[Linderel]'s diary

998047  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-12-10
Written: (6143 days ago)

Aaaahg. Panic. I lost one of the friendship bracelets Laura gave me. Or, rather, I didn't put it back on my wrist yesterday after washing the dishes and now can't remember where I placed it instead. May not seem like much of an emergency to anyone else, but damnit, I've been wearing it all the time for months now and it's about as essential as my Prometheus necklace! Gah. Must find it.

997864  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-12-09
Written: (6144 days ago)

These kids almost give me a headache with their playing - especially when they're playing against each other.

997511  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-12-07
Written: (6146 days ago)

Slept four hours last night. Maybe even less. Ehehehehe. Hehe. He. It's going to be kiddie weekend again. Head is killing me. Must go take nap now or I'll never survive until the evening. -_-

997369  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-12-06
Written: (6147 days ago)
Next in thread: 997373, 997381, 997526, 997876

Anyone here have a Last.fm account? :3

997301  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-12-06
Written: (6147 days ago)
Next in thread: 997306

Hyvää itsepäisyyspäivää!

For non-Finns: it's our stubbornness... okay, independence day today.

997081  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-12-05
Written: (6148 days ago)
Next in thread: 997084

So I had some weird-ass dreams again. Reading very not obligatory, though it may interest at least Trin and Allison.

One where House was probably treating a male patient and there was some sort of... tension between them. Said male patient looked like Alex Krycek's (X-Files) actor, only a bit older. And with glasses, I think. And then, uh, they went to the roof and Alex... kissed... House o__O Who rejected him. And then they were both aliens with bright red oval-shaped heads that could turn 180 degrees. Umm. Yeah.

And another that wasn't so weird, per se... I just. Meh. Atte was in it >_< And whatever the waking me may say, my dream self at the very least still has a pretty big crush. Now I can't stop thinking about him. Fail.

996982  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-12-05
Written: (6149 days ago)
Next in thread: 996983, 997070

Ever want to OD on cuteness, go there. *puddle o' goo* I WANTS A KITTY xD

996523  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-12-03
Written: (6151 days ago)

Well, this teaches me to check the exam place sooner than on the same morning. It's 06:20, I woke up twenty minutes ago, expecting the moment of truth to arrive at 09:00... And then I saw that the exam had been moved to the evening. It's now marked to start at 17:00. Haha. Kthxbye. This messes with my plans a little, but on the bright side - I get a few more hours to read. xD

Now, though, I'll go snooze for a bit more.

996370  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-12-02
Written: (6151 days ago)

Everyone else is doing it!

Think of five names, spontaneously

Allison ([Teufelsweib])
Trin ([Triola])
Squee ([sequeena_rae])


1. How did you meet #3?
On the Finnish IRC channel for nanoers, though it should be mentioned that I only became really aware of him because he was asking who wanted to go see the fourth Potter movie.

2. What would you do if #2 and #5 were going out?
Erm, wut? That would be a huge WTF since to the best of my knowledge, they both wear rings :P

3. How long have you known #2?
About six years <3

4. How do you know #5?
I have no idea how I actually came to know Squee, but... here we are :P *hump*

5. What would you do if #4 confessed they loved you?
I love you toooo xD

6. A fact about #1
She inspires me.

7. Who is #2 going out with?
With her fiancé Juuso :P

8. What does #5 do for a living?
Is an awesome mod of doom?

9. Would you live with #3?
Not really, no. That would be too weird now.

11. What do you like about #1?
Everything? :3

12. What would you do if #2 died?
Go mad with grief and probably become depressed all over again.

13. Do you miss #1?
Definitely ;_;

14. What is your opinion of #3?
An infuriating, arrogant bastard - but I love him anyway.

15. Would you ever go out with #1?
Urr... sure, why not xD

17. Ever get really personal with #1?
I wonder if this means what I think it means. Probably. Uh, no :P

18. Have you ever slept over at #5's house?

19.Do you think #4 is attractive?

20.What do you like about #2?
How she's so protective of me <3 And everything else about her, really <3

21. What would you do if #1 died?
See answer to question number 12 ;_; *cling*

996051  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-12-01
Written: (6152 days ago)
Next in thread: 996265

On a scale from 1 to 10, exactly how geeky is it to spend roughly an hour contemplating all the derivatives of the word 'finite' along with the semantics involved - in the wee hours after you were supposed to go to bed?

995708  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-11-29
Written: (6154 days ago)
Next in thread: 995710, 995718, 995735, 995740, 995841, 996303

Alright, seeing as it's nearing that time of the year again - who wants a Christmas/Yule/whatever card from me? Teh favourite girls (Allison<3 Jitter<3 Trin<3 Squee<3) are automatically included on the list.

995169  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-11-27
Written: (6156 days ago)
Next in thread: 995208

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next three sentences in your journal along with these instructions.
5. Don't dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST.

And though there was no reason why they should still go on holding hands after their jump, they didn't let go. The walls rose very high all round that courtyard. They had many great windows in them, windows without glass, through which you saw nothing but black darkness.

C. S. Lewis : The Magician's Nephew

994950  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-11-26
Written: (6157 days ago)

Marshall Gray - Critical hit on my heart
This geek love song is making me sorta nostalgic, especially since I got it from him. :P
Only of the time we spent dancing around each other pre-relationship, though. We must have been so cute. No, I don't want him back, thankyouverymych xD I love him, but only as a good friend. Not much good would come of it in the long run, and we are both more sensible than that by now. The romance part was just so very sweet.

*bricked* Okay, enough with the memory lane tripping. Seems like some part of my brain is again of the opinion that it would be nice to get a crush on someone. Well, screw that! I need to focus. xD

994569  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-11-24
Written: (6159 days ago)
Next in thread: 994635, 994736, 997816

I am going to be writing an article on fan fiction. Whoot. :P

994366  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-11-23
Written: (6160 days ago)
Next in thread: 994383, 994430, 994458

Went to sleep at three in the morning.
Woke up at five in the evening.


993987  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-11-21
Written: (6162 days ago)
Next in thread: 994047, 994078, 994191

As Vorkje proposed it to me some time ago, I am now registered at Hyves. And I'm using it in Dutch.
My fucking gods, it's giving me a headache xD

993359  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-11-18
Written: (6165 days ago)
Next in thread: 993384

Having dowloaded Skinamp, I shall be making quite a few Winamp skins in the future. If you have any images you want used in a Winamp skin, poke me. I may or may not expect something in return. :P

993101  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-11-17
Written: (6166 days ago)
Next in thread: 993105, 993112, 993203

Still feeling miserable like woah, but that's okay... I got the laptop I asked for! :D
It runs on Vista, but I'll live.

992847  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-11-16
Written: (6167 days ago)
Next in thread: 992848

I have the nagging feeling I'm in for the third poorly slept night in a row, and that my cold won't be gone by the morning. All well and good, but I have work to do and then a seminar to attend for the rest of the weekend. I didn't get anything written tonight either, so the next two days will have to involve some pretty damn frenzied notebook-scribbling so that I don't fall behind even more. I die.

992800  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-11-16
Written: (6167 days ago)
Next in thread: 992805

I find it highly amusing that OkCupid! is offering a friend of mine from Protu activities as my best match. Granted, it's only 77%, but... yeah. :P

 The logged in version 

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