[iippo]'s diary

1051219  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-10-21
Written: (5829 days ago)

Today I'm a bit of a grump, but I have to share this bit with you before I fall back into anti-society:

I watched Princess Bride this past weekend with a friend family that I know from church. And you know in it they have that Spanish character Inigo Montoya, who is this amazing swordsman. There's a scene where he has a bit of a rough spot and he's drunk and the brute squad come to kick everyone out of thieves' forest. And this guard-guy shouts at him "ho there!" and he replies "keep your ho there" or "ho there yourself" or something like that - except with his Spaniard accent it sounds more like "keep your ho der" (aka the spanish word 'joder') My mouth dropped open, I couldn't believe he'd just said that! But I couldn't express my shock to the other people there, because obviously they hadn't got it and I didn't want to start explaining it because there were children present, etc... I hate when that happens, when you catch something that no one else does, and you can't explain it either.
But otherwise an assum film. :)

1050759  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-10-18
Written: (5832 days ago)
Next in thread: 1050760

Derek Hrynyshyn: Globalization, nationality and commodification: the politics of the social construction of the internet (in New Media & Society vol 10, no 5, October 2008)

Discussing social structures and power structures on the internet, especially as illustrated by the domain name system. He makes several interesting points about governance and administering of the internet, but I was most interested in the semiotic aspects of the topic. He explains the basics of the domain name system - first there were 7 top-level domains: '.com', '.org', '.net', '.int', '.mil', '.gov' and '.edu' and later the country codes were implemented - and that the reason for the DNS is not technical (computers do just fine by knowing each other by numbers). It's to make it easier for humans to remember how to get where they want. Words are easier to remember than long strings of numbers, because we give meaning to words. So for example, it's hard for us to associate something like "543.432.65.43" with an internet community about fantasy - giving it a name that suggests fantasy and community makes it infinitely easier for us to remember where it is and how to get there. All we need to learn is the suffixes, dotcom, dotorg, dotnet, dotcodotuk... and what they signify. Easy as pi. :)

But. Some of the suffixes evolve to mean something else. So while every country in UN's ISO-3166 list got its own countrycode, not all of them were able to put them to use (for obvious reasons of material imbalance on our planet) as they were intended - that is, to signify which information originates in which part of the planet. As these codes are not technically tied to any physical location, nothing really stops a person in Moscow from getting a .ca domain - except the Canadian Internet Registration Authority. Their minimun requirement for someone registering a .ca domain is Canadian citizenship or registration of a corporation in Canada. Basically you are not allowed to have a .ca domain if you have nothing to do with Canada. Bad news for Marica in Moscow, for mari.ca would be a really cool name for her website. But this is not the case with all country codes. Some countries do sell their domains to people from other countries. But why would anyone want a website with a countrycode that has nothing to do with their nationality? The reason is semiotic - that is, the countrycode has a meaning aside from just signifying the country. The obvious and famous example is '.tv', the country code of Tuvalu, but there are a few others. So the question is, should there be country codes at all if they are not being used in the way originally intended? Or should this different way of use be restricted, so that the country codes would only apply to content relating to the country? What happens to meaning of those country codes? What happens to the internet as a national and as a global space?

Interesting :)

1049536  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-10-11
Written: (5839 days ago)
Previous in thread: 1049465 from Easterling to Viking
Next in thread: 1049558, 1049575, 1050603

Easterling wants to see Viking's balls.

1049001  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-10-08
Written: (5842 days ago)
Next in thread: 1049004, 1049073

Yesterday we did a trip to London to the galleries. Went to the British Film Institute and the Hayward Gallery.

This is of particular interest to [deeterhi]
The BFI had an installation by Michel Gondry and Pierre Bismuth, The All-Seeing Eye (The Hard-core Techno Version), which was utterly awesome.
So it's a room, in which there is a revolving projector in the middle, which is projecting a video of a panorama of a room (so the camera was turned 360 in the middle of a room several times) and on every revolution some objects go missing from the room, with the only thing that never disappears is the tv set that is playing a scene from the film Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind - even when we don't see the TV (when the camera points to the opposite side of the room) we can still hear it.
What a fantastic idea and a fantastic installation.

One thing I hate about going to galleries with other artists, especially to see new media work with other media artsist, is that we fall into the trap of "how is it made, ah yes, they did that and then they did this and that made that happen and now the magic is gone -_-"

The Hayward had a massive Andy Warhol exhibition, focusing on his films. It was a really humongous exhibition with far too many things to see them all. Some of my favourites were the Factory Diaries where he'd just filmed the people he hung out with, like making home videos. There was one of Candy Darling singing, and another one where someone showed polaroids to the camera while gossiping about who was at a party. I really liked the audio recordings too, they had these little cushioned benches built inside the walls with a set of speakers inside, and each bench played one of Andy's tape recordings. I listened to the one of Man Ray talking to them about photography, and by the sound of it they had some kind of photoshoot too. I love Man Ray's voice, it was really lovely. Then they had all the Andy Warhol's T.V. episodes in one room, and I chanced by the one with Pee Wee Herman in it <3 Seeing Pee Wee Herman beat Andy Warhol on the head with a toy hammer (while Andy is wearing a pirate hat)... that alone was so worth the admission fee to the exhibition :P Then there was a room with, what, 19 big screens each showing one of his later, better films. Including Empire (which is a 24 film of just the Empire State Building), Blowjob (which is a 40 minute film that shows nothing but the face of a young man, while someone gives him a blowjob off-camera), Sleep (another really long film of someone sleeping) and Inner And Outer Space was a two-screen projection of Edie Sedgwick (one general shot where we see most of her and some surroundings, and one closeup where we only see her bust and the TV behind) in front of a TV, smoking and talking and laughing, and on the TV was a film of her in profile. This last one was my favourite, but the layout of the room was so busy and confusing that it was impossible to focus. I'd say they'd work better in single-screen cinematic projections. Ah well, to be able to say that you've seen any of Warhol's video work at all is pretty special in itself, the Warhol Foundation is pretty anal about not sharing them >_> And lastly, they had the Silver Clouds (silver rectagle balloons filled with helium) in a room too. So that was quite awesome.

Another thing in the Hayward (that place is gigantic) was this artist (can't remember the name, Rhode was the last name I think) who uses chalk-drawing and photography/video to make things that have an element of illusion (like he'd draw a chalk skateboard ramp on the floor and pose in skateboarding poses on it and display the pictures upright so it looks like he's actually skateboarding on a drawn ramp). A bit similar to blublu.org 's video (Muto is it called? The one that everyone loves) with the animation by wallpainting.

This is of particular interest to [Delladreing]
They also sold in the Hayward shop chocolate stilettos. I wanted them so badly.

Enough rambling.

1048600  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-10-06
Written: (5844 days ago)
Next in thread: 1048611, 1049559

I must tell humanity:
There is a monster with a tentacle that has the power to vacuum time out of the universe! We are running out of time. Or at least I am. There is no other explanation as to why I am so hopelessly behind in all things ET.

So a lot of catching up must happen (after I've applied to loads of jobs that I probably won't get, done my helping duties in university and church, and attended some fun arty things and visited Silvie).

But I did catch up with xkcd. And I think life would be happier if only this was true: http://xkcd.com/481/

1047895  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-10-01
Written: (5849 days ago)
Next in thread: 1047905, 1047917


The art gallery VIVID is showing Douglas Gordon's "24 Hour Psycho"1 on Hallowe'en night, from 9pm to 9pm. Zomg, I have to go. Zomg, Silvie, you have to come with me. Zomg, it'll be too awesome. :O :O :D

1 It is the movie Psycho extended to last exactly 24 hours.
1047304  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-09-27
Written: (5853 days ago)
Next in thread: 1047326, 1047883

Well then.
I haven't been around much lately, and might not be in the future either, I don't know yet. I don't know if you kids have been around or not either, but by the looks of my forum replies and wiki/member changes and diaries, at least some of you are.

The exhibition finished. Here are the results:
-I have now four amazingly awesome friends who I hope I'll always be able to keep in touch with (there's no better way to bond than spending hours together getting bored out of your skull waiting for people to come see an exhibition - and abusing the interactive installations while doing so :D) And I'll miss the lot of them every day I don't see them.
-Many people - including the Dean of the school - said that our exhibition was the first time that little gallery in the art building was really put to good use, in the sense that the show was really professional and worked well, and all the works felt like they were really at home in there.
-I actually feel/know that my teachers are sincere when they say we were an exceptional year and that we will keep in touch and work together in the future (huzzah for teachers who are practitioners as well!)
-And finally: I have the confidence to say I am a highly trained professional artist. As much as someone who's gone through medical school can say that they are a real doctor, so I can now say I am a real artist. And it's great because I didn't feel like I could say that after my BA.

1045830  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-09-17
Written: (5863 days ago)
Next in thread: 1045835, 1047307

72 is now my favourite number. :3 Distinction, baby! *dances*

In other words, results are in. I am a real Master of Media Art, with distinction. That means I'm distinct! In other words, it means I r00l!! XD *happyhappyjoyjoy*

Exhibition private view tomorrow 6-8, then fri-sat is A Thing About Machines and the rest of next week is the duration of the exhibition.

Did I mention that I'm happy? I'm kinda happy ^^;

Distinction. ^^

1045619  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-09-15
Written: (5865 days ago)
Next in thread: 1046047


Whaddaya know, he has a website.
If you aren't yet acquainted with this wonderful... phenomenon1 that is Banksy, do so now. :)

1 I think there's more than one guy...

1044603  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-09-08
Written: (5872 days ago)
Next in thread: 1044611, 1046112

Cat Days Are Here!

Last year me and my sister [Dory] decided that after the stupidness that is Caniculares Dies, the Hot Dog Days of August, we should have its opposite in autumn, when the days start to get colder and there is lots more activity and excitement about. So we decided that it's cat days. Cat days is a period of time in the beginning of autumn/fall during which lots of exciting new things happen (school starts, new projects start, etc...) It is a period of successfullness and fun, where everything you do will go right. Cat days start on the 8th of September - one day before [Dory]'s birthday - and end on the 8th of November - one day after [iippo]'s birthday.

Happy Cat Days everyone! :D Go forth and be successful!

And to celebrate cat days, I have something of an announcement to make.
Some of yous know that I've been having a brain-child (that is, an not-fully-formulated idea or plan that I've been thinking about). And I think the brain-child is ready now - ie, it won't die if I start telling about it to people. So:
I'm going to serve a full-time mission.
What does that mean, you ask? Well, you know those young tidyly clad mormons that go everywhere in pairs and knock on people's doors wanting to tell you about Jesus (not to be confused with Jehovah's witnesses btw)? Yeah, I'll be one of 'em for a while. A full-time mission lasts for 18 months for girls, during which I'd do nothing but go around in the area I'm called to (which could be almost anywhere in the world), talking to people about Christ, finding people who'd be interested in that very special message that Latter-Day Saints have to share. It is a wonderful, rare opportunity to serve the Lord and to serve other people. Admittedly it will be hard too, but it will be amazing nonetheless. I will learn and grow incredibly much during those 18 months, and I know that blessings will come not only to me but also to my family and friends because of my sacrifice.

So, practically speaking, what am I on about? I'm hoping to go about six months after my graduation (November) - six months should be enough time for me to raise the funds for the mission and to prepare in general. I'll need to fill in the mission papers which are sent off to Salt Lake City, and from there they'll give me my mission call, which can send me to any place in the world for 18 months. :) I'll spend some time in a Missionary Training Centre after which I'll go to the mission field. I'll be constantly accompanied by my companion, another sister-missionary, for those 18 months. But the bit that applies to you guyses: I can't use the internets while a missionary. At all. So that means that I'll disappear completely for 18 months. But not yet. :) May or june or thereabouts.

There's a lot more involved in going on mission, but I won't get into that here (most of it won't matter or make sense to you anyway) - suffice to say that I'm really happy/excited/nervous/scared etc etc... ^_^
1044275  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-09-05
Written: (5875 days ago)
Next in thread: 1044279

LOLcat art exhibition call for artists. o.O We all must.

1043464  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-08-30
Written: (5881 days ago)
Next in thread: 1043969

Yesterday was great. I helped my crazy friend re-shoot her art-videos (the previous ones were really pixelated, no idea why). So we drove to our teacher's house (and got really lost and were two hours late) because he has a studio at the back. And we worked really hard, had to do the fish-thing twice, and the ketchup-one was really painful for her because the ketchup got into her eye half way down the shoot and she just had to sit there still with the vinegar of ketchup burning her eye, etc... It was a tough shoot. But it was great, I love doing that. And it was so much nicer to do it at his house, everything was more relaxed. And when we were all done, my friend had washed the fish and ketchup off herself and we all sat down for a cuppa to talk... I had a moment there, in the fading light of the evening, that this is the kind of life I want to have. And that I'm in the right place being here. And these are the kinds of people I want to spend time with. I want this kind of life where it's perfectly normal to buy the biggest fish in the market (in fact, to be known by the fish-monger as the person who wants to buy a gigantic fish); and having to solve the problem between ketchup being to viscous to drip from a tiny hole in a plastic bag suspended from the ceiling and being too liquid so it doesn't look red enough anymore; and having to wait around for hours to see whether something filmed well or not, anxious whether we have to film everything all over. And I'm glad that my life is going in that direction, and I hope I won't lose that when I leave university. I know my friend is staying here too, so at least I'll be able to help her film more. But I wonder at my work. What am I doing. Steadily, Constantly, Always is ready, done and dusted, just need to sort out kit, and that has nothing to do with art. I don't want to do something similar to it, I don't think. The camera has really become an extension of my eye, so that might stay. But I also desperately want to be an internet artist. And I want to use Flash. And then there's the Free Culture -stuff that I want to be involved in. And I want to learn French. I feel a bit directionless right now.

1042543  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-08-23
Written: (5888 days ago)
Next in thread: 1042761

Earlier this week I went to the cinema with my sisters (yes I'm doing a quick stint in Finland, I'll be back where I belong on Monday) and we went to see the Dark Knight. Today I am going to see the Dark Knight with my little sister again. She handled all the arrangements while I was upstairs, erm, being busy1 and when I came downstairs while she was in the shower, my mom asked "so, what film are you going to ee tonight." For five seconds I considered lying to her, but I couldn't think of any other movies that were showing, so I just told her it was Batman again. Fortunately, she just laughed a little. But that means that I have seen the Dark Knight tonight in the cinema for the fourth time.

1 I have a problem. I am horrifyingly addicted to Gilmore Girls. They make references I get, they live like I should live (except the excessive coffee drinking), they have bad relationships with gorgeous men I should have good relationships with, and they are so incredibly cool it breaks my heart. I am the third long-lost Gilmore Girl. So this past week I have been addictively watching my way through season three, and now I will have a shower and go to the cinema and then return to season four, hoping that Lorelai and Luke finally get together, or if not that at least Rory and Jess find each other again. Bye all, see you when I'm back on the map.

1041183  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-08-13
Written: (5898 days ago)
Next in thread: 1041184, 1041205

An unfinished thought/feeling.

I was leaving my mind to wander idly this morning after reading on about the disaster going on in Georgia. And I had a change of heart: Russia should be part of Europe. I've been somewhat adamant about Russia not being a part of Europe (neither geographically nor in any other ways) - but I changed my mind and all I can do is plead Finnishness (we can be so very Russophobic, especially where I live, especially in my family...)

This came about after reading an opinion article, that basically outlined how Georgia's stupidness is more less the West's fault. We haven't handled things too well with the post-Cold War stuff. We never told Georgia about the bear. And now Georgia's gone and poked the bear with a sharp stick. -_- And now we are told it's none of our business (even though it very much is).

Russia can't be conquered - even Napoleon knew that (though he found it out the hard way). Russia probably can't be trusted at the moment (and that bit can't be improved upon as long as so many people go around thinking it's the enemy). But we can't have more Finlandisation of countries because of Russia; we can't have everyone tip-toeing around it because we're scared. We need friendly relations. We need Russia in Europe.

1041010  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-08-12
Written: (5899 days ago)
Next in thread: 1041042, 1041104

I've been looking for this for a long while nao, because I constantly want to reference it in my work, And now I founded it.

Your Computer Is Made Out of Magic

1040913  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-08-11
Written: (5900 days ago)
Next in thread: 1040915

Dear Diary.
A friend of mine just called me, to ask for help with a computer problem.
I am someone's personal IT support! My geekdom has reached a new height!
This is one of the many happy days of my life! I feel complete and useful!

1040854  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-08-11
Written: (5900 days ago)
Next in thread: 1040861

Holey camoley. A website. We has it.


La exhibition me and three of my coursemates are putting up in september. If you are near Coventry (ie, in the UK) at that time, come have a look, it'll be pretty awesome I tell you. And even if you don't intend to do that, give us a click :3
1040196  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-08-06
Written: (5905 days ago)
Next in thread: 1040232

Inspirational YouTube lecture of the Month

Randy Pausch's (1960-2008) Last Lecture, talking about Childhood Dreams.

Watch it. Yes it's an hour long, but it's an hour you must give because I ask you to.
1039545  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-08-01
Written: (5910 days ago)
Next in thread: 1040240

Vote: Name a colour contest

Because useless random fun things don't hurt anyone.

Yesterday's WTF moment:
I was walking down the street, going to Sainsbury's (food shop). It was a warm day, I was wearing a t-shirt and jeans, nothing peculiar. And this guy walked towards me and said "you have the most beautiful boobs I have ever seen." I walked past thinking "need to buy a bigger t-shirt -_-"
1039013  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-07-28
Written: (5914 days ago)
Next in thread: 1039014, 1039016, 1039033

Today's pet peeve: people who tell me that I use a word wrong or out of context, when in fact the word, according to a dictionary, means both what they think it means and what I mean it to mean.

Example: I was trying to tell my not-as-cool teacher about the sort of epic-but-trivial aspect of my work, and he said that I use the word epic wrong. After the tutorial I looked epic up in the dictionary and (including his version of epic being about a story that has a really long arc) it said:
3. heroic; majestic; impressively great: the epic events of the war.
4. of unusually great size or extent: a crime wave of epic proportions.
Which is what I meant, impressively great, and great size or extent. Nothing to do with literature or narrative, but a feeling. Something can feel epic.

Anyway, that isn't the only time that has happened, it's just the most recent one. Next time when someone says that, I'm gonna whip out the dictionary and shut them up. -_-

1038690  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-07-25
Written: (5917 days ago)

The Body Shop in the UK has discontinued my smell. :( My smell is one of the Invent your scent -series, Amorito (it smells of chocolate <3) They don't sell it anymore in the 30ml bottles, only in the little tester packs. And I fear for my scent, because I can't survive without it :(

It's not discontinued in other countries, it seems. But I fear they might do that. So I want to stock up.

So if you love me dearly (or even just kinda think I'm ok... or think that I don't smell too bad... or wouldn't kill me first if you could kill any five people in the world without danger of consequences of laws...) and you see Amorito in your local Body Shop, please get it for me if you can. I'll totally refund you and love you long time.

It's a great gift idea...? :3
Pwease? o.O


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