[iippo]'s diary

1015561  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-03-03
Written: (6061 days ago)
Next in thread: 1015562, 1015684

Help me moar with art!1

In my field of art the text Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction by Walter Benjamin is very important (you can read it here: http://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/ge/benjamin.htm - Don't be alarmed by the word Marx in the URL - it means Marx brothers <_< ). It discusses the loss of aura from work of art (you know what I mean with aura, right? The feeling of the real Mona Lisa is very different to a poster of the same image, even though it is the exact same picture.)

Now, I'm also very interested in issues related to copyright, which kind of is in the same ballpark as Benjamin's essay. And I had this idea for a piece of art to do: I'll copy a book - and entire book - by hand, and bound it the same way as the original and do everything I can by hand to make it the exact same book. Now, this book needs to have copyright in force (so it has to be fairly recent, not public domain) and I'd like it very much if it had pictures, because hand-made copies of images would make it more interesting as a work of art as well as for the casual gallery-goer who won't have the time to sit there and read the whole damn thing through; so they can leaf through and look at the pictures.

The question is: which book? o.O

1 Also, don't forget to help with NumberPedia, too!
1015133  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-02-29
Written: (6064 days ago)

New game my lovelies :3
I'm Still Alive.

Go on. Give us a click <3

1011857  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-02-14
Written: (6079 days ago)

To my young1 creative friends:


It's about any form of art that can be viewed over the internet. Have a look, have a poke, who knows what might happen. As far as I've understood, you don't have to be in the UK even though it's based in Manchester.

1 I'm not an agist as you know, but this thing just open only to people under 25. But do have a look if you're older too, it's quite interesting.
1010613  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-02-09
Written: (6084 days ago)
Next in thread: 1010614

This relates to my last diary, and also to the one where I linked you all to the Mesopotamians by They Might Be Giants. If you are new to the Diary of iippo, the Mesopotamians are here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAMRTGv82Zo

Today I had a tramping, street-roaming adventure. It'll be a wiki most likely, so you'll just have to wait to be surprised. :)

Also, speaking of wiki, don't forget NumberPedia. It's making wonderful progress, it'd be a shame if it was unfinished. So please help! :D

The line that will stop Movie Quote Pants Game1 for good:
I find your lack of pants disturbing.

1 You know the game, like in Lord of the Pants except with any movie quote.


1009374  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-02-03
Written: (6090 days ago)
Next in thread: 1009437

Something that impressed me:
100 Movies, 100 quotes, 100 numbers.


Related to this, I would like to take this opportunity to ask for your help. I'm planning to do a piece of wikiart dealing with numbers, and I need facts about numbers, especially numbers between 10-100 (1-9 is welcome too, but I expect those to be easier). Now I'm not sure what kind of facts I want... Not the sort of numerology facts that talk about meanings of numbers or such. More like actual counts (like "the phrase 'Christ on a bike' is mentioned 24 times in the film 'Second Coming'") or physical instances of numbers (like "The house number of Donald Duck is 13"). I was considering limiting the facts to movies, but I won't, I want facts about numbers from all over. But I'd still rather have it as something widely accessible or observable (not something like "on the way to work I saw 45 plastic bags"). I'm not even horribly fust if the number isn't a scientifically proven fact (for example I will use the catch line from the movie 21 Grams for number 21 even though it might not be true) as long as it is accessible in some way.

Hmm, maybe a preparation wiki is in order so I won't lose track of this deal... Let's use NumberPedia.

1008677  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-01-31
Written: (6093 days ago)
Next in thread: 1008687, 1008713

Those of you who don't read Calico's diary (<diary:1008594>):


This is recommended reading.

1008450  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-01-30
Written: (6094 days ago)



The absolutely wonderful soundtrack to the absolutely wonderful silent film Man with a Movie Camera. You don't need to have seen the film to listen to this (although I did post a link to a place where you can watch it on the internet - it's somewhere in my old diary, feel free to find it :P)
I guess this file could be divided into tracks, but I never bothered. If you'd prefer it that way, you can talk me into it or download a free program called Audacity that is easy to use and will get the job done.

1008431  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-01-30
Written: (6094 days ago)

The Art of Sleep

I came across this pretty good piece of net art.
(Click on the first arrow "view the Art of sleep" to watch it. Has sound.)

I was very impressed with it, the simplicity of the visuals works very well, and the use of the pace is good too. If you look away, you'll miss something, there's no pausing or rewinding. I appreciate that. And the message isn't what it seems at the beginning. I liked that, I like being led down somewhere and then given a surprise.

Also, if you haven't seen it, I heartily recommend the movie Science of Sleep.
1007041  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-01-24
Written: (6100 days ago)
Next in thread: 1007179

I am extremely proud to present to you all:

The Listening Machine.

This is my reactive media project prototype. A machine that listens.
You'll need a microphone and Flash-player (your browser probably already has it, if now, you can download it for free from Adobe's site here: http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/ ).
Also see:
1005803  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-01-19
Written: (6105 days ago)

A tremendous art film by Carmen D'avino, called "The Room":
http://www.northcountrypublicradio.org/news/carmendavino/carmendavino.php (it's the very middle one, they're all QuickTime files). I adore it, it's absolutely gorgeous! <3 <3
(On a sidenote, "The Finnish Fable" is very strage <_<)

1005667  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-01-18
Written: (6106 days ago)
Next in thread: 1005704, 1005707

Two links for you to look at if you're not too busy. :)

My reactive media report. I'll upload the program at some point, because it's exciting.

25 skills every man should know
But I think this goes for women too.

1005261  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-01-16
Written: (6108 days ago)

A request:
Please do something nice that will only take a short minute of your time.
Go to quest for girlfriend and email a girl in Belgium to tell her she is pretty. It would be really nice if you did that. Thank you. :)

1003920  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-01-09
Written: (6115 days ago)
Next in thread: 1003938

I'll start doing this:

It is proof that at least something good comes from dabbling with ActionScript - I understand obscure webcomic jokes :P

1003070  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-01-05
Written: (6119 days ago)
Next in thread: 1003074

Guess what.
I've been reading Art in America again, so I'm sharing the findings. :P

Margarita Cabrera

The tractor. It's awesome. Possibly because it is "the right colour" and a machine. But it's also precious and it has a collection of smaller things (birds and butterflies) all over it, which also resonates with me. I'm not so hot on the other things, the soft stuff (the VW is cute, though, and the bikes are interesting because someone in scupture is doing a similar thing and I wonder if they know of her) although I must admit that "soft machine" as a phrase interests me - just not done that way. There's a real movement with thread and sewing on canvas etc... in uni, it's getting boring to me. But it cold be worse.

Shawn Smith

Peafile <3 Combining sculpture and computer/web art. I've seen some paintings done to look pix'ated, but this is the first sculpture that does it. Gorgeous. The other things are cool too, though not all of them really go for the pixel-look (they seem to be more about "made out of plywood blocks").

Steve Wiman

Found objects, preciousness, a lot of the "right colour" - <3 He is catalogging the stuff and arranging it, no actual manipulation going on. I like that, it's somewhat Duchampian. It's odd, no matter how much I've seen similar things, it never gets dull to me. I love the dusty museum collection type of work, that preserves found objects - no matter how worthless - and just collects them.
           It makes me wonder why I don't work that way, but I sort of do with the collections of machine images - albeit I manipulate them and force them to join together. Maybe I should stop that, and just collect them, keep them somewhere, pin them on boards like dead insects, categorise them like a scientist...

Ai Weiwei

I love the bicycles. It's sort of what I do with the machines...

I also looked into Elizabeth McGrath ( http://www.elizabethmcgrath.com/index_flash.html ) but it was a bit too Tim Burton-ey. But it's nice to see, especially if you like Tim Burton :3 And she has merchandise and a MySpace, so some of you might get a lot out of it.

1002300  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-01-01
Written: (6123 days ago)


Comment please.

1000146  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-12-21
Written: (6134 days ago)
Next in thread: 1000168

Yet again there is an event going on in GaiaOnline, and I find myself hopelessly addicted. X_x
In there you have to give stuff to orphans (because Santa has been replaced with a cow) to "un-shabbyfy" them, and every so often you do so, you get an item. Also, when you go to shops, you go caroling as well, and every 15 times you carol, you also get an item.
Plus you get a free item if you just log in for every day for 12 days before Christmas. Free stuff... *drool*

1000096  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-12-21
Written: (6134 days ago)
Next in thread: 1000103, 1000164

A nice thing someone linked me to in the toobs:
An explanation of Don MacLean's American Pie
I found it an eye-opener.

 The logged in version 

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