:35:25 Lamizombie: You should see it, it's got Gwyneth Paltrow, too... *drool*
20/05/2007 20:35:26 Tourette's | .: HAH! :P
20/05/2007 20:35:29 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: LMAOOOO!
20/05/2007 20:35:39 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: okay!! :D *will get spanked*
20/05/2007 20:35:59 Lamizombie: Om xD
20/05/2007 20:36:08 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: xD
20/05/2007 20:36:17 Tourette's | .: this is greaaaat XD
20/05/2007 20:36:52 Lamizombie: Indeedy xD
20/05/2007 20:37:01 Tourette's | .: *crying here*
20/05/2007 20:37:35 Lamizombie: *pats back* There there
20/05/2007 20:37:44 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: omg xDDDDDD
20/05/2007 20:38:10 Tourette's | .: am waiting! :P
20/05/2007 20:38:21 Tourette's | .: XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
20/05/2007 20:38:21 Lamizombie: Ahahahahahaha xD
20/05/2007 20:38:21 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: have done it aaaye
20/05/2007 20:38:30 Lamizombie: *is choking*
20/05/2007 20:38:37 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: xD
20/05/2007 20:39:02 Tourette's | .: *dies again*
20/05/2007 20:39:18 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: *will be chucked out* XD
20/05/2007 20:39:54 Tourette's | .: I once posted "*runs around nekkid*" in the newbie forum and they got pissed at me XD
20/05/2007 20:39:58 Tourette's | .: girl you're fucked XD
20/05/2007 20:40:03 Tourette's | .: ANYHOOTERS!!! your turn :P
20/05/2007 20:40:05 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: lmfaooooo!
20/05/2007 20:40:09 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: I will be killed :P
20/05/2007 20:40:18 Tourette's | .: hell yeah :P
20/05/2007 20:40:18 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: Okaaay!! Lami!!! Truth or dare???
20/05/2007 20:40:41 Lamizombie: Omg omg omg
20/05/2007 20:40:45 Lamizombie: ...
20/05/2007 20:40:50 Lamizombie: Dare, *cringe*
20/05/2007 20:40:56 Tourette's | .: now no one will dare the dare anymore XD
20/05/2007 20:40:59 Tourette's | .: OH!! :P XD
20/05/2007 20:41:00 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: Uuuuuh okay...hmmm....
20/05/2007 20:41:02 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: lmaooooo
20/05/2007 20:41:13 Tourette's | .: the crew forum shall be stalked forever and we three will loose all our privs XD
20/05/2007 20:41:39 Tourette's | .: my parents are annoyed by my laughing all the time XD
20/05/2007 20:41:53 Lamizombie: Om don't scare me xD
20/05/2007 20:42:17 Tourette's | .: come ooon! :P
20/05/2007 20:42:22 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: In your diary, you must say you are a lesbian and make everyone think it's true...For now anyway oh god I suck at dares lmaoooo
20/05/2007 20:42:33 Tourette's | .: but lami is bi! XD
20/05/2007 20:42:39 Tourette's | .: XD!!!!!! I love this XD
20/05/2007 20:42:56 Lamizombie: Om xD
20/05/2007 20:42:57 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: OH FFS! scratch that lamikins lmao
20/05/2007 20:43:07 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: Oh you could just come out declaring you is all lesbian lmao
20/05/2007 20:43:17 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: and you should say I have a crush on erm....sunny lmaooo!!!
20/05/2007 20:43:31 Lamizombie: I think I have an idea for that... oookay.... xD
20/05/2007 20:43:34 Tourette's | .: XD!!!!
20/05/2007 20:43:43 Tourette's | . : but that is too clearly a joke! :P
20/05/2007 20:43:46 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! XD
20/05/2007 20:43:50 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: Oh shush squeevork lmaoooo
20/05/2007 20:43:58 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: we three will have to think of a massive prank for et lmao
20/05/2007 20:44:08 Lamizombie: You mean I should say I have a crush on Sunny, or that you have? :P
20/05/2007 20:44:22 Tourette's | .: XD!!!! LMAO
20/05/2007 20:44:22 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: lami, you have a crush on her lmaoooo not me xD
20/05/2007 20:44:36 Tourette's | .: "I am lesbian and sequeena has a crush on sunny"
20/05/2007 20:44:45 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: LMAOOO NOOOOOOOO!!!
20/05/2007 20:44:47 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: XD
20/05/2007 20:44:47 Lamizombie: xDDDDDD
20/05/2007 20:45:29 Tourette's | .: om hurry up with diary!!! :P:P *curious as hell*
20/05/2007 20:46:03 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: SHE DELETED IT!!!!!!
20/05/2007 20:46:12 Tourette's | .: WHAT??? WHO???
20/05/2007 20:46:45 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: SUNNY!!!!!
20/05/2007 20:46:49 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: I have to go soon :(
20/05/2007 20:47:24 Tourette's | .: me too O_O
20/05/2007 20:47:29 Tourette's | . : ok, my turn now though!!! :-O
20/05/2007 20:47:35 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: lmao!
20/05/2007 20:47:44 Tourette's | .: hurry up lami! :P
20/05/2007 20:48:06 Lamizombie: Gah, this is taking forever xP
20/05/2007 20:48:27 Tourette's | .: gahhh!!! :P:P
20/05/2007 20:48:52 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: lmaoooo
20/05/2007 20:50:05 Lamizombie: Omg I can't believe this xD
20/05/2007 20:50:17 Lamizombie: I will never take another dare again! xD
20/05/2007 20:51:01 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: lmaooo xD
20/05/2007 20:51:04 Tourette's | .: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20/05/2007 20:51:37 Tourette's | .: I'm dying here XD
20/05/2007 20:51:38 Lamizombie: Oh gods xD
20/05/2007 20:51:47 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: omg I love you!"!!!!
20/05/2007 20:51:58 Lamizombie: Okay, Allison, truth or dare? :P
20/05/2007 20:52:09 Tourette's | .: ...dare, then :P
20/05/2007 20:52:15 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: W00T!!!!
20/05/2007 20:52:29 Tourette's | . : XD!!!
20/05/2007 20:52:34 Tourette's | .: I'm so brave XD
20/05/2007 20:52:34 Lamizombie: Ohmygod xD
20/05/2007 20:52:37 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: *snicker*
20/05/2007 20:52:43 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: I'm the bravest lmaoooo!!!
20/05/2007 20:52:50 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: I wonder what the reactions will be xD
20/05/2007 20:53:14 Lamizombie: I want you to... uhh... uhh...
20/05/2007 20:53:15 Tourette's | .: print them and frame them, I would say XD
20/05/2007 20:53:40 Lamizombie: Hang on *is trying to figure out something*
20/05/2007 20:53:41 Tourette's | .: yes..?? :P
20/05/2007 20:53:44 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: this is brilliant xD
20/05/2007 20:54:00 Tourette's | .: I agree XD
20/05/2007 20:54:38 Lamizombie: Flash for us!
20/05/2007 20:54:39 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: *bounce*
20/05/2007 20:54:41 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: YES!!!
20/05/2007 20:54:43 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: What? xD
20/05/2007 20:54:50 Lamizombie: ...or not. :P
20/05/2007 20:54:50 Tourette's | .: ...WTF XD
20/05/2007 20:54:53 Tourette's | .: how?! XD
20/05/2007 20:54:57 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: LMAO!!!
20/05/2007 20:54:57 Tourette's | .: and... what?! XD
20/05/2007 20:55:02 Tourette's | .: om am not going to do that!!! XD
20/05/2007 20:55:09 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: Om is fucking hilarious xD
20/05/2007 20:55:09 Lamizombie: Webcam? :P
20/05/2007 20:55:16 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: Ommmmmmmmm!!!
20/05/2007 20:55:29 Tourette's | .: OM MY PARENTS ARE HERE YAH!! XD
20/05/2007 20:55:36 Lamizombie: Om I'm dying here xD
20/05/2007 20:55:44 Lamizombie: Gah xD
20/05/2007 20:55:44 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: omg lmaooooo!
20/05/2007 20:55:50 Tourette's | .: same here XD
20/05/2007 20:55:53 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: Squeevorks parents: wtf
20/05/2007 20:56:17 Tourette's | .: not watching, but... well... you never know when they might pop their head around the corner XD
20/05/2007 20:56:22 Tourette's | .: but om no! no flashing! XD
20/05/2007 20:56:27 Tourette's | .: not over the internet! XD
20/05/2007 20:56:48 Lamizombie: Bah. :P
20/05/2007 20:56:56 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: Deladreing said you're a legend lami!!!
20/05/2007 20:57:06 Tourette's | .:sorry :P
20/05/2007 20:57:09 Tourette's | .: XD!!!
20/05/2007 20:57:12 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: damn you squeevork :( *horny* XD
20/05/2007 20:57:22 Tourette's | .: and [Iuna] here is trying to get her breath back too :P
20/05/2007 20:57:26 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: lmaoooo!
20/05/2007 20:57:28 Tourette's | .: other time, squee! XD
20/05/2007 20:57:29 Lamizombie: Okay, I don't have any other ideas... make your best kutkop? :P
20/05/2007 20:57:40 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: Damn you :(
20/05/2007 20:57:42 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: kutkop??
20/05/2007 20:57:47 Tourette's | .: uhhhh..... :P
20/05/2007 20:57:50 Tourette's | .: fuckface XD
20/05/2007 20:57:55 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: Oh !!!! XD
20/05/2007 20:58:29 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: Squeevork you must say you fuck sheep in your bio and say how it's not unnatural and people who think it's sick should die and stuff like that!! :D
20/05/2007 20:58:37 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3 : Squeevork loves beastiality don't you know xD
20/05/2007 20:58:52 Tourette's | .: I just made the worse kutkop ever :P
20/05/2007 20:58:53 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: how you have an emotional attachment with the sheep xD
20/05/2007 20:58:56 I want Snape's BABIES!!: lmaoooo
20/05/2007 20:58:57 Lamizombie: Ooooom xD
20/05/2007 20:59:20 Tourette's | .: ok, will do aswell XD
20/05/2007 20:59:34 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: Yeeeeeeeeeeeah!
20/05/2007 20:59:55 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: I love you both lmao
20/05/2007 20:59:55 Tourette's | .: hope you like the pic XD
20/05/2007 20:59:59 Tourette's | .: tried my best!
20/05/2007 21:00:02 Tourette's | .: I love you two too XD
20/05/2007 21:00:08 Lamizombie: Omg hahahaha xD
20/05/2007 21:00:21 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: om is fucking hilarious squeevork xD
20/05/2007 21:00:30 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: so sophisticated XP ...in a spaz sense XD
20/05/2007 21:01:43 Lamizombie: Om I'd never do this on my own, or with anyone else xD
20/05/2007 21:01:49 Tourette's | .: I'm writing the worst essay ever XD
20/05/2007 21:01:52 Tourette's | .: me neither! XD
20/05/2007 21:02:25 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: What play truth or dare? :-O!!
20/05/2007 21:02:33 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: xDDD
20/05/2007 21:03:24 Tourette's | .: READ AND HORROR!XD
20/05/2007 21:03:55 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
20/05/2007 21:03:57 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: YEEEES!!!
20/05/2007 21:04:01 I want Snape's BABIES!! <3: Legeeeeends xD
20/05/2007 21:04:17 Lamizombie: Okay moving on? xP

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