[deja vu, mi amor]'s diary

389600  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-10-24
Written: (7442 days ago)

this is no longer a new poem...but i still like this one, tell me what you think, please.

Deathly beauty
your scared to take one more step
because you fear that you might fall
your hesitating to take one more breath
for fear that it might be your last

as the night slowly passes
you start to tire and become faint
her voice swims in your mind

reminding you that your not alone
and might not ever be again
your wish was granted
in such a terrible way

your crime cast out upon
the just rising sun
for you to see in all of its dreadful beauty

this is not the time for regrets
you have to move quickly now
don't wait until she wakes
the morning sun has started to stir

the hill rises beyond you
against the pale moon
where the barely there stars loom above
your grave for her to rest

she lies there so peacefully
it seems almost as if she were merely sleeping
not one thought clouds her mind
and now her face appears as you have always wanted it

ice cold, smooth as the stones
that washed ashore this morning
lifeless, but yet more beautiful than ever
she is finally your, truly yours

another poem i like...

My Chamber of Thoughts

I dream of a time
When I ruled my mind
And you were no where to be seen
Where I could not hear your screams
And I did not frighten easily
At the mention of your name
I wish of times
When only I knew myself
And you didn't have my secrets to hold
The key to my hopeless days
I unlocked your terror
And set it free upon the world
So they could suffer just as I had
And I could hear their silent screaming
Just as they had once heard mine
But refused to listen
I tried to warn you
I told you it would not be forever this way
But you chose not to hear my words, so brave
And marked me off as just another lonely child
Of the dark lies of tomorrow
Maybe now you will spend your days
Dreaming of your free thoughts
And regretting the things you fought not to say
You will wish you had been the one who turned against
The power that is held within
These closed walls of a future gone away
To a controlled system of
Beliefs that you don't really have
And things that you won't ever see
Once more I will speak a brave thought
And show you what my strength has finally brought.

i did not write this poem, [Annie T.] did. i wanted to paste a copy here because i love this poem. its great.
A sad, lost lover
like no other.
night after night
dreams full of fright
did you really believe her death
would satisfy evil under breath?

A blow to cause you pain,
she'd not even try to bring in vain.
but the reflection shows.
torment you're mind only knows.
A sword of dismay
is your hands' great display.

Perhaps her soul still makes sound,
but her body lay on the ground.
death, you answered at dawn
love, your answer long gone.
did you really believe her death
would satisfy evil under breath?
-[Annie T.]

387528  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-10-22
Written: (7444 days ago)

Song Of The Week

We Believe

There's a women crying out tonight Her world has changed She asked God why Her only son has died and now her daughter cries She cant sleep at night Downtown another day for all the suits and ties Another war to fight there's no regard for life How can they sleep at night, How can we make things right Just want to make this rght We believe in this love We are all the same Human in all our ways and all are pain So let it be, There's a love that could fall down like rain Let us see, let forgiveness wash away the pain What we need, And no one really knows what they are serching for We believe, This world is crying for so much more We believe In this Love So this world, is too much for you to take Just lay it down and follow me I'll be everything you need, In every way We believe in this Love


382790  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-10-17
Written: (7449 days ago)




382781  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-10-17
Written: (7449 days ago)



382777  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-10-17
Written: (7449 days ago)


382776  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-10-17
Written: (7449 days ago)


382774  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-10-17
Written: (7449 days ago)


363946  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-09-27
Written: (7470 days ago)

with night comes depression
what was hidden deep inside
never fails to break loose
spilling tears into the darkness
she cant help but cry
why cant those doubts just leave her?
its all she wants
no words can help
she has done this to herself
in some ways its all her fault
she thinks sometimes
but in her heart she knows
she is not to blame
he is not to blame
there are no medicins to cure her aching soul
no remidies to heal her breaking heart
nothing has happened
and yet everything has changed
when she looks back
she cant see one thing that should have been diffrent
the truth was not so bad
so why is her pain unbareable?
there is no answer for her question
she knows nothing he says will change her doubts
no matter how she wishes to beleive him
nothing can change and now its here to stay
as the thoughts of the night come
tears role down her face
soon to mix with blood

320244  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-08-15
Written: (7513 days ago)


why am i such a stranger
to my self and to everyone else?
you have known me so long
but you still act like
im the stranger looking
through the broken glass
to the mess you have
created because of me
but im the stranger
and you cant let me in
you dont talk to strangers
you dont know who i am
or why im there with you
and why i wont ever leave
im still here
you cant push me away
i will stay
i will be a stranger forever
if thats what you want
you dont have to let me in
i cant make you see me as a friend
but i can always be here
even though you dont want
me to see all that you have done
all the mistakes you have made
and all the pain i have caused
you know the stranger is sorry
you know the stranger
is the reason for your pain
but you also know
that the sranger will always be
by your side to love you
no matter what you have done

318978  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-08-14
Written: (7514 days ago)

i feel so freakin depressed right now, i cant stand it. i cant stand feeling this way. i hate it. i just want to....to go to sleep, just for a while not forever, no i dont want to die. i just want to stop feeling for a little while, stop having to deal with everything. and one more thing, i want to know why im feeling this way. i dont know, things are no worse than usual, so why am i being like this? why cant i make myself feel better? can anything help me right now? anything at all? i dont know. i wish i could think of something. anything. and now i just wish i couldnt think at all! i make no sense not even in my own mind. i cant understand me so im sure no one else can either. but thats ok....i guess. no its not ok, not right now, nothing is ok right now and i DONT KNOW WHY!!!! i hate feeling this way so much. i hate it! and now i have complained enought, i think ill go, for now.

288895  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-07-16
Written: (7542 days ago)

Deathly beauty
your scared to take one more step
because you fear that you might fall
your hesitating to take one more breath
for fear that it might be your last

as the night slowly passes
you start to tire and become faint
her voice swims in your mind

reminding you that your not alone
and might not ever be again
your wish was granted
in such a terrible way

your crime cast out upon
the just rising sun
for you to see in all of its dreadful beauty

this is not the time for regrets
you have to move quickly now
dont wait untill she wakes
the morning sun has started to stir

the hill rises beyond you
against the pale moon
where the barely there stars loom above
your grave for her to rest

she lies there so peacfully
it seems almost as if she were merely sleeping
not one thought clouds her mind
and now her face appears as you have always wanted it

ice cold, smooth as the stones
that washed ashore this morning
lifeless, but yet more beautiful than ever
she is finally your, truly yours

286875  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-07-15
Written: (7544 days ago)

i havent written anything in a really long time. for a while i just didnt feel like writeing and then my computer crashed...again! so now im useing my friends computer. i have had a few um....interesting weeks. but i dont feel like geting into that right now. anyway, jacobs gone to camp, i miss him so much. he called me today, he couldnt talk for long, but it was still nice to hear from him.

256640  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-06-16
Written: (7573 days ago)

i feel so awful today. i am haveing on of those rare times where i really want to talk to someone, anyone. i am usually not at all deprate for company and do not beg strangers to talk to me but today there is really something wrong with me. i feel so alone...i dont know why i feel like i do. i feel so horrible. its been so long since i was like this. i need to talk to someone. my mond wont stop raceing from one thought to the next and i cant stand it. i think i will just go to bed.

256144  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-06-15
Written: (7573 days ago)

i wrote this last night. i dont like it because its not any good but its the first thing i have wrote in a week or so.

She has lost her spirit
Hope is calling but she cannot hear it
Reality has reached her and she cant seem to bear it
She is dying inside but she will let no one care

She's tried so long to stay alive
It was so hard for to just survive
Each day was just another dive
To a place so far away where she would not be recognized as live

No one knows her story
Not one person has ever seen her fury
Inside is where her pain is buried
And to release it she will not be hurried

Her tears are only her own
She will cry only while alone
She cannot stand the way people talk to her, pity is their tone
There seems to be no thing of her left, she is merely a skeleton, just bones

253401  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-06-13
Written: (7576 days ago)

  yesterday was my great grandmas funeral. it was a pretty hard day too. i was so lucky to have jacob spend the day with me. he was really a great comfort. another bad thing was that i had to spend most of the day with my family. my family has this inabilty to get along for more than an hour, it was awful! even though it was a time of mourning for all of us and the had enough sense to keep their mouths shut, you could still feel all the hate and tension between them. i can stand it when my family decides its time to be together, luckyly it only happens about once a year.
  today i spent most of the day on here. i got so mad because i could not get two of my badges to show up on my house. i finally asked for the help of anyone and not one person messaged me to help me out! after a few hours i messaged someone who belonged to a few wikis, and she was really nice and a great help.

251481  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-06-11
Written: (7578 days ago)

today was hard. my great grandma died the day before yesterday, and my family were making all the funeral arrangments today. my mom was supposed to be the one who made arrangments for the music, my grandma had always wanted live music at her funeral. the person my mom had planed to get to sing fell through at the last momment. i had to get someone my boyfriend knows to sing. i didnt like doing that very much...but what choice did i really have? it was my grandmas only wish for her funeral.

248040  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-06-08
Written: (7581 days ago)

well i just finished putting my poetry in here. i had to work to day, walked alot and now im tired. i thought that since school was out i would be able to sleep late, but its not working out that way. i went to the pool saturday i swam for like five hours the next day my whole body ached!i am really out of shape, not that i was ever in shape... i only put some of my poems not all of them, i havent got all of them typed up yet but most of my poetry will eventually be in here...i hope so anyway. i am glad school is out but i already miss my friends alot.

248020  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-06-08
Written: (7581 days ago)

i wrote this a while ago too, i dont like it that much

Too Late To Ask

I am asking you once more

Please don’t hurt me

You know my life

You know my loss

Please don’t hurt me anymore

I am begging you just one more time

Don’t tear away the love

Be there to dry my tears

Be there to hear my cries

I am screaming at you for the last time

Don’t be the one to kill my love

Don’t be the one to diminish my trust

Don’t, please don’t, do any more damage

Now that my requests have gone unanswered

My begging did no good

And my screams were simply not heard

You have hurt me forever

You have threw away my love

You didn’t dry my tears

You would not listen to me scream

I can no longer trust you

You have done your damage

You have killed my love

But yet you refuse to let me be

You refuse to leave

Why can’t you see

How much you’ve hurt me

Why can’t you leave me be

Let me suffer

You have done your damage

Now please won’t you just leave?

248017  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-06-08
Written: (7581 days ago)

a poem i wrote a few weeks ago. i need a title for it. i kinda like this one

Your words so sorrow filled

Haunt my thoughts today

Tomorrow and forever

I can’t believe this

Is mine

My life to live

The hand I was dealt

I have to make something of it

But your tear filled voice

Reminds me that this is your life also

We have to make this work

This is all we have

Our own

All to ourselves

We must use caution

We can’t afford another disaster

Today is ours

We can make it what we wish

Together but still alone

The nights that we part

Our worlds split

Separate and alone

Our tears are only our own

Our cry’s for each other

Are drowned by distance

But in the days we can fill

Our empty souls

With all that we long for

In the days that are our own

Our days together

248014  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-06-08
Written: (7581 days ago)

Steamy Beginning, Foggy End

These feelings that I hold inside

Keep screaming at me that you’re just along for the ride

And that when the steam clears the fog will set in

You won’t be the one making sure my tears are dryed

All the steam of the beginning will turn into

The foggy hate of the end

I will once again have took my turn to cry

And you be there

To help me try

To put the pieces back together

And this time I don’t think I can just start over

Not again

I’ve been here much too long to leave

To forget about what I could have done

To say that what happens will happen

And it’s out of my control

So for now I’ll fight

For a worthless cause

Just for the reasons of my fear

For the dread of the future

Too scared to let go

Too scared to move on

Without somewhere else to turn

With no guarantee

For what I’ve done

Without an explanation

Maybe one day you’ll understand

Maybe as soon as I do

But for now keep holding things together

Don’t let myself fall apart

Just haunted my the thoughts

Of a steamy beginning

And a foggy ending

248012  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-06-08
Written: (7581 days ago)

a not so old poem


I am your reminder

Of the past you can’t face

A sign of just what

You have left behind

You tell yourself that

It never happened

You never made a mistake

You think that you can

Play pretend

No one will ever know

You can pretend your life

Is whatever you want to make it

There’s no proof that it’s not

I am the only thing that survived

Your path of revenge

And now it’s time for

You to come down off your pedestal

You’re no angel

And now the world will know

Just what you have done

You thought I would never tell

It would be my secret revealed too

But don’t you see?

I don’t care anymore

I grew up; I’m not so stupid now

In all those years I have learned

Quite a few things

Mainly that your time will come

And the hands of revenge would be turned

I’ve waited for the right time

I waited for you

To be so stupid and come back

I knew you would

And now it’s time

For me to have my revenge

So sweet and quiet

You’ll never even know

Until it’s too late

I will have my revenge

You will pay for what you’ve done

Your time has finally come

 The logged in version 

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